Title: The Aftermath

Disclaimer: All familiar characters and events are from JK Rowling and the only thing I own is the plot… Don't sue me or anything I don't get anything from this except maybe reviews. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Thanks for following this story even if I'm not very generous with updating…

CHAPTER 17: Birthdays and Secrets

        After meeting with Professors Tonks and Lupin, Hermione and Harry made their way outside the practice room. Waiting there was Cho Chang. Harry and Hermione looked at each other before latter gave him a meek smile and headed off to the Gryffindor tower. Harry was left in the corridor to face the inevitable with Chang.

        "So, is she a lot better now? Your friend Hermione, I mean," Cho asked as Harry made his way towards her.

        "I think she's doing okay," Harry answered nonchalantly. Hermione's word echoing in his head, 'end it in the nicest possible way,' but he also asked himself, 'but how was that possible?'

        "Harry about what happened at the three broomstick I… I'm not jealous. I know she's probably feeling bad and all," Cho was trying to reason with Harry and somehow he felt sorry for her.

        Hermione saying the words 'the nicest possible way' was playing over and over in his mind. "Cho, I'm really sorry but this isn't going to work." 'There I said it,' he thought.

        "I don't understand," she was in the verge of crying.

        "This thing. It's not going to work," Harry replied.

        "What do you want me to do Harry?" Cho started to cry. "I'm trying to change for you. I want to make our relationship work. What is it that I should do?" she pleaded.

        "Please don't cry. I don't want you to do anything. Whatever happened between us before was all in the past. (He wanted to say it was a mistake but he knew he had to be nice somehow.) Well, I figured you're not over Cedric yet and I don't think you will ever be. I had a crush on you before, that was it and I don't think it got anywhere. You just think you like me but what you want is to know about Cedric before he died. I can't help you with that. I'm sorry Cho," Harry said. Somehow he felt like he was the most insensitive prat in the whole world but he had to tell her the truth before things get worse.

        "You're right Potter! Maybe, I'm still not over Cedric, maybe I'm just using you so I won't feel so bad. Well, that's it then. You don't want me and I don't want you. Go back to Granger where you really want to be," Cho retorted, anger bursting inside her. She ran off sobbing. Almost all the portraits in the hall were staring at Harry.

        He kept telling himself that what he did was the right thing. It was better to tell Cho the truth then to butter her up with lies. He did what was best for both of them. He was walking along the corridors not really sure where he was going to when he realized he was in front of the portrait of the fat lady who was eyeing him reproachfully.

        He said the password and went inside the common room hoping to see Hermione. He wanted to talk to her and tell her what happened but he saw Ron instead staring at the roaring fire. He sat on the coach near the one his best friend was sitting on.

        "Did she tell you?" Ron asked without taking his eyes off the crackling fire.

        "Who? Hermione," replied Harry. He didn't exactly know what to say to him.

        "I know she told you. She told you how she turned me down without giving me a chance. She must think I'm not good enough for her," Ron explained.

        Harry couldn't think of anything to say. For one he felt guilty about being relieved when Hermione told him about what happened. Ron was his closest friend and he knows how difficult it must have been for him to say the things he said to Hermione. Harry felt sorry for his friend.

        "I thought there was something between us. I thought we had that connection. I know I haven't been the nicest person in the world to her but I'm sure she knew that I have feelings for her. I thought she liked me too. I mean, you saw it, Harry. We had tension between us," Ron said as he rested his head on his knees.

        "You mean the two of you have a knack for fighting," Harry corrected.

        "But isn't that what they say. You usually fight with the person you're attracted to. I mean look at my mum and dad, they argue a lot, don't they? I like Hermione. I thought she liked me back," Ron said. Frustration was evident in his voice.

        "Don't take this the wrong way but maybe you should accept her decision and you guys can just be friends. Maybe that's what the two of you are intended to be. Maybe you and Hermione are meant to be just friends," Harry reasoned. He didn't want to seem like he's taking Hermione's side because he and Ron also have something that they should resolve. Somehow he felt like Ron is starting to see him, as a rival and he didn't want that. He needed Ron's support more than ever. He needed both his best friends when the time comes that he would have to face his destiny.

        "Maybe, but as of now. I just don't think I can look at her and not be upset. I thought all this time she had feelings for me and that she was only waiting for me to ask. I guess I'm just plain stupid. I read the signs all-wrong. Honestly, I don't know how I can face her and not feel embarrassed with all the assumptions I had in my head," Ron admitted.

        Harry clapped his shoulder and stood up. "Ron, Hermione understands. And believe me, she did the both of you a favor. You'll find the right girl, don't you worry about it. I also hope that you guys would make up. Hermione's birthday is coming up soon," Harry thought that maybe if he reminded Ron of her birthday he'd be able to find it in his heart to talk to Hermione. "I'm going to bed."

        "You go ahead. I think I'm going to stay here for a while," replied Ron.

        Harry went up to their dormitory. He took the piece of two-way mirror that Sirius gave him. Her remembered the day he found it in his trunk before the feast in his fifth year. It was a gift from Sirius that last Christmas they had together. If only he knew what the mirror was for, Sirius could still be alive. The mirror broke into pieces but somehow when he was about to throw all of the shards away he found himself wrapping the biggest piece and keeping it in his trunk. He kept that piece with him and he had used it to contact the portrait of the young Sirius.

        Harry told the young Sirius of what happened to Ron and Hermione and then what happened to him and Cho. The young Sirius wasn't of any help he in fact laughed at Harry as he told him the accounts of what took place that day.  The young Sirius said that those were just a few of the glorious days of youth and that Harry should enjoy it. Exhausted from the day's events he started to drift into sleep.

        The next day everyone in the great hall was whispering when Harry entered with Hermione. Ron was nowhere in sight. His bed was empty when Harry woke up. He didn't tell Hermione about what happened the previous night so she hadn't got any clue with what happened to him and Cho.

        The majority of the seventh year Ravenclaws were staring at him and Hermione and he had a bit of a clue why they were acting that way.

        "Why are they looking at us that way?" Hermione whispered as they sat beside each other. "It's about Cho isn't it? What happened last night?"

        Harry told her the whole story and Neville was seemingly absorbed in eavesdropping in their conversation.

        "I heard Cho was telling everyone that you led her own and dumped her on purpose," Neville but in.

        "How ridiculous!" Hermione said, seemingly outraged. "Harry would never hurt anyone on purpose," she added.

        "Actually, I over heard Ginny and Luna talking about it. Cho was claiming that you two are secretly dating each other," Neville said.

        "And you told me to be nice to her," Harry blurted.

        "Don't worry about it. Things like this would go away eventually. Err… have you seen Ron?" Hermione asked.

        "He wasn't in our room when I woke up," Harry replied. The days went by. They would see Ron during their classes together but he would make an effort to avoid Hermione or not even to talk to her. It reminded Harry of the time Ron hated Hermione because of Crookshanks. And once again Ron is fighting with her for all the wrong reasons.

        It was a couple of days before the Quidditch match and it was also Hermione's sixteenth birthday. The nineteenth of September was just a regular day then for Harry. Of course he had given her birthday presents before but that day was seemingly different from all her past birthdays. He was up early that morning. He was really excited about giving Hermione his gifts for her. The Book he got for her and the ring. He took his bath and got dressed. He had Dobby's help in wrapping the gifts he had for her the night before. He thought of waiting for her at the common room because she was usually the first person to occupy the area.

        He placed both his presents for her, inside his bag and made his way down stairs to the common room. Just as he thought, she was already seated in her favorite couch holding a thick book which Harry knew even from up far was Hogwarts, A history.

        "Good morning Hermy," he greeted her. He got fond of calling her that, since they usually spent a lot of time together. Ron was firm to his word of not talking to Hermione although Harry knew that Ron missed their other friend.

        "Hi Harry! I thought I should wait for you because apparently Ron still hates me," Hermione said.

        "Don't be sad it's your special day after all," Harry said. Hermione beamed at him. "You didn't think I'd forget, did you? Happy Birthday Hermione!" He greeted her and hugged her.

        "Thanks Harry, I thought no one would remember," Hermione said, feeling a bit cheerful as she let him go.

        "I also got you some presents. You gave me lots of presents on my last birthday and I was thinking I should return the favor. I'm giving you your first present today and the other one later," Harry said as he took the package of the very thick book out.

        "Oh!" Hermione took the gift and hurriedly ripped the wrappings off. Her eyes dazzled at the sight of the new book in her arms. "Harry, I don't know what to say. I was hoping I could get a copy next Hogsmeade weekend when I get the money from my parents. I can't believe it. Thank you so much," she exclaimed and gave Harry a warm hug, which Harry returned obligingly.

        Hermione put the book inside her bag before they made their way to the great hall. The rumors eventually subsided but Harry would have to bear Cho's hot stares whenever they come across each other. He was getting used to it though and soon found it easier to just ignore her during DA.

        In the great hall Ron was already seated next to Dean Thomas.

        "Hello Ron," Hermione greeted him.

        Harry didn't know whether it was a smart move for Hermione but when Ron smiled at both of them and motioned Hermione to sit beside him. Harry was relieved to see his two best friends in good terms.

        "Happy Birthday Hermione," Ron greeted her. "Will you ever forgive me for being a prat?"

        Harry and Hermione both smiled. A feeling of relief spread through his body. At last his two best friends were talking.

        "I've done that a long time ago. I hope you have already forgiven me?" Hermione said meekly.

        "Harry's right. It wasn't your fault, you just did what you think is right. Ginny's been telling me that everyday. Before I forget, I also have a present for you," Ron said, as he handed Hermione a box full of chocolate frogs.

        "Thanks a lot," Hermione said.

        "And if in case you don't want to start collecting chocolate frog cards…" Ron was trying to say.

        "I'm going to give the cards to you," Hermione finished and the three of them started laughing. Harry was happy about how things turned out.

        "Brilliant the blasted trio is complete again. Did I hear it right? Is it the Mudblood's birthday today?" Draco said as he stood behind Harry and directed insults to Hermione.

        "Why you!" Ron was about to stand up when Hermione and Dean took hold of both his arms.

        Harry smiled at Ron then to Hermione before he stood up and turned around to face Malfoy. "I'm going to give you the chance to take back what you said or you're going to pay dearly," Harry said calmly.

        "Are you threatening me Potter?" Malfoy smirked his dumb squad behind him.

        "No Draco, I'm giving you a choice. You don't want to get hurt do you?" Harry's tone was dangerously serious. Ron and Hermione could see the sudden change in Draco's expression.

        "You're lucky that Dumbledore had just arrived otherwise we would be dueling here," Draco said as he moved towards to the other end to the Slytherin table.

        Harry sat down and Ron started imitating the sound of a chicken.

        "It's so unlike him to back down but I'm glad he did," Hermione commented and somehow Harry noticed the same thing.

        "He's just being the chicken that he really is. Let's start eating shall we," Ron said as he started on his beef stew. Dean left his seat and went to join Ginny who just came in with her friends.

        "I've been meaning to ask you guys if we can start training to be animagus?" Harry whispered to them.

        "Shouldn't we ask Dumbledore first?" Hermione interrupted him right away.

        "I think we should do it on our own," Ron said.

        "I agree with Ron. We have the stones and loads of books for reference. We can indirectly ask Lupin for tips," Harry said.

        "Are you sure that's a good idea? What if anything goes wrong?" Hermione reasoned.

        "That's why we'll do the research and beside we have you around nothing would go wrong?" Harry said.

        "I agree. Think about it this way. Those death eaters won't suspect that Harry can turn animagus. It would be to his advantage, you told us that yourself," Ron said.

        "Well, all right but with all the work we have how do you expect us to practice?" Neville cut in.

        Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at him, surprised.

        "I heard what you were talking about and I want to be part of it too and maybe Ginny and Luna can join us," Neville added.

        Harry thought about it for a while and he figured that the trio somehow gained a few more members, though he was comfortable with Neville being part of their group, Ginny and Luna was still something to think about. "I think Neville should go with us, what do you guys think?"

        "There's no way I'm going to get my sister into this. I'm going to have to look after her and that would be additional work for me," Ron protested.

        Hermione raised an eyebrow and said, "Ron, Ginny and Luna doesn't need any baby sitting. I don't see why they can't join us. I don't mind having Neville and the other two girls joining us."

        Ron wanted to argue but he just shrugged.

        "Well, it's settled then, Neville, Ginny and Luna will join us. So where will we be practicing?" Harry asked.

        "That's easy. Let's use Moaning Myrtle's bath," Hermione said.

        "But it's been closed because of the chamber of secrets," Ron countered.

        "You really don't go on rounds at night, do you?" Hermione said.

        "I do, well, I don't go there. It's prohibited," Ron answered.

        "Exactly! They think it's prohibited but, I went there, just to look around and the female bath is open, only everyone's scared of going there. So we can use that for practicing and no one would ever bother to go there even the other prefects avoid that area."

        "It's settled then we'll use Moaning Myrtles bath. Let's schedule it right after the Quidditch match on Saturday," Harry said.

        "I'll tell Ginny and Luna later," Hermione said.

        They proceeded in eating their lunch. Harry left Hermione and Ron to talk and went to class.

The day passed with the usual schoolwork. Harry left a note in the new book he gave Hermione that says they were to meet in the Gryffindor common room after her prefect rounds.

While waiting in the common room in his favorite couch, Harry, started reading Advanced Transfiguration.

"You heard what the master said. We must find the girl. Kill her if we must. I'll do it. It's going to be something that Potter won't ever forget."

The voice started to make a shrill cold laugh that faded as Harry woke up from his nap. He was covered in cold sweat. The voice was quite familiar. He could never forget that voice. It was from the death eater who killed his godfather. It reminded him of his vision. It was in the same dungeon. Voldemort is in a dungeon somewhere with his death eaters. "It could not have been Voldemort. It was only death eaters talking," he told himself. Was his Occlumency training not working?

"Harry," he heard Hermione call to him. She and Ron just got back from their prefects' rounds.

"Are you all right mate?" Ron asked, he like Hermione was worried about Harry who looked like he was thrown a bucket of ice water.

He could tell them what he saw in his dream but he was also planning to give Hermione the ring and he didn't want his friends to panic.

"I'm okay, just a bit startled, that's all. I dreamt about Sirius," he lied.

"Well, maybe you should come up and rest. I'm really tired. Are you coming?" Ron asked then yawned.

"I think I'm going to stay here for a while," Harry said.

Ron went his way up the stairs and he seemed really sleepy. "Good night Harry, Hermione."

Hermione sat on the couch next to Harry.

"I hope you're not as tired as Ron. I still have a gift you should open," Harry said as he pulled out the small velvet box with a red ribbon and handed it to Hermione.

"Harry you shouldn't have," Hermione said. He placed the velvet box in her hands.

"Open it. I hope you like it. The old woman said it's one of a kind," Harry said, as Hermione started opening the small box.

A smile broke into Hermione's face at the sight of the silver ring, the emerald that was in the center of the sun figure sparkled at the crackling fire.

"Put it on. I know it would look good on you," Harry commented.

Hermione placed the ring in her right ring finger. She marveled at the beautiful ring that Harry gave her.

"Thank you Harry," she said.

"You deserve a lot more. You've been the most wonderful friend. You never left me even if I'm such a stubborn prat," Harry said.

"I can't help it. I just want to be there for you. I can't explain it. I don't think it's just because I'm your guardian. I just feel it inside me that I should always be here whenever you need me," Hermione explained.

Harry felt the sudden urge to hold her hand and surprisingly he did. Not caring what was going to happen next he took her hands and held it in his. There was no sign of uncertainty in his part. He even felt confident about it. The look in Hermione's face proved that she didn't mind the act either.

The common room was a blur. At least it was to Harry. He was in heaven. He never thought he could but he did anyway. He took the first step, the one that doesn't have the option of going back. It was something like no other, a kiss shared by two people, it wasn't indifferent, nor was it awkward. It was perfect. It was the real thing. The feeling was so new and yet so familiar. It was no accident at this point. They kissed, and it was the real thing. To compare it to the one he had with Cho would be blasphemy to what he was experiencing. He couldn't care about the timing or the place. The only thing he cared about was the fact that it was Hermione. It was innocent and sweet but it was the best thing that he had ever experienced. He held her close to him afterwards. He knew for certain that everything between them has changed and he was both scared and happy about it. It was something he knew he would never forget as long as he lived.

"Should we tell Ron?" it was the first question he heard from Hermione and he understood what she meant. She just had come to terms with their other friend. And he didn't see the risk until after what happened.

"I don't think we should keep it from him but I don't know how to tell him either," Harry said. "We would tell him but I don't think we should tell him right away," he added.

"I think so too. Harry, thank you for giving me the best birthday present," Hermione said then she kissed him on the cheek. From the light coming from the hearth he could see that she was blushing but her brilliant smile just assured him that indeed she was very happy. "I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow." She went up the stairwell leading to the girls' dormitories. She looked down for the last time and smiled at him. He smiled back.

All the fears he had about his recent dream left him and was replaced by that wonderful feeling he had when he and Hermione kissed. He had never felt that wonderful, that happy. The feeling was a lot better than catching the snitch, and that feeling is considerably incomparable. That night Harry had the best sleep. He could not remember how he got to his bed. All he knew was that he dreamed of their kiss.

The next day he woke up smiling. He felt wonderful. They had early practice for Quidditch for their game against Slytherin. He got out of his bed and started waking Ron and Dean. The two boys reluctantly got out of bed.

Harry took his shower and got ready for practice. He has all the motivation he needed. He wanted to win the game against Slytherin so badly so he can get back at Draco for insulting Hermione.

The sun was barely up but the Gryffindor team was already flying around the pitch. The team has definitely improved. They practiced during every free time they've got. Katie Bell even commented that once again Oliver Wood has possessed the Gryffindor team captain. But they also commented on how happy and optimistic Harry seemed to be that day.

Harry wanted to push the team to do their best. He knew that they could never be too confident. He was certain though that with the way his team was playing, Gryffindor has a big chance of winning.

In the Great hall, Hermione was already waiting for them. Harry took the seat beside her. Ron sat from across the two of them.

"I think we're going to make Slytherin eat dust tomorrow," Ron said then started on his beef casserole. "You should have seen us practice," he added.

"I think you guys will do great," she said and gave Harry a sly look.  

"I heard the Slytherins were practicing last night and they were a lot better than last year or at least that's what they were claiming," Ginny said.

"We'll see how they'll do against us tomorrow," Ron said. "Dean will make sure Crabbe and Goyle won't remember their names after the match." They all laughed.

"We'll see about that Weasley," Draco said as he and the whole Slytherin team passed by their table. "I expect you guys are ready to get blooded up too bad tomorrow," he added then he walked off followed by his team.

"The nerve of that guy," Ginny said.

"Don't let them get to you," Harry said calmly.

"Harry's right. Let's hear what they have to say right after you beat them in Quidditch tomorrow," Hermione said.

After having their fill they all went to their classes. Harry, Hermione and Neville had to go to the dungeons for NEWT level Potions while Ron along with Seamus went to their Divinations class.

Snape was seemingly not in a good mood. Terrible mood he was in, that he scolded even the students from his own house.

"What's got into him today?" Neville asked as he started clearing his work area.

"I don't know but he's in a fairly bad mood because he scolded the Slytherins and it's so unlike him to do that," Harry replied.

"Maybe something has come up?" Hermione said absentmindedly.

"Mr. Longbottom. How long will it take you to clean up your table? The whole class have left except for you three," Snape commented.

Harry and Hermione who were finished cleaning up were about to leave.

"Potter, Granger I need to talk to the both of you. Longbottom, I would deduct five points from your house if you do not vacate the room immediately," Snape ordered and with this Neville left carrying his bag and all his other things.

Harry and Hermione approached Snape's desk where their Potions Master was grimly waiting for them.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to us about professor?" Hermione asked.

"The headmaster wanted to bring the two of you to the Order's meeting tonight. I shall meet the two of you at the entrance hall at eight o' clock tonight," Snape replied and it was obvious that he didn't want the task assigned to him.

"Why can't Remus or Tonks take as there instead?" Harry asked.

Snape was clearly annoyed by the question. "Potter, believe me when I say that I take no pleasure in baby sitting the two of you. I would have said no, if only the headmaster had insist that I do it.

"Would that be all professor?" Hermione asked hastily in order to preempt any more possible conflicts between Harry and their professor.

"That will be all. Oh and Potter, I have to say that you have improved a lot in your potions making although you are still a bit careless sometimes," Snape commented.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other with the same confused look on their faces after hearing Snape's comment.

"I just hope you won't go strutting around like your father just because you have some improvement," Snape muttered.

At some point Harry was really getting annoyed but Hermione took hold of his hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"We'll be going now professor," Hermione said as she took hold of her bag with her right hand and dragged Harry out of the room with her with the other.

Harry made her stop at the foot of the stairs leading to the entrance hall. "Thank you," Harry said.

Hermione smiled and understood what he meant. They were still holding each other's hand when someone smirked from behind them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Draco started pacing around them. Crabbe and Goyle were positioned behind him. "I see that you guys are snogging behind the Weasel's back."

"Why do you care Malfoy?" Harry retorted.

"Potter, I didn't think you would sink no lower. Dating a Mudblood. I actually thought there was hope for you, when you hooked up with a nice piece like Chang," Draco sniggered.

Hermione looked at Harry pleading for him to not pay attention to Malfoy.

"How dare you insult Hermione in front of me. You really don't care about your life, do you? I'm done playing games Malfoy. You don't want to get to my bad end," Harry threatened and he was ready to get his wand out.

"What's going on here?" It was two of the Aurors they met on the first day. Watson and Bradford.

"You're lucky they came," Harry muttered.

"See you at the pitch Potter!" Draco went pass the Aurors followed by his squad of idiots.

"We're just about to go to our common room," Hermione blurted. "We were just leaving now." Hermione looked at Harry and the two of them left the dungeon.

"You promised you'd stay out of trouble," Hermione said as they took the corridor leading to the shifting staircases.

 "I did but Malfoy thinks he can get away with everything. I ought to teach him a lesson or two," Harry grunted.

"You can do that by beating their team in Quidditch tomorrow," Hermione said. "He's not worth it Harry, you know that. Aren't you excited about the meeting tonight?" Hermione asked, trying to get Harry's attention from his argument with Malfoy.

Harry realized that it would be their first meeting with the rest of the Order. If only Sirius could be with them too. He knew that he couldn't have him back; his only goal now was to keep the people important to him, alive.

A/N: This has taken forever… I know… really sorry about the slow update…. I'm working now… and I guess work takes loads more of your time than school…