Author: It's the final chapter!
Draco: Yay! We get to see who wins!!! Ooo I'm so excited
Author: Drake, honey, you squealed again!
Draco: No I didn't
Author: Now you're pouting.
Draco: Leave me alone!
Author: fine. Do you still want to disclaim for me?
Draco: Ok, but I'm not doing it cos I'm being nice to you, but cos I like hearing myself talk. Anyway, she doesn't own any of the Hogwarts people except Raven. She also doesn't own any of the songs mentioned, the respective owners have been announced in previous chapters.
Author: Thank you sweetie. Now on with the show
Neville got off stage and wondered over to the judges table where the teachers sat conferring.
"I think Severus should get the prize for best costume!" said McGonagall to Professor Sprout "It had a rather nice ending to it."
Snape did a very un-Snape-like thing and blushed.
"Oh dear god." said Neville, cringing and the mention of Snape's performance.
"Well I think Mr. Potter should win best outfit." said Flitwik from where he sat.
"I agree!" said Neville, rather eagerly from where he stood "I. . . I mean, Harry should definitely win that."
"Ok, so Harry gets best outfit." said Dumbledore, writing it down. "What about 'most annoying song'. Who wins that?'
"Seamus Finnigan." the teachers and Neville said in unison.
"I guess Mr. Finnigan gets it." said Dumbledore, marking it down. And so it went on for another five minutes until all the categories were filled and everyone was satisfied.
Neville went back onstage, along with Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall.
"Ok." said Neville gaining everyone's attention "We are ready to award the prizes. Here's professor Dumbledore to announce the winners."
Dumbledore to the microphone and spoke into it, "The prize for best outfit goes to . . ." he said in a haggard voice "Harry Potter of Gryffindor for the outfit he wore during his song 'Temptation Waits'."
Harry stepped up on stage and had his hand shaken by Neville, then Snape, McGonagall and, finally, Dumbledore. As Dumbledore handed Harry his prize (a ten galleon voucher for Madame Malkin's Robes For all Occasions) someone snapped their picture. Harry looked around but could not see who it was. He shrugged and walked off stage.
"Next prize is for 'Most Annoying Song'" said Dumbledore. "It was a difficult decision maily because many believed that most of the beginning songs were annoying. However we can only have one winner and that winner is. . . Seamus Finnigan for the song 'Year 3000' by the ever irritating band Busted."
Seamus came up to the stage and received his prize while also getting his photo taken.
And so it went on. Crabbe and Goyle won 'Most Disturbing Performance' for the song Cartoon Heroes, Susan Bones won 'Most Sentimental Song' for Angels and Fred and George won 'Most Comical Performance' for Baby Got Back. As the night went on, the categories got more outrageous and included 'Worst Singer' (Pansy won this), 'Strangest Outfit' (Michael Corner won this) and 'There's Something You don't See Everyday!' (Snape won this)
Finally only three prizes remained, First, Second and Third. The tension was thick in the Great Hall as Dumbledore announced the Third place winner. "Third Place goes to . . ." he said looking out at the students "Cho Chang for her performance in the song 'My Immortal'."
Cho stepped up on stage and received her prize, five hundred galleons and a weekend trip to the spa in Hogsmeade. She smiled and held the bag of galleons tightly against her.
"Second Place goes to. . . Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy for performance in the song 'Unspoken'."
Draco and Harry received 750 galleons (between them) and a week long trip to their own private cottage in Cornwall.
"Finally. . ." said Dumbledore "First Place goes to . . . Luna Lovegood for her performance in the song 'Poison'."
The noise in the Hall was deafening as Luna stepped up to get her prize. She received 1000 galleons and a three week trip for her and a friend to a beautiful, secluded farm house in France.
"Who will you be taking with you to France?" asked Dumbledore to Luna.
"Erm. . .I'll be taking Raven if she'll go with me." said Luna smiling nervously. Her smile widened as Raven nodded her head in agreement.
The night continued with much celebrating and most students didn't retire to their dormitories till at least three in the morning and then, for some, the party didn't stop there.
Dumbledore had cured the school's boredom and brought people together and he was proud of that.
And the photographer? Why it was Colin Creevy of course. And the next day, when the students walked into the Great Hall, all along one wall were pictures of everyone student performing their songs, and pictures of those who received prizes.
Draco: YAY! Me and Harry won second place! We're going to Cornwall . . . on our own . . . to a secluded cottage. Hmm I wonder what we'll do.
Author: I'm sure Harry has a few . . . suggestions.
Draco: Good.
Author: Thanks to all who reviewed, even those who flamed me. Flames are fun. . .and silly! Anyway, I was thinking maybe I could do a spin off, about what happened when Harry and Draco went to Cornwall/when Luna and Raven went to France. Review and tell me if you want that to happen!
Draco: I have to go pack for my trip. Now I'll need Lube, rope, clean underwear, shampoo, hair gel, some enjoyable items. That's about it.
Author: Draco's a bit busy but he also thanks all of you for reviewing! Bye!