Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VIII or Final Fantasy X.

Heroes Of Spira


The epic Sorceress War was nearing its end and it was not going as planned. Ultimecia soon had the upper hand in battle and was moments away from annihilating Squall and the others from existence. She was determined to be successful with her compression of time and nothing could stand in her way, nothing. Even though the heroes were slowly losing the battle, they kept their heads up, always waiting for their next chance to strike. They could never let Ultimecia have her way and reign over the world in tyranny. They were ready to fight until the end; even if it killed them.

The battle became more intense as each moment passed. It wasn't looking at all good for Squall, but still he kept fighting alongside his friends never giving up. Unfortunately, with the summon of Apocalypse, Ultimecia abolished Squall and his friends into an abyss of Time Compression to last forever.

Ultimecia had won the Sorceress War, and our heroes were seemingly wiped from existence. For hundreds of years, Ultimecia had reigned over the world, casting fear into the hearts of all who opposed her. Inevitably, she was defeated by an underground opposition. Although, even after Ultimecia was defeated, our heroes were still caught in the web of Time Compression, unaware of the changing world.

Eventually the world died out, and it seemed as though not a thing lived on it for several hundred years, perhaps thousands, yet our heroes were still caught in the web of Time Compression - never getting a day older, nor a minute younger. A thousand years was only seconds for them, and several thousand years passed before life began on the planet again.

This new world was peaceful until a war broke out between two large cities: Bevelle and Zanarkand. After an epic battle, Zanarkand was left a pile of rubble. A thousand years after that, a young woman set out to defeat an evil force called Sin, which was summoned a thousand years before to aid Bevelle in the war between them and Zanarkand. Sin had become a punishment to the people of this new world called Spira, returning every few years to wreak havoc.

It was the duty of a Summoner to put Sin to rest, and bring The Calm. By this time, Ultimecia's spell of Time Compression had finally worn away and Squall and his comrades were separated all over Spira. They would soon become entwined in another hero's destiny. What will become of the heroes from the past when they are thrown into the story of another?

A/N: Oooh! Does that sound at all interesting? Well, if you think that sounds interesting then stick around to see what happens. I, too, am quite interested in how I am going to write this all out. I have lots of idea's for everything and such. Who would have thought the Time Compression would lead our heroes from Final Fantasy VIII to Spira and encounter the heroes from Final Fantasy X right at the beginning of the pilgrimage… Sounds interesting! Stick around for upcoming chapters )