
It was another regular day in Domino Town. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. It was business as usual. Or at least everyone thought that was the case. None of them knew the dark truth. A stranger walked among the residents of the peaceful city. This shady person cloaked in secrecy and veiled in darkness walked down the street with only one thought in their mind. To accomplish the task they needed to finally have the necessary power to conquer the world. Walking along at a suspiciously slow gait, they either didn't notice or didn't care when they ran into random people on the street. One man was most upset upon being shouldered by the character, and grabbed him to tell him off about it.

"Hey, buddy! Why don't watch where you're g-"

The man never got to finish his sentence, as upon looking into the eyes of the hooded man, he lost his power of speech. He then grabbed his throat and slowly sunk to the ground, his face twisted in horror as he was slowly having his breath robbed from him. That...and his mortal soul. The hooded figure's gaze never left the man until his eyes glazed over and he slumped to the ground dead, strangled to death and soul taken from him. But the man would have no marks to indicate it to the coroner, as the hooded figure had not used his hands to commit the crime. The figure looked down at its simple victim for only a matter of seconds after it was done, then went back to the task before them, leaving the man to be discovered by some other pathetic human.

The figure only walked another city block before reaching its destination. He smiled slightly, his eyes narrowing slightly. The eyes the man whom it had killed had had to look into while he died. Those blood red orbs that swam with all the souls it had collected over the milleniums that had passed, which now contained his. It chuckled quietly to itself as it jumped into a tree near the place it had traveled so far to come to. The place where its plans of world domination would start to come together. Domino High School.

Chapter 1

Yugi and Joey sat in their classroom having another duel just for fun whilst Tristan, Téa and Bakura watched. Yugi was winning the duel as usual, but only by a slight margin. Joey truly had become a better duelist ever since he and Yugi swept the Duelist Kingdom Tournament so long ago, and he only continued to get better over time. It was currently his turn and he was confident that he had the duel won. The field consisted of Joey having one card face down in one of his Magic/Trap slots on his field. Yugi had his Giant Solider of Stone in defensive mode, his Dark Magician in Attack Mode and one card face down on his field. Joey drew a card from his deck, and smiled ruefully as he looked to Yugi.

"Heh, take a look at this, Yuge. Sorry to say it, but it looks like I'm gonna win this one, bud." he said smugly.

"We'll see, Joey. Make your move." Yugi replied calmly.

"Okay. You asked for it, Yuge," he said pulling a card from his hand. "I play Last Day of Witch."

"'Last Day of Witch'?" Yugi asked quizzically.

"Yeap. It's a Magic card that allows me to send all the Magic-user monsters my opponent has on the field to the Graveyard. Say buh-bye to your Dark Magician." Joey replied smiling.

"My. That's a pretty powerful card, then." Bakura commented.

"You bet." Joey replied. "And that's not all I'm doing this turn. I'm summoning Yamadron in Attack Mode, and powering it up with my face down card, Salamandra. I think I'll use it to take out your Giant Solider of Stone."

"Wow, Joey. That combo would take him out too, if I didn't have this Trap card waiting for your Yamadron."

"Wha?! You had a Trap card waitin'?!"

"Yup. My favorite one, Mirror Force! That sends any attack launched at me right back at you, so that would destroy your Yamadron and switching my Stone Solider to Attack Mode will take your Life Points down to zero. I win."

"Aw, man. I never win against you."

"That's why he's the King of Games, and you're just his entourage." Tristan teased.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Tristan. You think you're a real comedian."

"Sure do."

"Well, I don't think your jokes are funny."

"Well, you've got a messed up sense of humor."

"Aww, come on, you guys. Knock it off." Yugi said getting up from his spot at the table. "You dueled very well, Joey. It's nothing to be mad about. You really did almost beat me. That new Magic card you've got is powerful."

"Yeah. I just got it yesterday in that pack of cards I managed to buy from your Grandpa. I'm really glad he let me have it."

"I'm surprised he let you have it, given your tab's broken the $500 mark." Téa said.

"Heh. It's because he likes me so much."

"That and you promised to help in the store until you've paid it off. Starting today, remember?" Yugi said.

"Oh, yeah." Joey said sadly. "I forgot about that."

With that development, class started and everyone took their seats. The teacher stood at the head of the class and looked very excited.

"Today, class," he began, "we have a new student joining us. She's transferred here from the Mid-West, and will be staying here in Domino from now on."

With that, the door opened and a girl walked in. She was slightly tall, and cut a slender figure. She had long, white hair that came all the way down to her feet and had the end of it tied with a pink bow to match the Domino school uniform for the girls. She was very pretty and had the palest blue eyes anyone had ever seen. As she walked to the front of the classroom, the gaze of almost every boy in the room followed her, but none more so than Joey and Bakura. She stopped right beside the teacher and bowed respectfully to the class.

"Good morning. My name is Rayne Misaro. I'm actually from here in Domino. I moved to America when I was ten, but my parents decided to move back. It's nice to meet you all."

"Do any of you have questions for Rayne about her time in America?" the teacher asked.

Instantly, the hand of every boy in the class went up except for a few. Joey was practically jumping out of his chair to have his hand raised higher than the others to get noticed, which was what caught Rayne's attention.

"Umm.That guy with his hand raised really high," she said pointing to Joey.

"Heh. Uh, where, uh, did you live in, uh." he stuttered.

"Where did I used to live?" she corrected him. "I lived in Ohio. It was an okay place to live, except in the winter. It gets really cold, like ten below. We got a lot of snow too, but I like the snow, so I didn't mind that so much. But I've not only just lived there in America. I've been everywhere, plus I've been on almost every continent in the world. Um, the guy with the white hair in the back," she said calling on Bakura.

"How's high school different here than where you lived last?" he asked.

"Well, one thing is that most high schools over there don't require you to wear uniforms. Only vocational schools and private schools do, but there are a few that require it that are public, mostly elementary, but some are high schools. You can usually wear anything you want as long as it follows the dress code."

The class was surprised by this as hardly ever heard of a high school that didn't require uniforms, and some seemed jealous of the fact the kids over there didn't have to wear uniforms day in, day out. The rest of the morning was spent asking Rayne questions about the town she lived in, her favorite color, what music she listened to, and more intellectual questions asked by the girls of the class, like if she's ever been to the nation's capitol and such.

By the time all the questions had been answered, it was time for lunch. All the kids filed out and the boys made an instant ring around Rayne, asking her whether she'd like some of his lunch or if she wanted to go out sometime by some of the bolder ones. She shooed them all away when they got outside, but not before she received five phone numbers and refused to give hers out at least twice as much. She sat on a wall to eat her lunch in peace while all the boys watched from afar. This included Joey and Bakura, who were staring at her intently while Yugi and the others tried to snap them out of it.

"Hey, Joey. You're going to burn a hole in her if you keep staring at her like that," Tristan said.

"Yeah, the same with you, Bakura." Yugi commented while waving his hand in front of Bakura's face.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help it," he said sheepishly.

"Yeah. She's just too pretty not to look at," Joey said dreamily. "And she's so interesting...and pretty."

"I'll admit, she did have a pretty cool back story," Téa voiced. "It must have been nice to do everything she has. But if you two like her so much, why don't you go over there and talk to her?"

"Well, I don't think they have to now, Téa. She's coming over here," Yugi noticed.

Indeed, Rayne had left her seat on the wall and was walking over to the group of friends. Joey and Bakura instantly turned a brilliant shade of red, much like cherries. Rayne smiled at them all fondly as she stopped in front of them and extended her hand to Yugi.

"Hello. You're in my class, aren't you?" she asked sweetly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Yugi Muto," he responded, accepting her hand blushing.

"Nice to meet you, Yugi."

"I'm Téa, and this is Tristan." Téa told her. "We're in your class, too."

"Oh! It's a pleasure, then. I'm so happy to be back in Domino. It's been a really long time. I'm glad my family decided to move back and stay here from now on. But I came over to ask a question. Are you the Yugi Muto that won the Duelist Kingdom 'Duel Monsters' Tournament?" she asked.

"Why, yes, I am."

"And I came in second!" Joey added.

"Wow, that's great!" she said excitedly. "So that must mean you're the ones I've been hearing so much about."

"I guess. You know we all play, but only Joey and I have won anything from it. Another boy in our class, Seto Kaiba, he plays as well."

"I know all about him. The former Champion, holder of the only three Blue Eyes White Dragons in the world. He was the one you beat to begin with. That really started your career, did it not?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that." Yugi responded.

"Well, I was wondering if either of you would like to duel sometime, but I guess I can extend the invitation to all of you. I'm quite the avid duelist myself, but the place where I used to live hardly had any duelists."

"Sure! That would be great. I'd be happy to have a duel with you, Rayne." Bakura said happily.

"Me too! Me too!" Joey piped in.

"Of course we would. In fact, why don't we go inside and have a duel now?" Yugi suggested.

"Yeah! That would be nice," Rayne agreed happily.

They all were going back inside when a basketball sailed over their heads. Joey noticed it and watched it hit the ground and started rolling away. A kid asked for some help, so being the nice guy he was, Joey went to go get it.

"I'll be in there in a second, you guys. Just going to give that kid back his ball."

"Oh, okay. Hurry up, Joey." Yugi told him.

"Sure thing, Yuge," he responded.

Joey ran after the ball, which had rolled through some bushes. As he went through, he saw the ball under a tree. It was cradled in some roots that had grown above ground and sat there. Joey trotted over to it and picked it up, noticing the tree for the first time.

"Huh. I've never really looked at this tree before. Lucky it was here, otherwise this ball might've went in the street."

Rustling from above caught Joey's attention. He looked up expecting to see a squirrel or something, but whatever it happened to be was being blocked from his line of sight by the tree's leafy canopy.

"Maybe it's a bird or somethin'." he mumbled trying hard to see what it was.

That was when a hooded face broke through the leaves, and stared back at Joey with its blood red eyes. Joey stepped back in shock and dropped the ball. The figure dropped down from the tree and began advancing on Joey.

"Joey..Wheeler." it said in a raspy voice.

"Who.What the heck are you?!" Joey yelled steadily backing away.

"You.will come.with me."

"Wha? No way!"

"You choice!"

It lunged at Joey and latched onto him with unrelenting power. Joey struggled hard against the figure, but the grip was too strong. Joey punched his assailant in what should have been his stomach, but only met a hard surface that he almost broke his hand on. The figure in return scratched wildly at Joey's face with sharp claws and accidentally ripped his jacket. Joey, realizing the guy really only had a good grip on the sleeve of the jacket, somehow slipped out of it and began to run off, but the figure's eyes glowed crimson and Joey stopped dead in his tracks. He was lifted off the ground being surrounded by a red light and floated back the hooded figure. It pulled out an envelope and threw it on the ground on top of Joey's torn jacket. It then grabbed Joey and began to levitate with him.

"The pharaoh.will come.for you," it said darkly in its raspy voice. " will.begin."

With that, there was a brilliant flash and both the figure and Joey were gone, leaving only the torn jacket and the envelope behind. The envelope, which the figure had been careful to check to see that it was not damaged before leaving, had a message scrawled on the front of it. It said: "To Yugi Muto".