Yamika- Sadly, dear readers this is the last chapter of, "What is Love." Miako and me decided that we would end this story and we are going to start another one!

Miako- Yep! And we aren't gunna tell you readers anything about it!! Oh and we stole lots of money from our boss!

Yamika- This is the last chapter and still we don't own anything.

What is love?

Chapter 12- The last chapter-Happy ending!

Izumi kept on thinking about Kouji while she worked. During her free time she drifted off thinking about Kouji. When she snapped back to reality she noticed that she's been writing Kouji over and over again on a piece of paper. A friend of hers noticed that and grinned at her, while Izumi tried to hide it puts an innocent face on.

Back in her cubicle, she tried to concentrate on her work. Once in a while Kouji would walk pass by and Izumi would squeal for joy. And other employees would wonder if that a pig is in their company.

Izumi finally got her work done and sat down in her chair relaxing, when suddenly a big bird sound went " BEEP! TWEET!! YOU GOT SOME FREAKING E-MAIL FROM SOME FREAKING FRIEND OF YOURS!!!" It came from her computer. People stared.

" I still wonder why I installed that e-mail detector," muttered Izumi as she opened her e-mail. To her surprise it was from her friends, Kashi and Tashi! " Kashi and Tashi!" It was a voice mail.

" To you one of our bestest friends!" came Kashi's voice.

" Kashi there is no such thing as bestest!" came her twin's voice.

" Darn is the recoding thing still on?"

" Yes."

" Do you know what this means?"

" Umm. Kashi you just said a word wrong. what's the big deal?"

" Tashi!! This is a crisis I said one word wrong it means a lot to me!! My whole life I never spoke a single word wrong until now!"

Izumi sweat dropped as she continued to listen.

" Um. Kashi can we please continue?"

" Yes we may"

" So Izumi how's it going?"

" We're doing perfectly fine!!!" came a loud Kashi's voice.

" Ow!!! You trying to break my ear drum??"

" We got great news!!"

" We're coming to visit!"

" To your city!"

" We're coming on a."

" We're not telling and How is it with you and"

" Kouji?"

" Are you two MARRIED yet?"

" See you!" said the two in unison and the voice message ended. (I not totally sure if there are voice messages but this is a fanfic!)

Izumi jumped for joy! She quickly ran to Kouji's cubicle and hugged him tightly, causing Kouji to blush madly. " KASHI AND TASHI ARE COMING!!!" squealed Izumi.

" Oh really?"

" YUP!!"

" When?"

" I don't know." Kouji sweat dropped.

~~~*~~~Three weeks past~~~*~~~

" Izumi are you sure they weren't playing a prank on us?" asked Kouji.

" NO they won't lie to me!!"

" You know it's hard to tell. I mean we haven't seen then for so long. If you don't count the movies."

" Oh! Kouji can you stop that!!"

" Well, since they're still not here, umm... why... don't... we go... out.tonight?"

" Are you asking me out,,, on a date?" Izumi blushed. Kouji blushed and nodded. " Oh!! Kouji you look so kawaii when you blush!" Kouji blushed harder.

" So. can you?"

" Umm. Of course I can Kouji-kun!" She gave him a small peck on the cheek and said,

" What time?"

" Tonight at 7, I go to your place to pick you up. Ok?"

" Ok. and where are we going to?"

" Umm. you'll know," said Kouji still blushing.

" See ya at seven!!"

~~~*~~~At Izumi's House~~~*~~~

Kouji went to Izumi's front door and rang the doorbell. A lady about forty years old opened the door and said, " You must be Kouji!" She smiled. " Oh Izumi!! Your boyfriend is here!!" Kouji blushed. Mrs.Orimoto turned to Kouji and said, " Well you're a pretty handsome young man. so when are you Izumi planning to get married?" She said delightedly with a small giggle.

Kouji was just about to make up a reply but was saved when Izumi came out. " Bye Mother!" " Bye Mrs.Orimoto"

They first went to the movies, and then they went to a restaurant to have dinner. After that Kouji drove them up the near by mountain where you can see the whole city. They got out of the car and sat on a large rock, starring at the shimmering glittering stars. After starring at the stars for a bit they started gazing at each other's eyes.

" Izumi have I ever told you that your eyes are very beautiful."

" No, I don't. You do, Kouji-kun! Your dark blue eyes are so beautiful I can stare at them all day."

" I could do the same." They pull into a kiss.

Hiding behind some bushes was Kashi and Tashi who had arrived for two weeks already had been spying on the two. Tashi was filming the romantic scene. Suddenly they saw an angry Junpei holding a big glass bottle heading right for Kouji and Izumi.

" Oh no" whispered Kashi. She took out her lasso and threw one end at Junpei, caught him and pulled him to their hiding place. Tashi stuff something into his mouth to keep Junpei from making any noises and continued on filming. Kashi then hit Junpei with a baseball bat and finally knocked him out on the twentieth time.

Kouji broke their long kiss and took something out of his pocket. (Guess what it is?) Izumi looked at what he took out and gasp. It was a diamond ring, an engagement ring. " Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" said Izumi continuously. She soon stopped and hugged Kouji.

" So, will you?" asked Kouji as he slipped the ring on Izumi's finger.

" Of course... I always wanted to... I mean I-I- I don't know what to say but I'm so happy!" replied an overjoyed Izumi.

" Yay!" cheered Kashi and Tashi in whispers.

After that day Kashi and Tashi finally went to Izumi's house to greet her. They explained what they were doing and Izumi got a little angry but was too overjoyed to be angry and forgave them. The three of them started sending invitations and phoning to they're old school friends, while Izumi's mother called all her relatives. The same thing happened at the Minamoto's residents.

Izumi went to try on her wedding gown while Kouji tried on his suit. Both of their mothers were fussing over them. Both Tashi and Kashi wanted to be the bride's maid and argued about it. Izumi told them to stop and instead asked Mimi to be her maid. Kouji asked his twin to be his best man. Both Kouji and Izumi were very nervous about the day of the marriage.

~~~*~~~ The day of the Marriage~~~*~~~

Izumi looked gorgeous that day, as she fussed over herself fixing her hair a couple of times. Indeed she was nervous. He friends that moved to Hong Kong arrived to greet them.

Kouji was already at the church, being as nervous as ever. His brother kept on telling him to calm down. After another five minutes of waiting Izumi arrived. She looked around the church, looking at Kouji then the people in pews looking at her. A couple of them were crying with joy. Junpei was there too but was tied up by Tashi and Kashi. She slowly walked down the aisle with Mimi by her side. When she finally walked up beside Kouji they looked at each other and then looked up to the priest. The Priest said what ever he needed to say and of course the "I dos". (I'm sorry but I'm serious I have totally forgotten what the priest says before each one says I do.) Kouji put on the wedding ring on Izumi's finger and Izumi put on a ring on Kouji's finger. Then they kissed. In the background you can hear both mothers crying and saying, " They are such a darling couple"

The End~

Yamika- So. What did you think dear readers?

Miako- Yea I still want replies here!! * Hugs monkey plushy*

Yamika- Hey!! You Guys!! Come on over if you want money!!

All actors and actresses change back to their age of 14 (They have the ability of changing to whatever age they like) and ran towards the two authors.

*Yamika and Miako pass out the money they stole from their boss*

Yamika & Miako- Everybody!! BOW!!

*Everyone bows*