Disclaimer: Don't own it… awww… Lea is mine though! -

A/N: It took me a while to upload every chapter again and put it trough spell check as well as changing the lay out a bit but I think it was worth the time! - It's definitely improved! Bounces happily

I am REALLY sorry this chappie took so long... and I'm not quite satisfied with how it turned out either... I mean... absolutely NOTHING happens in this chappie, except for a bit of walking, talking, thinking and laughing... ARGH... The only real reason I'm updating this is because I haven't updated in WAY to long...

Queen of Darkness4: Thanks for the cookies! Yum! Grins My last attempt at baking cookies was a downright disaster…

Almost Funny: Yah! Thanks! - I personally like how that part turned out too! I guess my writing has improved a bit, I looked back to my first chappies and decided to run them trough spell check and layout change too… It took me a while to finally get it correct though.
Gives Almost Funny a unicorn plushie I'm feeling very generous today! -

You were right about the Elvish/Elfish thingie… in Dutch its Elvish so I have an excuse! grins

KnowInsight: Hi! Thank you for reviewing, I'm looking forward to more elves as well! Gives KnowInsight an elf-plushie for her loyal reviews

Kittykatt: I know it was a bit short, but it was getting late and I wanted to update it that particular day… - Thanks for the review!

silvery-white-blue-eye-kitsune: - I'm glad you think its well-written… compared to my other chapters it certainly is grins Here's the new chappie!

Amethystdancer: Thank you for your review, I'm really sorry but I'm just a Very Slow updater… Here's the new chappie though! - gives amethystdancer a cookie for waiting

bonnylass007: Thanks - I'm sorry it's not soon though… Doesn't school just suck?

"Words "

' Thoughts '

Chapter 9

"Let us escort you to the last homely home" Elrohir told the hobbit and horse-like creature, in Common Tongue for Lea's sake.

He whistled and soon two magnificent brown horses came running towards him and his brother.

The two Elvin lords gracefully jumped on their horses and started riding towards their fathers' home.

There was not much more for Lea to do then to follow the two curious elves.

'Elves are truly amazing creatures' Lea thought, watching the two Elvin lords chuckling at her description of her journey with the Ringbearer so far.

They had been walking towards Lord Elrond's home at a comfortable pace, after walking for a few silent minutes Lord Elladan couldn't keep his curiosity anymore and subtly told the young unicorn he had travelled a lot but never saw anyone quite like her.

Frodo had smiled and told the Elvin lords that Lea was surely one of a kind.

At which Lea humped and told him he had better meant that in a nice way.

This caused the ice to break between the four and soon the group was telling each other stories;

Frodo about the Shire and his three hobbit friends now travelling with Aragorn.

Lea about her journey to Middle-Earth and a bit about her home; Earth.

Lord Elladan and Lord Elrohir about Imladris, its inhabitants, their family and, mostly, about the pranks the mischievous elves had pulled this far.

Lea suddenly drew to a stop, Frodo still safely on her back.
She was opening and closing her mouth in awe as she took in the magnificent sight of Rivendell.

Frodo was fairing slightly better and, after a moment of open-mouthed awe, he got himself together, turned to the two Elvin lords, who where watching the two of them in amusement, and told them that Rivendell is unbelievably beautiful.

"That's an understatement" Lea finally managed to say, "Wow… it's absolutely… wow…"

The twins chuckled and Lea turned her head away from the beautiful valley to the sons of Lord Elrond, the soft, almost musical laughter of the elves only adding to the spell, instead of breaking it.

"Absolutely wow?" Frodo asked in amusement, overcoming his own awe.

That broke the spell that had come over Lea and she turned her head slightly to watch the hobbit on her back; "Unbelievably beautiful?" she replied dryly and continued on walking.

"Well it is, isn't it?" Frodo said.

"Well, it is isn't it?" Lea repeated.


"Absolutely wow" Lea said, not missing a beat.

Frodo sighed and shook his head; "That just sound so…mundane for Rivendell…" he finally replied.

Lea was silent for a little while, thinking that over; "Fine! Amazingly pretty than?"

Frodo sighed and prayed to the Valar for patience.

Lea, hearing the sigh continued, "Is breathtakingly breathtaking better? Or perhaps dreamily lovely? Or how about this one…"

The unicorn and hobbit continued on, into the valley, all the while followed by the soft, musical laughter of the two Elvin Lords.

She had been silently walking in one of Rivendell's many gardens; this particular one was a bit further away from the last homely home than most of them, but just as lovely and peaceful.

When she heard the sound of an unfamiliar voice that was, she was certain of that much, not elfish, she turned her head towards the road.

What she saw made her stop and stare.

'Sure, half the things she has said hardly make any sense, but she's quite refreshing and amusing.'

Elrohir was riding along with his brother, once again chuckling at something the young unicorn, happily trotting in front of them, had said.

Very soon after meeting Lea he decided for himself, not to leave the 'girl's' side until after she met his father.

'I cannot wait to see the expression on my father's face' the Elvin Lord thought with a small grin.

One quick glance at his brother told him Elladan's thoughts were quite along the same lines.

His grin grew when he saw his sister walking in one of Rivendell's farthest gardens, one that, coincidently, happened to me rather close to where they were riding.

He didn't take his eyes of her for one second, afraid he would miss the reaction his horse-like companion would undoubtedly cause.

He was not disappointed.

A talking horse…

A talking horse…

Or horse… horses don't usually have a horn on their forehead, nor do they have this pure, almost glowing, white colour…

'I have seen many a great things in my live but…'

'A talking horse like-creature like that…'

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and finally managed to take her eyes off of the, slowly approaching talking horse and let her keen elfish eyes slide over the others of the company, she easily noticed the hobbit on the creature's back…

And then shocked grey met twinkling grey as Arwen locked eyes with one of her amused brothers.

Elladan smiled when he noticed his sister's shock and overtook the young unicorn and her little rider.

Now, riding in front of the company he changed the direction slightly to meet his sister near the peaceful garden.

Lea looked at the Elvin Lord, suddenly riding in front of her and turned her confused eyes to the other half of the twins.

"What's Lord … erm …your brother doing? Isn't the entrance to the last Homely home over there?" She asked whichever one of the identical brothers she was talking to, pointing a bit more to the left then the direction Elladan was heading in.

Elrohir chuckled at her incapability to keep him and his brother apart; "My sister awaits us in a nearby garden, we wish to introduce you to her before heading the rest of the way to my fathers home." He answered the young 'girl'.

Lea nodded and, both she and Frodo looked towards where Elladan was heading, and, they did see a woman standing in one of the gardens, though they were to far away to tell more than that.

When they were close enough to take their first real good look at the elleth, both unicorn and hobbit gasped.

She looked absolutely beautiful; her dark hair contrasting with her smooth, flawless skin.

She was smiling kindly at the two strangers, looking both friendly and queenly at the same time.

Lea pulled herself together and walked a bit closer to Elrohir (though she still didn't know which of Elrond's sons was riding next to her) and she spoke to him in a soft whisper; "Your sister's real pretty…"

Elrohir chuckled softly and whispered back, even though he knew his sister would hear every word they said. "She is, isn't she? As fair as Lúthien herself it is said."

Arwen smiled at the exchange and, when the Ringbearer and his strange friend where standing in front of her introduced herself to them.

A/N: I know it took me forever, but this school year is even harder than the last! ARGH I totally hate school… not to get me started on the testing week I have… starting next Wednesday with History and… O no, it isn't! But it is: the Mathematics from Hell! gasps in horror

Anyways, SO no the point… Does anyone know what Elladan and Elrohir's real eye-colours are 'cause I looked up Arwen in LotR book 1 and found grey, and I looked up Elrond and he has grey eyes too, so I made a wild guess and said that Elladan and Elrohir's are grey too… I dunno if that's true though…