CHAPTER FIVE- I have returned, no I am not dead. I'm sorry it's taken almost a year to update; I hadn't realized how much feedback this fic was getting until I checked my account. I hope this chapter was worth the wait. I would like to thank all the reviewers so far, especially the ones that have stuck with me. Your reviews really encourage me to write not only more often, but of better quality as well.

On The Pearl-not far from Port Royal

Hermione had now been on the Pearl for six weeks (not that she was counting.......) that had felt, rather, like six years. She was frustrated, angry, powerless, magic-less, and Merlin forgive her, falling for the king of scallywags. A pirate, for heaven's sake! How does one deal with fancying a pirate? Hermione would never know. At this point, the petite brunette was hopeless. A part of her, a tiny part that she was refusing to listen to, wanted to stay with Jack to lust with forever and ever. Of course, Hermione's logical side refused to even think of such things and she was left with the constant, never-ending homesickness. It was a bloody disease, wrapping around her soul and crushing her heart into tiny black pieces. Perhaps she was being a bit melodramatic? She sighed, flinging her light, honey colored hair over her shoulder. Living on a ship did have its perks, she thought. She spent most of her time outdoors; the inner chambers of the ship were too hot and muggy to stay in, unfortunately. With the sunlight on her hair and skin twenty four- seven, it wasn't surprising that it had effected her looks a bit. Her formerly darkish brown hair had faded to a lighter shade, her pale skin taking on a bit of tan. Then again, the sun and outdoors had its disadvantages as well. She had to suffer through several uncomfortable sunburns before her skin reached the more attractive tan, and her hair had reached a degree of oiliness she had never thought possible (thankfully after about a week of discomfort, Ana Maria took pity on her and showed her how one washed hair productively with soap.) Besides the fun that was beauty on a pirate ship, she discovered her stomach didn't like being on a water vessel for long periods of time. During the first week, she had thought she was fine, but after the magical properties of the portal had worn off she had taken to regurgitating her meals off and on several times a day, every day. Then there were the meals, they were terrible! The bread was stale, the meat had inhuman things dining on it, and the fruit seemed uncleanly (this was the only thing Hermione ventured to eat).Only one word could accurately describe Hermione's current state: Shitty. Terribly, unbelievably, awfully, Merlin forbid it, shitty! She missed Ron and Harry more than she even thought possible. She even missed Snape, the big-nosed, greasy haired, unfair, moody, scowl-y git! That had to say something, didn't it? She had never felt so un-Hermione like in her life! Sometimes, in between the cleaning of dishes, regurgitation, and the reckless pursuit of her body by a certain Pirate Captain she thought she wasn't even herself anymore. Then, when Captain Jack would slap her on the bum, and she would blush and yell rude things he didn't understand, she would snap out of it and realize she was still her, no matter how desperate.

"Mione?" Jacks slurred speech cut into her thoughts.

"Hermi- err, Miss Granger, to you" She had slipped up, accidentally suggesting to the dear captain that he could call her by her first name. Darn.

"Well, Hermione-"Jack said with emphasis on 'Hermione'- "It is time for dinner, my crew cooked up something special for ya" Jack continued excitedly.

Of all the bloody!- "Lovely" She responded sarcastically, resisting the urge spill today's lunch all over Jack's mangy, old boots.

"Sounds delicious" Her stomach churned in denial.

She was in for a long night.

Hogwarts-present time

"Albus, we cannot leave that girl in....wherever that portal took her!" Minerva shouted at the headmaster of the school, who was shaking his head sadly, the twinkle normally found in his eyes was missing if you were looking close enough.

The old professor sighed "What are we to do then, while the best student Hogwarts has seen in decades, is lost to a portal to who-knows-where?!"

"We wait, Minerva" Albus Dumbledore replied grimly.

The transfiguration teacher looked tired then, after relentless weeks of searching, her hope for her favorite student returning had finally subsided

Dumbledore was not ready to give up as of yet, thought. A sparkle of hope returned to his eyes as he continued "-While Miss Granger is lacking a wand and proper tools for the craft, perhaps she can use that big brain of hers to find a way back?"
