Hey everyone! =) Right, this chapter is quite short, but I think it wraps things up quite nicely... tell me what you think!


Kimmuryiel; YES! ;-)

Mellaithwen; LOL! That reminds me of something I saw on the Caption Page once... "WOAH! Hey, don't eat the magic mushrooms; you see the dancing leprechaun!"

Kawaii Elf Girl; NO!!! NO SLASH!!! Just wait and SEE if I killed them all first!!! (oO.)

Faerlain; LOL! Yes, it makes perfect sense! ;-) Lol! Let's hope you got the CAPS button unstuck!

Starlit Hope; Yeah, I know!

Ellie in ElfPajamas; Sinking... ;-)

psycho elf; Ok, I won't leave off there! Can't promise they're not dead though...

Deana; Yup!!! MWUHAHAHAHA!!! I love being evil...

Enelya Took; I've seen your drawings and they are FABBY! ;-) You know what I'm going to say though, don't you? Now that I've updated THIS, I'm expecting one for Forgive and Forget, OK?!?! I'M DYING OF WAITING FOR CHAPTER 5 HERE!!!

Manders1953; YES!!!

seeing-spots; I'm sorry if this is torturing you! But look, I've updated now!

Coolio02; You'll have to wait and see, won't you? ;-)

Yavie Aelinel; Why ARE you standing on a stage?! Crazy FF.N world... I'm in a bomb shelter due to the fact that many reviewers DO have bombs. You're just one of the few who DON'T!

The Noble Platypus; NO, that wasn't the last chapter!!! THIS is! Butterfly net attack? 8. Woah boy...

Anarya; 8. You LIKE the Screeeee-y thingy?! (Look at this; last chapter and STILL no name for it!) Hey, if you want it, KEEP IT! Damned thing keeps eating my furniture...

Joslin; -hands over tissue- There there!

Irish Anor; LOLOLOL!!! So do you like Harry Potter too then? If you do, PLEASE review my HP fic!!! PLEASE!!! ;-) I have a warped sense of humour too; don't worry!

Blue Flame Angel; Well everyone else seemed to enjoy it. Oh well, can't please everyone...

chels; -blushes VERY deep red- Oh dear, I've got a lot to live up to now then, hmmm? Well, fingers crossed this ending satisfies you...

Fritz Will Get You; LOL! Ooh you're cruel! ;-)

Noleriel; =) Thanks!

bookworm14; Read to find out!

a lurker; Oh, hello! =) Well thanks for saying you enjoy this; here's an update now! LOL!

Golden-Gal; Thanks! No, that wasn't the end- here's another chapter...

So, now that that's over... THE FINAL CHAPTER!!! –starts humming Final Countdown to self...-

"Frodo! Frodo!!!"

Bright blue eyes snapped open, and Frodo Baggins found himself lying on his back, staring up at the sky. Shapes milled above him.

"You alright Frodo?"

That voice... that was-


The other members of the Fellowship were rather surprised as the Ringbearer shot up and pulled his younger cousin into a tight embrace.

"F-Frodo! Ch-choking!!!" spluttered the youngest Hobbit.

Frodo shut his eyes, the images in his mind melting away. "Oh Pippin, you're safe! Everyone's all alright!"

The others looked at each other in bewilderment. Merry was the first to speak.

"Frodo, what are you talking about?"

The Ringbearer released Pippin (much to his relief), a puzzled look on his face. "You mean, you don't remember what happened?"

"You started tossing and turning in your sleep and we were worried when we couldn't wake you," explained Merry, thinking this was what Frodo meant. "Was it a dream?"

"More than a dream," whispered Frodo. "It was a nightmare..."

Gandalf smiled at the Hobbit. "Well, nightmares are not real Frodo, so let us all go back to sleep. We have a long trek tomorrow!"

Pippin groaned loudly, much to the amusement of the others; except, of course, Gandalf. "Why all the walking?!" he grumbled aloud...


It was late that night when Boromir relieved his watch over to Legolas. The Elf noticed something in the Gondorian's stance.

"Something troubles you?" he asked as Boromir removed his shield from his back.

The human frowned. "Yes actually. I..." He trailed away. In truth, he actually felt quite stupid now, trying to explain to his companion his worries over a simple noise. It was probably just an owl that had been making all the noise. An owl with a strange hoot, but one none-the-less. But just in case... "Just keep your ears open, alright?"

Legolas looked at him quizzically before dismissing the question that was on the tip of his tongue. "Have no worries about that. I will..."


Frodo woke up again for the second time that night. He was unsure why; something just told him to, something that was important.

He caught sight of Legolas seemingly searching for something. The whole scene was vaguely familiar.

"Where are you going?" he asked, sitting upright. He obviously startled the Elf, who wheeled around to face him. Frodo stared as the Elf hesitated.

"I am just going to investigate something Frodo," he explained. "Just a noise. There is no need to trouble yourself." Realisation suddenly dawned on Frodo as the Elf began to turn away.


Legolas stared at the Halfling in surprise. Frodo scrambled out of the bedroll.

"You can't go! I- I won't let you!!!" He stood defiantly in front of the other.

Legolas frowned with confusion. "Frodo, I-"

"No! You mustn't go out there!" repeated the Hobbit.

Silence hung thick in the air between them.

"Very well Frodo. I will stay."

Frodo relaxed. The look in the Elf's eyes told him that he would keep his word.

There was no more trouble that night, and each watch passed without concern, apart from the strange noises. But, at morning light, they stopped, and the Fellowship packed up their things and headed on their dangerous quest once more.

Yet for many years after the Fellowship's time in the mysterious woods, terrifying tales were told; by mothers warning their children away from its dangers, in taverns where old men claimed to have seen a hideous monster.

Few survived going through that forest, and those that did told of having alarming nightmares in the night, and then, on waking, found that their dreams began to become reality. They were the lucky ones.

So beware the next time you walk under the seemingly peaceful boughs of the trees, and never wander in the woods at night. You never know what may be lurking there, with its eyes fixed firmly on you...

-=- The End -=-