Chapter 13: The Bonds of Love

Slowly Jareth awakened to the sight of his mother sitting beside his bed. She smiled down at him as he looked at her.

"It is about time that my son decides to wake," Irena replied, stroking his hair.

Jareth sat up, moaning at the fatigue still plaguing his body. "Mother, why are you here?" he asked, leaning against the headboard.

"Jacen sent a messenger to inform us of the attack on your Kingdom," Irena said, worry seeping into her eyes.

A frown appeared on Jareth's face as the memories came back to him. He recalled fighting with the Demon King but couldn't remember what the outcome of the battle was.

"You almost died Jareth." Irena brushed her hand across his cheek, a tear running down her face.

"I almost died?" Jareth asked, grabbing his mother's hand and sitting up.

Before Irena could answer Jacen strolled in. "Ah finally the King awakens," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

"What happened?" Jareth demanded.

Jacen sobered at Jareth's tone. He glanced at Irena and back to his King. "You were severely injured Your Highness. I wasn't able to reach you in time but Lady Sarah did."

Jareth arched an eyebrow. "Sarah? Where is she?"

"She is in the next room Sire," Jacen hesitated at the warning glance he received from the High Queen, "resting."

Jareth didn't miss the look that his mother gave Jacen. Before either of them could stop him Jareth leaped out of the bed and ran out the door to Sarah's room. He approached the bed quietly and knelt beside it. Grasping her hand in his, Jareth leaned over and placed a gentle kiss upon it.

Worry creased his brow when she didn't stir. "Sarah?" he whispered, caressing her cheek.

He heard his mother coming up behind him. "What is the matter with her?" he demanded.

Irena placed a hand on her son's shoulder. "She gave herself to you completely Jareth."

Jareth looked up at her, concern flooding his face. "What are you saying mother?"

"You almost died son." Irena knelt down beside him, leaning against the bed. "The Demon King's sword was iron. Sarah sliced her own hand open and placed it over your wound, giving you her blood."

Jareth grimaced at the thought of Sarah hurting herself over him. He gazed at Sarah's sleeping form as his mother continued.

"She gave herself to you Jareth. Her heart, her soul," Irena hesitated as Jareth turned his attention back to her. "She almost gave her life for you. The magic that she used with her blood was very powerful." She glanced at Sarah. "She is a very special person." Irena smiled at her son.

"Very special, mother," Jareth stood and crawled into bed with Sarah. He brushed a strand of hair from her forehead as he watched her rythmic breathing. He was curious to know how she was able to use magic in the Dark Forest. Sighing, he scooped her into his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head. He would research that puzzle when Sarah was better.

Irena left her son, knowing he needed to be alone with Sarah. She hoped with all her being that Sarah would come back to him, knowing it would destroy Jareth if she didn't survive.


Alenda gave an exhausted sigh, rubbing her eyes. It had been a long three days. She looked around at the injured creatures. Most of them were already able to leave the infirmary but there were still a few that stayed.

She walked down the hallway to Sarah's room. Opening the door quietly Alenda was a bit surprised to see Jareth lying on the bed with Sarah in his arms. He looked up at her when she approached.

"Highness," Alenda nodded as she took Sarah's wrist in her hand. The pulse was stronger today.

"Will she be alright?" Jareth asked, his voice without emotion.

"She is improving Sire." Alenda sat on the edge of the bed. "Her strength is returning, but very slowly. She drained herself almost completely when she healed you," Alenda answered, locking eyes with Jareth.

"How was she able to in the forest?" Jareth inquired.

Alenda shrugged. "The magic she used was so pure that nothing would have been able to stop it." At his confused look Alenda sighed. "Try to remember what had happened after Moldar ran his sword through you."

Jareth arched an eyebrow. He puzzled over it for a few moments, his eyes finally lighting up with understanding. "The power of her love," he exclaimed as the memories came pouring forth.

Alenda was a little surprised to see a tear slip from her King's eye. She left the room with a smile on her lips.


Sarah slowly became aware that someone was holding her. Sighing in contentment, she snuggled deeper into the warmth. The arms that were wrapped around her tightened.

"Are you going to sleep forever my love?" a soft melodious voice asked.

Sarah opened her eyes to see Jareth peering down at her. Smiling, she snuggled even deeper into his chest. "I just might," she replied, a teasing tone in her voice.

Sarah felt Jareth's chest shake as he chuckled at her comment. "How are you feeling?"

Sarah gazed into Jareth's eyes, a smile touching her lips. The love she felt for this man was so strong that it took her breath away. She answered his question by leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.

"Ah I see you're feeling much better," Jareth smiled, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Sarah broke away, gasping for air. "Yes, I am feeling much better now, thank you," she replied, her face flushed.

Jareth smiled as he twirled a strand of her hair in his fingers. "We should eat something. It has been a few days since the battle."

Sarah frowned. "How long have I been out?"

"I'm not quite sure." Jareth sobered. There was a lot of catching up to do for both of them. He needed to find out how many of his subjects were killed and injured.

Jareth sent a crystal to the kitchens to have food brought to them. He stood and waved a hand, conjuring up a table and chairs. Soon a knock came to the door and Jareth opened it to reveal a goblin carrying a tray laden with food.

He held a hand out to Sarah. "Come. Let's eat."

Sarah grasped his hand and eased out of bed, her body protesting. Groaning as she got to her feet, Sarah leaned heavily on Jareth's arm.

"So, maybe I'm not fully recovered yet," Sarah remarked.

Jareth wrapped his arm protectively around her waist, keeping her from falling. He was worried at how weak she was. He helped her to her seat and then sat himself.

Sarah picked at her food, thinking about the events that had happened. Tears prickled her eyes as she remembered how close she came to losing Jareth. Glancing up she noticed him watching her. The tears spilled from her eyes as the images played over and over in her mind.

Jareth was at her side in an instant, wrapping her in his arms. "Everything will be alright Sarah. Shhhh..." he whispered, trying to comfort her. Finally her sobs trickled away, her breathing coming under control.

Sarah pulled back a little to look at him. "I almost lost you Jareth," she whispered, tears swimming in her eyes again.

"I am fine now, love." He said, leaning his forehead against hers. "Because of you I am still here."

Sarah was at a loss of words. Wrapping her arms around him she placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you," she whispered, looking deeply into his eyes.

"And I love you," Jareth answered, smiling. He stood and motioned back to their plates. "We should finish our dinner and check on our subjects," he said, taking his seat.

Sarah looked up in surprise at what he said. "Our subjects?" she questioned.

Jareth nodded, smiling at her. "Yes. You are their Queen now Sarah." At her puzzled look Jareth grinned. "When you healed me you gave me part of your soul as well."

"Oh," Sarah exclaimed, confusion still apparent on her face.

"Your love is what healed me and when you used that magic your heart and soul merged with mine."

Sarah smiled at Jareth. "I wouldn't have it any other way, love," she replied with a grin. "So does that mean you are my slave?" Sarah asked, a teasing glint in her eye.

Jareth laughed. "We still have to go through the ceremony before we are completely bonded," a smirk crossed his lips.

Sarah's grin faded, her thoughts returning to the subjects. "Will they accept me as their Queen? So many have lost their lives because of me," she said, tears springing to life again. She quickly wiped them away, admonishing herself. She had to stop being so emotional.

Jareth reached across the table and grasped her hand. "Sarah, don't ever doubt that. They willingly came to assist us in rescuing you. That should tell you right there that they accept you."

Sarah nodded, taking a deep breath to regain her composure. She had a job to do. "If you are finished eating let's go and take care of our subjects."

Jareth smiled. He knew that this woman was the queen that he needed to help rule this kingdom. Her compassion and desire to protect those that are her responsibility will balance out his more ruthless nature.


Sarah was kneeling next to a goblin who had severe injuries. Jareth watched as she spoke comforting words to the little creature. He was proud at the strength she was showing for their subjects. Jareth glanced down when he felt a tug on his sleeve.

"What is it Hogwart?" he asked, irritated at being interrupted from his thoughts.

"It's Hoggle!" the dwarf huffed. "Everyone has gathered that is able to, Sire."

Jareth nodded and went to Sarah's side. He placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention. "It is time for us to go Sarah," he whispered.

They strode, arm in arm, towards the dais that was set on the edge of a clearing just outside the city. All the inhabitants of the Labyrinth were present. Jacen saluted them and bowed, signaling the crowd to do the same.

Jareth approached the podium and cleared his throat. "Today we are here to remember those that were taken from us and to put them to rest. They fought with great honor to protect their home and," Jareth motioned for Sarah to join him, "their Queen."

A cheer was sent up at the announcement of their new Queen. Sarah sadly looked on the gathering, raising her hand to quiet them. "Let us remember those that sacrificed themselves so that we may live another day," Sarah announced as she pulled out a piece of parchment. Taking a deep breath, she started reciting the names of all those who had perished.

The crowd bowed their heads as each name was called. Their hearts swelled with pride at the honor their new Queen was giving each family that had lost someone.

As Sarah finished, she looked up at the creatures in front of her. "Let us go and put them to rest," she announced, taking Jareth's offered hand. They walked the short distance to where the junk yard use to be but now where there were several small graves.

The clouds gathered and lightning flashed across the sky as the last of the deceased were laid to rest. Sarah watched as the rain started to splatter against the dirt mounds surrounding them. Even the Labyrinth was shedding tears for the loss of its' many subjects.

Sarah hadn't noticed that the goblins had already gone back to their homes until Jareth leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek. That's when he noticed she was shivering. He removed his cape and wrapped it around her shoulders.

Sarah felt numb inside. She knew that being a Queen was not an easy task but she didn't realize how difficult it really was. The exhaustion suddenly swept through as her knees gave out.

Jareth grabbed Sarah before she could fall to the ground. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. Transporting them back to his bedchambers, he laid her gently on the bed but her arms tightened around his neck, not letting him go. He crawled into bed, holding her tightly to him.

"Is it always this difficult?" Sarah whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"No my love, it isn't." Jareth sighed. "This is the first time that the Labyrinth has ever been attacked, hopefully the last," Jareth replied, running his fingers through her hair.

Sarah sighed, leaning into his hand. It felt so right to be in his arms. Her eyes drifted shut as her body relaxed against the warmth of her king.

"I love you," she whispered before sleep took her.

Jareth smiled, loving the sound of those three words coming from Sarah's mouth. "I love you, my Queen."


A/N: Wow I finally updated! Ah heck! Sorry it took so long but I couldn't make up my mind where I wanted to go in this chapter. I actually had written 3 different versions of this chapter; that's how bad it was! *sighs* Thanks a lot for your assistance Lunar!

Jessica White: Thank you for your review. It was quite enjoyable to write that chapter but quite hard to get the emotional bits in there too. I wanted to get everyone on the edge of their seats for a bit.

rose walker: Thanks for letting me know that it was powerful enough. Sorry it took so long for the update.

kili-2: LOL I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for your review.

draegon-fire: I thought it was a nice twist for Sarah to be saving Jareth's life for a change. Thanks for reviewing.

hecate-goddess: Ah sorry to be so long in updating. And no this isn't the last chapter...I'm not sure how many are left but I'm running out of steam on this story. I started rewriting it already and coming up with even more ideas to put into it. The more I learn about writing the more mistakes I see but it's all an experience.'s a question for everyone: should I leave the story as is to remind me of how I began my writing experience or should I go back and correct the errors and build upon it? Thanks for your review hecate!

Queen Diamond: Thank you for your review! I appreciate the praise. *smiles*

Desdemona321: Squirms out of reach. Hey watch the poking now....I'm not ticklish! *crosses her arms in defiance* So I had ya worried eh? Well that's good to know; it means I wrote the chapter correctly because I wanted to make sure you were on the edge of your seat. Thanks a lot for your review.

Yami+Hoshi: Thank you for your review. I'm happy you like it. Yeah it was hard to write Jareth as getting injured and almost dying. I had tears in my eyes as I wrote that part where Sarah was kneeling beside him and he was fading away.

Ariana Althena Evergreen: Thanks a lot for your review Ariana. I like your name and I might just take you up on that deal. I really should get a beta or muse or both. Actually maybe several lol.

Blair Somoy: Thank you for your review. I'm happy that you're really enjoying my story.

Eagle33: Thanks a lot for your review Eagle. Chapter 12 was one of my favorites too. Lots of action.

Ana Morales: Thanks for your review! I'm glad you like it.

Now hopefully the next chapter won't be long in coming. I might be upping the rating to R for sexual content. I haven't decided yet. Let me know how you feel about this chapter and what to expect in the next few. Thanks to everyone for reviewing.