By: Sailoranime
AnGeL*Of*MiNe, Madison Black, Kady Rilla Wholi, aniangel, Fanyar, chila, KaterPotater, nic15, Midnight Dove, just me don't worry I don't do flames, Somewei, George is hot-MrsMoony, Bella Black, Rogue Shadow Lurker, Padfoot232, SweetenedSugar, digimon-lover, Starbaby, Kari, Spanky, Sami Potter, Annala, FireFaerie1, tv-fan-06, No1, Courtknee, Wicca Chick, Charliepotter, Manny, Phoenixflames1, Lucila, Jenstarz, anelprongs, Flamingo813, SiriusLvr, Midnight Dove, Mornel, This Parrot has ceased to be, and buffybabe013.
These are people who reviewed and for the most part just told me they liked the story and that I should continue. Plese keep in mind that the people whose names are in bold print aren't more important than the others. I only did it that way to make it easier to find names. ^_^
I'm taking a 'break' from fanfiction and my computer in general, but I'm still around. (Kinda) I can be found on neopets.com under 'sailor_melody'. That's also where my Marauder guild is. *wink wink, hint hint* *cough* join *cough* ^_^ So anyway, Sorry if my replies to these reviews aren't very long or informative.
Original Review:
Excellent. You are a wonderful writer. I like how you put in a letter from Sirius, making it sad and humorous at the smae time. Good work. One little problem, though. YOU NEED TO WRITE MORE!! How can you leave people hanging?? The story is so good! Also, I liked how the chapter was nice and long, instead of short.
Response: Aw... I am? How nice of you. ^_^ I orginally thought the letter might be a little too... uh... corny? I guess I thought it was a little too much, but I'm a sucker for mush. ^_^` Anyway, I think the 'keeping chapters long' thing just went down the drain by the end of the story, but what can you do? I suck with length and stuff.
Luna Lovegood2
Original Review:
AW i cried when i read Sirius's letter. update soon!
Response: You cried? I'm sorry. I know even I did some crying when I read sad 'tributes' to Padfoot and stuff. Thanks for the review. ^_^
Evil Lady
Original Review:
AAww geez, you made me cry with Sirius's letter! Great story, I love the pensieve thing, really original. It was written very well, too. Can't wait to see what's next!
Response: You cried too? I'm sorry. Hm. I have to admit, there are a lot more pensieve stories now. I hadn't seen one when I came up with this, but I saw one the night I posted it. I wish I could think this story had something to do with it.
Original Review(s):
Your story is really great and cool. It is a very clever and original idea. Keep going! Sirius' letter to Harry was really touching and I thik that's how he would talk to Harry, you made it really believable. Please post soon! I'm dying to see what happens next.
Hi, these chapter is really interesting as we meet new sides of sirius and james I like these friendly image that you give James so that Harry doesn't keep that dusguisting perception of him from just Snapes' POV.
Congratulations and Keep going. You're terrific bye
Response: Yeah, I agree. Harry really needs a better perception of his parents. I really think Sirius would talk to Harry like that. Thanks for the review. ^_^
Amanda Mandy2887
Original Review(s):
Please continue and get the next chapter out soon. I would love to read more. You almost got me crying during the letter. Which is a feet in itself. But great work. Please continue. If you get flames dont listen to them. Many people take them to heart when i just think they are jealous that they cant write that good. Well good work. Email's up top if ya wanna email me
Response: Well, I didn't get any flames for this, thank god, but thanks for the reassurance. ^_^ I don't write flames either, so I'm not familiar with the point of them, anyhow. I made another person cry? Wow, that feels weird. Maybe I will e-mail you one of these days.
No Comment
Original Review(s):
This is a great idea! Plus, two Remus' is always good! Please update soon! :D
Response: I agree. I seem to have become more of a Remus fan since Sirius died.
Heart Soul
Original Review(s):
This is totally priceless. I just simply love it. The letter was a stroke of brilliance. It made me cry, and that is quite hard to do.
This whole thing is rather touching at the moment and it's rather well written except for you used the wrong word at the bottom - should be their instead of they're.
But this is a really wonderful idea. This fic is going on my favorite's list.
Response: Oh, I guess I did use the wrong word. Well, everyone makes mistakes. I remember I kept typing 'Petter' instead of Peter. Odd, isn't it? Aw... favorite's list? Thanks! ^_^
Original Review(s):
O!! Very interesting! I like the letter that Sirius wrote...very sad, yet was quite in character. This looks like its going to be an awesome story! Clover;)
Response: I worked really hard on that letter, so thanks. ^_^ So was it an awesome story?
JK Anderson
Original Review(s):
YAY! I think it's absolutely fascinating to see how everyone is using the Pensieve to do this and the things that they chose to show. I must say, I'm rather amused. Keep going -- I'm just itching to know what those ants are for ... (literally... itch, itch, itch) ~ JKA ~ Oh, and PS -- Uncle Moony? LOL! Of course, I can't tell if Sirius is just being funny or trying to get Lupin a girl ... ;-)
Response:Ah... it makes me wish I had used the ants. I didn't foget, but the tripping hex seemed like a better idea than what I had originally planned. Thanks for reviewing! And as for the Pensieve thing... Well, I wrote this shortly after OotP, even though it was posted in July. So I actually was one of the first people who used it.
Original Review(s):
lol i love this story! that letter was so sad..but yet funny with sirius's humor...lol update soon!
Response: Yeah... it seems like something Sirius would do, right? Make jokes at the worst times... Well, thanks for the reassurance.
Original Review(s):
Oh I love it! This has got to be the best HP fanfic out there! UPDATE SOON OR MY DJINNI (elemntal spirt) WILL DESTROY ALL OF FF.NET MWHAHA!! Just kidding
You would make Mrs. Rowling proud,seeing as you've captured the essence of her writing!
-Wolfarine Garoh(the WereWolf of Fanfiction.net)
Response: Aw... I love this review! I suppose I did I good job, since ff.net is still standing. Unfortunately (or is it actually fortunately?) this isn't the best story out there. I love it when people tell me that I have managed to kinda re-create JK's style. It's really a conpliment for fanfiction authors to be told that their work is kinda like the real thing. Thanks for leaving such a kind review! ^_^
Squirrel Maiden of Green
Original Review(s):
I like I like I like! I adore fics of the MWPP variety, and this is even better! You have to add another chapter. You simply have to. This fic has made me laugh and tear up in one chapter. That's the mark of a good story. And you CAN'T just leave all of your faithful readers hanging there! Please update? *makes puppy eyes*
Response: Aw... one of my favorite readers. I'd love to answer all your reviews here, but it would really mess up my order, so I'll have to do them with the second part. Glad to know that you supported me since the beginning! : )
Dragonessa Smith
Original Review(s):
OMG, that letter made me cry...you now hold a very prestigious title along with one other story...can't wait until you update ^_^
I believe poor Snape's nose is the most abused body part in the Harry Potter series...close second: Harry's forehead.
Anyway...another two LOVELY chapters...I can so imagine them reacting to Remus like that...loved the karma bit, and the part where the think he's got a werewolf reletive ^__^ more please!
Response: This is like the 4th time I ask this. What other story are you talking about? Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way. Yeah, Snape's nose is abused a lot, isn' it? Does hair count as a body part? 'Cause The Weasley's red hair is abused a lot too. Well, thanks for reviewing!
go jill
Original Review(s):
Awesome. I'm tearing up already, I miss Mr. Black! And no matter what parody writers say, the "I'm Sirius" jokes NEVER get less funny. I spewed goldfish all over my screen. I can't wait for more.
Response: Heh... godlfish. Yeah, I don't mind the sirius/serious puns. It's just when they stick too many in a story. Don't worry, we all miss our Sirius... : (
maya selene
Original Review(s):
WOW! *jumps up and down*
you know what? that was really good, best fic i've read in ages. it sound slike a real book, u know that right?? u've got a natural talent. write the next part soon or i may have to kill u!
Response: My first Death threat! Ah, gotta love them! I'm glad you liked it so much. Did it really sound like the real book? Well, thank you! Now I just need to find out what this natural talent is for. ^_~
Original Review(s):
oh my god, how many reviews do you have?! i mean you deserve them but jesus... 47 after a day?!
anyway just to be special wonderful story!! loved it loads :) last chapter of sirius' letter was especially brilliant. cartoon episodes where someone destroys the moon = a stroke of genius. there are some places where weird spacing makes it hard to figure out what's happening but otherwise its great :)
good idea with the email thingy, made me feel quite special until i actually read it ;) ah well. maybe you could establish some kind of code like remus is little lupin and lupin is older lupin coz, i don't know what it is but "little lupin" kinda lowers the emotional level some what.
some places where you use the same word twice in one sentence but it really doesn't matter. v much enjoying it and i'm sure harry is too.
i'd offer to be a beta reader but i'm sure you're bowled over with responces. if not, i'm totally up for it. i love your story.
Response:Yeah... I did get a beta reader at some point, but the responses were really not that overwhelming at all. Weird spacing? I should check that out. Thanks for the tip on not calling Lupin 'little Lupin'. I guess it kinda makes sense. I was more surprised than you were with the number of reviews. This story was like a fluke. A very big one. Thanks for being such a good reader. : )
Amananduniel Black
Original Review(s):
that was wicked! =D
Response: Aww... thank you. I'll have to answer the rest of your reviews in the next installement of thank yous, though.
Original Review(s):
Oh I loved it. Gorgeous, amazing...awesome!
'I can trust him with my life... And you are my life, Harry.'
'Make sure not to spend all of it on booze and strippers... notice I only said not to spend all of it on booze and strippers.'
I just loved it, so v. v. Sirius-esque. It was amazing, blew me away.
Thanks so much for this little ficlet :-) ~Mel
Woah four hours? That's a very very long time. Teehee. Anyway, I love this ficcie (so cute..how do you get so many reviews? Honestly, it's amazing!) I like the character 'Davey' that you added in, that was cool :-) Adored it. Well done dahling.
Response: Praise from one of my favorite authors! Frankly, I don't know how I got so many reviews I guess I just posted at a great time or something. I get a lot of compliments on the characterization of Sirius, and I'm happy to know that a fellow writer thinks so too. Four hours is an awfully long time, isn't it? Well, thanks a lot for the nice comments. Btw, I love your vignettes, and I really admire that you've written like 300 or something already. You're a great writer. ^_^
Original Review(s):
Response:I'm kind of excitedf about PoA too. I'm slightly disappointed with Sirius, as I pictured him a little more... cute(?). But who knows, he might look better when they clean him up in GoF or something. I thought the actor they cast for Lupin was the one playing Pettigrew. They could have done a lot better with the look, but this guy might turn out to be good at the part and make it believable.
Original Review(s):
This is an awesome fan fic. Please continue it. Also, you should put in the memory of when the marauders found out that Remus was a werewolf. It would show Harry that his father did careabout others. Keep updating!
Response: I put it in because of your request, actually. I hadn't really intended to, because it was too clichè, but you changed my mind. Thank you.
Original Review(s):
That was awesome. Especially the first chapter almost made me cry.
At Sirius letter I just thought, how can the stupid git make so many jokes when he is writing his last letter to Harry. But I guess that's just the way he is. He can't stand to make his friends sad.
You are a really talented writer and I love the way you characterize the adult Remus.
Keep up the great work and please update soon.
Response: Yeah, I guess it does make Sirius kind of a jerk. But he's just really bad with emotion and stuff, I think. Aw... I am? Well, you're a very talented reviewer, and please review soon. ^_~
Prisoner of Luna
Original Review(s):
I love your story, very original. Lupin seems to know exactly how to handle harry, and you seem to know the characters a lot better than most. There is a confidence in your writing that you don't often get with people using characters that aren't their own, better yet you gave them a rich history that doesn't disrupt J.K. Rowlings portrayal of her characters. Congradulations on a job well done, and please keep writing.
Response: Wow, thanks.
Original Review(s):
lol, the idea of a minature broomstick up Snape's nose!
Anyway, nice story. Do update soon. ^^
And I enjoyed the "quote of the chapter"s. Especially the first one. *laughs* Never noticed that it could mean that way. Do you have a whole list of this or something? It would be great if you could send them to me via email.
And I was wondering why the previous chapter was so short. Though the place where it had ended hadn't seem like it was cut off. By chance? Heh. Why not just remove it? It'll look neater.
"And my grandfather's sister and your grandfather are like cousins or something..."
Doesn't that make Sirius's grandfather James's grandfather's cousin as well?
Go ahead with the neopets guild. Is there any guilds already dedicated to the Marauders out there? (Just wondering.) I already belong to another guild on neopets, so I wouldn't be able to join yours. But I don't mind helping out if you want. Just drop me an email. ([email protected])
Response: Yeah... I had a list. Somewhere. I see your point with the grandparent thing. James was trying to exaggerate the connection to prove his point, so he just kinda made it longer. Like when someone gives a long speech that can basically be summed up in three or four words. Oh, wait, Sirius was the one that said that! Oh, well, the explanation's the same. ^_^ And as for the chapter's ending not being too inconclusive the first time, I tend to save when I finish a thought. I don't like saving right in the middle of it, because my train of thought de-rails. Should my computer suddenly shut off, then I would know exactly where to start next time instead of trying to remember what I intended to do. Does that make it a little clearer? Oh, and I did remove the first post already. It was getting on my nerves. ^_^ Good luck on your tests!
Kit Kat6
Original Review(s):
Good one and very in character. I liked how Peter wanred them but how it also shows that although in that incident, he was betryaing Davey for the Marauder's good, it shows how he is capable of ratting on people (pardon the pun) so it sets the scene for later on when he betrays the Potters. Very in character and imaginative. I liked Little Lupin- he seemed more sensible than the other two! Kit Kat ;-)
Classic! That was very entertaining- I think you have very good characterisations like the arrogance but undeniable charm of Padfoot and Prongs and I'm glad you know how to write about the range of emotions the characters feel like anger e.g. Sirius over Avery's comments about his family, to humour e.g. James and Eileen. That scene was so classic- the dialogue was great and it would be just like James to play such a mean trick. Just glad it all worked out for her. Can't wait to see them in Hogsmeade in the next chapter! Kit Kat ;-) PS- I have just written a HP fic that James is in if you want to check it out but if you don't that's okay! Please do e-mail me when you put another chapter of this up!
Response: Finally! Someone mentioned the Peter thing! Yeah, I was hoping someone would point that out. I'm not sure if I already checked your story out, but I'll make sure I do that tonight. Oh, and thanks for the compliments. ^_^
Xx-AnGeLiC dEvIl-xX
Original Review(s):
Hey hey! Great story u have there!! I lolled all the way!! Sirius' letter was so sad. And it explained somethings i didnt understand perfectly. Although Sirius should have given lupin the money to him instead, cuz the poor guy's practically broke!!:(
N-e-wayz, hehe I luv thier adventures!! ^__^ Typical marauder mayhem!! Although I expected Remus' reaction about the others finding out his lycanthropy a little bit more panicky... You know... he could have turned really pale and suddenly rush out of the classroom. Then the marauders make up an excuse to get out too and they try to find him or something. I mean Remus would be pretty much freaked out cuz his friends were the only thing he had and it would devastating if they leave him cz they found out what he is.
Oh and also, maybe instead of writing little lupin, why not call him Remus when reffering to the one with the marauders and just Lupin when referring to the adult one.
N-e-wayz, srry for the long pointless blabbering. I really like this story and i cant wait for an update! ^__^
Yay! New chappy! Wow, that was fast.
Hehe, Lily. You go girl!! This chapter was short, hope u write more next time!!
I love ur little A/Ns of parts of the book where u put ur comment. Think u can comment on how Dumbledoor came across a Vomit Flavored bean (book one) or something! ^^
N-e-wayz, plz update as soon as u can!! ^__^
Response: You know, I don't think I ever posted the comment on the vomit bean, but it's only because I didn't have my books for most of the time I was writing this. I wasn't really happy with his reaction to them finding out, but it was really the only thing I could think of. I figured he'd want to avoid the issue, and since they were passing notes, it might be easier to write that way.
Original Review(s):
hey i want to be notified when the next chapter is up. my email address is [email protected]
now 4 the real reason i am here. i lke this story. i cant wait to see the one when lily and james get married! this is gonna be moist...
P.S- i found a quote you might like:
" What is with her? "said James, trying and failing to look as though this was a throw-away question.
" Reading between the lines, I'd say she thinks your a bit conceited, mate. " Sirius said.
u dont have to use it, bt i thought i was good...
Response: Did I ever use your quote? I don't think I did, I'm sorry. I don't really have access to my reviews when I'm offline, so it didn't really cross my mind to check my reviews for quote ideas. Well, I finally get an A+ in something!
Original Review(s):
Oh, this is very good! Oh can you e-mail me your neopets user name, but at this address, [email protected]. My sister already has an account on it so I had to borrow my friends e-mail. Thanks!
Response: Thank you. I did e-mail you, right?
Original Review(s):
OMG! *Laughs her ass off* This is a great story. Well done. I love the Marauders and I have been on such a MWPP kick since the 5th book.
Could you pleas e-mail me when you update. Only if you have the time if not s'ok. My e-mail is [email protected].
Great job with this story and I ca't wait till you update!
WHE ICECREAM *takes it with a huge grin*
Thanks for e-mailing me about the chapter. Hehehe, your right the whole chapter was beter. Hehehehe. This was great. I can't wait for the next one!
Response: Heh. Glad you think so!
The Rogue Raven
Original Review(s):
AAHH! Too short! Okay... It's your chapter... You can make it as long as you want...
Response:Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I hope you heard that it was only part of the chapter. Sorry I can't answer all your other reviews here.
Original Review(s):
aw... too short!
Response:Yeah... there was a mixup with the files on my computer, sorry. The rest of the chapter was added already also.
Original Review(s):
very good story. and everything fits so well.. i don't have any complaints except the mess up with chapter 4 cause i read the first one by accident.. no big deal though. update soon!
Response: Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. You only had to read the bottom part of it, anyway, since everything else was the same, except for maybe a few corrections or something.
Senna Wales
Original Review(s):
Wow! I really liked this first chapter (haven't got to the other chapters yet). I always wondered why not let Harry see Lupin's memories, or Sirius' when he was still alive. But then, of course, there's the quote: "It does not do to dwell on dreams." It could be quite disastrous for Harry to spend all his time daydreaming about things that happened long ago. Either way, it's still fun and sweet to read about.
I thought that the opening paragraph may have been a little rushed, but your letter was absolutely wonderful, very sad and lightly funny at the same time. If anything, it was Sirius who as rushed because he had no room left to write. ^_^ I think it would have been amusing if towards the end of the letter you made the font get smaller and smaller. That would have been an interesting touch.
The only thing that concerns me is how Sirius is giving his motorcycle to Harry. I always thought that Sirius gave it to Hagrid, who probably dismantled and ripped it up piece by piece in honor of the traitorous criminal Black. Of course, it doesn't say that Hagrid did that in canon, and it is completely possible that Sirius does get his motorcycle back.
Oh, by the way, I wanted to thank you for reading and reviewing my fic "The Trouble With Good Handwriting." I had another version of the story where Lily is there to watch them open the letters. Sirius frowns and shows them to James. James recognizes the writing and so Sirius isn't exactly delighted to receive "anonymous" love letters. That would probably clarify why Sirius was just as distant as James was. I wish I had more time to lengthen James and Lily's row. I wanted the fic to be a one-shot deal, and I didn't want to go into a second chapter titled "The Trouble Between Lily and James" or something like that. Plus, I wrote it in literally a couple of hours, and then uploaded it, and so it probably was a little rushed. I agree, though, it would have made more senes for the two fight for a much longer time. If I were to go back, I would have Lily confront James, botch that confrontation too, and then have an ongoing fight for a few weeks. Perhaps I will. ^_^
P.S. I agree, Ron is SUCH a bad example and influence on those ickle first and second years. ^_^
Response:Hm... I never found out if you did go back to edit that. Perhaps I'll check later. I never though of that! The thing with the font, I mean. I wonder if it would have worked, though, because ff.net changes the format for the text, I think. Too bad, because it would have been cool to do that. I think Hagrid probably destroyed the motorcucle or something, now that you mention it. It's never mentioned on OotP. It was rushed? I had a little trouble with that too, but I decided to leave it like it was. I might go fix it later.
oneiros lykos
Original Review(s):
Hehe, just found the story this morning. VERY amusing! Good job!
Response:I'm glad you think so. I'll answer your other reviews in the second part of this 'thank you' stuff.
cherri * ookami
Original Review(s):
Ah... tough love is in the air. And it bites like a rabid rat. Okay, keep going! JA NE! ^_-*
Response: Ah... I'm glad you like little Lily. I gathred that's the way she would have acted from what we saw in the pensieve with Snape.
Well, this took a long time! But I don't really mind...even if it was like 5 hours. ^_^`. I love all of your reviews, you guys! If I was more sentimental, I'd have cried after reading them all! Especially the ones you guys left at the end of the story. I swear I have to smack myself a few time to make sure I don't start a sequel or something...! I'm tempted to everytime I read those reviews or get e-mail from someone telling me I should continue.
Well, the second part to this should be coming out shortly. I hope. I'm off of my break, so now I have to get going and start writing my other stories again. I had to do this first, though. And if anyone's reading this, I'd appreciate some input. Which of these two stories would you be more likely to read?
Voldemort gets Harry out of the way by promising to revive his family and Sirius. (Better summary and 'pilot' chapter posted already under the name 'Giving In')
Five year old Harry Potter has been living with his Godfather since his parents died in a car crash when he was gone. What happens when an escaped convicted Murderer by the name of Sirius Black shows up claiming that he is Harry's real godfather? (AU)
Both of them would include magic and death eater plots. And they would have a semi-happy ending at the very least. (I hope) any input on that would be lovely. ^_^ And now, for anyone who didn't read the spin-off, here it is. (Mostly because not everyone read it, and because of ff.net's new rule that doesn't allow author's notes!)
He couldn't believe he was about to do this. It was... unthinkable! But here he was, walking to his doom. Sirius gave a dramatic sigh and ran his hands through his hair. No one understood. Being the most handsome, popular, and covetted boy in the school was hard work. It was all James's fault, he reasoned, for falling for Lily. The whole female population knew about James's infatuation with the redhead, so they had left James alone and instead focused on him. Yes, he had to admit, it had its perks. But then there were also situations like these...
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. James had come out of it okay, hadn't he? Despite Sirius's constant teasing remarks and snide comments, he'd managed the situation with dignity and he had put an end to it eventually. But perhaps this doesn't make sense to you. You see, the reason behind our loveable marauder's bad mood is a girl. Not a girl he fancied. Not a girl who was a friend. A girl that was stalking him. Yep. Sirius Black was being stalked. Stalked by the same girl who had stalked James last year. Sirius hoped she'd move her attentions to Peter next year, the poor sap needed a girlfriend. Someone to keep him occupied and change his beliefs on where babies came from.
However, all his prayers seemed to go unanswered, and Deanna Navarro was still stalking him. There WAS a simple solution to the problem, but Sirius would never sink that low. He would never ask James how to get rid of her. For one thing, he'd never live it down. James would return every remark Sirius had made last year with twice the viciousness. Then there was bound to be a lot of teasing about him not being able to handle a girl on his own.
No, he decided. He'd handle it on his own. No matter what it took. He'd give in to her demands. He had to. There was no other choice. Finally, he reached the classroom they, or rather SHE, had picked for their meeting. He took a deep breath and counted to ten. In French. Then, after much mental preparation, he opened the door with a pained look on his face. SHE was sitting on one of the desks. Oh, the horror. She wasn't bad looking, she was actually pretty. Her body was okay too, and the muggle skirt and shirt she was wearing looked rather good on her. The only problem was...
" Oh my god! Sirius, you're here! I wasn't sure you'd come, you know. I mean, you're like so cool and you must totally be busy with other stuff, you know. I was like so totally disappointed when you didn't show up at the time I told you, and I was about to like, you know, leave. But then I thought, what if he's just a little bit late. And I'd totally wait forever to see you, you know." Sirius would have come up with a sarcastic remark, had the girl not spoken faster that a herd of rampaging Hippogrifs.
He had never particularly liked her. She was Slytherin after all. Why, though, he could not say. He had alwasy thought she was nice, though still very annoying. It wasn't until last week when she had sent him that blasted note that he realized her true nature. Oh, he had read so many times in hopes of guessing whther she was sane or not that he had memorised the note by the end of breakfast. His fist tightened over the wrinkled and abused note in his pocket. He took it out, and read it one last time
Dear Sirius,
I wanted to ask, did you get my bouquet of flowers? I thought you might not have because you never talked to me about them.... Oh, and did you love the way I enchanted your quill to keep writing 'I love Sirius Black' all over your parchment? You never even looked at me, so I wasn't sure... I'm not sure if you saw, but I enchanted the enchanted ceiling the other day to spell out 'I love you, Sirius' with the stars. I thought the two weeks of detention I got would be worth it, but you didn't even say anything to me!
I thought you might not know it was me, so I was more obvious the next time. But you never even said anything about the ants I sent scurring to your dormitory to deliver a note to you and spell 'Deanna loves you, Sirius.' It was the only reason I could think of. I've been following you around for a while now, hoping to overhear you talking to your friends about me, because now the posibility that you didn't know it was me was ruled out. I thought maybe you were a little shy. But that doesn't seem to be the case either, because you never mentioned me. Not ONCE. So now I'm making you an offer. I found a certain thing in Muggle Studies that might interest you. Something you'd never want anyone seeing, as it would ruin your reputation. So meet me in the potions classroom at five tomorrow. And bring your acting skills!
Yes, Sirius had noticed all of these things. And it had been hell making sure the others didn't. It had taken all the cunning he posessed to keep the others unaware of his plight. He had been fairly successful, except for the quill incident. James had noticed before he had, but he had written it off as his overly large ego, much to Sirius's relief.. At first, he had thought she was bluffing. She had to be. But there was that last line... She had to have found it. There was no other explanation. He could have sworn he had lost it in DADA, but maybe he had been mistaken. Whatever the case, she had found it. And she was blackmailing him with it. He had thought about destroying that picture, the last of its kind, but he had put it off for so long. He should have done it sooner, instead of always thinking he could not be bothered with it at the moment.
You see, when he was 9, his mother had decided to skip the conventional punishments after a particularly loud argument with her. It had taken her days to come up with something evil enough. In the end, she would have given up... if it hadn't been for that little rat, Regulus. He had 'innocently' reminded Mrs. Black about the play that his school was putting on. And Mrs. Black found the perfect punishement. To make Sirius audition for it. Much to her delight, and his indignation, he landed the lead role. Of the princess. He had auditioned for the role of a minor character... an exceptionally happy one. He had marched right in there and said all his lines in a grumpy and sulky voice.
They told him he wasn't right for that part. Keyword being 'that'. So they had given him the role of the princess, who acted sulky thoughout the whole story. The director had even said that his semi-long hair could be made to grow faster for a week before the prefomance if he took a potion every night. So he had attended the rehearsals at his mothers orders, and had taken the potion for a week before the play, causing him to look more like a girl everyday. He had told James he couldn't visit because he had gotten his spleen removed. James had not known or cared what that was, and had not insisted on visiting. That little brat, Regulus, had insisted on taking pictures during the whole play. He turned to the girl after she cleared her thoat.(AN: Umbridge, anyone?) He had completely forgotten about her presence.
" So what do you want, Navarro?" he asked, stuffing the note back in his robes. She seemed dilighted that he had kept it. Maybe she'd go easier on him. She jumped off the desk and walked over to him.
" Well, the thing is, I'm auditioning for this play during the summer, you know. And I'm not really sure I'm good enough, so I want you to rehearse with me. Since you love acting so much.... Just this one time, don't worry. I'll give it to you after we're done." she slowed down a little, so Sirius could actually understand what she was saying. Well, almost.
" Rehearse? With you?" he was about to say, 'that's it?', but he kept quiet, afraid of giving her ideas. She nodded.
" Just this once." he asked. She nodded again. Knowing he was sentencing himself, he nodded. She smiled.
" Okay, we're supposed to mmet at a masked ball, you know. And since I don't, like, have a mask, I thought you could wear this." she said. Sirius once again was at a loss. He had not understood one word in that jumbled mess she called a coherent sentence. However, he was saved from asking when she took out a black thing from her pocket. Sirius took it and gave her a questioning look. She ignored it. He took it hesitantly. Deciding she was not going to be helpful, he took it, and made to put it on his foot. She giggled. Guessing that's probably not where it went, he made a second guess.
Slowly and hesitantly, he raised his arms over his head and attempted to put it on his head. The lack of giggling told him he was putting it in the right place, but that didn't explain why he couldn't see. She gave an exasperated groan and fixed it for him. Now he could see. The next sight he caught made him wish he couldn't though. She had now donned a mask with feathers all other sorts of sparkly stuff that covered her eyes. She looked like... a peacock's head or something. He was about to say something when he heard James's voice. Sirius felt like swearing. Loudly. He turned to the door and saw... no one.
" What was...? Oh, the mirror... What the hell does James want now?" he muttered, signaling to Deanna to be quiet.
" Sirius, what the hell are you wearing?" James asked sharply. Remus and Peter both appeared in the mirror quite suddenly, just as Sirius realized he was still wearing the weird black thing. He quickly removed it.
" What were you wearing that for, Sirius?" Peter asked. Sirius was now very annoyed. He was not about to be questioned by half-brain while he was negotiating. Or rather, being controlled.
" Never you mind. I really have to get going." he answered with a frown, and before they could protest, he tapped the mirror with his wand and the image diasppeared. Sirius sighed, hoping James wouldn't call him again. He stuck the mirror in his pocket and put the mask back on, although backwards, and then turned to Deanna.
" Come on, I don't have all day." he growled. She grinned, knowing he couldn't see her. Oh, this was going to be hell...
~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~ * ^ * ~
Finally, after a painful 4 hours, she was going to let him go. They had rehearsed every scene at least twice, and she seemed rather fond of the kissing scenes because he had made him rehearse them at least 3 times each. Sirius Black was not a happy man. He had the feeling that if he just snogged her senseless the first time instead of giving her quick half second kisses on her cheek, she'd let him go, but he wasn't about to do that. He would have preferred detention with Filch to this. At least he wouldn't have to kiss Flich. She sighed and looked though her bag.
" Okay, we're done!" she said in a very cheerful voice. Then in a strangely slow voice she spoke again. " You held up your end of the bargain. I'm holding up mine." she said, taking a folded piece of parchment out of her bag. Sirius was happy for the first time that day. And she had had the decency of keeping the picture covered! With a very relieved smile, he took the parchment. One could never trust Slytherins, so he unfolded the parchment to find something he had not expected.
'Why I love Acting
By: Sirius Black'
was written at the top. The paper had been graded, and it had gotten a 'D' for Dreadful. Mostly because he knew very little about acting and had written the paper while the other essays were being collected. But he hadn't lost this. He had thrown it away. His first thought was
'Ew... she was going through my trash,' but it was interrupted by a second more pressing thought. 'She never had the picture.' his eyes widened. He had done all this for nothing! He turned to stare at her.
" THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE? THIS IS WHAT YOU WERE BLACKMAILING ME WITH?" he thundered. She didn't look intimidated.
" I wasn't blackmailing you! I was requesting a favor from you in exchange for something. Besides, aren't you glad you got to rehearse with me?"
" NO! I NEVER WOULD HAVE COME!" Sirius raged. He felt very pissed off and misleaded. She looked angry now.
" You're lucky I allow you to get NEAR me, Black! I'm leaving!"
" Good! I want you to leave!" he stormed.
" Well, I am! And just so you know, James was a better kisser!" she shrieked, and stomped out. Seconds later, she popped her head into the room again, but now she was smiling.
" But thanks for your help. I'm bound to get the part this year!"
Okay, that's it. Until next time. Though I wonder what I'll have to post next time...