Author's Note-I can't believe that this is the last chapter! Now what? I want to make sure that I thanked all of you guys for being so supportive and for all of your reviews. You have no idea how much reviews give me the inspiration to continue. Seriously, this story would have been over at chapter, like, five if it wasn't for you guys! Thank you and enjoy the final chapter.

I would like to apologize to everyone for the VERY large delay in updates. Updating has gotten pushed to the side, due to personal issues. From now on I am staying a dedicated author, no more messing around. I have grown up from the baby stage of author-hood. Although this story is finished there are others in process and more on the way. Instead of updating four stories at once, I will be putting three on hold. That is the only way I won't get overwhelmed. I give you the right to throw tomatoes at me for my lack of motivation. This chapter clocks in at 6,573 words! That's like three chapters in one! Woot Woot!

I am currently working on my story Liar Liar, a Marmalade Boy fic. I will continue with A Fairy's Tale afterwards. I'm going to fix that one completely.

All I ask is that if you read any of my story that you review this last chapter. Because now this story will continue making its way to the back of the fanfiction archives and will eventually be old, unwanted, and forgotten.

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The 'dirty' version of this story is posted at It is different from this story, but that is because it has more 'action' in it. My website will contain the 'dirty', 'clean', and my original story. Yes, this fanfiction did start of by inspiration from one of my original works. I hope to get it turned into an authentic manga one day! I practice my drawing everyday . There is no lemon at the end of this chapter, but if you keep up with the updates at there are lemons, plural. My pen name on is UnNoIzQoUmEi.

Now for the last chapter of our story. . .

Chapter 19: Twisted Emotions

Din awoke with a small yawn and the sun seeping through the closed blinds. The next thing she saw was a nude Link nestled into the pillows of the luxurious bed. Din smirked to herself. Link's eyes slowly opened. "Good morning, sleepy head," Din said, "Did you sleep well?" She began to brush her hand up and down his bare chest. "Want to repeat last night this morning?" She suggested.

Link abruptly sat up and looked around him. Wait a minute, why is Din still here? Where's Malon? Link found both his and Din's clothes strewn across the floor, along with the blindfold he was wearing last night. "Link, what's wrong?" She asked. Link pushed away her question, to him it wasn't important. Link tugged at the sheet and wrapped it around his muscular torso; he then searched the floor for his boxer shorts. He turned his back towards Din and dropped the towel, exposing his backside. He then stepped into his boxer shorts.

"Why are you putting them back on? You know I'm just gonna take them off again," Din said, now sitting up in the bed. She held the comforter to her chest as if she was trying to be modest.

Link sat back down onto the bed. Din crawled over to him, still naked, and began to massage his built shoulders. "You're tense," she said. "Where is Malon?" Link asked. Din stopped her kneading. Why does he care where she is? He's got me here. What can she do that I can't? Din continued her administrations to his shoulders. "She forfeit," Din said, "That means that I won."

Link stood up from the bed, quickly put his clothes on, and made his way to the large double doors. "Where are you going?" Din asked frantically. He had no response and left, leaving Din alone on the bed.

When Link finally made his way outside it was beginning to drizzle. He didn't care though; he had something, or someone, on his mind. He motioned to a taxi that pulled over. He opened the door and was about to step in. "Link, wait!" called a voice from behind him. He turned around to see who would dare bother him at such a critical time. He saw Din running towards him in her dress from last night. Her hair was sloppily thrown into a bun and her makeup old and running. It started to rain very hard as the sun was completely covered by clouds. There was no trace that there was a blue sky beyond the ominous grey clouds.

"Link, don't go," she pleaded. He ignored her and stepped into the cab. Din was fuming and stepped directly in front of the car so that her shins were touching the bumper. The taxi driver honked and yelled, but he couldn't get her to move. "You're going to have to hit me if you want me to leave," she threatened. Link rolled down the window and stuck his head out. "Get in the car," he said as a thunderclap was heard.

Din walked to the opposite side of the car and entered, closing the door behind her. She was soaked and her hair was falling out of her bun. "Where to?" the taxi driver asked. "13112 Hope Drive," Link responded. Din's face became sad and depressed looking. Link noticed this but didn't question her about it. "Link…" Link looked at the goddess sitting across from him in the taxi.

"When did she leave last night?" Link asked. "About an hour after you were blindfolded," Din said. She wasn't being the cocky bitch that she was at the moment. She realized that no matter what she did, Link would never be with her like that ever again. Link sighed. So that was Din I fucked. I guess at the moment I didn't care who it was. I was concentrating too much on my own release to realize that I made the biggest mistake in my life. God, I didn't even notice she was gone. That makes me feel even worse. I knew that it was her that was kissing me last night. It felt so wonderful and the type of pleasure was indescribable. Then that goddess got involved and threw me off. She made me feel lust and then I lost it. God, I hate myself. The rest of the taxi drive was spent in silence.

The taxi stopped. "Din, I want you to know that we will never be together again. And the truth is that I love Malon, I can only love Malon. When I'm with her she gives me wings and I fell as if I can accomplish anything in the world. It wouldn't be fair to you if we were together and my heart wasn't entirely in it. I'm sorry for hurting you," Link said. Tears rolled down Din's cheeks and she shook her head. "I knew it," she said, "I knew you were in love with Malon. I didn't want you to be. But no matter what I do I can't get you to love me, can I?" Link shook his head no. Din wiped the tears off of her face, they wouldn't stop. "I'm sorry," Link said, "When this contest started, I took it as a big joke. I never expected to actually fall in love with any one of you. To tell the truth, I went into this contest expecting to get laid. And that's exactly what I did. When the contest was drawing to a close I noticed my error. I'm not looking for that anymore. Last night I slipped up and maybe lost the thing that I have been searching for all my life. You find that special someone when you are least expecting it. And I just lost her."

Link reached over and gave Din one final hug. He slowly let her go and she wiped away the last tear on her cheek. "Go get your girl," she said with a small smile. Link smiled back at her, exited the taxi, and ran up the steps of the house. He anxiously knocked on the door and watched the taxi drive away. Din was looking out the back window at him. He gave her a slight wave and she returned it with an attempted smile. He watched the taxi until it disappeared when it turned left.

Link knocked on the door once more. He received no answer, she wasn't there. No, you have to be here. It's only five thirty in the morning. "You have to be here!" he cried as he pounded on the door. He looked down with his right fist still on the door. The rain poured down onto his body and all around him. Below his feet was her door mat. It read:

When all seems to fail, hope will always remain present.

Link lifted his head and turned to walk away from the house.


Malon's long overcoat was drenched from walking in the rain. She was still wearing her dress from last night and in her left hand she carried her high heels. She was right outside of the hotel and ran to get inside. When she entered she went straight for the elevator. The door opened and a crowd of people exited. She quickly stepped in it and pushed the button for the top floor. The doors shut, leaving her alone in the large elevator.

I don't care if he chooses her over me. I just have to tell him how I feel about him.

The elevator doors opened and she ran down the hall. When she got to the room she saw a cleaning cart placed right outside of the room and the door was propped open. She slowly walked into the room to find that the maids were getting the room ready for the next evening. He was gone. And she had no idea where he had gone to.


"Where are you, Malon?" Link asked himself. He continued to search for her throughout the morning. It was now 2 PM and still hasn't found her. He wanted to give up so many times, but there was something there that told him to keep searching. And that's what he did.


Malon looked behind her once more. I swear I thought I saw that guy already. She began to walk a little faster. As she did this she heard the footsteps behind her quicken. Shit, all I need now is to be abducted by some psycho. Malon froze in her tracks. She saw the person she was least likely to see. Link… Just before she made an attempt to get his attention and leap into his arms a hand covered her mouth as she screamed. Before she knew it she blacked out from a fume they had on their glove.


"Where is the bitch?" the feminine voice questioned. The tall man tossed a body bag onto the bed. The female's smile widened. "Good work," she said, "We'll be ready in no time." She waltzed up to the bed and unzipped the bag to reveal an unconscious Malon. "Prepare her body for the body change. Link will never be able to tell the difference," she laughed to herself. Life is good, when you are a goddess, that is.


The goddess gave herself one last look in the mirror. It worked. I look just like her! Now all I have to do is get Link to run into me. I'm ingenious. She carefully picked up Malon's ripped dress from the bed and slipped it on. She then matted her hair down to make it appear that she had been in the rain all day long. She smirked. "Jake, put that wench into the car. We're going hunting."

The goddess finally located Link. So, he'll be passing by here in five minutes. She opened the door to a bar and entered. She was soaking wet, for the rain had not stopped since early this morning. The forecast was to be like this up until this coming weekend. She pulled out a bar stool and ordered herself a drink. She looked at her watch. Two minutes… She then readied herself. Matted down hair, check. Ripped dress, check. Smeared make up, check. Artificial tears, check. She then anxiously waited for Link to walk by outside.

He approached the bar and peered into it. He was thinking of getting something to drink himself. He then saw what he thought he would never see again…Malon. He did a double take and saw her smiling back at him. He had never seen her smile quite like that before, but what did it matter now that he had found her. He entered the bar and made his way to his true love, or so he thought.


Malon (AN-The real one) stirred and slowly opened her eyes. She found herself in a luxurious limo. She hadn't remembered that she was kidnapped. She slowly sat up and made her way over to the door. It was locked, from the outside. It all came back to her as she remembered being followed by a strange man. Then she saw it. Link inside of a bar hugging…herself. Who is that? "Link!" she cried. He couldn't hear her. She began to call for him louder and pounded on the car window. He still didn't hear her. The rain was so loud she thought that not even an angel could hear her. How could this happen to me? Malon curled her knees to her chest and began to cry.


"Uh-oh, my key isn't here," the imposter said, "I must have lost it sometime this morning." "Don't you keep an extra?" Link asked. "No, you see, I have never lost anything in my entire life. I figured that I wouldn't need one." The false Malon shivered. "You're going to catch cold if we stay out in the rain much longer," Link said. He held her tight to his chest and thought to himself. He let go of Malon and motioned to her to stand back. He kicked in the door and entered the house bringing in all the water with him. After he and Malon were inside he put the door back in its place. He set a piece of furniture in front of it so that it wouldn't move.

"Why don't you get something dry on," Link said. "I'll get you something to wear as well," she said. Malon disappeared up the stairs. When she got up there she realized that it was a loft and not the bed room. Where is the bedroom, Malon. Think. She came back down the stairs and Link gave her a questioning look. "Oh, I thought I had some extra clothes up there, but I put them away yesterday," she said with a chuckle.

Five minutes later Malon came back with a t-shirt and flannel pants for Link, and a tank top and pajama shorts for herself. "Malon," Link said. Malon looked at him, "Where is your bathroom?" "Oh, it's right there," Malon said as she pointed to a door. I think…

Link opened the door and saw the laundry room. It was very tidy, but he needed the bathroom. "Malon, this isn't the bathroom…" "Oh, I meant that door,"

Once again Link opened the door but found a small library with a baby grand piano inside. Link looked over at Malon. "Are you sure you're feeling all right?" he questioned her. "Yeah, I'm just out of it," she said. Link walked into the kitchen. He then noticed a door to the left of the kitchen. He opened it and found the bathroom. "Never mind, Malon, I found it,"

"Oh, okay," she said. While he was in the bathroom she took the opportunity to figure out where everything was. He probably thinks that I'm really out of it now. She heard the bathroom door open and she called for Link.

"Do you need something?" he asked her. "Yeah, I was just wondering if you could come and sit with me on the couch," she said. Her voice was seductive-like. Link was deep in thought so he did not notice the change in her voice. He came and sat down next to her just like she asked. She snuggled up close to him and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Malon," Link said. "Hm," ", are you sure that you are okay with me? I mean, you're not upset?" "Upset about what? You sleeping with Din? No, of course not, I chose to leave," she said.

That's not like Malon. Malon placed her lips to Link's. She pulled away. "Besides, you can make it up to me right now," she said as she began to pull her tank top off over her head. Link stopped her. "No, we need time to think about this. Or, I need time to think about this," Link said standing up from the couch. "I think it's best if we take a cool off time," Link said. "Well, if you find it best…" Malon trailed off. Damn it, this isn't supposed to happen! If the 'real' Malon was here he wouldn't be saying this to her! "I do," he said, "I'll come back Wednesday and we can talk more about this," he stated and made his way to the door. He exited and stood in the pouring rain. Why is she acting so differently? She's never done that sort of thing before. She's given me head, we made out for an hour at the club but we didn't do anything like strip, and at the breakfast house we played 'footsie'. She had never made an attempt to go all the way with me or take off her shirt. Not even last night. I should have known that it was Din. Not that I would mind seeing her without her shirt. No wait, stop, focus. He had gotten side tracked. Sure he wanted every part of Malon, but she had never offered it to him. I guess that's what made him want her even more. He began to walk down the street and made his way to somewhere, anywhere, that he could get out of the rain.


"Link! Don't leave me! Please, come back!" she cried as she ran towards his dark figure. He couldn't hear her. "Link! No!" she fell to her knees and began to weep. Then she saw it, it was herself, holding Link's hand. The other her looked at her and snickered. "Link is mine, and there is nothing you can do to escape your fate," it said to her. She pulled Link into a kiss and once again looked at the weeping girl. She began to pull Link farther and farther away from her until she could no longer find him. The girl holding Link's hand then suddenly transformed into a demon which captured Link and tormented him. He then saw his true love and was unable to reach her.

"No!" Link quickly sat up in bed. He was sweating and his heart pounding. It was only a dream. But what did it mean? He got up out of bed and splashed some water onto his hot face.


"Where is she?" the goddess roared. "I don't know," Farore said, "the last I saw her was two nights ago, but she didn't say anything about leaving." "She cannot possibly be in the heavens, she must be below," Din said, "Why is she there? She has not been sent or summoned." Din quickly sorted the information in her mind. "Farore, did she say anything about seeing Link?" Din asked. "No, she said nothing, just as I told you before," Farore said, "she told me she was going to Earth to help with the last round of the contest and she hasn't been home since." "When she was eliminated did she seem upset?" Din asked. "Not that anyone could notice, but she did seem unusually reserved," Farore said. "She's up to no good," Din said.

Din exited the conference room and made her way for the FG room. Farore closely followed behind her. Din placed her hand on an identity device and the door opened after scanning her hand. "Din, we are not supposed to be in here without the other god's consent," Farore warned. "This is an emergency, Farore, and besides we are the rulers of the heavens. Don't you think it's uncanny we cannot access any room we want?"

"Farore, start up the Future Globe," Din ordered.

The Future Globe, or FG, was something that the heavens used to look into the future. The only time one was permitted to use this powerful tool was if the universe was at risk to being destroyed. It has only been used once since the universe was created. Though Farore, Din, and Nayru were the top goddesses in the heavens, they were not permitted to use the Future Globe without the permission of one of the elders as well as the sages.

Farore obeyed and stepped out of the way so that Din could get the job done. She began to type in information into the main database of the Globe. She distinctively pushed the enter button and the information was sent. After a moment of processing the triforce appeared on the projector screen. It showed Malon and Link sitting on a bench at a park. Nearby was a stroller with what appeared to be twins inside. A teenage girl sat next to Link and a young boy sat next to Malon. "Aw, is that Link's family," Farore said as she admired the happy couple. "It's supposed to be," Din said, unsure of the image being displayed on the projector screen. Out of curiosity Din pushed the enter button again.

It showed Malon's tombstone and another in her place. Only, Link and the family were not so happy looking. "What the crap does this mean! I hate mysterious crap!" Din yelled. "Do you think Nayru has something to do with this?" Farore said. "You know what," Din said, "she just might."


Malon awoke once again, only this time she was no longer in the limo. She was instead in what seemed to be a damp basement, only she was strapped to a table. Her immediate reaction was panic, but she calmed herself down. In the distance she heard someone talking and listened in on their conversation.

"Wat do ya wan me ta do wit da girl……………………….No, she's here right now……………………………When do ya wan me ta finish da job………………………………So after yous gets this guy to fall into yur trap………………………Yeah, one last question…………………How do ya wan her killed………………………All right, I'll have some fun wit it."


Din pulled the GTD, or Goddess Transportable Device, out of her bag. She pushed a side button and a radar type screen appeared. There was a large F and D on the screen. "What does the F and D stand for, Din?" Farore asked. "The F is you, this is your location on the radar. The D is me and the N is Nayru. Nayru isn't being displayed. She must be further away than I had expected," Din said. She then typed something into the keyboard section of the device. A red blinking dot then appeared. "What is that?" Farore once again questioned. "That is Link's current location," Din typed another piece of information into the device and two blue blinking dots appeared. "That's weird," Din said. "What, what's so weird?" Farore asked. "There is only one Malon, so there should only be one blue dot," Din said, "this one is closer, way closer, to Link, and this one is farther away." "Which one is the real Malon?" Farore asked. "I don't know," Din replied.


They knocked on Malon's front door. "Coming," called a voice from inside. When the imposter spotted the faces of Din and Farore she knew they were suspicious. "Oh, hi you guys, I wasn't expecting you," she said shakily. "We weren't expecting you to be expecting us," Farore said. "We just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing," Din said as she looked behind Malon's shoulder and into the house. "Oh, I'm great. But, you see, I really got to go, Link is upstairs waiting for me. I don't want to keep him waiting too long," Malon said searching for any excuse to make them go away. She couldn't get these two involved; it would ruin everything she has worked for, that is, since she came up with the idea for the contest. "Well, okay. Good luck," Din said as Malon almost too quickly shut the door.

Din pulled the GTD out of her pocket. "Look, Link isn't inside the house. He's over here. Now I'm really wondering what's up," Din said as she looked at Farore. Her face was glazed over with a worried expression.


They approached the second blue dot, but as they were on top of it they couldn't seem to find it. "It says she's right here, but, I don't see anything but a bunch of dumpsters," Din said as she looked at the surrounding area. "Farore, I have a feeling that there's more here than meets the eye," They then both began to scout the surrounding area, looking for any clues that could possibly lead to a hidden entrance. After hours of searching they both ended up in the middle of the alley again. "I found nothing," Farore said. "Yeah, me neither," Din said. They both heard the running of water and looked down to find a sewage opening. They looked back up at each other and both knew what the other was thinking. After the lid was opened, the two girls climbed down into the dark sewer.

"Yuck, it smells!" Farore said. "Well what would you expect it to smell like, a bed of roses?" Din sarcastically said. It was dark in the tunnel, with only a few lights spread out throughout it. "So, why would anybody be down here?" Farore questioned. "Because they're hiding something," Din said. She was hot on their trail. She suspected she had a pretty good idea of what was going on. "Wait," Din said as she stretched out her hand so that Farore couldn't proceed. As they crouched down they watched a shadow on the wall walk by. It appeared to be the figure of a man.

They watched him as he walked through the sewer, seeming to know his way around. Din knitted her eyebrows together. Another man appeared from the shadows. "Hey, Jake," He said from the other side. "What?" The man said. "Wheredya wan me ta put dis Malon gurl?" The clumsier one said. Farore gasped. But this gasp, echoed throughout the walls of the sewer. Din gave her a death glare as the two men found out that someone was on their trail.

Jake walked in the direction from which the gasp came. Din quickly searched through her bag for something, anything, that would make them disappear. She quickly found just the tool. She grabbed onto Farore and pressed a green button. Jake turned the corner and peered into the very spot in which they were previously sitting. His face was mere inches away from Farore and she could feel his hot breath on her cheek, luckily she and Din were invisible. But the downside was, it only worked for one minute.

"Antony," Jake called, his face still inches away from Farore. "Wat?"

"Get the girl, we are finding a new location," Jake said as he began to walk away. Time was ticking and they only had thirty seconds remaining.

Jake spun back around and walked back over to their spot. He put his face right in front of Farore's. It was as if he was looking at her right in the eye. "Don't get involved," he said, once again leaving.

Just as he and Antony turned the corner. The two goddesses returned to their visible state. Farore's breath was heavy and ragged. "Did he see us?" She questioned Din.

"No," Din said. "He merely felt our presence."


The false Malon slowly shut the door to Link's bedroom and stared at the young man, sleeping in his bed. She walked over to the side and sat down on the ground, next to him. She brushed her hand through his hair as he shifted his position.

His eyes opened and he found himself staring Malon in the eyes. "Malon," he said, still half asleep.

She began to cry. "Oh, Link," She cried as she gripped his arm and buried her face in his side. "Never leave me again." He sat up in bed holding her close to his chest. "I had an awful dream that you left me, and we couldn't find each other," she cried.

Was this the Malon he loved? What if she was just having an emotionally hard time? What if she wasn't herself because of him, because she was scared of losing him? He took her face and wiped away her false tears. He looked into her eyes, searching for the girl he loved, but couldn't find her. This is Malon. He told himself over and over again, trying to get himself to believe that she was.

"Link," she said. "I want to show you something." She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him off the bed.

"Malon," he said, not budging. "It's 2:30 in the morning."

"I don't care what time it is, this is really important to me," she pouted.

"If it is a way that I can make it up to you, I will go," he said standing up from the bed.

She led him out of his house and headed for her destination, his death.


"Come on, Farore!" Din said. "Run faster!" They continued to run through the tunnels of the sewer, chasing the two men. Din knew the man named Jake, he was a demon. Although, his real name wasn't Jake, it was Malice.

Din saw Jake's back as he ran ahead of them. "Stop, Malice!" Din shouted. "I know what's going on!"

He continued to run, but spat out this comment, "Ha! You think that I'm going to listen to you!"

Surprisingly he stopped as Din and Farore caught up to him. Tired and out of breath, Din said, "Give Malon back." Malice just stood there with an amused expression on his face. Din shot out her goddess powers at him, but they were weak and he deflected them. She stared at her hands. What is wrong?

"Din," Farore said. "Leave Malice to me. Go get Malon and bring him to Link before it is too late." Farore stood there with realization of what was truly going on. Din shot her an opposing comment, but Farore matched hers. Din nodded at her and began to run forward, in hopes of retrieving the woman Link loved.

There they stood, goddess to demon, enemy to enemy, lover to lover.

"You disgust me, Malice," Farore said as she spit at his demonic feet.

"Ah, but you didn't think so several years ago," Malice said. "As I recall, you rather enjoyed me. He stepped up to her and held her face. "Didn't you?"

She pushed his hand to the side. "I know what's going on," she said. "And if you think you can increase your demonic powers by taking Nayru's side, you thought wrong."

"On the contrary, I already think they have increased," he said as he lifted her off the ground with his new powers.

She struggled to get free of his powers. I don't understand. My powers are fading.

"Give up, Farore, before I take you to hell with me," he teased.

Farore stayed stranded in the air with her eyes shut. Din, I need your goddess powers. Please, I know it will have its effects on you, but do it. Do it for Link's happiness.

Farore knew that Din hesitated. For if she lent Din her powers, she would slowly vanish into nothing. Moments later, an aura of pure energy engulfed Farore as she broke free of Malice's grip. She knelt on the ground staring up into his eyes.

"Why did you leave me, Farore?" Malice questioned as he approached her.

"Don't come near me, Malice," she warned. "I should ask the same question." The pure energy pulsed around her as she stood head-to-head with her rival. "Nayru used you, and you fell for it," she said. "Now I care nothing for you."

"You never were a good liar," Malice said as he prepared himself for a battle.

After a minute of intense silence Farore charged Malice head on as they braced themselves for the battle of their lives.


Din found the room with Malon strapped to the table. "Malon!" Din cried. "Din!" Malon said in tears. She didn't care that it was Din who had rescued her. "Please help me, Din," Malon cried.

Din came over to the table and began to undo the straps that were holding Malon down.

"Hey, wat do ya think you're doin'?" A gruff voice asked her. She quickly turned around.

She went to raise her hand at him to shoot at him some of her powers, but quickly remembered that she was no more powerful than a mere mortal. "Did Jake send ya ova here? I guess two is beta then one," He said as he approached Din with his mouth hanging open with lust. She felt around behind her for something to use. She then gripped onto a metal pipe as she waited for him to come into range. "Come here snookers," he said as he kissed her lustfully. Din took the opportunity and hit him as hard as she could on the head. He collapsed to the floor, dead.

She then returned to her previous task of freeing Malon.


He pinned her up against the wall.

"You can't kill me, Malice," Farore said, "You also, can't make me bleed."

"No, I can't, but I can make you suffer," He said as he pressed his lips to hers.

Farore pushed away his face with a blast of her power. They both sat on the floor, tired and out of breath. Farore's tear streamed down her face. "How could you do that to me?" She cried. "I loved you!" He scooted closer to her and placed her face against his chest. She cried the hardest she ever had into his chest. "I loved you!" She cried again.

He brushed his hand through her long hair as they sat there together in one another's embrace. "I loved you just as much, Farore," he said. She looked up at him. "Then why?" He didn't respond.

"I'm sorry," he said as he knocked her over the head, leaving her there, unconscious.


Din and Malon struggled together as they searched for a way out. Din pulled the GTD out of her pocket. Farore was on the map, very close to them. "She's this way," Din said pointing the in the direction she was referring to. They turned the corner and found Farore sitting up against the wall. "He got away," she said.

"Malice told me what was going on," Farore said. "There isn't much time left, we must hurry."

As they continued to make their way out Din continued to look at Farore. Malice had caused Farore much pain after he left her. He denied her after they stood before the elders; he left her standing there all alone. Later, she found out that he was with her sister, Nayru. Din pushed the old memories to the back of her head as she remembered that there was another problem at hand.


"Come, Link," Malon said. "It's right over here."

"Where are you taking me?" He questioned. Malon stopped. They were in the middle of a field. A very large open field. "Hold me, Link," Malon said. He did as he was instructed. A wind came and circled around them. Link found this very comforting and closed his eyes. Slowly, tombstones began to form around him and the false Malon, spreading from where they stood and moving outward.

"Link!" the real Malon called. She, Din, and Farore located him and had finally found him. Only, he was in the arms of another girl. "What's going on?" She asked Din as the wind grew fiercer and more tombstones appeared.

"Give up, Malon!" the false yelled. "As long as Link is in my embrace he cannot hear you! I have long awaited this day. The day that I would take Link with me. There is no flaw to this plan, it is impossible to stop me!"

Malon's hair was being strewn in every direction as she witnessed her Link be sucked in by this woman's trap.

"Nayru, stop this!" Din called. "Must you do this?" Malon looked at Din. "Nayru?" Din looked away.

"You heard your sister, Nayru, stop," said a familiar voice.

"Malice, you traitor," Nayru said. "It is too late, not even you can stop me! I gave you your power. You got what you wanted, now be gone!"

The wind continued to pick up as more tombstones appeared throughout the field. Farore looked at Malice through wet eyes. "Farore, I'm sorry that I ever left you. I hurt you and I'm sorry. When we went to talk to the elders about our relationship, I fled. I was scared of punishment, scared of losing you." Malice explained.

"Then why, why, did you go with Nayru?" Farore cried.

"Because, I wanted more power. I wanted the power to get rid of the elders, so that we could be happily together. Isn't that what you wanted to?" Farore shook her head. "But I never wanted a monster!" Farore cried.

Meanwhile, as Farore and Malice sorted through their past, Malon ran up to Link. Nayru was no longer in Malon's form, but herself. Malon grabbed onto Link's arm and cried out his name. Nayru smirked. "You planned this from the beginning!" Malon cried.

"Don't bother," Nayru said. "He cannot hear you, and besides, any second now he will be dragged down with me."

"No!" Malon cried as Nayru and Link began to descend into the ground. "Link!"

From the side shot a blast of entwined demonic and pure energy. The blast began to push at Nayru as she was slowly losing grip of Link. "What is this!" Nayru cried. "Why is this happening! I am supposed to be unstoppable!" She cried as she realized her defeat. Link was released from her grasp as she slowly dissolved in front of everyone's eyes. Link collapsed to the floor and Malon held him tightly in her grip.

She cried and cried. She felt no pulse from him. Nayru had sucked the life out of him. "No, Link," Malon cried. "Come back!" She sobbed as she pressed her face into his chest.

Underneath her check she felt his heart flutter. It slowly became steady pulse as Link opened his eyes. "Malon,"

"Oh, Link!" she cried as she sat with him in the field, still covered with tombstones.

From the side Farore wept as another would soon be passing on. "Din," Farore said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "It's my entire fault. I shouldn't have asked you for your powers," Farore cried as she held Din's cold hand. "No, it's not your fault. If I didn't give you my powers we wouldn't have been able to stop Nayru, Link would have died, and both of us would have perished. It was worth it, now my Link is happy," Din said as she closed her eyes for the last time. Farore cried, "She became mortal so that Link could live a happy life," she explained to Malice. Farore wept as Malice held her in his embrace.

"Malon," Link said still lying in the field. "I heard you crying for me." He said.

"Yes, yes I was," Malon said.

"It was just like my dream that I had," Link said as he remembered his dream from the previous night. "Malon, I'm so sorry."

"Never mind," She said as they she sat with Link in the field.


"Well, I guess this is goodbye," Malon said looking at Farore. "I'm sure that Din would have wanted you to start a new heaven. One that is not corrupt."

"Yes," Farore said. "She would have."

"I hope that you and Malice find happiness together," Malon said.

"We hope the same for you and Link," Farore said as she and Malice disappeared, returning to a new heaven.

Malon and Link held hands as they walked through the filed. They stopped at one of the grave markers. "Look, Malon, your names is on this one," Link said.

Slowly another marker made its way next to it. "And yours is next to mine," Malon said. Slowly more grave markers appeared with what the concluded was their descendent's names. They both smiled as they walked away from the field. As they exited the filed onto the path the grave markers vanished and the field returned to the way it was before. "That was one, twisted story," Link said. Malon playfully punched him in the arm as they walked away together, hand in hand, as the sun began to rise signaling a new day.



Unknown Saiyan