Draco Potter?
Chapter 1: Draco Malfoys Secret
Draco was sitting in the back of the Hogwarts Express. After he heard the horrible truth, he just wanted to be alone. But of course those oafs, Crabbe and Goyle, and that idiot Pansy kept following him. Can't they get a life?
If they only knew the truth. He still couldn't believe it. First when Lucius told him, he laughed. It could only be a bad joke, he thought, but it really was true. It was still ringing in his ears: "You're adopted". Those two words could ruin his life if anyone found out, especially if they knew his real name. Daniel Potter... Like Harry Potter isn't scary enough. A few weeks ago he knew exactly who he was, but now... He wasn't even a pureblood like he had thought. There was no way he was related to Scarboy. Absolutely nothing pointed in that direction. The only thing that they had in common was that they hated each other.
"Draco, what's wrong?", Pansy suddenly asked, interrupting his thoughts.
"Leave me alone", he snapped.
Pansy gave Crabbe and Goyle a look that clearly said go away. For once they understood and left. "Isn't there anything I can do to help?", Pansy purred and tried to look innocent, but it only made her look uglier.
She bent towards him and started nibbling on his ear. Usually he liked it, but today he wasn't in the mood. Draco pushed her off. "Pansy, not now! Just leave me alone!", he said angrily.
Pansy was startled. Shocked, she walked out of the compartment. Draco sighed when they arrived. Finally.
He decided to stay at Hogwarts for all of the holidays. If he went back home Lucius would probably kill him or worse. Sure, Lucius was in Azkaban now, but the Dementors are on Voldemorts side and will probably let all the Death-Eaters go, if Voldemort tells them to. Lucius had gotten really mad, when Draco refused to join Voldemort.
Lucius screamed: "Why did you turn your back on the Dark Lord! Last year you couldn't wait to become a Death-Eater!"
"I don't know", Draco muttered.
What Lucius said after that was the biggest regret of his life. "O, I get it! Potters genes are starting to kick in!" He could kick himself at that moment.
"What dyou mean 'Potters genes are starting to kick in'?", Draco said half confused, half mad.
"Did I say that?", Lucius tried to save himself.
"Come on, father. I know there's something you've been keeping from me", Draco said mad.
Lucius sighed. He really needed to tell his son the truth now. "Didn't I ever tell you, Draco? You're adopted. Actually not adopted, more like kidnapped. I found you in Potters house the night of the attack. Except Potter you were the only one alive. I just rescued you before that oaf Hagrid showed up. Thankfully everyone forgot about you. Your real name is Daniel Potter" he spat furiously.
Draco laughed. "You're good. :laughs: And the name, Daniel Potter. :laughs: Yeah right. Like that could ever happen. Daniel Potter. :laughs:"
But when Draco saw the look on his fathers face, he stopped laughing. He was serious.
:End Flashback:
That was exactly a week ago. Draco's 'mother' had insisted that they'd visit Lucius. To cheer him up or whatever. Now he couldn't care less about them. Not that he'd ever really cared. Those people lied to him for 15 years. And it sounded like they were never going to tell him about it either. And that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that he was related to Potter of all people! It could be worse, Draco thought, I could've been related to the Weasel. Suddenly he felt almost grateful. Almost.
Draco walked to the Great Hall. He saw Scarboy, the Weasel and the Mudblood.
Should he go insult them? He decided not to. His minions, Crabbe and Goyle, weren't there to protect him and that Weasel could throw a mean punch. Besides, now he couldn't even insult Scarboy with Pothead, Potty etc., because he would be insulting his own name.
He still couldn't believe Scarboy and he were actually related. He walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the end of the Slytherin table, far away from Pansy. He just stared at his plate and didn't look when the first years came in. He was so busy with his own thoughts, that he didn't even notice Granger staring at him.
What's up with Malfoy? Hermione thought. He's quiet, he isn't sitting with his minions or Pansy, he didn't look like he owned the world anymore, he didn't insult us today and -O MY GOD!- he didn't even have gel in his hair! He did look good with his hair like that. He actually looked hot, she thought dreamily.
Snap out of it Hermione! How can you even think that! He's Malfoy for crying out loud! a voice in the back of her head said.
Hermione shook her head. She still thought Malfoy was acting weird. Maybe something happened to him over the summer. No, she was just overreacting.
She finally began to eat. She didn't care anymore about S.P.E.W. If the house-elves only wanted to work and serve their master, it's their loss. There were almost no members anyways.
For the first time, the three of them were silent. Usually Harry and Ron were talking about stuff like Quidditch, but since Sirius died... Now stuff like that just seemed pointless and stupid. Sometimes Harry said something, but usually Hermione and Ron were talking.
When everyone was finished eating and the plates were clean, Dumbledore stood up. His long beard shone in the candlelight, just as bright as the ghosts. "Before you rush up to your dorms, I have to say a few last words. The annual Winter Ball for sixth years and up, will be open to everyone this year. That is all. Good Night", he said.
Everyone left the Great Hall talking confused or excited. The people under sixth year didn't even know there was a Winter Ball and the others wanted to know why it was for everyone this year.
"What Winter Ball?", Ron said confused.
"You're never going to read Hogwarts a History, are you? Every year there is a Winter Ball on Christmas so we can improve our social skills. They didn't tell others about it, otherwise they would want to go too", Hermione said, being the practical one.
"But if there was a Winter Ball, we should hear the music, shouldn't we?", Ron asked.
"Except for the fact that our dorms are in one of the highest towers, Ron, they cast a Silencing Charm on the doors", Hermione answered. "Why is it for everyone this year though? What's so special about this year?"
"Yeah, why would Dumbledore want everyone to stay at school?", Ron asked.
"That's it! Dumbledore wants everyone to stay at school!", Hermione said excited for some reason.
"Thank you Captain Obvious", Ron muttered. "It's probably to protect us or something. With You-Know-Who and everything"
Hermione looked amazed. "That's the first time you said something smart, Ron"
"I did?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. No, it's still Ron. "I have to go back. I forgot my hat. See you in the Common Room", she said and ran back to the Great Hall.
Draco sighed as he got up from the table. Now the whole school would be staying Christmas Break. Great. Like he didn't have enough problems. At least it won't look suspicious if he stayed at Hogwarts too. He walked slowly to the door. He was the only one still in the Great Hall. At the door he bumped into someone.
"Get out of the way!", he snapped angrily. He tilted his head to see who it was. It was just that Mudblood.
Hermionesnapped: "Sod off, Malfoy".
Being Draco Malfoy (like he would call himself Daniel Potter) he sneered: "If you want to insult me, you can at least do it properly. It's always with the 'Sod off, Malfoy'. Can't you ever think up something new or is that ugly, overgrown head of yours already filled up with school junk? You take all the fun out of insulting a Mudblood."
He smirked and the next second he flew across the hall. He landed hard on the cold stone floor. He felt a stinging pain in his stomach. He tilted his head. One look at Grangers fists and murderous look on her face, and he figured out what happened. The last time she flipped out, was three years ago, but that was just a slap in his face, that didn't really hurt. When did Granger get that strong? he wondered. She even hit harder than the Weasel.
"DONT CALL ME MUDBLOOD!", she yelled. For a split second, Draco actually thought that he went deaf. God, what could that girl scream! Granger gave him one last kick and ran to her dorm. Draco groaned. He looked around to make sure nobody saw what happened. Luckily there was nobody there.
How could a Mudblood, and not just any Mudblood, but Granger, hit that hard? Where were Crabbe and Goyle when you need them? While he was getting up, he groaned again. Not even Weasel could kick him that hard. He walked silently to the Dungeons. He had a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach, and it wasn't the pain, it was something else. Probably because he didn't eat anything at dinner.
Draco felt anger rising inside him. How dare she hit a Malfoy! Wait till father hears about this! Then he remembered the adoption thing. And Lucius was in Azkaban. Crap. But even if Lucius was his real father he'd only say that he was a coward and stuff. But how dare she hit, well... er...him!
On the other hand he felt some sort of respect for her. If a girl dared to hit him, she's really got to be something special, even if she was a total nerd. That's at least what Draco thought. The last time something like this happened, he fell in love with the girl. She was his first and only girlfriend, except for Pansy, but she wasn't really his girlfriend, more like a stalker.
Her name was Rebecca. He had really loved her. Everything was fine, until Lucius found out. Rebecca was a Muggle-born, just like Granger, and Lucius hated Muggle-borns. As heartless as Lucius was he killed her and Draco watched horror-struck as she hit the floor.
He was heartbroken and that was one of the reasons that he acted so cold and heartless. The other reason was Lucius. He promised himself never to get hurt like that again.
Draco realized that he was already in front of the wall that led to the Slytherin Common Room. He spoke the password and entered the Common Room, where he was of course ambushed by Pansy.
Meanwhile in the Gryffindor Common Room, Hermione sat alone in front of the fire, thinking about the things that happened. She couldn't believe that she hit Malfoy. She knew she wasn't supposed to use her powers, but she couldn't control it. Everytime she gets really mad, she accidentally uses her powers.
Well, he earned it, she thought. Always insulting me, calling me Mudblood. He had it coming. But how could I hit such a cute face? Maybe he doesn't deserve it. Maybe he just insults people to hide the real him. Get real. He's just a stupid git and proud of it.
She sighed. One second he seems almost lonely, the next he insults everyone with that cute smirk of his. But still, at dinner, he looked so alone, so lost, confused. He didn't even have his lackeys or Pansy hanging around him. Sometimes Hermione only wanted to comfort him and other times she wished that he would just go to Hell. She sighed again. She just didn't get him.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters. You don't seriously think that I could make up something so amazing, could you? The only things that I own are Rebecca and this plot.
Authors note: Next chapters will be longer. This happens after OotP, without HBP.I'll tell everything about Hermione's special powers in future chapters. Future chapters will also be longer.