Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story. It's so sad.

Yet another Kurt-related fic! I had this beta-read by my mate Steve (THANKS!!!) Basically, Kurt is running amok, causing chaos and generally seriously p***ing off the other members of the x-men. Just when he thinks he can't take anymore silent treatment, he makes friends with the most unlikely people imaginable.

I really want reviews for this story (I really want reviews for every story, lol) But I think this is one of the best I've written. So please R&R! I accept anonymous reviews but I don't accept flames, so don't burn me please! Constructive Criticism welcome!

Oh yeah: THE CODE!!

*Bamf* - Telepathic communication.

**Bamf** - Thoughts.



Rain hammered mercilessly down on the roof of Professor Xaviers School for the gifted. The sky was streaked black, just like it had been for the last couple of days. Nothing but rain, rain, rain. The weather forecast had been predicting floods, maybe even typhoons, but nothing as drastic as that had happened, it had just rained non-stop.

So why was Kurt outside?

He didn't actually know himself, one minute he was in his room, drinking a Pepsi, the next minute he was hanging upside down from a tree in the mansions enormous garden. How had he got there?

Kurt 'ported himself to the ground and looked around, blinking raindrops out of his eyes. Although he had only been out there for a few seconds, his navy hair was already soaked, just like the rest of his body, and he was beginning to shiver.

To save time he simply 'ported into the mansion hall. Which was dark, because of the sky, and shadows loomed in every corner. But because of Kurt's natural ability to see in the dark, he wasn't bothered.

That is until he heard an angry yell behind him.

Scott Summers, more commonly known as Cyclops, was storming up to him, looking angrier than Kurt had ever seen him.

"Scott -?" He began, inquiringly, but he was cut short when Scott began yelling at him.

"YOU...WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He yelled, grabbing hold of Kurt's collar and pulling him upwards slightly, almost choking him.

"Ach! Scott! Vas are you ta-" Once again he was cut off as Scott shook him angrily and yelled;

"YOU GODDAMN KNOW WHAT YOU DID WAGNER!" He calmed down somewhat, and released Kurt from his grasp, then sighed, exasperated. "Look, Kurt, Kitty is crying her eyes out now, because of you, and this really shouldn't happen, team members making other team members cry, I think you should think about your actions Kurt. Think long and hard about them."

He walked away, leaving Kurt looking bewildered behind him. He'd made Kitty cry? When? What had he done to make Scott so angry with him? It didn't make sense, and his head was beginning to hurt. Maybe he should dry himself off, as he was still soaking wet. It was a bit weird that Scott hadn't noticed.

*Kurt, please come to my office*

Kurt had taken no more than two steps when the professor's voice rang through his head. He sighed and changed direction, so he was heading to Xavier, wondering why he didn't just bamf to his room to get a towel.

The professor didn't look happy.

At all.

"Kurt, would you like to explain some of your recent actions towards Kitty?" He asked gently. Watching Kurt's every move, trying to interpret them.

Kurt frowned and flicked his tail nervously. "Um...Vas actions?" He asked, truly bewildered. What had he done? And why couldn't he remember?

"That actions which involved you attacking, and nearly seriously injuring Kitty." Professor Xavier paused, noting with concern, the look of surprise and bewilderment on Kurt's face. "This isn't like you Kurt."

"But...Professor, I never! Honest! I'd never hurt Keety! I didn't do anything to her!" Stammered Kurt, shivering slightly as a raindrop fell from his hair and ran down his neck.

Xavier sighed, wondering whether he should probe into Kurt's mind to try and find motive for his actions. "Kurt, a room full of people saw you try and attack her, everyone in the games room saw."

Kurt frowned again, shaking his head slowly. "But...I vasn't in the games room...I vas in my bedroom!"

The professor stared at Kurt for a minute, then closed his eyes. After a while Kurt realised that he was using his powers to talk to someone.

*Kitty, could you please come to my office*

Kitty frowned and looked around, then realised the professor was using his psychic powers to communicate with her. She was never going to get used to that. He probably wanted to talk to her about Kurt and the way he had gone completely ballistic on her! Honestly, all she'd done was comment about how he was acting weird, he didn't need to try and rip her throat out.

**Stupid furry freak.** She thought angrily, making her way up the flight of stairs to the professors office. Kitty stopped in her tracks as she realised what she had just thought.

"I gotta like, get thoughts like that out of my head, they'll like...just make things worse." She said aloud to herself. The sound of her own voice was comforting in the darkness of the staircase she was climbing. Kitty didn't realise it until then but Kurt attacking her had really frightened her.

Professor Xavier looked up as Kitty walked into his office. Kurt, however, did not. He continued to stare at the floor, his brow furrowed, obviously in deep thought. He did look up when Xavier began to talk though.

"Now Kitty, I would like you to explain what happened." He said, gently. He didn't have to use telekinesis to find out how Kitty was feeling about it. The feelings of nervousness and terror rose off her like a bad stench.

"Professor! Like, what is there to explain? HE attacked me!" She cried. Pointing accusingly at Kurt when she said 'he'.

"Alright Kitty," Said the professor, cutting Kitty off as she prepared to go into a big rant about what Kurt had done. Or what he had apparently done. He decided to let her leave, she sounded stressed and obviously was uncomfortable being in the same room as Kurt. "You may go."

Kitty didn't realise how angry she had sounded until she got into the corridor. She felt a little guilty until she was halfway down a flight of stairs, when a new thought popped into her head. "Why SHOULDN'T I be angry with him?" She wondered. "He did try to kill me!"

Kitty had decided on one thing by the time she got to the stairs, and if anyone was around when she walked back into the game room they would've distinctly heard her mutter;

"He'll be lucky if I ever talk to him again."