

Fox Girl1

Disclaimer:Ok Im going to say everything now so I dont have to waste a lot of room in the chapters. I am the worst speller in the world. My 2 year old cousion Greta spells better then I do. You can even ask my friends and teachers. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I own nothing except for the things I bought with my own money. And none of that is anything in this story except for the plot. And my friend sakura-hacker is very rude in her disclaimers, so if you ever read her story I appologize for her rudeness. Now with no further ado, lets get on with our story.


"So what's the mission this time," said Yusuke. He is sort-of the leader of the Reiki Tanti. All four were standing in Koenma's office waiting to get a new mission. Koenma is the prince of The Reiki."You are going to go to The Dark Forest and capture a very strong demon named Moltar. He is very powerful and every body that has faced him came back not remembering anything that happened. All they did remember was that they were surrounded by a white smoke and then everything went blank." The toddler stated. "Hey this sounds like fun lets get going."Said a very over- excited man named Kuwabara. "Botan will show you to the the portal. And Hiei you stay here I have a special mission for you, then you can join the others." As they left, Koenma was giving Hiei his mission. "What?" Said the low voice of Hiei. "I want you to go to the Makai and bring me back all the information you can on this Moltar." "Do you mean to tell me that you sent the only Reiki Tanti to capture a demon that you have no information about?" Asked a slightly shocked Hiei. "I'm afraid so. You see Moltar has never attacked in The Reiki before so we dont know much about him. Thats why you are to go to The Makai as fast as you can because he was born in The Makai." As soon as Koenma said that Hiei gave a slight nod and left as quick as he could.

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest......

"Ok so where are we again?" Asked a very bored Yusuke that was wishing he was at home playing video games. "We're in The Dark Forest, Yusuke." Stated Kurama who was admiring some of the plants they passed as they made thier way through the forest. "It doesn't look very- WHAT THE-"


Ok, I usually hate cliffhangers and this will be my only one I promise. I just wanted to get back at all those people that do use cliffhangers and I'm sorry to all those other people that do not use cliffhangers. I will update as soon as I can. And Please review. I dont care about flames, I'm just happy to get reviews at all.