A/N  Powerpuff Girls do not belong to me unfortunately.  If they did, Buttercup would get a lot more episodes and wouldn't always get the short end of the stick. 

This is my first fic posted.  I hope you like.  Please R&R.  And I think you should know, that when I imagine the girls grown up, I imagine them looking normal, ie they have noses, fingers, toes and ears.  Don't know why I shared that. 

PART ONE: Family Feud

Chapter One: The Fight

The city of Townsville was busy. It was after all rush hour.  Everyone was on their way home, except for Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.  Bubbles was busy with cheerleading practice, Blossom and her boyfriend of four years, Greg Morris were studying together in the library, and as usual Buttercup was stuck in detention..  She idly looked out the window, preferring to be anywhere but where she was sitting.  She loathed the idea of being stuck in a room with a bunch of enemies.

Next to her, filing her nails wearing designer clothes with her frizzy red hair in a ponytail that looked like a pom-pom on top of her head was Princess.  She looked equally bored.  Behind her was Deuce and Cobra, part of the newer generation of the Gangrene Gang.  Deuce was Ace's cousin.  They were making faces at Mr. Miller the supervisor and writing notes to each other.  Buttercup rolled her eyes and looked out the window, hoping that a miracle would happen and some random monster would wreck havoc on the relatively peaceful city.  At least that would get her excused from detention.

Of course that wasn't meant to be.  Or was it? 

Buttercup practically leaped out of her seat with glee as she felt her pager go off.  Mayor Bellum (who got elected when the former Mayor, Mayor retired) had updated long ago to pagers as opposed to a hotline and only called the girls when there was an emergency that the police couldn't handle because of the workload high school brought the Powerpuff Girls.  So needless to say Buttercup wasn't surprised when she saw the message: "Monster attack on outskirts of Townsville near Industrial park".

Buttercup put her hand in the air, waving her pager, "Mr. Miller, I gotta go.  Emergency.  Gotta save the day you know."

Mr. Miller sighed not wanting to excuse her at all.  He nodded, knowing the situation, "Very well, so long as you make up the time tomorrow."

"Of course," Buttercup smiled sweetly, NOT!  She flew out the door, blowing a raspberry at all the other prisoners of school.

"She thinks she's so cool because she's a superhero," Princess huffed as Buttercup was leaving.

Buttercup thought about that statement as she joined her sisters in the air.  That wasn't a fair statement.  Her status as superhero was all she had going for her, in her opinion anyway.  She wasn't a multi-talented honor student like her sisters were.  Having superpowers and saving the day were what she lived for; it was what brought her the most joy.  She didn't think she was cool because of it.  Buttercup shrugged, Princess was just jealous.  What else was new?

The monster was not hard to miss.  It looked like a cross between a giant squid and a monkey, but it had three horns like a triceratops and teeth that were sharp as knives, the size of their heads.  Of course, that was all just routine for the Powerpuff Girls.  They had after all been fighting crime since they were born.  Now almost done high school, they were pros at fighting crime.  Everything had become so routine, that it was almost boring, especially to Bubbles and Blossom and even Buttercup to a lesser sense.  They had after all become so good, that there was no element of danger, or suspense anymore.  But crimefighting constantly interrupted the busy lives of popular Bubbles, and over-achiever Blossom, at least Buttercup tried to make it fun.

"Blossom, can we do something that's not very time consuming?" Bubbles yawned, obviously bored.

"Why don't we have some fun?" Buttercup suggested hopefully.  A quick attack meant she'd have to go back to detention… not that she would.

"No," Blossom replied haughtily, "Let's just finish and get it over with. Bubbles and I want to get back, right? Bubbles has cheerleading, Greg and I are busy studying and…"

Bubbles giggled, "Right.  Studying. What are you be studying today, French, or Physical Education?" by the tone of her voice she was obviously insinuating something completely different.   Greg and Blossom were  very close.

 "Haha, funny," Blossom said, deadpan.  But then she too burst into giggles.  Buttercup only rolled her eyes.  Blossom regained herself and sighed, back to the same ol' routine.  "I guess we'll use Attack Formation G-17."

"But that one's so boring!  G-17 is way too direct and to the point.  We'll be done in two seconds with that one!  Why can't we have a little fun?" Buttercup protested looking at the monster. 

"Buttercup, weren't you listening?" Blossom demanded, "Bubbles and I want to get back."

"So, just go.  We all know I can handle this one myself.  If you two really don't feel like saving the day, then go!  Carry on with your ever so important lives."

"And you missy still have detention," Blossom reminded her, sounding like a nagging mother.

"So, that's none of your business," Buttercup frowned.

Blossom sighed choosing not to argue…yet, "Let's get this over with, you guys know the routine, Bubbles, you go right this time, Buttercup, go left, I'll go down the middle."

"Whatever you say madam dictator," Buttercup shrugged causing Blossom to hiss with annoyance.  Buttercup flew to the left and the three attacked the monster.  From the way they fought together, one wouldn't know that for almost a year the super sisters were constantly fighting with each other, especially Blossom and Buttercup, but Bubbles had her fair share of fights too.  The three sisters had all seemed to change for the worse; their egos seemed to have magnified their faults.  Their swift motions were strong and smooth and before the monster knew what hit it, it was on the ground, apparently unconscious.  "Hmph, well that was no fun, now was it?" she folded her arms.

 "This isn't supposed to be fun, remember?  It's like work, only we don't get paid," Blossom sighed, trying very hard not to raise her voice.  "Honestly, with all we do, you'd think we'd get a little reward or something!  What is it with cities never endorsing their superheroes?"

"You said it," Bubbles sighed.

Buttercup gaped at them, "I can't believe you just said that.  What's the matter with you two?  Once you guys were more than willing to volunteer your time to save the day!  When did you become so selfish?  I recall you once said no reward was necessary, remember?"

Blossom rolled her eyes, "Whatever, but that gives you no right to question my strategies!  I have them for a reason!"

"You mean question your authority?" Buttercup hissed.

"Ye…Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Blossom demanded.

"You know, 'I'm Blossom, the all-knowing, better than thou leader of the Powerpuff Girls.  Bow to me and do whatever I say!'" Buttercup mocked Blossom's voice.

"I am not like that!" Blossom gasped, "How dare you!"

Bubbles cut in, "Um… guys?"

"Oh come on!  You've been like that ever since we were kids!  I might exaggerate a bit, but essentially that is what you're like," Buttercup snapped.

"You think so?" Blossom asked.

"Um, Guys?" Bubbles interrupted.  But it was clear that neither Blossom nor Buttercup were paying any attention to Bubbles.

"Yeah, you never listen to what Bubbles and I think," Buttercup retorted.

"Oh yeah?  Well this is you, 'I'm Buttercup, the rebel.  I'm stupid, but at least I'm tough!  Oh look at me!  Tough ol' Buttercup!  I like to hit things!  I can't get a coherent thought to enter my pretty little brain cuz I'm too busy acting like I'm tough! Even though everyone knows that deep down I'm a pathetic wimp!'" Blossom mocked Buttercup's voice and punched the air at random.

"You take that back!" Buttercup snapped.

"Or else what, are you gonna hit me?" Blossom smirked.

"Guys!" this time Bubbles raised her voice and pointed in the distance.

"Oh! Oh! And this is you Blossom, 'I'm smart.  Everyone loves me because I'm smart, and I am the class president!  I like being president because I can expand my dictatorship to other aspects of my shallow life!  I have my boyfriend tied around my little finger and he does whatever I want because I dictate my love life too!'"

"Leave Greg out of this!  At least I have a boyfriend!  He loves me!  Our relationship is based on equality!"

"Guys!" Bubbles raised her voice another notch.

"And at least I have friends!" Blossom added, "Who can like a bitch like you anyway?"

"Shut up!" Buttercup snapped.  Blossom obviously hit a sore spot.

"I mean, look at you.  You're so standoffish to everyone, you shut people out, you get into fights, you have no respect for authority…"

"I only have no respect for authority that has no respect for me," Buttercup said, defending herself, "Which is why I have no respect for you."


"That is totally unfair, I have a lot of respect for you!"

"Not anymore.  And you don't respect what you do anymore either!"

"I do so."

"Do not."

"Do so."

"Do not!"

"Do so!"

"Do not!  You're the one complaining about not getting paid for saving the day!"

Bubbles who was trying to get their attention had enough, she pushed her way between them, "GUYS!!!!!" she shrieked.

"WHAT?" Blossom and Buttercup snapped in unison.

Bubbles pointed towards the city, "While you two were fighting, the monster regained consciousness and has just this moment started to attack Townsville."

The squabbling sisters looked on.  Bubbles was right.  "Damn!" Blossom frowned, "This is your fault!" she pointed an accusing finger at Buttercup.

"Mine?  It was your fault.  You're the leader remember?  You should have put more thought into the strategy." Buttercup hissed.

"Like you even listen to me!  Honestly, a disobedient, rebellious attitude is going to get you in trouble one day!" Blossom snapped back.  "This job is dangerous, you shouldn't blatantly disregard my leadership."

"Oh get off it!" Buttercup groaned, "There's nothing dangerous about this job anymore and you know it.  I think that's why you no longer care for it.  You just like it so you can boss us around."

"I do not!  I'm just the only one who takes this job seriously!"

"No you don't.  You hate it!"

"Oh shut up the both of you," Bubbles rolled her eyes, "Both of you are at fault here!  Honestly you and this crummy monster are a waste of my precious time!  Come on, let's get this over with, and properly this time.  I have important things to do."

"Oh fine, if you guys hate it so much, just get lost!" Buttercup fumed, "I'll handle this myself!" she flew off after the monster and began throwing relentless blows to the monster.  Blossom and Bubbles, both downright pissed off joined her.  As they attacked the monster they attacked each other with words.

"You're so stubborn Buttercup!" Bubbles hissed, kicking one of the monster's tentacles.

"And you're a snob Bubbles!" Buttercup retorted, throwing a swift uppercut to the monster's chin.

"Buttercup, you have no respect for anyone but yourself," Blossom snapped, giving the monster a roundhouse kick.

"Neither do you Blossom," Buttercup snapped back in the midst of flipping the monster over her shoulder despite the fact it was ten times her size.

The poor monster didn't have a chance.


Meanwhile in the distance, a dark figure watched with amusement.  His distraction worked perfectly, and he got an interesting scene to watch.  Trouble in paradise? He pondered, chuckling to himself.  While all the employees of Townsville's Power and Water Company were watching the battle nearby, he slipped off unnoticed until the entire city's water supply was in his grasp.  He removed a small vial from his coat pocket and emptied the contents into the water. 

The contents would have no effect on most people in Townsville.  The only ones who would be affected would be the Powerpuff Girls as the substance was Anitdote X, and that of course was the antidote for Chemical X, the very essence that led the girls into being.  For Chemical X was the very thing that spliced the sugar, spice and everything nice together, creating the Powerpuff girls, and taking that away would be the very thing that would eventually destroy them.

Now it was only a matter of time before the contamination would have it's effect and he could destroy the Powerpuff Girls.  Considering their apparent utter dislike for one another, it would most likely prove to be easier than he thought.  No need to do the old divide and conquer scheme he originally planned to use once the Antidote X started to take it's course. He laughed menacingly at the thought.