Right, after being reminded (and made to feel guilty) by reviewers, I have decided to update this story with the following chapter. I can't guarantee the quality of the writing as I am not entirely in touch with this story so much any more. Currently I am writing two other stories apart from this one and trying to cope with the obstacles that life throws at one. At any rate, thanks to those that reviewed and on to the story!
Normally a forest would be peaceful and tranquil. The worries and problems of man are never a factor in an unspoiled part of nature. Animals would frolic and go about their lives while ignorant to problems that might be encroaching in the world of humans. Some forests might even hid deep and dark evils. These are contended with and all is in balance. That would be what any forest should normally be like. In far off lands a forest sits enshrouded in darkness. Once it was just like any normal forest, but now no more.
The joyful and happy sounds of the animals in the forest are merely a thing of the past. If one had to walk in the forest you would feel an eerie chill about you. The trees seemed to have been warped by dark magic. They have twisted in odd forms and some taken on the visage of a screaming person. All appear dead. The branches hang with dead leaves that never fall to the ground and don't even stir when a chill wind passes through. Any animals that reside in the forest are mere shadows of their former selves because they have been twisted and changed by unnatural dark forces. Once docile, these animals are now savage beasts that attack any who would dare to enter into their territory.
Ominous dark storm clouds permanently hang over this forest. Sometimes rain falls, but it does not bring any new life or refreshment with it. Lightening continually flashes in the sky above and it is soon followed by a deafening crack of thunder. Due to the darkness that enshrouds the forest none dare to approach it. Only one being is in control of this forest, a being of immense power and darkness that recently took up residence in this place. It has virtually killed the forest and twisted it to it's own purposes. If one were to stand near to the forest you would feel pure evil pulsating from it.
But that is only one place of darkness that can be found in the world. Our story moves away from this place and takes us to the current place where another dark being resides. Currently a storm is raging and drenching anything caught in it to the bone. Though evil permeates the very air here, death does not touch everything. Plants and trees are still alive although hints of evil can be seen in the foliage. Thorns on trees where they should not be and vines that seek to engulf those not welcome in the area.
"Damn it all." Lord Voldemort spat out silently to himself as he paced up and down his room where he currently had taken up dwelling.
He stopped in his stride and peered out of the solitary window that was in his room. Currently his base of operations was an old abandoned hotel of sorts that was two stories high. His room sat at the very top. Long forgotten by muggles, due to magical charms placed on it, it was away from attention and perfect for the Dark Lord's needs. Voldemort moved closer to the window and watched the storm rage outside. Many of his followers were currently cowering downstairs at the ferocity of the storm and just glad to be inside.
"Simple cowards." Lord Voldemort muttered as lightening flashed and illuminated his room that was nearly entirely in darkness.
His features also lit up due to the lightening and as the light passed only slits of red glowing eyes could be seen in the darkness. Thunder roared soon afterwards and a few of his followers downstairs actually fell off of their chairs. Lord Voldemort did not flinch however. Such forces of nature did not scare him, for he was pre-occupied with other matters. His thoughts drifted back to the conversation he had had with Wormtail earlier in the day.
"You bring news Wormtail?" Voldemort said in a quiet voice facing the window in his room not even looking at his servant.
"I- I do." Wormtail said his voice quivering.
"What did you find?" the Dark Lord said in his same tone.
"Well, the thing is my lord, it- it is as you suspected." Wormtail said swallowing hard after this statement.
"Tell me what you saw." Voldemort said still not facing Wormtail.
"M- my lord?" Wormtail said fear etched in every word he said.
"Tell me what you saw fool!" Voldemort said in a tone an octave louder than earlier but dripping with malice as he turned on Wormtail and held him off of the ground with one hand.
"Y- yes my lord! The- the forest is consumed by an e- evil. It's unnatural. E- everything is dead my lord. There is an evil there, so- so evil." Wormtail said with a shudder and gasping a little.
"Go on." Voldemort said dropping Wormtail and turning to face the window once more.
"My lord, I- I've never seen anything like it. The evil, it, well, it seemed to radiate from that forest. I- I dared not go further. I went near the edge and- and it seemed as if the forest itself started to suck the life from- from me." Wormtail said picking himself off of the floor and shuddering at the memory.
"So there is another evil that walks this land. It is just as I thought. I felt it." Lord Voldemort said, his voice just above a whisper.
" You have done well Wormtail, I would have liked more information, but knowing your lack of courage in general impresses me that you got this much information. Lord Voldemort is pleased with you." Voldemort said.
"Thank- thank you my lord." Wormtail stammered and turned to leave.
"Oh and Wormtail, don't forget where your loyalties lie." Voldemort said and looked at Wormtail with such a glare that Wormtail fell over his own feet.
"I- I won't my lord! You are the dark lord, my, my loyalties lie with you!" Wormtail said and left as quickly as he could.
(End of Flashback)
That was earlier in the day, now he had had time to ponder over what he had heard. He was furious and at the same time curious. Something of an enormous evil had arisen and was sending its evil to all parts of the land. Even he, Lord Voldemort, was being affected. He made a fist and squeezed so hard that blood seeped from the palm of his hand where his nails had dug into the flesh. Then suddenly it happened. His body was wrenched in pain that drove him to his knees. He wanted to cry out, but he could not allow his minions to hear this. To do so would show weakness and that was something he could not afford. To show weakness would be to admit that there is an evil out there even more powerful than him. His servants were mostly cowards, only serving him out of fear. They would think nothing of jumping sides and serve this new creature. The pain slowly subsided and finally left. He picked himself up from the floor and the leant against the wall as he tried to catch his breath.
'This won't do! That bastard thing is draining me of my power! That's the second time. It can't go on. I will have to deal with this upstart.' Voldemort thought to himself as he did his best to regulate his breathing after the experience.
It had been his last day in Saint Mungo's Hospital and Harry was overjoyed. He had never been overly fond of hospitals and especially not Saint Mungo's. Sure he'd visited other people in the hospital, but being inside himself was tedious and irritated him to no ends. He was glad his torturous experience was over but he had had enough of Saint Mungo's. Pedro had left a day earlier than him and had been escorted away by none other than professor Dumbledore.
Harry had asked as to what will happen to Pedro and professor Dumbledore had told him not to worry about Pedro because he (professor Dumbledore) would take care of Pedro as he had something special in mind for the street urchin. Harry had wondered at this and at first was worried about Pedro's memory being modified. But then when professor Dumbledore had assured him that he had plans for Pedro Harry was sure that Pedro was not going to have his memory modified if professor Dumbledore had found a use for him.
Harry had grown attached to Pedro, who had helped him escape that hell hole of the Dursleys. Harry sighed and just then he heard a familiar voice.
"Hey Harry! How're you doing mate? We were shocked when we heard what had happened to you!" Ron said appearing around the corner as he entered Harry's room.
"Hey there Ron! Good to see you!" Harry said his face breaking out into a wide grin at the sight of his friend.
It had been arranged for Harry to stay with the Weasley family for the remainder of the holidays. Ron looked a little taller than when Harry had last seen him. He wasn't quite as gangly as before because he seemed to fit better in his clothes.
"Mom and dad are on their way, at least we can have some fun at home." Ron said, though his voice did not carry that conviction.
Ron had been shocked at Harry's appearance. Some bruising was still evident on Harry's face and he looked extremely malnourished.
"Definitely. We can play some quidditch!" Harry said beaming at the thought of his most cherished sport, the most popular sport in the wizarding world.
Ron's mouth opened to say something but just then Mrs. Weasley entered the room and burst into tears at the sight of Harry. She then engulfed him in a huge hug that threatened to suffocate Harry.
"Oh you poor dear! How could those horrible people have done that to you?" she wailed.
"Molly dear, I think you're crushing the lad." Mr. Weasley's voice came from behind his wife.
"Oh, sorry dear. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." Molly Weasley said as she started mopping her eyes with a tissue.
"Well Harry, I really am sorry you had to go through all of that. Don't worry, steps are being taken to correct the situation and hopefully a way so that you don't have to go back. Though how I don't know, but we're doing our best to find a solution." Arthur Weasley said as he patted Harry gently on the shoulder.
"Thanks Mr. Weasley." Was all Harry said, he didn't know what else to say because the mere thought of his experience was just about to painful for him.
"Right, shall we go? Everything packed?" Mr. Weasley said.
"Yes, I'm all set." Harry set eager to leave the hospital.
The journey from the hospital was an uneventful one but Harry was happy. He was with friends and people who cared about him and not beat him. Ron and his father took Harry's luggage upstairs to Ron's room where Harry would be sleeping for the duration of the holidays. Harry had wanted to help carry his things but the Weasley family had insisted on carrying the luggage on account of Harry's state. As Harry entered Ron's room he saw that a huge toilet seat, which was wrapped in a blue bow, was lying on the bed in which he normally slept.
"What on earth is this?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow and grinning at the toilet seat.
"Oh, that, well, it's from Fred and George. It's that toilet seat they wanted to give to you in Hogwarts in your first year but were disallowed by Madam Pomfrey. They decided that now was an appropriate time for you to finally receive your gift." Ron said chuckling a little.
"I had completely forgotten about that!" Harry said chuckling at the sparkling white toilet seat with blue bow lying on his bed.
"They shouldn't have." He said smiling.
"That's what I said, hope they sanitized it properly mate." Ron said looking dubiously at the toilet seat.
Harry was about to remove the toilet seat when he felt a searing pain in his head. He grabbed at his scar that was paining and fell to the floor. Ron, who was totally shocked by this, quickly came to his side and tried to help him up.
"Are you okay?" Ron said in a worried voice.
Harry wanted to answer but suddenly felt as if all his energy had been drained from him and he went limp in Ron's arms as he slipped into oblivion.
"Mom! Dad! Harry's passed out!" Ron yelled.
A/N and that is where I leave this chapter dear readers. Hope it wasn't too boring and not a waste of your time. I'm going to try and be more up to date as regards updating the story. Once more sorry for the long delay in this update.
Lost in A World of Pain