HIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've decided to make this the last chapter of 'The Love Of My Life Only The Beginning'

The Love Of My Life~ Only The Beginning.


That day when we went to the woman's house we went back home late after dinner and yes. I got kicked out of bed. Damn Kakkarot's instant transmission. Acting all normal when we get to our room and then he locks the door puts a hand on my shoulder and appears on the couch with blankets and pillows already set on it. I didn't even get to protest. He had left back to the room already.

I stomped back up and had pounded on the door telling him to open up and how childish he was being and for him to get over it. The pounding and the yelling only woke the chibi's so I stayed in the nursery sleeping in the rocking chair with them cuddled to my chest.

Anyways. It took that next afternoon to make him forget about everything and so now. Here we are in our room. The chibi's are at the woman's and now.

" Your mine Kakkarot." I purr as I straddle his waist. Already both quite naked, If I do say so myself.

" The nights all ours. And I expect to put it to good use." I leaned down to his ear and flicked my tongue across it breathing heavily. " All mine." I nipped at his earlobe as my hands made their way down his sides stroking and teasing.

" It's been a while since we've done this." Kakkarot panted slightly.

" Hn. I plan on making it a night to remember." I purred grabbing a hold of Kakkarot's already hardening shaft making him gasp.

" Geta." He moaned as he arched his hips forward. " Kami juts take me!" He yelled impatiently. I just chuckle at him.

" VEGETA!" He screams again bucking into my hand.

" That's no fun. What about the teasing?" I ask him stroking harder and then stop as he rolls his head back in bliss.

He growls in frustration. " FUCK THE TEASING!"

" Very animal like in bed are we Kakkarot?" I chuckle, spreading his legs as I insert a lubed finger into his entrance.

" Just fuck me as long and hard as you can!" He purrs.

" Are these your Saiyan instincts surfacing Kakkarot?!" I tease again stretching him. All he does is a mix between purrs and growls.

" I plan to." I growl inserting my hardened shaft into h is already prepared entrance.

" Come on VeEEgtaaaaa"

" You asked for it Kakkarot." I grunt, making my thrusts more powerful.

I watched as Kakkarot moaned and threw his head back and forth in ecstasy. I loved watching him like this- even though we have only done this a few times before. My mind begins to swim with those horrible thoughts and pictures again.

'" Your such a . good person Goku." My eyes widen ' IT'S A TRAP!!!!!' I make a leap for it.

" That's what got you dead." Goku's eyes widened.

" KAKKAROT! MOVE HURRY!" I scream desperately!

Crimson liquid pours from his back and mouth as I watch a hand come from the front to the back.

" Ve-Vege.ata.." he choked through the crimson flowing from his mouth.



" VE-VEGETA-!" I listen as he screams at me in ecstasy.

" KAAAAAKAAAAROT!" I scream back as my eyes shut in pleause and I shoot my seed into him.


An evil smile flashes through my mind-

" Who said it was a dream- Ouji-sama?" A voice laughs evilly and insanely- those eyes staring at me with mock and hate- sly and excitement.

" I'm still here my prince."


" Mmm Vegeta what's wrong?" I shake my head and jump slightly at the voice that has ejected me of my thoughts.

I didn't realize when we had stopped our 'hot monkey sex' as Bulma puts it. I never realized when we had settled into this position. I don't remember anything except those voices- and those pictures.

" What's on your mind?"

" Nothing Kakkarotto." I tell him kissing him on his forehead slightly. " Sleep"

" But. Vegeta. Tell me. What's wrong"

" Nothings wrong Kakkarot."

" But. It seems as if. you're hiding something from me."

I pause. And stare into his eyes with a little shock held in them.

" What?" He questions me quirking a brow as he stares into my shocked expressed eyes.

" Kakkarot. I would never lie to you, nor hide anything from you- if I didn't mean anything or would keep you safe or what not. Do you understand me?"

" Ya. I guess. But. Don't you trust me?"

" With my life."

He nods to me, as he understands.

" Is it about that nightmare?"

" Hai"

" Oh." He thinks for a minute. I know he wants to ask as much as he can and get whatever he can out of me. But I will not let anything go past my mind. Nothing will come from my lips that originated from that dream. Or. Prophesy.

I shudder just thinking something such as that would come true.

" Can I ask a question though?"

" Hn?"

" Why did you ask Trunks how his ' kid' was? He doesn't have one."

" It just slipped my mind. I might just be going crazy."

" Was that apart of your dream."

I think for a minute- thinking of weather to tell him that much or not.

" Hai."

" Wha-"

" That enough questions" I tell him. He nods in understanding.

" I love you Vegeta and I hope one day you can tell me."

" Hn." After a minute I begin to close my eyes, waiting for sleep to overtake me when Kakkarot speaks again.

" Oh and Vegeta?"

" Hn?" I answer tiredly, opening my eyes again.

" I hope you never go crazy too." I can feel him smile and snuggles into my chest as he lets sleep take control over him. ' I love him so much; ill do anything to protect him. Anything.'

" I hope so too Kakkarot." I whisper silently staring through the blackness of the room.

" I hope so too."


The end

The end THE END! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!! O- o no more ! its OVER -does a dance- ^__^

GIVE ME REVIEWS U UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE OO; cant even listen _!!!!! Tell u to review Dark Prince and got like what 3 ? X_X idiot morons.

=) WELL now I have

" The Love Of My Life"

" The Love Of MY Life Only The Beginning"

and " Dark Prince"


X_X now I gotta finish my other fics! X.x =) BE ON SIGHT FOR SOMETHING ELSE OF MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!