Disclaimer: They're Not Mine

AN: The epilogue to CinderRin…-tear- it's been such a long journey. And I thank all of my readers for letting me write this story for you. I hope that you enjoy the next series of Inu Tales that will be coming out soon. And that you read the rest of my stories in the meantime because I like reviews…


And An Ending

- Last Time –

"I hope that you know that your cruelty has only made me a stronger person. That I will spare your life, and never even consider it again…"

And with that she turned around, surrounded by those that she loved…and walked away…into a better life.

And they lived happily ever after.

- Now –

Rin tilted her head to receive a kiss from her husband. That was of course before she was bombarded with questions…

"What happened to Narakuina?"

"Did Rin and Sesshoumaru have kids?"

"What about Inuyasha?"

"And Kagome?"

"and Kimi and Kaede?"

Before she had a chance to enter the doors of the room opened.

In walked an elderly woman, holding the hands of two young children.

Your friends are here pups…

"Inuki! Kaede!"

Giggling the kids all ran off to play and did not notice the young man and woman that walked through the door after the old woman and the children.

"So…You told them the story?"


"Mentioned me?"


An insulted Inuyasha puffed up his chest and held onto a still young Kagome. Can you believe that she said unfortunately?

"No Inuyasha dear"

"If I hadn't showed up none of this would have happened"

"Of course Inuyasha"

And so laughing, Rin, Sesshoumaru, Kagome and Inuyasha walked outside…into the forests of the Eastern Land…where it had all begun.

AN: And They All Lived Happily Ever After!