The Dreamland Story

by GameTrekker

Chapter 1: Days Daze

The sun rose above the distant mountains and a new day began in Dreamland.

For Popopo, it was like any other day. He slept in until the last bits of his great dream faded away. He got up. He had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, whipped cream, strawberries, apples, cream puffs, a little cereal and some toast (with some cinnamon sugar on top). Popopo did not brush his teeth because Dreamlanders do not have teeth.

Popopo then went outside to play various games with his friends Tututu, Vavava and Ririri. Hide and Seek was their favorite game because they could puff up and fly up to the roof or into the trees to hide. After play, each Dreamlander would take their afternoon nap. They would always have good dreams. That is how Dreamland got its name: the residents would always have good dreams. After the Dreamlanders had their nap, they would play some more. When the sun was setting, Popopo went inside and had a supper that was probably larger than the breakfast described earlier. Popopo then went to sleep.

Life was good. This is just how it was. Yes. How it was.

Because one day, it wasn't.