A.N. No one does this category, so I'm going to step up to it!……..Go me!!!!!!!

Telepathic thoughts Thought in general Flashbacks

"Said stuff"

Further Into The Darkness

Wake up! Her eyes shot open and she stared at the ceiling.

Where am I? She asked herself. Her eyes darted around wildly, panic rising. Suddenly her eyes clouded over in memory. She remembered how she got here…. She remembered what had happened.

The young teen looked around at the fiery inferno that had once been her tree house where she and her friend hung out. She coughed and covered her nose and mouth, her voice raspy as it came out.


"Over here! Cloud!" the voice started coughing and the young teen of fourteen looked around. She finally spotted her friend and gulped. Flames on all sides surrounded her.

"I'm coming!" she coughed once more before swallowing her self and charging. The flames burnt her body but she finally reached her friend and grabbed her hand.

"Cloud! Your arm!" Mitsuko screamed and pointed. Cloud knew what she meant and she had tried to ignore the searing pain in her arm, she had cut it and now the cloth was on fire, Mitsuko ripped off her sleeve, but the arm was severely burned. Suddenly one of the rafters fell, blocking the way out. Both friends grabbed each other. Both of their eyes darted around wildly and they found a window. It beckoned to them almost, and there was a clear path to it.

Swallowing what was left of her common sense, Cloud began to run with her friend in tow. She jumped, and so did Mitsuko. Cloud shielded her face with her arms and bit back screams of utter anguish as the glass shards bit deep into her flesh, drawing the red liquid as they did. Mitsuko screamed beside her as stray shards bit into her as well.

Suddenly their hearts leapt to their throats as they began to fall into the raging river bellow. Both of them grabbed onto each other, and they fell with a large splash.

Later, Cloud opened her eyes briefly to find they had been carried to shallow water, and men in long trench coats stood before them. She opened her mouth to say something, but all went black.

"Uh…" her brown eyes blinked open. Pain streaked all across her body. She was on a table, and a mask was over her face. People were working on her, and the pain was intense, but she couldn't hear anything. Her ears hurt. She turned her head slightly and saw Mitsuko lying prone next to her. They were putting metal in her body! She started to scream.

"Let Mitsuko's go!" she didn't even know if her voice made a sounds, but she could see that they were laughing at her, and she struggled harder. She pleaded for them to take her, but not Mitsuko.

They never listened, and instead knocked her back out. But she could still feel the pain. This pain she would never forget.

She starred at the room. It was the same room, and her body still throbbed painfully. Beside her Mitsuko was also starring and beginning to panic.

Hurry up! Before the shift is over! The voice prodded at her mind again. Slowly she flexed her fingers and then sat up. Beside her Mitsuko sat up and stared wide eyed at Cloud as she stood up.

"Come on!" her voice was only a little bit above a whisper, Mitsuko's started to panic, and Cloud knew this because her breath began to come in rasps, her eyes widened more?

"Cl-cloud?" she was near hysterics.

Hurry up! She chose to ignore that voice… for the moment. Her butt felt heavy, and so did her head. Not to mention her lips felt a little weird, and she felt a strange pressure in her back. And then there was a burning sensation in her right arm. But she didn't bother to look or examine. Mitsuko stood up and began to back away.

HURRY UP! The voice demanded more persistent. Obviously Mitsuko heard it too because she jumped.

"W-Who was that?"

"I-I dunno." She tried to keep the fear out of her voice. Suddenly lights began to flash in the room.

"What's going on?" She asked, the older girl's voice held complete fear.

They know, hurry. There is a ventilation shaft a little ways to your right. Cloud looked and sure enough, a little to her right was a ventilation shaft and luckily it was only two feet off the ground. Suddenly a pinkish gas began coming in and Mitsuko screamed. Cloud grabbed her hand and forcefully kicked open the ventilation shaft and shoved her friend inside. Immediately she began to crawl and just missed a gunshot. Cloud looked skyward and cursed.

"Stop 0014, we have you surrounded!"

"It's the police robots!" she cursed and ducked inside after her friend.

Unfortunately it WASN'T a ventilation shaft but a sort of slide and she heard Mitsuko screaming before her as they slid into darkness. Cloud gave a slight shout as the tunnel abruptly switches directions and she careened into Mitsuko who was desperately holding onto a corner. It was evident she was crying.


"I hear water, and.. and gunfire!" She cried.

You see, a very rich family brought up Mitsuko and while normally she was brave, this was an exception. For she what her younger friend did not. Her friend had, for starters, a fox like tail sticking out of her butt, fox ears, fangs that stuck out of the corners of her mouth, and from what she could see, her friend's right arm was covered in a weird type of bandage. Besides that, they were both in what she considered, the tackiest uniforms on earth. They were a dismal hade of red with four gold buttons and a gold scarf like thing around the neck.


"Yeah, like an ocean.." she trailed off hearing shouts. Someone was pursuing them.

Just slide down! Once you hit the water dive deep under, from there on I will give you directions. The voice proclaimed again. Both Cloud and Mitsuko winced at the volume, and Cloud could have sworn she felt something move on her head and drone some of it out.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know, but that's do as it says…." Cloud trailed off and gently took One of Mitsuko's hands in her own.

"I will protect you, that's what BFF's are for." Mitsuko smiled and nodded. Slowly she let go and then slid out into the pouring rain and began their decent down into the ocean. Gunshots grazed them, but they still held on and they took a deep breath.

They hit with a loud splash.

Cloud and Mitsuko opened their eyes as they plunged to the bottom. They were running out of breath and the voice had yet to tell them a thing, and the gunshots kept them from going up.

It was either die up there or down bellow.

Both of them looked at each other, but suddenly Mitsuko's eyes widened. Cloud gave her a puzzled glance and Mitsuko chose that time to open up her mouth and scream.

"Shark!" Cloud turned just in time as a large shark grabbed her in its jaws. She grimaced and pain.

I can't last much longer…. She thought with a sense of dread. And then she noticed something.

The shark was mechanical.

It began to thrash, trying to tear her apart when she lost her breath and breathed in.

She could breath, barely. She gasped and did the first thing that came to mind.

Hit the shark senseless.

She made a large crack but that was obviously not enough. But suddenly, out of nowhere a beam shot and destroyed the mechanical creature. Cloud was sure she saw a person.

"Cloud!" Mitsuko could obviously breath underwater much better than Cloud and when she looked her eyes widened at the sight. Her friend's feet were flippers, and her from what she could see, her body was covered in scales! Her arms also had fins, and the girl was obviously scared as she swam over.

"What's happened to me?"

"I-I'm not sure." Cloud said weakly. Mitsuko, sending her friend's vulnerability pointed up, and that is where they swam.

Coincidently a large log was there and they climbed upon it. Cloud was heaving out water, and so was Mitsuko. By the time she was done her scales and fins had disappeared and the two friends looked at each other.

"Thanks." They said in unison. It was silent for some time.

Well done, now just paddle foreword towards the land you see in the distance.

The voice obviously decided it was high time to show itself.

"Who the hell are you?!" Cloud spat angrily.

You will find out. And then the voice was gone.


"Yes?" Cloud turned her attention to her friend and her eyes widened. Mitsuko was looking about ready to faint.

"I.. don't feel…" she dropped, straight onto the log with a thump.

"Mitsuko!? Mitsuko!!" the girl cried and shook her friend. She felt for a pulse, and finding one sighed in relief. There was one, but it was low.

She'd have to go to shore. She looked in the direction of the voice and found that a long ways away, there was a strip of land and she thought she actually saw a few building.

The wind blew cruelly and she shivered, lowering herself into the freezing water. Her teeth started to chatter, but she clenched them tightly and latched onto the log.

"O.k., let's go." She struggled at first, but soon she got a steady pace going, and began heading towards land.

She didn't know when exactly she did pass out, all she knew was that she finally did and she didn't care. She felt like crying too, she was so far away from shore, and she didn't know if Mitsuko was o.k. or not, she could be dieing! Then, all she wanted was rest.. nice…peaceful rest….

Birds… cawing…. Seagulls? Was her first coherent thought. She felt strangely cold, and she felt miserable in general.

"Has it all been a dream?" she asked aloud, still not opening her eyes.  Light seemed to shine through her eyelids. It made her feel energetic, yet sleepy. She jarred her hand and nearly cried out. Actually, she had to bite her lip not to do so because it hurt so badly! She opened her eyes and winced as the sunlight made them water.

No, it had not been a dream. She was still in the middle of the ocean trying to get her incoherent friend to shore, she was still hurting, and she was still wounded. Hell, she didn't even know what the extra pressure and weight was yet!

None-the-less, determined as ever, she looked up and nearly yelped when she saw the shore was only at least five hours away!

O.k., to someone else five hours may not seem so great, but to a person that's been dragged through hell and has paddled the whole afternoon and most of the night-it would be a VERY good surprise. Especially if land was more than a day away last time.

"How did I get so close…?" she shook her head. She didn't want to know and she didn't care. All that mattered was that she was closer. She suspected it had been the tide or something along those lines anyway.

Slowly she began to kick. Her muscles ached and pleaded with her not to, but Mitsuko very well couldn't do it so she'd have to. She tried blocking the pain out as best she could. She gritted her teeth and wiped her wet, dirty blonde hair from her face and put it behind her ear as best she could without letting go.

She feared if she let go she would sink and then she'd never get Mitsuko to dry land!

Come on, just a little more! She mentally screamed, even if she had only been going and hours and a half and she still had a LONG way to go.

Half an hour away she had nearly given up and had resorted to sitting on the long with Mitsuko, a strangle pull at her butt, but she didn't both with it, and instead used her arms to paddle them in.

The sun was now overhead and she marveled at the reef under them. She saw things she had only dreamed of seeing at home. She saw anemone, and clown fish, and small white tip and black tip sharks, sand all sorts of things! She marveled at the crystal clear waters and absolutely adored the coral and sea life…. But it was only because it blocked out the pain, the noxiousness in her stomach, and the migraine pounding in her head.

When she finally looked up again it was because her feet had brushed sand. She had finally made it and she gingerly stepped off the log, shivering uncontrollably now-not even her willpower could stop that now.

Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly Mitsuko was pretty much dry and wasn't cold at all. Cloud sighs and got off in the near knee-deep water. She had hopped to see her reflection, but it was impossible at this point. She took in a few unsteady breaths and hefted her older friend onto her back, groaning and wincing-almost crying at the sheer strain on her abused muscles. Her vision started to go in and out of darkness for a few seconds, and she remained still, the waves lapping at her feet. Taking a deep breath and began to walk, slowly. Her strides were painful and hard, but she kept on going. Finally, she was out of the water and on the sand. She walked a few more steps before she heard a slight 'uh….' Sound.

"Mitsuko?" she asked, hope in her voice. She turned her head just in time to see a pair of dark brown, almost black, eyes open.

"Hey.." she said weakly, sliding off Cloud's back and faltering a little.

"We made it.." she said at once, noticing the soft sand underneath her boots. She looked at Cloud, startled.


"Yeah.." Cloud's eyes were only half open by now, but she was smiling. Her voice was hoarse and rasp.

"How are you feeling, Mitty?" she used a nickname, too tired to say it in full.

"Fine, but you.." Cloud brushed her off.

"Why did you stare at me like that earlier?" She asked at Once. Mitsuko's eyes teared up.

"Oh Cloud…" she reached behind her friend and grabbed onto the tail, bringing it to show Cloud who stood there for a minute before shakily (she was still cold, and she was in fright) reaching up to touch the fox ears. Then she shakily reached inside her mouth and felt her incisors, which now were fangs. Slowly her knees gave way and she fell slowly to the ground-Mitsuko along with her.

Cloud felt like crying again, but she couldn't allow herself. Not in front of anyone, and not ever.

"Cloud, what are we?" Mitsuko was nearing hysterics again.

"I'm not sure…"

"I want my mother…" Mitsuko started to sniff and Cloud forced her legs up, bringing Mitsuko with her.

"Let's find a town." She said, her voice now barely over a whisper. And then she remembered.

"I can't go to town looking like this… I'm covered in salt, so are you…" Mitsuko began to cry again.

"Where are we? Who are we? What happened… all I can remember is a fire and then we jumped and then…" she trailed off.

Very good, I'm glad you could make it. I'll send someone for you shortly.

"What the hell?" Cloud looked all around and made a point to guard Mitsuko. But she was so weakened she could barely stand, so no matter what all efforts would be fruitless. Her tail and ears were even limp! Her muscles begged for mercy, and she held back her tears of anger, frustration, and pain.

Just what have we become? She asked herself, staring at the ground where 'her' tail showed a bit.

And then suddenly she heard a humming sound. She braced herself in front of Mitsuko.

"Cloud your too hurt! You need rest."

"Quiet." She snapped. Suddenly a boy loomed before them. He had on the same uniform they had and half his face was covered by a particular clump of bangs.

"Hi." He said with a slight smile, coming closer. Cloud scowled and pushed Mitsuko further behind her, barring her fangs a little bit.

"Easy now, I'm a friend. My name is 009. You must be 0014, and you must be 0015, I'm pleased to meet you."

"Numbers?" Mitsuko voiced aloud.

"Yes, you are the fifteenth cyborg, I am the ninth. I can explain more later. Why don't you come with me?" Cloud growled, startling herself and Mitsuko.

"Tell now." 009 smiled and sighed.

"The organization Black Ghost desires more power so it is trying to use its powerful technology to take over the world by building powerful cyborgs. You two must be the newest models." He came closer and his eyes widened when he finally got a good look at Cloud, who barred her fists at him. His eyes suddenly darkened.

"I see, Black ghost is experimenting with fusion now…" he trailed off and held out his hand.

"My real name is Joe Shimamura, and you two are?" Mitsuko smiled brightly and shook his hand.

"MY name is Mitsuko Akira, and that is my best friend Cloud Krishian. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." 009 smiles a bit more and both let go of each other. He held his hand out to Cloud.

"I'm hoping we can be friends." Cloud warily shook his hand.

"So there are more of you.. err us?" Mitsuko asked as Cloud took her hand away, still keeping her distance.

"Yes, I, I mean, we would like you to join us.. our cause if you will.."

"Wait! You're the revolt against the government?" 009 rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, not exactly… but I guess."

"So we are cyborgs?"

"Err…yes…" Mitsuko blinked and then her face went unreadable.

"What year is it?"

"It's 2006, why?" Mitsuko's eyes widened.

"Has it really been three years?"

"You've been asleep for three years?" Beside Mitsuko Cloud had stiffened, and then in a low, weak, hoarse voice she cut in.

"Let's go."

"Uh, right. Follow me." Mitsuko smiled and happily followed her new friend, but Cloud hung back. Her mind was in a whirl! While her friend could accept things more easily, she couldn't. Just what was this Black Ghost? Why does it want to make cyborgs? Why do they want to take over the world? She winced. Thinking only made her head hurt, and when her head hurt, she remembered the other pain and when that happened- she remembered why she was in pain and what she looked like.

In all reality, she had no choice but to follow 009.

It just happened to be her unlucky ay though, cause it began to rain; adding to the shivers she was already getting.

After about ten minutes of walking along the beach they came upon a house. It had been a silent walk up until then, and the two newcomers were having doubts as they looked at the huge mansion.

By this point Cloud was even more miserable but she still tried to remain alert.

At least the sea salt washed off…. She thought with little relief. She was freezing. She suspected her lips were blue or purple, and her hands were already white. She could barely suppress her shaking, so her body trembled. But Mitsuko didn't seem to be affected at all. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying the water.

Finally they reached the door, and 009 opened it. A girl greeted him. She was tall with blonde hair.

"You're back." She smiled, wrapping a blanket around him. 009 smiled and turned back around, beckoning them in. The two cautiously stepped inside. Several other people in the weird, and tacky in Mitsuko's opinion, uniforms were sitting around the room on furniture. Mitsuko calmly shut the door while Cloud was on edge. Her senses were on the alert and her skin rippled with cold and fear.

"Cloud, you o.k.?" Cloud dizzily spun to face her friend and nodded. Mitsuko's smile was kind and warm.

"You need not fear us." The warm voice of 003 commented. Cloud blinked blurrily as a warm blanket was put around her shoulders.

"You look very cold." She smiled. She trailed off when Cloud's ear's twitched.

"I thought those were a cute accessory…" Cloud's face immediately clouded over into something unreadable.

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, s'ok…" she trailed off.

"I'm still confused…" Mitsuko said quite suddenly.

Let me clear up that confusion. The voice was close and both girls looked around for it. They suddenly found themselves drawn to a little baby in the blonde woman's arms.

"Aww how cute." Mitsuko cooed. The baby seemed annoyed.

Ahem, my name is 001.

"You're a telepath…neat!" Mitsuko beamed, Cloud was quiet and 003 giggled.

Yes, Black ghost has given us all special abilities. 002 over there has the ability of flight. And 003 over here has a heightened radar system. We were the first three. 004, over there, has been rebuilt as a large weapon. His right hand is a gun and his legs shoot missiles. 005 if the big guy over there. His skin is tougher than steal. 006 can spout flames from his mouth that are hot enough to melt any metal known to man. His nickname is mole. 007 can transform into anything by pressing his belly button, and 008is a weaponry expert, and is able to breathe under water and swim like a fish. I believe you have already met 009. He is far more advanced than any of us with tough skin, acceleration mode, and he can breathe underwater.

It took a minute for this information to register.

"There have been more of us?" Mitsuko asked, remembering the number designation 009 had used.

"Correct." Said 004 from his position on the wall. His crystal like eyes were hard to get used to and it sorta creped Mitsuko out. But she would make a point to get over it.

"So, black ghost must have experimented with animal genetics with 0014, is that right?" 002 said, quite coldly. Cloud was at a loss for words and she settled with now answering.

"002, that wasn't very polite." 003 scolded. The orange haired cyborg didn't respond, instead he 'hmphed'.

"You must be freezing." 007 smiled and gestured to the seats beside him. Mitsuko started to follow, but seeing as Cloud didn't budge she giggled and took her hand, startling her from her daze as she sat down on the far end. She started to sit down but her tail got in the way. She blinked in bafflement as Mitsuko tried to no to laugh.

She didn't succeed and Cloud sent her a dirty look.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, it's just.. you look so funny!" Cloud made no comment and instead forcefully moved her tail and sat.

"Different, isn't it?" a tubby, but all around humorous 006 chuckled. Cloud nodded dizzily.

"Very much." She said quietly, hoarsely.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how old are you?" 007 asked with a grin. Mitsuko beamed.

"Well I had my birthday right before the accident, so if I was 14 then, I must be 17 now!" Cloud was silent for a moment.

"What day is it?"

"March 18. It's Friday." 008 commented with his arms folded and a slight smile on his face.

"Then I would be fifteen."

"You were twelve?" 003 asked politely. Cloud shook her head.

"She hasn't had her birthday yet." Mitsuko smiled and thumped Cloud on the back.

"So, you still sweet as sugar?"

"Maybe." Cloud answered with a slight smirk. Everyone shared a small laugh.

"How old are you guys anyway?"

"We'd like to say we are young, but we're not. Actually, some of us are hundreds of years old." Both girls froze.

"So we're stuck like this?" Mitsuko asked slowly. A few grim affirmatives.


"They took it better than I did." 008 said with a shrug, before being interrupted.

"YES! My dreams come true! I'm stuck in my prime!" Mitsuko promptly gushed over the wonderful news and all they could do was stare. Cloud of course hid her face in embarrassment.

"I don't know you." She said miserably.

"Of course you do Cloud-chan! We've been friends for years now!" Cloud sighed, sweat dropping. Suddenly Mitsuko pondered something.

"I wonder how old Touma is.. you know… I bet you're the right age." Cloud's eyes snapped open and she promptly slapped her hand over Mitsuko's mouth.

"Who's Touma?" 009 asked. Mitsuko removed Cloud's hand.

"Her fiancé!" Mitsuko smiled proudly.

"You were engaged at 13?"Exclaimed 009. Cloud's face was priceless at that moment. She glared half-heartedly at Mitsuko who smiled and patted her back.

"They were bound to find out. Come to think of it, I can't believe I'm this calm. I mean seriously. We've just been stripped from our homes and lives in the course of a day and now we are cyborgs, not to mention we both have some freaky genetic thing going on that I still have no clue to how it was done, I mean seriously! Three years ago I didn't even have a clue it could be done!" this was all said in a really, really long sense and Mitsuko began to babble.

"Breath Mitsuko." Cloud commanded, clamping a hand firmly over her mouth. She stopped her little rant and stared. She took a big breath and sensing it was safe now Cloud let her friend's mouth go.

By that time both of them were dry, but Cloud was still not feeling too much better and now she had more added weight upon her shoulders. She rubbed her temples.


"I need some air…" Cloud got up after politely excusing herself and went out the door from which she had come.

"Cloud's not a people person." Mitsuko smiled, watching her friend leave with a semi sad smile.

"So tell me, how did you get here?" 004 asked as 006 retreated to the kitchen to cook dinner. Mitsuko paused in thought.

"I remember Cloud and Mr. 001 and then a ventilation shaft, and then the sea. I remember being able to breathe and transforming and stuff, and then a shark thing attacked us, something happened and Cloud got away and we ended up on a log in the middle of the ocean, about a day and a half away from here. I remember getting really, really dizzy and Cloud screaming my name before I blacked out. I suppose she got us here some how.. I hope she didn't spend the night in the ocean… and then I woke up to be warm on the beach and then we talked and then we met Mr. 009 and you know the rest."

"Ah I see…."

Cloud continued to wander along the beach, just staring off into nothing for hours now. She felt miserable, so miserable it was close to brining her to tears. She barely realized that she had gone into a city until she heard the cars honking at each other. She blinked dizzily, not able to comprehend any of it, and forgetting her appearance.

It goes without saying that people stayed away, far, far away. She found herself wandering aimlessly, trying to sort everything out, trying to realize it was three years into the future and she was no longer thirteen, even though she sort of looked like she was.

It was almost unreal when she realized she'd be stuck like this forever, or until whatever she was running on wore out, and she doubted that would happen.

She didn't even realize she was crying until she heard the strangled cry escape her mouth and she finally noticed the warmth on her cheeks.

She didn't even remember the last time she had cried like this. It was pitiful in her eyes, and she had no right to cry.

She was cold, miserable, crying, looked like a freak, and she was probably running a fever by the way she felt. It wasn't fair in her eyes; it wasn't supposed to be like this!

And then she heard a silent cry with her sensitive ears. It was so much more pitiful than hers, and she stopped to listen. The voice was in anguish and it sounded almost animalistic. An even louder roar followed it, making her shiver.

But she continued to follow the noise, and this noise led her to the outskirts of town. She vaguely recognized a big tent that signified a circus, but it was far too dismal for it to be open, she knew this because it was still drizzling.

She went around back, with her hands shoved in her pockets and her eyes glistened, signaling she was half out of it. She soon came to a pudgy man dressed in a black ringmaster's out fit. He had a long mustache that had been gelled to look French like. He was throwing a whip at a small, unlikely group of animals. And if Cloud had even been in it, she would have been startled. It was a large, wounded, white tiger, a silver wolf, and on the wolf's back was a small fox kit. All looked haggled.

"Damn it all! I'd sell you all for a button! Your worthless!" he accented on each of his words by snapping his whip. The tiger growled and roared. Its right paw was wounded, and it had whip marks all over it. The wolf was dirty and it too looked mistreated. The fox kit looked to be sick and that was when Cloud intervened.

"Get out of here girl! You and your stupid accessories!" Cloud paid him no mind and instead broke off one of her buttons. She paused to cough hoarsely before walking closer.

"I said get!" he made a swipe at her but he missed. He was obviously a bit drunk.

"I'll take you up on that offer." She said hoarsely, holding out her button to him with a small smile. He stared at her before scowling and grabbing the button.

"Their yours, bunch of lazy good for nothing free loaders!" he made a move to kick them, but Cloud intervened, wincing at the blow.

"Congratulations girl! You bought yourself some worthless pieces of shit! Now get outa here!" he began to walk away, muttering something about stupid girls and animals.

Cloud shared a look with the tiger before carefully removing the yellow cloth around her neck. She tore it in half and set one piece aside in her pocket. She then cautiously started walking towards the tiger, which growled and bared its teeth. She paused before making a hoarse growling sound and showing her own teeth.

The tiger, if tigers can, looked baffled as Cloud knelt before it. She began to make soft sounds in the back of her throat, edging closer to the bloody paw. The tiger growled and tried stepping away but she now was too close, and was shaking quite fiercely, but still trying to say those nonsense things in a soft tone. She gently grabbed the paw and he roared, making her ears lay flat on her head.

The tiger, obviously in pain, seemed to whimper and felt onto its stomach in submission as she wrapped the cloth tightly around the wound. The wolf was beginning to panic, but Cloud started the nonsense words again as the tiger got to its feet, limping slightly. Cloud carefully knelt next to the wolf while the tiger hovered behind her in disbelief. She scratched the wolf behind its ears, it was obvious to her that it was a girl and she licked her hand. The tiger was male. And the fox kit… she gently took the sick kit from the wolf's back. Surprisingly neither the wolf nor the tiger protested, as animals always sense good intensions.

Cloud's intentions were good, and she used the leftover cloth as a blanket. The kit, another female, mewed at the back of its throat and snuggled into her chest. Cloud paused, waiting for a dizzy spell to pass.

"Want to go with me?" she asked quietly. The tiger roared rather loudly and the wolf howled. She touched the tiger's head tentatively.

"Byaken." The tiger, now Byaken, roared softly as if to acknowledge it. Cloud smiled, one of her rare smiles, one that was truly happy as she touched the silver wolf's head.

"Fang." The wolf, Fang, barked and licked her palm. Cloud smiled.

"Gee mom, followed me home, can I keep um?" she said hoarsely to herself. Then, almost forgetting the kit, she looked down.


"Lets go.." she said weakly, and began walking.

Needless to say, she barely had a clue to where she was so she tried as best she could to get home. No surprisingly, people didn't stand in her way. Who would? With a huge tiger a wolf, and a fox kit following a girl around?

Mitsuko looked out the window and sighed. Her friend had been gone for over four hours and still hadn't shown up! She had even missed dinner and everything. She had tried to go out, but 004 had said she probably needed some time to herself and if she was gone too long they would go out- all she needed was patience.

Patience… she snorted. Patience was a virtue she hadn't been blessed with at all. Right now she wanted to storm a castle or something! She wanted to go through an army, anything to distract her from her friend and their predicament!

Either that ort she REALLY wanted Cloud to teach her to fight like she did. She had promised her that she would, and she really, really wanted that training to start soon!

She sighed, looking out through the window at the sea.

"I'm sure she's fine Miss." Mitsuko nearly jumped out of her skin at 007's intrusion.

"Besides, if she doesn't come back we'll go out for her, you needn't worry." Mitsuko nodded and smiled a bit.

"Besides! I, 007, will always look out for such a beautiful lady such as yourself!" and then Mitsuko couldn't help but laugh as he started another of his dreaded pick up lines/speeches.

"Give it a rest!" 008 cut in.

"Hey! I was getting to the best part!"

"Yeah sure." 008 replied nonchalantly.

"Hey!" the two immediately began a glaring contest and Mitsuko couldn't help but laugh.

So far she had figured out each of their personalities.

001 was the main brain of the group while 002 was the loner. 003 was the kind-hearted person everyone could warm up to, she had a strong sense of will and never gave up. 004 was the calm brave heart and always kept his humanity about him, that was the most precious thing to him. 005 was the strong silent type and h obviously didn't talk much. 006 was the funny cook who has a rosy exterior, and he always hid his pain while 007 expressed his feelings and he was probably the most cheerful of the group, obviously, among other things, a flirt and a comic relief. 008 was the kind kidder, and he wore a small cloud of angst about him And then there was 009, he tried to keep everyone in spirits and saw the bright side of things instead of the bad. He was the hero sort of person.

Mitsuko had even got used to getting called 0015. By all means it wasn't easy, and it kind of made her feel weird for the first hour or so. It was like they were in the military, but after a while she didn't mind, and she didn't know how Cloud would react, if she were alive.

"Storm is getting worse." 002 commented. Where he came, Mitsuko had no idea.

"Yes, it is."

"Not a good flying zone, sure hope your friend isn't stupid enough to get caught out in it." If he noticed Mitsuko got slightly angry from that comment he didn't seem to care or he ignored it. Mitsuko sighed.

Cloud.. please be o.k.…

Cloud panted heavily and struggled to lift her feet. The wind seemed to want to blow her down, but she couldn't let it. She was so cold though, and she felt like shit to put it basically. Part of her wished she hadn't gone out, but part of her was happy because she had acquired friends she could relate to.

"Byaken.." she groped around for the familiar head that her hand had been resting on, but she found it nowhere in grasp. She looked around and saw Byaken and Fang digging into a sand dune.

"What are you.." she trailed off as she felt herself start to fall, her world was spinning and she shielded the kit from impact.

She felt something wet licking her face and she groaned, opening her eyes to find a pair of brown canine eyes looking into her own glazed over brown ones. Fang nuzzled her cheek and suddenly she felt herself being pulled and then all the wind was cut off. Then she found herself being dragged further inside, and came in contact with something soft and warm.

Byaken was allowing her to use him as a pillow.

"Byaken…" she had barely know the animal, and had only rescued him and taken care of his wound, but she sensed a firm bound between them now. Fang made herself known as she curled up on Cloud's right and the Kit made a nest on her left side.

Her head was towards the opening, and she heard the storm rage on.

"I'm sorry… Mitsuko.. uh.." and then her over exhausted body gave way and she collapsed into the warm darkness, it encasing her. Byaken nuzzled the girl's head before getting comfortable and closing his eyes. Fang did the same and the two great animals slowly succumb to sleep, the kit had already fallen asleep, they would wait out the storm.

Another thirty minutes passed with odd talk going around occasionally, and still no sign of 0014.

"003, can you sense her." 009 asked tenderly.

"I can try." The soft-spoken girl closed her eyes and rested her left hand on her temple, sensing out with her radar.

Suddenly her eyes snap open.

"I can sense her breathing, but barely. I can hear other breathing, and it's not human."

"That settles it, we go out and find her." 002 said, holding up his laser and beginning to move out. A 'wait' dies in their throats as he takes off.

"003, could you sense her if you got close enough?" 0015 asks urgently, her face eager.

"It's worth a shot."

"Great, how about 009, 003, and I go out and try to find 0014. If we aren't back within the hour, send another group." 008 said confidently.

"Besides," he adds, "we can never tell when 002 will get back."

"But." Mitsuko interjects, but is interrupted by 007's hand on her shoulder. He shakes his head.

"It's best this way, we don't know what's out there." Mitsuko sighs.


"Alright, let's go." 009 said, laser in hand as he starts out the door, 003's hand in his free hand and 008 following behind. The group of three leaves behind a very worried Mitsuko and a few anxious cyborgs.

"Hurry.." Mitsuko says quietly so no one except herself can hear.

"Now, now. I'm sure they'll be fine. How about some hot chocolate." 006 says, trying desperately to brighten the mood.

"That sounds good." 007 smiles and sits down at the table, Mitsuko following him. Over in the other room 001 is fast asleep and 005 is sitting, absorbed in his own thoughts for the time being. 004 is also there and declines the drink is favor of his own thoughts as he reads a book. 006 begins to hum a fast paced song as he prepares nine mugs of hot chocolate. He gives one to 005, 007, 0015, himself, and then he sets the other away for 003, 009, 008, and 0014 for when they get back.

Mitsuko looks out the window from the corner of her eyes as she absentmindedly sips her steaming mug of liquid.

Can you sense anything yet 003?" 008 yells over the wind and fierceness of the storm. The thunder crashes and the lightening streaks across the sky as if to say I am boss, or light a path through a dense fog for the spirits. 003 covers her ears and focuses on concentrating her radar on 0014's breathing. They had traveled about half a mile away from the house with no results still.

Finally she gets through and she senses 0014 is close. She looks around and finally spots a hole in a sand dune.

"She's in that hole!" they start foreword, but stop when 008 shouts something.

"What? We can't hear you!" 009 shouts. 008 gets closer.

"There are large animal and human foot prints all around, there is also some blood and drag marks. I think 0014 was dragged into the cave!"

"Let's go!" 009 starts to charge, leaving the other two behind. Suddenly, he is faced with a growling silver wolf!

"E-easy bo-girl…" he says calmly, trying to edge closer to the hole. Fang doesn't budge and instead growls even lower in his throat. 009 catches a glimpse of red fabric and dark blonde hair from this point.

"Look, you have a friend of ours and we need her back."

Fang again growls, and then a hoarse voice cracks through the storm.

"Fang…."it is weak, and the wolf, Fang, immediately stops growling in favor of nuzzling her human companion.

"0014!" 008 yells, and fang growls at him.

"They're good Fang.. Sssh…." Soft words are being said, and 003 barely catches it. Suddenly a large white tiger comes out of the cave.

"Oh crap!" 008 exclaims and darts for his laser.

"Wait! Look!" Byaken gently takes 0014 and awkwardly places her stomach down on his back. But clutched in her arms is yet another animal!

"What is it a zoo?" 008 says sarcastically and is surprised when Fang licks 0014's fevered cheek. 009 cautiously gets closer.

"0014! Are you alright?"

"I feel really crappy right about now.." he hears the hoarseness in her voice and gets bold enough as to touch her brow. It's burning up at an alarming temperature.

"We've gotta get you inside." He then notices the wounds on the other animals and his gaze softens.

"Oh.. I see."

"Don't tell me we are going to bring them all back?"

"We've got to."

"009 is right 008! Look at them."

"well I suppose you are right." He sighs.

"Come on boy, we've got to get 0014 back to the infirmary…" 009 says. A few more words from 0014 is all the tiger needs and they start on their way back.

"You have to stay awake 0014, if you fall asleep you could die!" 003 says, addressing the sickly cyborg.

"I'll try.." came the hoarse response.

Mitsuko looked up as the door is opened, and she promptly screamed at what she saw! For through the door comes a giant white tiger and a wolf! Worse yet, her best friend is in the tiger's clutches.

"Calm down 0015." 003 smiles and comes in.

"Glad your all back." 006 hands each person that comes through the door hot chocolate. 0014 struggles to sit up, and barely succeeds, uncovering the small fox kit.

"Oh my."

"Candy is sick." She starts to couch Hoarsely.

"You just had to bring home more animals, didn't you."

"What can I say? They called to me." She smiles a bit and Fang licks her palm. Mitsuko sighs and kneels before her friend.

"Cloud, look at me,"


"You stayed in the water all the night and over exerted yourself."

"'M fine.." she mumbled, trailing off to cough. Mitsuko sighed, placing her hands on her hips.

"And I'm the queen of England."

"Chip, chip, cheerio…" another set of coughs, "your majesty." She manages to wheeze out the last part. Mitsuko glares half-heartedly.

"Here." She gently takes the kit from her friend's arms, and immediately Fang and Byaken are growling and she yelps and takes a step back, but the kit is comfortable, too sick to really care.

"Byaken, Fang." Cloud commands and they stop with one last stare.

"Hey.. Thanks Mit…su...ko.." Slowly her eyes begin to close, but she still smiling, amazingly she still has a smile on her face.

"0014!" Byaken makes sure he falls comfortably on him and Fang nuzzles her, she's not dead.

"Come on, we've got to get her to the infirmary."

"Right." 009 doesn't even try to take the injured cyborg from Byaken's clutches…yet. Mitsuko watches them leave and gently rocks the kit in her arms, sighing. 007, 008, and 006 just blink, having watched the interchange.

"You two really look out for one another." 007 is first to recover. Mitsuko just smiles and nods.

"Hey 006, can you warm up some milk?"

"Uh sure." 006 hurries around the kitchen, getting a pan and some milk while Mitsuko heads for the herbal cabinet. She takes out a few things and smiles, getting a bowl and a small spoon.

"Can one of you hold, err Candy for me?"

"I'll do it!" 007 eagerly takes Candy from 0015, probably to show off his good nurturing skills.

"You know, you're not going to impress her that easily." 007 ignored 008 in favor of watching 0015 work.

First she put the bowl down and added a little bit of water. Next she measured two spoonfuls of some sort of green powder. Next came some red stuff, and then some yellow. Finally she added what looked to me some sort of crushed up leaves. She mixed it together, making a dark brown liquid.


"Some sort of medicine?"

"Very observant 008." Mitsuko smiled cheerfully.

"Here." 006 handed her a bottle of warm milk and Mitsuko carefully took the small fox kit from 007.

"Open up little fell-err girl… uh Candy." She laughed at her mistakes and gently pressed the nub of the bottle to the kit's lips. She gave a delighted squeal when Candy opened her mouth a little to let the milk come in. Soon she was sucking on the bottle while she held her.

"You have a way with children…" 007 trailed off.

"Usually Cloud-chan has all the luck with animals, this is the first time I've gotten to hold a wild one without her assistance!" 0015 was obviously enthralled by this and they couldn't help but laugh.

Down in the infirmary 0014 now lay on one of the beds. 003 was busy fixing up an IV and a drip while 009 busied himself with getting cod water to place by the bed, and getting a towel for her forehead. The animals waited patiently, watching the cyborgs with utmost care, waiting for a mistake.

009 smiled at them.

"Don't worry, your friend will be just fine." 003 took the thermometer out of her limp mouth.

"She's got a high fever."

"What is it?"

"104." There was a moment of silence.

"We should take watches, I'll take the first."

"Are you sure, 003?"

"Yes, I'll try to break the fever."


Mitsuko sighed and tried, yet again, to persuade the sick kit to drink the medicine. So far, out of ten ideas, nothing, absolutely NOTHING worked on her!

"Dang it! Quite acting like cloud and drink the god forsaken medicine!" Mitsuko wined, But poor Candy made no move to comply.

"so, we've tried faces, coaxing, prying her mouth open, trickery, slipping some in food, a bottle, and what else?" 007 said, exasperated.

"You forgot the hanging upside down, discreetly trying to get it in, injection, and slipping it when she cries." 006 said, equally tired. Candy was now, still sleeping, in 0015's arms. The bottle of medicine was on the table.

"Any one else have any other ideas?" 0015 asked with a weary look around the table. Suddenly, 009 sat down- they hadn't even noticed him!

"What are you three trying to do?"

"Get Candy to take her medicine." 007 began to rattle off all the idea's they had tried and 009 'hum's' for a minute before smiling.

"Why not have the wolf, um Fang is it? Well why not try to get Fang to coax Candy into drinking it?" It was so obvious it was uncanny. There was silence as they stared at him.

"How do you DO that?" 0015 asks, mouth open in disbelief. 009 can only shrug with a smile.

"By the way, how is 0014?" 006 asks.

"Hmm, not so good. She's got a fever. 003 is taking care of her right now." Faces turn grim and 0015 gets out of her chair.

"I might as well go see her and Fang." She smiles a bit and takes the bottle of medicine with her. The remaining cyborgs watch her retreat silently.

"Nice girl.." 007 comments absentmindedly.

"You say that about all women." A rather solemn voice full of amusement says. 007 grabs his heart in fear, jumping.

"Don't DO that! I could have had a heart attack 004!"

"Sorry, just thought you'd like to know that 002 is back."

"Thank you very much 004." 009 smiles appreciatively.

"You're welcome." He smiled a little bit and leaned back on the wall in thought.

Mitsuko quietly entered the hospital wing and stopped to stare. 003 was quietly keeping a vigilant watch over 0014,while the animals also looked on. Byaken was on the right side, and fang was sitting at the foot of the bed. Candy mewed, making 003 jumped and all attention turn to her.

"Oh, 0015." 003 smiled in relief.

"It's only you."

"Uh ya, how is she doing?" Mitsuko calmly strode over to the bed and sat down in a vacant chair.

"Her fever isn't going down." 003 said, a tint of sadness. 0015 nodded and smiled a bit as Candy peered at 003.

"How cute." 003 scratched under Candy's chin, the later seemed to purr and 0015, almost daring to hope, slipped the nub of the bottle in. She gave a relieved sigh when Candy began to suckle.

"I take it she wasn't cooperating?" 003 giggled. 0015 shook her head with a small smile. And the animals drew their attention off of them and returned full attention to the young cyborg that had rescued them. Candy struggled out of 0015 grasp after she drank the bottle, and curled up on 0014's chest.

"Where are we, exactly?" 0015 asked after a few minutes.

"We are currently in Japan, why?"

"Wow. We are a long way from home." 0015 said absentmindedly.

"Where are you from?"

"America, specifically the united states. We were camping in my summer home, just my family, her and me. We even had a tree house…" 0015 stopped, and tears pricked her eyes. 003 put a hand around her shoulder.

"Where are you from anyway?" 0015 asked softly, trying to control herself and wiping at her eyes.

"I, I am from France."


"If you don't mind me asking, how were you captured by Black Ghost?" 0015 took in a deep breath and leaned back, staring at the ceiling.

"I guess we were being tracked from the first time we stumbled upon each other. Long story or short?"

"I have time."

"Let's see.. where to begin…" she trailed off and closed her eyes.

"I remember, it was a hot summer day and I had just gotten away from one of the men my father used to make watch me. I don't know how it happened, but I had gotten lost. I was getting scared and afternoon was approaching. Soon I stumbled upon a lake and I was astounded at what I saw. Twas not the beautiful shore or lake that made my eyes open, but it was the creature I found there. I remember her staring at me with piercing brown eyes. She looked so wounded and untrusting. She was laying on a rock, basking in the warmth and sunlight I guessed, and there was blood around her. I was only nine at the time so I continued to stare and so did she. She was dressed so differently. Actually, she wore a pair of tattered baggy jeans and a tattered shirt. It was evident that she was wounded when I saw deep gashes on her left leg and right arm."

"Was that…?"

"Yes, that was Cloud. She looked so surreal on the stone, kinda like she had popped out of a story. The first thing she did was growl at me actually." 0015 wiped her eyes and laughed.

"Of course, being so stupid and indignant I went closer to her and actually found herself facing a gigantic white wolf! Now if this didn't scare me what happened next did, the girl I had been staring at howled and the wolf actually had the nerve to trick me into getting on it's back!" 0015's voice held an indignant tone to it, and this made 003 laugh. Soon 0015 joined her. 

"Please, do go on." 003 said after their giggles had subsided. 0015 nodded, grinning.

"Well, that, of course, scared the crap out of me. But I resisted the urge to scream and I soon found myself being dumped on the rock next to the girl, and the wolf curled up next to us. The girl looked strangely at me, and then started to sniff me. I made a jab at her, and she caught my fist, looked at it, sniffed it, and then laughed. She let me go and I, in a huff, stuck my tongue out at her. Soon we were both laughing our heads off. And then we stopped. Her hair was unruly and long at the time and then she leaned closer looking at my face."

"Of course.." 0015 put on a pouting face, "Daddy's men just happened to see this and think she was an animal or savage, or what not and chose to shoot her! So she fell off the rock and I stared at them. My nine-year-old brain went berserk as one of them picked me up and I began screaming and kicking. Finally, they put me down and I pointed to where she was trying to get up, she was trying not to cry and the wolf was trying to nurture her."

"Oh my.." 003 laughed a bit, but 0015 continued.

"Anyway, I pointed and in my impish little voice I screamed, 'She's my friend! And if you don't help her I'm...I'm gonna tell daddy!'." Both of them collapsed in soft giggles and it took several minutes for them to clam down enough to continue.

"Anyways, a man named Bruce started advancing all macho like and she started backing up and barring her fangs, and of course throwing anything her grimy little paws could get a hold of. The wolf growled and finally I ordered the wolf come too, so someone captured it and she went all-berserk! Finally Bruce caught her up in her arms and she began to scratch and scream and finally Bruce was forced to cover her mouth before she could call the whole pack of wolves. Them someone, I think it was Dekim, picked me up and they carried us side by side. She, of course, was still fighting and looking franticly at her wolf friend who was conked out, thank goodness. Finally we reached the car, and later she told me she thought it was going to eat her! So she started thrashing all that much harder until I began to talk to her again. Of course, she had to be put in first, and I was surprised how gentle Bruce was so I go in and sat by him while they loaded the wolf behind us and everyone got in. But in this limo part it was only Bruce, Dekim, her, and me and she began to thrash like a wild animal and wine when the limo started. Tears filled her eyes as she looked towards the forest, or tried to."

"How sad.."

"Not really, there is still more."

"Please continue."

"K, anyways. Her attention was brought to us now and she was looking around franticly, like she could understand us! Anyway, we were talking about everything that was to take place. We'd have to go to our house, bring in a doctor and both of us needed a bath and all the. But she stared right at me and I smiled and patted her head. She growled at me and I couldn't help but laugh. Of course, then, stupid Bruce and Dekim began to scout out for injuries. As you can guess, she didn't like that much, being only about seven at the time, so she began to try and break free and scream and it took BOTH Dekim and Bruce to hold her. And it goes with out saying they didn't enjoy it very much, and their suits got a little dirty."

"Then, when we finally arrived at the house it was a flurry of movements and she put up even more of a fight, but we soon got the doors locked. I myself tried my part in calming my new friend down and got only as far as being told to sit outside the door that led to the medical room. So I waited and soon I caught sounds of screaming and I began to cry myself. Soon the door was pounded upon and I winced as it came flying open and a very distraught Cloud came streaming out. A few seconds later Bruce came running out after her, saying something about getting needles, which made me shiver. But as soon as left she actually crawled from under the bench I had been sitting on, scared half to death and white, covered in blood. She casually sat next to me. 'Don' wanna go..' she said in the softest of voices, and I blinked. I had no clue she knew English! So I in turn nodded and asked her what her name was and she told me Cloud, then asked me mine!"

"It must have been pretty exciting."

"Yeah, it was. And then I put on a brave face. 'I don't like needles either, but I'll come with you?' I tried, but she shook her head and weakly drew her knees to her chest. 'home!' was all she said before Bruce picked her up and she began to howl again. I tugged on his pant leg and he eventually let me watch. It was actually quite comical. As soon as he put the screaming, fidgeting, and overall struggling girl on the table she began to kick again and once again it took Dekim and Bruce to hold her. Their uniforms were now completely ruined by her blood, and to this day I don't know where she got that much energy. But I hoped up and held onto her hand, calming her a bit until the doctor came forward with the needle. She didn't have any strength to struggle and just howled like a wolf! It was so unreal!"

"Soon after I was pushed out and made to go take a bath. Well I gladly did so and washed off all today's filth, and soon I was dressed in a long nightgown, as it had now gone and become nighttime. Anyways, I was startled, yet again tat day by a high-pitched scream/howl. This went on for another fifteen minutes before Cloud was carried out of the bathroom, kicking and screaming, by a maid. The maid was of course, ticked off, and she set her down by me. She was finally clean bandaged, and her hair had been cut. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt. She had a small roll of fat for a stomach and she was very muscular even then! Anyway, she gave the maid the dirtiest of looks and leaned on a small crutch. 'She's your friend, YOU take care of her Ms. Akira!' the maid huffed and then left. Cloud and I just stared at each other for the longest time before another long howl was heard and a thoroughly washed and dried wolf came after us. Immediately I recognized the wolf as the one we had taken with Cloud, and she hugged her and they both nuzzled each other affectionately. Then Cloud did the strangest thing! She pointed to the wolf. 'This is my mother, Shiboo.' She then introduced me to her self proclaimed mother and smiled a bit."

"That's so sweet."

"Yeah, and then from there on out for the next few years Cloud and I got close. But on her eleventh birthday, Shiboo… she died. Cloud took it really hard and screamed that she wanted to go back to the forest, but I wouldn't let her. Then she began to cut herself and get a bit further away from everyone. She didn't want to read anything she had learned, didn't even want to perfect all the languages she had learned. You see, in the time she spent, we found out she was VERY intelligent. She began to resent everything, and soon we both became depressed. She actually ran away once and didn't come back for a week. But when she did, god only knows what happened, she had changed back to herself, or so it seemed. She began to apologize a lot and now she seems to protect and look out for me. And even though I am older she is more mentally grown than me so she's kinda like a half big, half little sister now. Anyway, sooner or later she met someone, his name is Touma and we used to hang out together. But their relationship evolved to more and he proposed to her while in the mall. She accepted and we were all happy until…until…" 0015 started to tear up again.

"Until the fire. I had been waiting for her to show up and…and… something happened and I blacked out! Later I woke up to fire all around and her screaming my name. She charged through, her right arm was cut and severely burned. Then we jumped into the river and she dragged me to shore or something and when I woke up.. I.. I… I looked to see her like THAT! And then well, that's it, you should know the rest." 003 nodded and 0015 brushed away her tears.

"I'm going to check that arm, o.k.?" 0015 nodded and 003 got up, heading towards the right arm. She calmly rolled up the sleeve, Byaken's gaze following her. The arm was wrapped in bandages, and when she pulled on them, they wouldn't budge.


Leave it 003. It's the source of one of 0014's attacks. 001 interrupted their thoughts.

"Um, right." 003 reclaimed her seat and she sighed.

"I'm not sure what I can do to comfort you." She sighed.

"I don't need any comfort. Why don't you go rest? I'll take the next watch. Besides, you probably have a lot to think about, go on. 0015 encouraged with a smile.


"Go on." 0015 made a 'pushing' or 'go' motion and 003 smiled, nodding.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Once 003 was gone 0015 sighed and sat in the chair with a thump. She shared a gaze with fang.

"I hope Touma isn't too heartbroken… for YOUR sake." She directed the last part at 0014. She shared another glance with Fang and smiled sadly.

"We're in Japan. What are the odds?" 0015 scooted closer to the bed and grabbed onto Cloud's hand, smiling a bit and getting settled.

"You better wake up missy, or I'm gonna kick your ass." She said.

0015 didn't know when she had fallen asleep, all she knew was that she had and now she was leaning on the bed with no occupant inside! She sat up and looked around wildly. The clock read five o'clock a.m. and she blinked.

"How could I have fallen asleep."

"Easily enough you retard." Came the hoarse response. 0015 looked up, eyes teary. 0014 stood in the doorway, using it slightly to lean on. Her fever must have broken, but it was obvious she was tired.

"Cloud!" 0015 squealed and wrapped her arms around her friend.

"Good morning.. can't breathe." Her friend wheezed.

"So, did you miss me?"


"Sssh, breakfast is on the table, I'm going to go outside…"

"Oh no you are not! You're still sick! So until you're better you are in MY care." 0015 put on a determined look making Cloud, or 0014 laugh.

"As I said, breakfast is on the table, I'm going outside to sleep! I like it better out there."


"No buts." She smiled and petted Byaken's head, while Fang made noise, and she leaned over a bit to scratch him behind the ears. After they were satisfied she waved and journeyed up the stairs.

0015 stood dumb struck for a record of five minutes before following the same path up the stairs.

And she blinked.

There was no breakfast on the table, there was a FEAST! Of course, most everyone was already eating, and she soon joined in, everything was perfect.



0015 opened her eyes and jumped when 009 smiled at her.

"You should get some rest now, I'm here to take over for you." She smiled.

"Uh right. Thank you very much 009."

"No problem." 0015 smiled gratefully and got up. There was no feast, there was no happiness, and there was no 0014. She walked to the room she had been told she and 0014 would be sharing earlier and fell onto her designated bed with no more than a slight oof, and she was off to sleep land again.


0015 sighed and sipped her coffee, there were bags under her eyes ad she looked about ready to fall over.

"Three days.. three days and no sign, 006!" she sighed in frustration and downed the rest of the strong brew.

"Cheer up now, maybe you should get some extra rest?" he smiled but 0015 shook her head, washing her coffee mug and placing it in the drainer.

'My shift anyway, besides, everyone else is asleep, 'cept you and me and of course 004's shift is now over. See ya in a few!' she waved half-heartedly and went down the stairs leading to where the sick bay was. a few minutes later 004 came up and he silently headed to bed. 006 sighed and headed to his own bed, his shift was long over but he set his alarm anyway.


0015 sat in the chair and sighed, brushing a few locks of blonde hair away from 0014's face and replaced the cold cloth on her brow.

"Oh how I wish you'd wake up!' she said softly and Candy butted her leg, she had gotten over her slight cold and all the animals were in a good bill of health. 0015 sighed and let the small animal jump onto her lap as she let her mind wander to the last few days…

Day 1, she and 0014 were brought to see there fellow cyborgs, and 0014 had gotten sick and hurt.

Day 2, worry over 0014 builds and they discus Black Ghost, 0015 sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, she remembered that conversation well.

"So you're saying that Black Ghost didn't even FINISH building them?" 002 exclaimed.

That is EXACTLY what I'm saying; it's only a matter of time before they break. We have to wait for Dr. Gilmore to come back and fix them.

0015 blinked, scared half to death.

"S-So your saying we-we could die at any minute?!" her voice rose a pitch.

"there is no need to get scared, we've radioed our friend and he and our other friend are hurrying over." 003 smiled.

"So that's the reason behind 0014's weakness to bacteria in the air at this point, right 001?"

That is also true. Her design was never fully finished and she still needs a way to release the energy inside her. She could blow up if not.

"Oh.. I see…" 0015's face went into deep concentration.

"Tell me, can we trust this doctor?" she asked, barely over a whisper.

"We've trusted this guy with our lives, and he's saved us a great many time, you have nothing to fear." 007 smiled, thumping his chest.

"Besides, there is nothing you can do about it, unless you WANT to die." 002 pointed out, rather bluntly.

"Of course I don't want to die." 0015 said, "I'm just worried. Besides, I'm going to have to ask 0014 too.. I mean.. it's up to her if she wants to be rebuilt. She has this stricken look on her face whenever you looks at me anymore… like she thinks it's her fault…" 0015 trailed off.

"Is it possible she could have been awake?" 008 asked, and the room was enveloped in an eerie stillness.

Very possible… very, VERY possible 008. We can ask her later.

0015 sighed and continued to pet Candy who closed her eyes in pleasure. Fang and Byaken were nestled in their usual positions by now, Fang on the foot of the bed and Byaken on the floor on some blankets she had gotten for him.

"Mit…mitsu…ko…" the voice penetrated the blanket of calm silence that had descended upon the room.

"Cloud? Cloud?!" 0015 leapt from her chair, and Candy wa sent to the floor, neatly landing on her feet. She sent a nasty glare at 0015 and leapt onto the bed where Fang was now at attention.

"Cloud? Cloud can ya hear me?" 0015 seized her friend's hand, face contorted in worry, she held a breath, waiting for a response. Slowly 0014's eyelids flickered open and a pair of watery brown eyes soon stared into piercing blue. She coughed and 0015 held some water to her lips, she drank in gulps and then lay back on the pillow, sweating and panting.

"Did you… did you miss me?" 0014 gave a fang toothed grin.

"Cloud…." 0015's eyes watered and she hugged her friend. 0014 sighed and sat up weakly, holding her friend and patting her back.

"I thought.. I thought you were g-gonna die!" 0015 wailed, and tightened her hold, making0014 wince a little. Fang and Byaken watched silently, waiting for their turn. Candy was about to make a move, but Fang stopped her by picking her up by the scruff of her neck. Candy seemed to pout and Fang set her down, and then proceeded to give her a short bath.

"Sssh, sssh, I'm fine now. All I have is slight weakness and a small headache. No more tears, k?" 0015 sniffed and wiped her eyes, pulling away.

"You sure?"

"Oh I'm just fine and-off!' Candy pounced on 0014 sending her back down onto the fluffy pillows. Candy began to lick her face and 0014 began to laugh, a slight rasp to her voice now. Soon Candy had moved to stand at 0014's head while Fang had her own turn licking before sitting on a chair what had been pulled to the side of the bed my 0015, fearing the bed's stability. Fang sat quietly, licking 001r's hand while Byaken jumped on the table.

"Eeeeew! Tiger breathe!" she made a face, but soon crumbled to laughter as Blaze's sandpaper-like tongue licked her cheek while she tried blocking him off. 0015 hid her smile behind her hand, body shaking with laughter as she watched the animals lick her friend in joy.0015 sighed once more.

"Alright, break it up! She still has a lot of recovering to do!"

"You mean I can't get up?"






"Shutting up…"



A.N. tell me what you think, please?