Disclaimer: Same as always. I wish I owned the X-men, but I don't. I only own the character I created.
A/N: This is it. This is the last chapter or at least the last one I have written. It doesn't have much of an ending so I am considering a sequel. Tell me what you think. Read and Review.

Chapter 9

Separated, but Still Friends

Katy ran down the hallway. Hot tears were already falling down her face. Because she was still weak they hurt her face, but she didn't care. She ran into the medical room and sat down near Matt. She put her head in her hands.

"How could he do this to me?" She mumbled.

"What's wrong Katy?" Jean asked as she came over by Katy.

Katy looked up. She had not even noticed Jean was in the room. "Professor James has forbidden me to see any of you." Katy said.

Jean pulled up a chair and sat next to her. "Katy," she said gently. "I know this must have been a hard decision for him to make. I am sure he just wants to try to protect you."

"But I am not a child. I'm almost seventeen years old." Katy yelled.

"Look at it from his point of view. You are his student and he cares about you very much. He doesn't want to loose you. From his point of view, he thinks that if you don't see us anymore, it'll take away the danger."

"But he's taking me away from some of my best friends." Katy said.

Jean put an arm around her. "I know, Katy. You and I have become close the past few days and I know you consider Scott, Logan, Ororo, and Rogue as your friends, but sometimes friends have to separate."

"I don't want to loose your friendship." Katy said sadly.

Jean gripped Katy's hand. "And I don't want to loose yours. There's a saying that says 'once friends, always friends.' It's true. We can always be friends, Katy, but you must honor Professor James' decision."

Katy nodded. "I know and I will."

Just then, the door opened and Scott walked in. "Jean," he called as he approached. "Do you know where Logan." he paused and saw the sadness on both of their faces. "What's wrong?" he asked interrupting himself.

"Professor James has forbidden Katy to come and visit us. He thinks it's better for her this way." Jean replied.

Scott sighed. "I had a feeling Professor James might say that. I'm really going to miss you, Katy."

Katy nodded. "I'll miss you too. After all you saved my life." Katy said with a smile.

"You saved mine too and let me have your visor so I could help Jean." Scott added.

"Which you didn't exactly do a good job of." Jean joked as she poked him with her elbow.

"I would have rescued you if Magneto had not hit me over the head." Scott said embarrassed.

Jean smiled. "I know."

Katy smiled. She was really going to miss spending time with Jean and Scott.

"Maybe Professor James will agree to letting you visit on the weekends." Scott suggested.

Katy shook her head sadly. "I doubt it. The way he sounded, I think he wants to move."

"To a different state?" Jean asked.

Katy nodded. "Probably. He'll probably want to get far enough away from here."

Scott sighed. "Then he probably won't allow us to visit either."

Katy shook her head. "No, but we'll always be friends though. No matter how far we are away from each other or no matter how long, we'll still be friends."

Jean smiled and nodded. "We can write to each other too."

Katy nodded. "Hey, did you see that!" Katy exclaimed as she looked at Matt.

"What?" Jean and Scott both asked in unison.

"Matt's fingers. They moved." Katy said excitedly.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked.

"Positive." Katy said as she held Matt's hand in hers. "Matt can you hear me? If you can hear me squeeze my hand."

For a second nothing happened. Then suddenly, Matt's grip tightened around Katy's hand.

"He's squeezing." Katy said excitedly.

Scott rushed out to get Professor James and Professor Xavier. Jean monitored his vitals. Suddenly Matt's eyelids began to flutter. In a moment, Katy was looking into his deep blue eyes. She smiled.

"Can you hear me Matt?" She asked.

Matt nodded slowly.

Professor Xavier came by him, while Professor James stood by Katy's side.

"Matt, do you know where you are?" Professor Xavier asked.

"I-I think." Matt said slowly.

"Do you know who you are?" Professor James asked excitedly.

Matt nodded. "Yes, my name is Matthew Stallwood."

Katy smiled.

"Can you move your fingers?" Professor Xavier asked.

Matt slowly bent his fingers down, then brought them back up.

"Your toes?"

Matt did the same.

Three hours later, Matt was feeling perfectly fine. Jean and Scott went to bed a little after twelve. Professor James left at about the same time. He would return at ten tomorrow to take Katy and Matt home. For now, Katy sat alone with Matt in the medical room.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried." Katy said holding on to his hand.

Matt smiled and squeezed her hand. "Thanks Katy." He said as he sat up in bed. "Boy that was some mission we did."

Katy nodded.

"What about the president's daughter? What happened to her?" Matt asked.

"We found out later that the girl Magneto took was a decoy. Professor Xavier had actually set it up. The president's daughter got out safely. The other girl was rescued soon after." Katy replied.

"That's good." Matt said.

Katy silently looked out the window, wishing humans and mutants could get along. She knew they could, if only they would learn to work together.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked as he looked into her eyes.

Katy looked back at him. "Oh, nothing."

"No really. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine!" Katy replied though she didn't really mean it.

Matt looked at her. "What's on your mind, Katy. You know you can trust me."

Katy sighed. "After Professor James comes to pick us up tomorrow, we won't be aloud to come back here."

Matt sighed and looked out the window. "Professor James still hasn't changed his mind about mutants and humans. I wish there was some way we could change his mind."

Katy nodded. Some time after, Katy went to sleep, only to wake up a few hours later. Katy looked at the clock. It was a little after seven. Katy sighed and rose. She went into the kitchen and found Logan, Jean, Scott, and another kid at the table. She sat down in the empty seat.

"Good Morning." Jean said.

"Good Morning." Katy sighed.

"I heard you're going to be leaving, kid." Logan said.

Katy nodded.

"You be careful and take care of yourself." Logan told her.

Katy smiled.

Two and a half-hours later, Professor James pulled up. Katy met him as he walked in the door. "You ready to go?" he asked.

Katy nodded. She had said all of her good-byes, all except for Jean and Scott who stood nearby.

"Let's go." Professor James said as he saw Matt.

Matt shook hands with Scott and Jean and slowly left. Katy embraced Jean. Then she looked at Scott and embraced him too. With that, she walked out the door. Professor James turned to leave when Professor Xavier spoke to him.

"Take care of yourself, Professor James and take care of your students." He said.

Professor James turned around. "You just keep your mutants away from mine. You've already done enough to ruin their lives." With that, Professor James walked off.

The ride home was silent. As Professor James pulled up into the driveway of the school, everyone was waiting outside. As Katy and Matt walked out, the students cheered "Welcome Home."

Katy smiled. It was good to be home. She opened her arms wide as Alicia ran to her. She picked her up and hugged her.

"I've missed you so much." Alicia said.

"Well, didn't you miss me?" Matt joked as he stood beside Katy.

Alicia reached for him. "Of course I missed you."

Matt took her in his arms and carried her into the house. That night Katy lay in bed silently thinking. She loved being home with her friends, yet she also had a different desire, different belief than most of them. She wanted to help humans and learn to be able to get along with them. Silently she thought.

The next two weeks went about normally. The students continued their schooling, Katy and Rich taught classes, and sports games were played. One night Katy stayed up almost the whole night comforting Megan and Alicia who were afraid of a thunderstorm out side. They lay in her bed and clung to her when the thunder boomed outside. She comforted them and stroked their hair, promising they would be okay. This was the life Katy knew and enjoyed, but somehow she wanted more.

Then suddenly two weeks after Katy and Matt had left Professor Xavier's school, Professor James announced that they were moving. They were going to travel to Virginia. They would be leaving in two weeks.

All the students complained about moving again, but Professor James said it was time to move on.

Katy secretly wanted to stay most of all. She longed for something more. She didn't want to travel from state to state, all the while trying to stay away from other humans or mutants. She couldn't live that way and somehow she knew she had to do something about it.