Chapter 4

Wizard Court

     Vernon Dursley squinted through his narrowed eyes at the freak that had the audacity to be the judge at this carnival of a trial. The fool had the nerve to declare him in contempt of court for refusing to rise as he entered the courtroom. Another matter that would be added to the charges he faced today.

     Barely listening as the charges against him were read, Vernon silently fumed at the spectacle he was being forced to attend. All because of that horrible boy he had been generous enough to raise and support for the past fourteen years. After all he had done, this was how his generosity was repaid. Wrongfully accused, standing trial before a kangaroo court, he wouldn't stand for this, no…

     Mr. Alfonsis waited patiently, the judge had finished reading the charges and now everyone was waiting for the Dursley's to enter a plea. He watched as their attorney rose form his seat and faced the judge.

     "The defense objects. This court is a Wizard court and has no authority over my clients."

     "It is my understanding that one of the victims in this case is a Wizard," the judge questioned. "Is this correct?"

     "Yes, your honor. The accused, however, are not. Neither is the other supposed victim in this case."

     The judge turned his attention to the prosecuting attorney's. "Exactly how was this situation originally brought to the authorities, through the Muggle police or through the aurors?"

     "The aurors were called into the Hogsmede medical center to investigate a case of possible child abuse. That was the first contact made in this case."

     "I see two children listed as victims, was this initial encounter for both?"

     "No, your honor. The issues relating to the second child, the Dursley's son Dudley, were discovered during the investigation following the initial report into their treatment of their nephew, Mr. Harry Potter."

     "Potter, Harry Potter?" the judge asked as he rifled through the file on the desk before him. "Yes… The charges relating to Mr. Potter will be heard in Wizarding court. Who is representing the minors in this case?"

     Standing, Mr Alfonsis addressed the court. "I am your honor."

     The judge nodded to him before continuing. "There is the possibility of splitting the case, hearing the charges pertaining to Mr. Harry Potter here, and those relating to Mr. Dudley Dursley in Muggle court…"

     "I object, your honor!" Mr. Alfonsis raised his voice above the shouts heard from the other tables. "It is in the best interest of both children to have the charges settled in the most expedient manner. Hearing the charges separately, especially in two different court systems, would lengthen the process considerably. The Muggle court has already released jurisdiction, handing it over to this court."

     The judge once again searched through the papers before him, quickly finding the transfer of jurisdiction. "Here it is… yes, this has already been decided," he looked toward the defense. "Again, what is the plea?"

     "Mr. Vernon Dursley pleas 'not guilty' on all counts. Mrs. Petunia Dursley pleas 'not guilty' on all counts," the attorney growled in defeat.

     "Very well, the court accepts your plea. Now, as to your bail."

     "The prosecution requests that bail be denied! Your Honor."

     "Ridiculous! The defense requests the accused be released on they're own recognizance."

     "Order, order! The prosecution will explain why they request that bail be denied."

     "Your honor the accused live in the non-magic world, releasing them to roam unattended could have serious consequences both for the victims as well as for themselves. Not to mention that they could break the confidentiality of this court and or run away from the jurisdiction of the court."

     "Defense, your case for release?"

     "My clients are well established in their area and have no reason to run. They are not guilty of the crimes of which they are accused. They will not discuss the proceedings with anyone not directly involved with the case before the court. They are looking forward to their chance to prove their innocence. There is also the matter of their son who will have no place to go for Christmas break in his parent are kept in custody."

     "Mr. Alfonsis, have you anything to add in this matter?"

     "Of the victims in this case, one is enrolled in a Wizarding school and the other in a Muggle school. Releasing the accused in either environment may lead to them attempting to contact one or another of the victims. I feel it would be ill advised to release them. It is in young Mr. Dursleys best interest to remain in the care of his school for break. Even if they are released, he is in the custody of the court until the end of these proceedings, he will not be returning to his parents' home and care unless they are found innocent of all charges."

     "It is this courts opinion that the Muggle defendants would not be unduly dangerous released to their home with the proper precautions. They are to be confined to their home until the end of these proceedings. The Aurors are hereby commissioned to secure the Dursleys until such time as they are either found innocent or sentenced."

     This court is dismissed!"