*A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to the Third and Final Installment of the Pyro Series! It's going to be one hell of a story. Are you ready for more cliffhangers? How about more heartbreak and death? Anyone up for loss and regret, pain and suffering? Or maybe you'd like to meander through love, pleasure, and captivation? Do you wish to flirt with the mysterious and sensual? Oh yes... and how about a little more... Pyro?

I hope that you enjoy this story. And don't worry, every question will be answered. If there is something specific you want to know about, don't hesitate to ask. I know that there are many things that I have left out along the way... but that all will change, for in this fic, Pyro learns more, experiences more than he could ever imagine- Both painful and pleasuring.

And since I have no more to say... You are now free to read the conclusion to the Pyro Trilogy...


The overbearing moon lifted into the sky; it laughed at the sun in its descent, for it was the time for darkness, not light. The warmth that had coated the world just a few moments ago now diminished and slowly faded away. Chilling winds succeeded the calm, flowing breeze, and shadow blanketed everything within sight. Night had come and thrown Day from his throne. Darkness settled and had slain Illumination without a fleeting thought of regret.

But battles of such kinds were not to be fought by the living. In fact, one person in particular had more on his mind than the waning light of the sun and the ascent of the moon. No, his problems not only lied within the physical realm, but in the very catacombs of his tormented mind.

He had vowed to find her, but he did not know where to start.

He had promised to search for her, but he did not know where to look.

He had hoped to see her, but he did not know what he was getting himself into.

Not long had it been since his discovery. It was revealed to him that the one woman that he had ever truly loved, he had not met. It was as if she were a figment of his imagination- an arrangement of desire and hope that had been lost to him since the day that he was born- that formed into the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him. It still tore at him, the way he was manipulated. He had poured out the very contents of his heart, only to have them stolen away.

Brushing stray pieces of hair from his watering eyes, St. John Allerdyce sighed to no one; his heartbeat slowed and his blood felt thick and useless inside of his unmoving body. His mind felt numb. No thoughts came. It was as if his latest discovery had been the downfall of him completely. All he wanted to do was prove everyone wrong. All he wanted to do was find Mystique.

It was hard even now to accept what had happened. It was difficult to believe that a once uncaring and arrogant man had transitioned so much in so little time. And from what? A woman.

An amazing woman, John thought sadly. A woman whom I have never known.

Clenching his head inside of trembling hands, the one they called Pyro closed his eyes and tried to erase what had happened to him over the past few months. His life had changed drastically not even in the span of a year; but was it for the best?

Without pain, there can be no pleasure. Without suffering, there can be no joy.

Releasing his tight grasp from the nape of his neck, Pyro slid down from the roof and swung himself through an open window. Immediately, the temperature difference was evident and his skin crawled with the change. But he didn't care. There was nothing to care about anymore.

But there was. There was everyone at the school who cared about him; there was Bobby and Storm, Logan and Scott, Jean and Xavier...

Yes, Charles Xavier, the one mutant whom Pyro had always respected, even in his immature days. Maybe that was it; John struggled with the proposition of asking for Xavier's help to find Mystique. After all, if she was alive, Cerebro could find her! But that was much too ask and John felt that he had not deserved such a thing. He would simply have to go out into the world once more and find the love that he had never had.

The evening raged on and Pyro was almost through packing the things that he thought he would need for his search. He really didn't have too many possessions left at the mansion since he had been living in his apartment, but Xavier had generously given him more clothing since the professor thought that John was going to stay for some time. That was before the day that Dark Phoenix had ruined everything...

He lugged one duffle bag to the door and was about to turn the knob, when it spun before he could touch it.

It was Bobby.

Without even looking, Bobby Drake knew what John was doing. Without even looking, Bobby knew that John was going to leave. He stared at his friend for a moment and then gave him a warm smile.

"So I guess you're leavin'," Iceman said quietly.

Pyro bit his lip. "Yeah, it's been two weeks and I haven't done anything. I feel... I feel like I need to settle myself, you know, Bob? I just... I need to find out for sure if she's alive or not. There's a part of me that won't rest until I find her- or at least find out the truth."

Bobby nodded knowingly; he didn't want his friend to leave, but he knew that John had to, for his own sanity. And then he fought something back that he had wanted to say since Pyro had vowed to find Mystique. He twisted his lips and bit his tongue, but no matter how much he held back, he couldn't contain himself. The pressure of the words seemed to grow behind his lips and finally, they were released.

"I want to come with you."

He had said them. But now Pyro's expression was blank.

Surely, he would say no. Surely, John would wave Bobby aside yet again and tell him that it wasn't any of his business. But that was just the opposite; a broad smile appeared on Pyro's face and he pulled Iceman into a hug.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask!" He chuckled. "And no offense, dude, but you're late."

Bobby smiled. "So, I can come? You're not gonna leave without me this time, 'Dyce?"

John shook his head. "Ice, there are some things that I can live without, but you are not one of them. It's gonna rock! The two of us, in the world, searching for something that may not exist! You can't tell me that it's not appealing..."

Bobby shook his head. This was the happiest he had ever seen the fiery mutant in a long time, especially since the news about "Mystique". Truthfully, everyone felt terrible for Pyro, but John didn't like that at all. He absolutely hated when people pitied him. If Bobby had learned one thing from being friends with John, was that you didn't want to piss him off. Just like Pyro's mutation, he was one fiery guy.

So as fast as he could, Iceman threw everything he could into his duffle bag. In no time, the two teens were ready to venture out into the world and begin their search. Quietly, they exited their room and padded softly down the hallway. Reaching the main staircase, they both made certain that no one was around; it seemed like an eternity before they finally had their hands on the knobs to the front door.

The cool gusts of air threatened to chill them to the bone as they snuck into the night. They hadn't gone five steps when a gruff voice behind them made them whip around.

"So it's finally happening," Logan said as he walked out of the garage, throwing down a greasy cleaning rag.

Bobby and John didn't know what to say. Their mouths were attached to anvils and they could not speak.

"You told the professor, right, John?"

Guilty as charged.

Dropping his gaze to the ground, Pyro shook his head. He knew that Xavier would be mad at him if he just up and left. But...

"It's a good thing he already knows, or he would be pretty worried."

Both of the teenagers' heads snapped up to face Logan.

"What do you mean?" Bobby asked. But the Wolverine gave them a disapproving look.

"Do you honestly think that you need to tell Charles that you're leaving? He's known what's been going on this whole time." And then to put out the fire that was about to explode, he added hastily:

"Except about Mystique, Pyro. He didn't know about that."

John felt his muscles loosen as Wolverine added the last bit in. If Xavier had known all along about Dark Phoenix tricking him... There would have been Hell to pay.

"So do you know where you're gonna start?" Logan said, breaking the mutual silence. Pyro merely shrugged. He had absolutely no idea where to begin. He had thought about going straight to the Brotherhood Island, but that proved to be dangerous and he wouldn't lead Bobby to a place like that.

"So you're looking for a girl who can become anyone, who you don't even know is alive, in the span of the entire world, and you haven't got a clue where to start?"

"That's pretty much it, I guess," John said dejectedly. But Wolverine chuckled.

"It sounds to me like you need to go with what you know. Remember your instincts, Pyro; they'll get you to where you wanna go. How do you think I'm still alive?"

"Because your mutation prohibits you from receiving any form of bodily harm and it's not easy to kill you."

Logan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Okay, smart-ass. So just go to the Brotherhood's hideout; I know you've thought about going there."

"I'm not taking Bobby there!" John yelled suddenly. "They'll hold us prisoners!"

Wolverine stepped forward and smacked John on the head.

"You don't get it, do you? Don't you think that Magneto knows that you'll be looking for her? He's pissed, John. Dark Phoenix, the sexless son-of-a bitch, tricked him, too! He'll give you a lead if Mystique's not there. Trust me."

John knew that Logan was right. There was nothing else for him to do; they had to go talk with Magneto. So picking up their bags, the two teenagers walked away from the mansion and toward the main gates. Pausing for only a moment, Bobby and John stepped off of the Xavier property and into the world that awaited them. They both walked on in silence until Bobby posed a question:

"Do... do you think we'll find her, 'Dyce?"

Pyro swallowed hard. The truth was- he hadn't the foggiest clue. This whole mission could be for absolutely nothing. But something inside of him wanted to try; he had to try.

"I don't know, Ice. But I hope we find something."

God, do I hope.