Fixing this as it can no longer have song words. But I also changed some things, revised it some. I hope you guys enjoy this! And after the second chapter, I'll give a third chapter teaser! On to the story!

"That must be the worst thing in the world, to have to leave the Kids Next Door," said Numbuh 2.

"Well, we have a long time until that happens," Numbuh 1 said.

How long ago was it that he had said those words?

Nigel Uno stood there, in his living room, lost in thought. How long ago had it been? Seven years? He hadn't thought about it lately. Life had been too hectic. Too busy. Time flew by. And in that time, they had all – grown up.

"Aw! Look at my baby all grown up!"

"Mom!" Nigel groaned. She was trying to fix his bowtie for the hundredth time that night. "Mom, leave it alone, it's fine."

"I just can't believe my little Nigel's going to his first high school dance!" she said. She was practically floating in air.

Nigel rolled his eyes. His mother always HAD to treat him like a baby.

"We had better leave if you want to meet up with your friends," his mother said, looking at her watch.

"Yeah," Nigel said distantly. His friends. Man, it had been a while since they'd all been together. Over the years they had – drifted.

He blankly followed his mother into their car and started to think as she drove. He could drive, but she had insisted that she must, being his first dance and all.

'We have all changed so much,' he thought.

And they had!

Numbuh 2, Hoagie Gilligan Jr., had, over the years, lost some weight and grown slightly taller than all of them. He hardly wore his pilot's hat anymore. Nigel had heard some girls say that he was cute. Hoagie also became their tech. He had several classes in CAD and Workshop and was very good at building (like they didn't already know that). He even had an internship with an architect, and that took up a lot of his time. But he was the only one that Nigel still stayed in regular contact with.

Numbuh 3, Kuki Sanban, had also grown taller but still had the same spirit to her. Her hair had grown long and she liked to try different styles in it. Kuki had become their artist. She had several Art classes, and part of the Art Club, joined the choir, and does well in English with her poetry and stories. She's become very creative and, as always, happy go lucky.

Numbuh 4, Wallabee Beatles, grew much taller, but he was still the shortest guy in their group. He still wore his hair the same way and had finally gotten the earring he wanted. He had become their jock. Being on the wrestling team, he had built some awesome muscles. Not the HUGE ones you see on body builders, but enough to make him look…..what was that word the girls use? Buff. He did well keeping good grades, but he was always busy.

Numbuh 5, Abby Lincoln, had grown as well. She was – beautiful. Her hair was longer and she just let it flow down her back. She didn't wear her hat as much anymore, so her eyes shone out where they could be seen. She had also become their drama queen. Taking Theater Arts and joining the Drama Club, the "quiet one" wasn't so quiet anymore. She was actually a very good actress. And she was also one of the best singers in the school choir. And with that talent came popularity, but she never let it go to her head.

And he himself, Numbuh 1, had changed too. Growing had made him second tallest, and he actually had some hair on his chin now. It was black, but not very long. He still wore his sunglasses every now and again. He also had become the loner of the group. He didn't know why but he didn't really like the people his age. Yes he got along with them fine enough, but didn't like them, in general. Maybe it was just his deep-seated hatred for teenagers. He laughed at the absurd thought. He did well in school, had a part time job, and had some really good, close friends, Hoagie included, but he didn't like the larger social gatherings, like dances.

'Why am I going?' he thought to himself in the car. He had skipped the other dances that the school had. It just didn't seem like a good way to spend his time. And this one was the end of the year dance, so it was really formal. But Numbuh 5 -uh- Abby had finally talked him into it...

"I don't know….." Nigel started.

"It's a great idea!" Kuki argued back before he could finish.

Nigel, Kuki, and Abby were talking in the hallway in the precious moments between classes. Kuki and Abby had hunted him down to tell him about Kuki's idea.

"Hoagie and Wallabee already agreed to go," Abby said.

"But I….."

"We know you don't really like dances," Kuki interrupted again, "and it's not like it's a date or anything. It's just us – going as friends."

"Well I….."

"We've all been busy," Abby said, "Me with drama, Kuki with art, you and Hoagie with work, Wallabee with sports. Our class schedules pulled us apart. We haven't seen each other in so long, except maybe a nod or wave in the hallway." She looked up at him. "I'm starting to miss seeing you guys."

He looked at her and could feel himself weakening. 'Her eyes are so….. No!' He mentally kicked himself. But she was still looking at him like that. He wished she would look at him like that forever.

The bell rang. They were late.

"Oh alright!" he finally shouted, defeated.

"Yes!" he heard the girls shout as they ran down the hall, off to their classes.

So that's why he was here, at this dance.

"We're here!" his mother announced.

They were sitting in front of the High School. They had agreed to meet in the side parking lot by the tree next to the entrance. He could see Hoagie, Kuki, and Wallabee already standing there.

"Well um, thanks mom," he said, getting out of the car, "I'll see you later?"

"Just call on your cell when you need to be picked up," she said in her motherly tone, throwing a small cell phone towards him. He caught it. "Have fun!"

"Bye!" He waved as she drove off, then sighed and walked over to join his friends.

Hoagie, being the tallest, was the first to spot him through the crowd of people wait to get into the school. "Hey Nigel!" he shouted.

Nigel hurriedly joined them at the tree. "Hi guys."

"Hey, Nigel!" Wallabee said, "Long time no see!"

"Yeah," he agreed.

"You look great!" Kuki said, admiring his tux.

"Thanks. You guys do too!" he said, now finally getting a good look at them.

Hoagie and Wallabee wore tuxes like the one he had on but Kuki was a real stunner! She had on a long, velvet, dark green dress with silver outlines of glittering butterflies on it. It had spaghetti straps and was form fitting to the waist and then flared out. She had her hair pulled back, along with some small braids here and there, in a bun and the ends sticking up. She also had two oriental sticks going through the bun. And around her neck she wore the silver necklace that Wallabee had gotten her for her birthday, along with a pair of earrings. All in all, she looked great!

"Wow," he said, smiling.

"You like?" Kuki said, spinning around, making the bottom of the dress flare out.

"You look wonderful!"

"Thank you!" she said grinning, "Hoagie said the same thing, and I swear that Wally's mouth hit the floor!"

Hoagie and Nigel laughed as their "tough guy" blushed a deep red.

"Hey!" Hoagie said suddenly, "I can see Abby! She's here!"

They all tried to see her through the crowd but without much luck. Finally she made her way over to them and stopped for a second to catch her breath. "Did I miss anything?" she asked.

"Nope," Hoagie said.

"They haven't even begun to let people in," Wallabee said, indicating the crowd. And just as he spoke, the doors opened. "Spoke too soon."

"Let's go in!" Kuki said excitedly, "You look great!"

"Thanks! You do too!"

They started to walk in, and then Abby realized something. "Where's Nigel?" She looked back to where he was standing, rooted to the spot. "Nigel?"

"You look so…..beautiful," he was able to say. He was speechless! She wore a long, silk, dark blue dress. Form fitting to the waist, strapless, and had a full skirt. Her hair was up, pulled back in a ponytail with curls flowing out of it, but she also had a curl of hair on each side of her face, framing it.

Abby blushed slightly. "Thanks Nigel," she said.

"Come on!" Wallabee said, smiling, "I didn't come here just to stand outside all day! Oh and by the way, nice dress Abby!"

Abby laughed as Wallabee gave Nigel a little push, snapping him out of his trancelike state.

"Come on Nigel," Hoagie said, "We don't want these ladies to freeze out here, do we?"

Nigel smiled. "Nope! Let's go inside!"

The dance was actually kind of fun. Nigel, at first, played the wallflower but after being constantly dragged onto the dance floor by his friends, he was starting to really enjoy himself. The tempo was fast and no one here could dance anyway so he didn't feel like too much of a fool. When a slow song would come along, they would sit down at one of the tables to rest. There they would catch up, tell jokes, and sometimes just watch the couples dance.

After one of these came on, Kuki asked Wallabee to dance with her.

"But I don't know how to dance!" Wallabee claimed, blush showing on his cheeks.

"So, I'll teach you," Kuki said, "I love this song! I have to dance to it!"

"Then why don't you take….."

"Oh come on you big baby!" She grabbed his wrist and dragged him away while the others laughed.

Nigel knew Wallabee could of resisted if he wanted, but he could tell that he did want to dance, even though still embarrassed to death!

Kuki put the uncomfortable boy's arms around her waist and then she put her own on his shoulders and leaned against him. Wallabee looked about to die!

"Hey I know this song," Abby said, and she started to sing along with the words.

"They look happy," Hoagie said, smiling.

Nigel nodded his head in agreement. Kuki had her eyes closed and she was singing along with the words. It seemed that Wallabee had gotten used to this swaying thing and he was looking down at Kuki's head on his chest as if nothing else in the world existed.

"You know," Abby said to the two boys that still sat with her at the table, "They've liked each other since we were ten."

"We know," Nigel said.

"Wallabee's just been too embarrassed to ask her out," Hoagie said.

"So has Kuki," Abby said, "I hope they finally do get together though."

Nigel looked at up at her from where he was sitting. Abby was watching their two friends dance, a far away look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Nigel asked.

"What?" Abby said distantly, looking over towards him. "Oh, nothing," she said, as if she just realized what he'd said.

But Nigel knew his friend well enough to tell that something was wrong 'I wonder what it is,' he thought.

The DJ caused the music to fade away and the dancers parted. Kuki and Wallabee seemed to come out of a trance as they both walked back to the table, the same shade of deep red on their faces.

But as the next song came on, Kuki got over her embarrassment quickly. "I love this song!" she shouted, grabbing the closest people's wrists, which happened to be Wallabee's and Nigel's. "Come on guys! It's a fast song!" She started to pull them.

Nigel, in panic, grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be Abby's hand. "Help," he pleaded to her.

She giggled. "No way! Your gonna dance more party-pooper." She turned and shouted, "Come on Hoagie!"

"Right behind ya!"

Kuki succeeded in getting everybody on the dance floor just before the singing started. And then sang along herself.

As Nigel danced and sang to the song, he looked around at all his happy friends doing the same. This was so much fun! He couldn't believe that he didn't want to come earlier. Then he looked at Abby next to him. She was so happy now, much different than the sad girl he'd seen a moment ago. He loved to see her laughing and happy.forget you

The song ended abruptly.

"Wow!" Kuki said, "That was so much fun!"

"Yeah!" Nigel said. Then he felt something in his hand. He looked down and realized that he was still holding Abby's hand. He looked up at her, to see her look up at him, realizing the same thing. They both let go at the same time.

"Sorry," they both said simultaneously, blushing.

"This will be the last song of the night kids," the DJ announced, and then a soft slow music started to play.

Kuki turned her sad puppy-dog eyes on Wallabee. "Oh alright!" he said.

The three remaining teens smiled and started to return to the table.

Hoagie turned to face Nigel. "Why don't you just ask her already?" he said.

"I don't know if she w…..ask who?" Nigel said.

"You know, Wallabee and Kuki aren't the only two KND members that have liked each other since they were ten"

"But how did you….."

"Please, I may have wore goggles, but I wasn't blind," Hoagie said, "Now just go ask her!" He gave his friend a push to get him going.

Nigel gave an angered look back at him, then turned toward Abby. She was standing next to the table holding her arms, watching the dancing couples. Nigel turned back again, eyes wide, saying 'Do I really have to do this?' with his expression. Hoagie crossed his arms and smiled as he nodded. Then he raised an eyebrow at his friend.

Nigel turned back towards Abby and took one large breath before he walked over to her. "Um, Abby?" Nigel said timidly.

"Hm?" she said, turning to look at him with her beautiful deep brown eyes.

"Do you – um – uh – nevermind," he said quickly, looking down, deciding against this idea.

"What?" Abby asked, amusement in her voice. She cocked her head to the side to try and see his down turned eyes. "What is it?"

Nigel looked back up with his eyes to see her smiling at him, with one eyebrow raised, much like Hoagie had done. Nigel knew Hoagie was still behind him, physically as well as psychologically. Nigel sighed and decided to give it another try. "Well, it's silly really but – do want to dance?" He braced himself for the refusal he felt was coming.

There was a pause, but then, "Sure."

"What?" He said surprised, looking up again.

"Sure," she repeated smiling, "I'd love to."

"Oh," he said, a little stunned.

She laughed a little and they walked to the dance floor. Abby put her hands on Nigel's shoulders and stood rather close to him. Nigel stood ridged, stunned for a few seconds, then copied what Wallabee did earlier and put his arms around her waist. Then he listened to her breathing and the words to the song.

He could feel her breathing as they swayed back and forth. He could smell her perfume and whatever was in her hair. He had never felt so – right, in his entire life. How could this be real?

The song slowly came to an end, but Nigel never wanted it to end. Suddenly Abby's body shivered and moved. It took him a second to realize she was crying.

He looked down at her. "What's wrong?" he asked softly.

"It's….." she started, "I don't know how to say….." She looked up at him, warm tears running slowly down her cheeks. Her eyes were searching, as if she would find the answer in him. Then she took a deep breath and started to sing very softly…..

I never had a dream come true

Till the day that I found you

Even though I pretend that I've moved on

You'll always be my baby

He stopped her by putting one finger on her lips and started to sing himself.

I never found the words to say

You're the one I think about each day

And I know no matter where life takes me to

A part of me will always be with you

"I – I love you," Nigel said, taking his hand away, "I have for a while. I've just never been able to say that before."

She smiled and more tears fell. "I have too," she said, "For a long time. But I could never say it."

Her eyes were so sparkling and full of love. He leaned down and – they kissed.

"'Bout time!" Wallabee said.

The two broke apart to look at their friends who were all smiling.

"I get to be best man," Hoagie said.

The teens' faces flushed to the fullest.

"Don't worry, it took Wally long enough to kiss me," Kuki said, "But you two kinda missed it."

Now Wallabee joined Nigel and Abby in blushing.

Then they all just burst out laughing. Nigel had never felt so happy in his life.

"Come on you love birds," Hoagie said, "Let's leave before we get kicked out."

"Oh," they said, looking around. Everyone had pretty much left. They started laughing again.

"So," Hoagie whispered to Nigel as the five started to walk out of the deserted gym, "Is it true that I was right?"

"You were right," Nigel agreed, "Thanks Hoagie."

"No problem," he said, "But now you have to find me a girlfriend."

They laughed as they finally left the school.


KND Mr. Warburton, Cartoon Network

Never Had A Dream Come True S Club