Taken By Evil Forces

Disclaimer: *monotone* I do not own digimon or any digimon related products.


Me and my friend Gato wrote this fic out of pure boredom.

We decided to post it on fanfiction.net because we thought it was pretty good.


Chapter 1: Gone



Jade: Alright, here's the 411. Hikari, Takeru, and Yamato moved into an apartment. Hikari and Takeru are 15 and Yamato

and Taichi are 19. It's at night. Yamato and Takeru are sleeping but Hikari is just wandering around. She can't sleep.

And taichi is out with Sora, clubbing and what-not.

Gato: *pops up out of nowhere* KONNICHIWA MINNA-SAN!!!!!!!! ^O^ I'm Jade's friend and I helped write this ff ^_^

We're gonna guide you through this story ^^


Takeru woke up in the middle in the night. He'd had that dream again. His eyes searched the room.

No, no one there. "I'm just being paranoid," thought Takeru. Suddenly, Hikari walked into the room.

"What are you doing in my room?" Takeru asked his friend.

"I don't know," said Hikari playfully. Takeru just looked at her suspiciously.

"Tell me," he said threateningly, not understanding that she was just joking around. She smiled evilly.

"I don't see why it worries you so much."

"Oh maybe its cause I've been blindfolded and been robbed in my sleep. Usually its only small things but last week

someone stole my TV." Hikari sat on the edge of Takeru's bed. He started feeling nervous, "Why are you here?" he repeated.

Hikari touched his hand tenderly. He jumped out of his bed, "What are you doing?!?" He nearly shouted.

"Trying to calm you down!!!" she screamed. "I saw you drenched in fucking sweat and just thought something was wrong!

You screamed like when you woke up!!!" He looked at her.

"Just leave me alone," he said coldly.

"Fine!" she stormed out of the room. Outside Yamato looked at Hikari strangely. It seemed as though their quarrel had

woken him up.

"What happened in there?" he inquired.

"Humph!" she looked away and didn't even bother answering.

"What's with her," thought Yamato. He knocked on the door to his brother's room to see if Takeru would give hime an answer.

"Can I come in?" he asked the door. "Go away," came a reply. Not heeding the answer, Yamato walked into his brother's room

and found a very distraught person sitting on the floor. Yamato looked at his brother with concerned eyes. "What happened?"

Takeru looked at his brother, fear in his eyes could be seem for a moment, but was replaced by a calmer look.

"Nothing, nothing happened." Yamato didn't believe him, "What happened," he persisted.

"NOTHING!!" Takeru exploded, "Nothing happened and if something did happen, it's none of your damn business." Yamato was

taken shocked by this response.

"Takeru, I want to help you, but if you don't tell me, I can't." Takeru stared at him, unconvinced.

"Get out."

Reluctantly Yamato got up and left the room, leaving Takeru on the floor, brooding by himself. When he was gone, Takeru

felt something around. Everything started to feel cold and dark. Then he started hearing the voice.

"Come Takeru," said the cold, chilling voice, "We must go."

Takeru's eyes looked dazed. He got up and started walking around in darkness. The cold chilling voice was his master,

he obeyed its every command. Takeru stopped walking and then in front of him stood a dark figure cloaked in darkness.

"Where are we going tonight?" Takeru asked. The figure gave a cold, evil laugh.

"You shall see soon enough," A sphere of glowing light surrounded them. Hikari walked into the room just as they

disappeared. Her eyes caught a small flash of light but dismissed it as nothing. As she looked around the room she felt

a chilling sensation of something wrong. Where was Takeru? She walked in and looked around the whole room. She searched

every nook and cranny. Desperate, she ran outside to where Yamato was.

"Yamato! Yamato!" yelled Hikari.

"What now?" replied Yamato, thoroughly annoyed.

"Takeru's MISSING!!!"

Yamato's eyes widened, "What do you mean 'missing'?"

"AS IN NOT HERE!" She yelled.

"Let's be reasonable," he said calmly, "The door to his room is closed, it hasn't been opened since I've been in there and

he didn't seem very happy. Sad people don't just get up and go anywhere," They looked around and saw that the door

was locked so he couldn't have left. Yamato thought about what might have happened and decided to check Takeru's room.

As he entered he got this chilling sensation and shuddered. He realized something horrible. Something that he had tried to

erase from his memory. "He's taken him...." he whispered.

Hikari interupted him, "Who? Who's taken him? Who's taken my ....I mean...Takeru."

"We have to go." said Yamato hurriedly.

"Go where?" Yamato turned around and stared at her.

"Save Takeru." He acted as if it was the most obvious response.

"How?!?!" She asked pulling on his sleeve. "Shouldn't we contact the others? Besides, its 3 in the morning, we can't!

We'd fall asleep before even leaving the apartment." He looked at her pleading eyes and sighed. He didn't want to go back

to sleep but knew it would be better. He nodded and they went to they're own rooms, each worrying about Takeru. Finally

sleep took hold of them and they drifted to a fitful slumber.


Jade: Well there you have it, our first chapter. Hope you like it r & r. plz?

Gato: We'll update A.S.A.P. and sorry if the characters are OOC. ^^;;; my bad
