Just doing some rewriting.

Disclaimer: Don't own the boys or whatever...

Warnings: Yaoi, 1x2x1 Italics indicate the journal entry.

Chapter 1: First Encounters

June 3

We moved into our new house today, it's 11:30 and I just finished unpacking. I'm not even the least bit tired; today's been weird and it seems impossible to even think about sleeping right now. We found out that the people who lived here before us only lived here for about 2 months, but I don't exactly blame them; this house is... different, to put it mildly. The neighbours say they moved out because of the odd goings-on that've happened around here.

It's already happened to us, and we just moved in today, late today nonetheless. We got here around 3:30. Something kept moving my things around my new room, like the notebooks on my desk and the books on the shelves keep rearranging themselves into alphabetical order.

Heero looked up from his laptop journal as he heard a shuffling noise coming from the closet, but it stopped just as Heero glanced at it. He then looked at the lamp on the desk as it flickered annoyingly. He sighed and kept typing.

Just now I heard a shuffling noise coming from my closet and the lamp on my desk is flickering. It's all rather irritating, not in the least bit scary. It makes me wonder if people are just playing tricks on us. Although this house is a little creepy. It's huge and we only have three people in my family, it's not at all comforting. I guess I'll get used to it, my parents really like it here and I don't want to disappoint them. I guess I should try to get some sleep, I am getting a little bit tired.

He saved the new entry and shut down his computer. He sighed and clicked off the light on his desk. He rose and walked toward his bed, only to be stopped by the sudden light filling his room. He slowly turned around and glared at the lamp, as though that would explain the mysterious reason it turned on without him and make it turn off again. When it didn't work he let out an exasperated sigh and strode across the room to turn it off again.

Walking quickly back to his bed, he groped for the corner of the comforter but felt nothing. He squinted into the darkness and as his eyes got used to it he saw the outline of the comforter neatly pulled back for him. He shook his head and lay down. As he pulled the covers up to his chin and rolled onto his side, he heard the door open and softly close. He looked at the closed door and was sure he heard quiet footsteps walking down the hall away from his door.