A/N: Hey guys, I apologize for the three month delay...I've been having PSAT classes and testing here in California. Ehhh...anyway, how are you doing? I hope your school year has been great, for me, well, being a sophomore isn't that bad. Do you want to know what really stinks? The person that you like, they're dating someone else and that person is a very snobby person and you have no idea what that person sees in them. Interesting, isn't it?

NOTE: I don't know how these communities work, but I set up one. Feel free to join, just tell me ok? Thanks

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters except for the ones that you have never heard of until now in my stories. (includes the hot yet evil Akihiro) Does anyone want him? He's up for grabs!

Metalicgal: Hello Thanks, I'm glad that you like my story
Live Love Laugh: I'm glad that you like it!! I will update hehe
Wolf Princess of Paradise: I know...Akihiro can be VERY evil, and yes he did use Sasuke for all of his evil deeds, in the previous chapters when you see Sasuke getting phone calls, it is Akihiro who called! Don't worry Aya Chan I forgive you hehe.
bebopin-dreamer: Don't worry, when I review, I get lazy too and not want to sign in
Swt-Angel-Babi3: Yes, Akihiro is the evil one
Reika: Don't worry Sakura will find out...but there will be a twist!!
Blackened Dove: Hello there
AnimEvivvErz (formerly ooshortayooo): Yes, I haven't been receiving any AIMs from you hehe, anyway, I hope that your summer has been quite productive right?? Well, thank you for reviewing all of my stories, I greatly appreciate it!!
XxSakuxX: yes I have kept my duty, I updated a new chapter!
Icy Lullaby: Thanks, I am really glad you like it
benjem: I UPDATED, don't worry.

Well, thank you all that have reviewed Especially those of you who are "anonymous reviewers" I still respect you all too!

Title: Too Late to Cry

Sasuke jumped onto his motorcycle and turned on the ignition snapping his wrist back and forth on the handles. In a few seconds, he cruised down the street with his long raven black hair streaming back in the icy cool air.

Sakura was in her room wiping her tears off of her pale face. She sniffed back a few tears and turned to her pillow to look for a tissue box. Not seeing one in sight, Sakura pulled up her tank top from the bottom and wiped off the remaining warm tears that were clogging up in her face.

"How could you be so naive?" Sakura scolded herself for being so gullible.

"Of course, he's good looking and a decent guy, but you Sakura, why did you fall for him?" Sakura talked to herself as she threw her blanket furiously onto her bed and stormed outside of her bedroom and reached the staircase that led to the living room. Before she reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Me? I fell for him? NO WAY, there is no possibility that I, Sakura, could actually FALL for him!" Sakura tried to reassure herself that she wasn't falling in love.

Holding her face with her hands she shook her head in dismay. "I can't believe that I fell hard," she confessed in a quiet whisper.

He was almost there, just a few more streets until he reached Sakura's apartment. Sasuke stopped at a red light, and realized that there were no vehicles at sight. He took a deep breath and then cruised down the empty street at the red light. A smile crept up from his face. "I guess the police are off duty," he turned his head behind and saw the red light turn green but there were no cars in sight. Turning his head back, his eyes gaped open.

"OH SHIT!!" He immediately pressed on the brakes and someone screamed in the dark street.

"So what if I fell for him? Sakura, get a hold of yourself, you are getting married. Akihiro is so much better off with you than him. Just forget about Sasuke. He's nothing but trouble and you proved it tonight. He is stalking you for goodness' sake! Pictures of you! Just stop it, Sakura, stop it!" Sakura tried to snap her thoughts away. She made her way down to the bottom of the stairs and then arrived into the living room. Sakura noticed that she did not close the windows all the way down, she made her way there and before she closed the windows, she heard some police sirens. There has been an accident.

"Again? How many car accidents does our city have to have these days?" Sakura rolled her eyes as she shut the window closed.

Taking a few paces ahead, she headed to the couch to pick up the remote control but then stopped to see something near the door. Curious, Sakura slowly paced to the door and let out a disapproving scoff. The small manila envelope was near the door, on the floor.

"Forgot to bring it with you, Sasuke?" she asked to herself and then bent down to pick up the envelope. As she held it in her hands, she had a deep desire to just burn all of the pictures. The fireplace was nearby, and she could just fling it into the fire. It was easy.

A smile appeared on her face and Sakura headed over to the kitchen and made a phone call.

"Hey, could you stop over for something? I want you to do me a favor, thanks," Sakura hung up the phone and then looked up.

"I'm not as dumb as you think, Sasuke," Sakura then headed to the living room and then realized that the sirens were still audible in the living room.

"That's weird, accidents like these don't last for more than fifteen minutes," Sakura took a few steps forward and then heard the doorbell ring.

"SHIT!! OH SHIT SHIT SHIT!!" Sasuke got off of his motorcycle and ran to the hurt person he accidentally hit. It was an old lady old enough to be his mother.

"Are you all right ma'am? Ma'am? Are you all right?" the old lady began to stir in his arms as police officers came over.

"Sir, what seems to be the problem here?" one of them held out a flashlight at Sasuke.

"I don't know, I was on my bike and then well I couldn't see in the dark and this old lady was on the road crossing and I didn't see her," Sasuke explained to the officers.

"Well sir, if you would please stand over here and let us check you," the other officer instructed him.

"When was the last time you drank for the past 24 hours?" one of the officers examined his eyes and told him to walk in a straight line.

Passing the test, Sasuke was let go.

Sakura smiled at her guest. "I expect you to come around for the next weeks right? Thank you, bye," Sakura closed the door and realized that the sirens have stopped.

A/N: Please review!!