Disclaimer : I don't own the Mighty Ducks, so therefore I have earnt squat from this story!!!!

Chapter 15


I laid in Adam's arms, my head resting on his chest and my arm sprawled over his waist. I let out a contented sigh and looked up at his face, which was a tad difficult since his chin was just about resting on the top of my head. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead affectionately, it was amazing how much I loved him, from only being together at total of 2 and a half days.

"I love you". I whispered to him.

"I love you too". He replied a huge smile spreading across his face.

"So how long do you think we've got until Connie comes back"? I asked.

"I'd say about another half an hour". He answered dejectedly.

"Maybe we should tell them, I mean, how long do you actually think we can sneak around without at least 1 of them getting slightly suspicious. I mean think about it, there are 11 of them, sure some more than others might not think twice about it, but Connie or Charlie for instance are gonna pick up on something sooner or later". I sat up a little to look at him.

"I think so too".

"So, when shall we"? I began but he silenced me with a kiss.

"Later". He whispered between kisses.


"Look, we can't say anything Guy, we have to let them tell us". I told my boyfriend.

"I agree, I mean we could be SO wrong". He told me.

"NO Guy, we aren't wrong". I told him. "We just have to play a little detective game, that's all".

"Connie, that is so 9 year old". He scrunched his nose up in distaste.

"Well, I think it's kinda sexy, I mean think James Bond". I buttered him up.

"Scooby Doo". He hissed.

"If you must go there, then yeah, Scooby Doo". I replied, thinking how immature my boyfriend was being, but I suppose I wasn't far off being immature, wanting to spy on my best friend, instead of asking her. "Come on, lets go". I grabbed his arm and dragged him back toward campus.


I pulled my shirt on, vaguely watching Julie as she pulled her own shirt on. We were both a little nervous, as we had decided that we needed to tell the ducks about us. Julie sat back down on the bed, about to pull on her shoes. I jumped on the bed and pulled her backwards into me.

"It'll be ok". I whispered. "I know they'll be happy for us". I told her.

"How do you know". She sat up and turned to face me. "They might hate the idea of having another 'Connie and Guy' around".

"Ok, firstly, I've known most of these guys since I was 10 years old, secondly we aren't another 'Connie and Guy' and thirdly they are our best friends, as long as we're happy, they WILL be happy for us". I reassured her.

"You're right, come on, let's do this before I lose my nerve". She stood and headed to the door.


We didn't make it through the main dorms before we bumped into Connie and Guy. My heart was racing, trying to think up an excuse for Adam to be with me. Luckily Adam was thinking quicker than me.

"Oh guy's your just in time, we were just gonna go find the others, see if you all wanted to have a guided tour round town". Adam improvised.

Guy opened his mouth to say something and I'm sure I saw Connie reach behind his to pinch him, maybe I was just seeing things, well I hoped I was seeing things.

"Sure, we could use a tour guide, we just got lost trying to find our way around town". Connie replied.

We all headed over to the guys dorms and went inside, Guy and Connie were acting a little funny, quiet even, which got me rather suspicious. Eventually after struggling to round the ducks, wait mainly Charlie, Portman, Fulton and definitely Luis, we went into the empty common room. There was a little noise, and eventually Adam hushed them standing in front of them. I was hoping he'd get straight to the point and just say it.

"Erm, before you guys came, both me and Julie thought we'd be alone here and you'd all gone off to separate colleges, well we kinda started going out before you came here". He said, not as quickly as I hoped, but still quite quick.

"So you're dating"? Guy asked.

"Yeah". I decided to stand next to Adam.

"We are so good"! Connie and Guy high fived laughing.

"You knew about them"? Charlie turned and asked them.

"We kinda got suspicions this morning when Sherlock Holmes here thought it was weird that Jules didn't want to go checking guys out with her". Guy answered Charlie with a little sarcasm in his voice.

Me and Adam stood there, trying to determine whether they were happy, angry or sad about this, I felt like screaming out of anxiety, luckily Connie spoke before I got to the screaming stage.

"I think it's brilliant". She rushed over and hugged us both at the same time. "Now you can double date with me and Guy".

"Run like the wind, Julie". Charlie joked, also getting up and hugging us.

"What is with the hugging, it isn't like their pregnant or getting married". Portman declared coming and hugging us as well. "You aren't are you"? He looked at us mischievously.

"NO". We both said at once.

Well, this is definitely the end of this story. I'm starting work on the sequel to this soon, so watch out for it. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive throughout the making of this story. Cheers mi dears!!!!!!