AUTHOR: Jen (jen0va99) email: jen0va99 (at) hotmail (dot) com
DISCLAIMER: Own Kingdom Hearts I do not. Belongs to Square-Enix it does, Final Fantasy characters as well they own. Characters by Disney belong to Disney, they do. Yay. "When I'm Gone" is owned entirely by 3 Doors Down and their respective company. And for good measure I'll add these, too: ©®™ Though trademark doesn't really… fit… And the other songs also belong to their respective bands/companies and stuff. Obviously.
I own nothing but the words in the story. Uhm, except the game dialogue. I wish that was mine. XD
RATING/WARNINGS: R (…at parts it gets up to… ahem); Yaoi and shounen-ai; Language; Angst; Violence; Fluff; Sexual situations (chapters with them have warnings); Blood and gore, non-con & dark imagery/themes at parts; …perversion?; Spoilers for both FFVII and KH, even though I don't know if they'd really be considered spoilers anymore…
PAIRINGS: Sephiroth x Cloud-centric; Cloud/Leon (…ish?); Sephiroth/Riku shounen-ai; Talk of Riku x Sora… others.
SUMMARY: Sephiroth and Cloud search for eachother during the events of Kingdom Hearts. Finding your Light can be a long, arduous pain in the ass! Let's hope the result is worth it. In-game situations, worlds and dialogue incorporated.
COMMENTS: I started this with the intentions of having it be a long-ish songfic to "When I'm Gone" by 3 Doors Down. Nice song, pretty angsty on its own, no? The lyrics go rather well with Kingdom Hearts, or so I think, and set a pretty decent mood for a KH-Seph/Cloud fic. How there aren't MORE KH-SxC fics is beyond me… given the material in both games, there is alot to work with to make a pretty damn good fanfic, I think… oh well. Anyway, I have long since run out of lyrics for the song (since the story is now over 300 pages long… x.x), so… crap.
Now… if you've played Final Fantasy VII, you should know who Zack (or Zax… I go by canon spelling but whatever) is. If you haven't played the game… DO IT. Because Zack is in this… kinda. And I don't want you to have no clue who the hell he is. Besides, Zack's awesome.
Cloud's thoughts go: I AM ANGSTY. (they're SUPPOSED to be in brackets in later chapters but I guess this site took that privilege away too, right? -.-)
Sephiroth's thoughts go: /I AM GOD./
Zack's speech goes: /--I AM HORNY.--/
Other people don't get inner dialogue. Aw.
Go read now.