Please see chapter 1 for any disclaimers.
Chapter 11 Glooms and Winding Mossy Ways
A pall hung over the Company as it entered the forest of Lothlorien. It was as though a shroud had enveloped them, dampening their spirits and casting a misty, distorted view of everything around them. And so, as they walked it was as though they were walking through a fog, no one sure of where their next steps would take them or what they would find when they got there.
They all knew the risks, or so Karla kept telling herself. And yet, she wondered how prepared they were for what lay ahead. She wondered how prepared she was for what lay ahead. Back in the real world, or was it the real world? She was beginning to lose track of these things. Earth and Middle Earth were beginning to blend; her old life and her new were melding into some sort of distorted history for her. But back in her old life she had never had to face the prospect of a violent death. Oh, there was death there, just as there was death everywhere, but living in her insular little world, it was not something she faced anywhere but on the evening news, and even there she got the diluted version.
Maybe she wasn't ready for whatever lay ahead. That thought started to play in her head, a cacophony chanting over and over increasing the stress on her already frazzled nerves. Or maybe the tension she felt wasn't just her imagination. Maybe the rest of the Fellowship felt the tension as strongly as she did, but she couldn't understand why. Aragorn and Legolas looked happy to be heading into a forest that they had spent the previous evening telling everyone about. And yet the tension seemed to increase every step forward they took into the enchanted woods.
It wasn't until she had slowed down a bit to get a better look at the forest and had the misfortune of standing in Gimli's path that she found the source of the tension that she had been feeling. Getting almost knocked of her feet she turned to look at the old dwarf, who was amazingly fast on his feet for all his squat stature. One look at his face told a tale all its own.
If tension could be personified then Gimli was that person. His taut features and tight grip on his axe spoke volumes to Karla who had noticed that very little seemed to shake the dwarf, regardless of how he was presented in the movie. And while he didn't tremble or act overly nervous, the tension that exuded from every pore of that dwarf was a like a tidal wave that even boromir must have noticed (although Karla secretly thought that the human was too tied up in his own thoughts to notice any of the others in the fellowship).
But as the day wore on the tension seemed to sap the strength of even Legolas, who always looked like he could go on forever without even breaking out in a slight sweat. But just as they were about to argue over where they Company should rest, whether in the trees or on the ground, a voice called out from the forest.
"Daro!" Legolas, who was about to start climbing the tree nearest to him quickly jumped down in fear and surprise, looking for the owner of the voice. Seeing no one he quickly turned to the others warning them not to move or make a sound.
"Stand still!" he whispered to the others. "Do not move or speak!"
Huddling together, Karla waited with Gimli and the other Hobbits, wondering what would happen to them as Legolas went off to converse with the owner of the disembodied voice.
"Who are those people and what do you think is going to happen?" Merry inquired, looking in the direction Legolas went, hearing him speak in a language he did not recognise.
"They're elves." Sam answered, a sound of awe in his voice. That was one thing that Karla could never help but notice every time someone spoke of elves. Sam seemed to hold them in very high regard. Even though they had been traveling with Legolas all this time the awe with which Sam held elves never seemed to waver.
"Yes they are" came Legolas' reply as he came back towards the group, making not a sound on the forest floor. "And they say that you need have no fear. They have known about us for some time now," and looking at Gimli added, "and they say that you breathe so loudly they could have shot you in the dark."
Huffing at that, Gimli lead the hobbits closer to where Aragorn and Legloas were standing. "But they wish to speak with Frodo first, as they have had some word of his coming. The rest of you are to keep guard under the tree until we return." And with that Legolas lead Frodo off to speak with the others. For no sooner had Legolas lead Frodo over to a tree than a silvery ladder was lowered out of a darkness into which Frodo and Legolas began to climb.
After waiting what seemed an aeon, but which was probably no more than half an hour, a messenger quickly climbed down the ladder that Legolas had lead Frodo up and spoke to Aragorn. After a few quick replies Aragorn turned and started to gather up the gear they had left on the ground.
"Come, gather your gear and take what you will need for the night. I will hide the rest. Tonight we will rest in the trees." Saying that Aragorn quickly went about hiding a good majority of their gear while Karla and the rest of the hobbits split Frodo's sleeping gear between them and started making the long climb up to the top of the tree. Secretly though, Karla had her doubts about the wisdom of that idea. She was never one to like sleeping in bunk beds, considering that it was easy to fall out of them. If she managed to roll off of her bed here it would be one very long trip to the bottom.
Dawn rose fresh and clean over the forest of Lothlorien and Karla felt amazingly well rested considering she thought for sure that she wouldn't be able to sleep a wink the previous night for fear of falling out of her 'bed'. But a new day had dawned and she felt ready to tackle the next leg of their journey, wherever that would lead them.
Looking over she was able to notice the other hobbits still asleep beside her and beyond that Aragorn and Legolas talking to someone else. The elf in question looked anxious that they be on their way, even if the conversation was lost to her. And sure enough, before she was even aware of it Aragorn had come over and started waking the sleeping hobbits telling everyone to get ready for they were to be on their way without delay.
"But where are we going?" Karla couldn't help but find herself asking. If they'd come into the forest for safety, why would they be leaving it so quickly?
"Have patience and you will see a wonder far beyond any your kind has ever seen." And with that parting remark Legolas picked up his own gear and hurried down to the bottom of the tree.
And so the rest of the Company quickly packed their gear and met Legolas; Aragorn, who had uncovered the gear he had hidden from whatever hiding spots he had found, at the bottom of the tree; and Gimli. With them were Haldir and his brother Rumil, and it looked like Haldir and Aragorn were having a bit of a disagreement about something, although Karla couldn't hear what they were talking about.
"I will not be carted along blindfolded like a prisoner while everyone else walks free!"
As Gimli's voice rose above the quiet of the morning air Karla immediately realised that Gimli was the subject of the argument. Well, to be more precise, Gimli walking free and without a blindfold seemed to be the problem. And so on the verbal altercation went, with neither side willing to back down until Gimli stated, quite emphatically, that he would rather turn around and head home than proceed further being treated in such a disgraceful manner.
"Enough! If I am to lead this fellowship then follow me you will. We will all go blindfolded." So saying, Aragorn turned to Haldir and motioned that he should begin binding all their eyes. And just when Legolas was about to complain, as Karla was sure that Aragorn had anticipated, Aragron gave him such a cutting look that not even Legolas was willing to dissent.
The grin on Gimli's face as he watched Legolas get blindfolded was the last thing Karla saw before her own blindfold was put in place and they were all lead slowly and carefully through the woods. "And who would have thought an elf would pout?" Karla all but mumbled to herself. But hearing Aragorn's choked laughter Karla couldn't help but grin. A pouting Legolas was definitely a sight to be seen, it was just too bad she was blindfolded.
And although it was slow going, they made their way onward. To where, Karla could not have guessed. They could simply have been walking in circles, for all she knew. But eventually they stopped moving and one by one the blindfolds were removed.
Looking out, Karla beheld a sight that she knew she would never see again.
"Welcome to the heart of Elvendom on earth."
Thanks for all your patience …… the adventure is almost over