Empty Doll

By: Silent Sniper

Chapter 1: Gift

Lord Yami looked out of his balcony and frowned slightly. His people and rival empires were bringing gifts to him today and he really didn't want to see them...It was useless.

"Lord Yami," a voice greeted. Yami turned to face a tall man with icy blue eyes and chestnut hair. The man wore a navy blue shirt with blue designs that meant cunning one and navy blue leather pants. A sword rested on his hip and several little darts used for combat. His face held no expression.

"Yes, Seto?" Yami answered. Yami wore a similar outifit, but it had significant differences. His whole outfit was one piece and clung to his well built body and a studded belt hung around his waist . Also he wore a black overcoat that reached his knees with red lines. He was the leader of the Demons and ruled over a misrable earth while Seto was his second in command. The Lord turned which made the large collar on his coat cover his face and smiled.

"Your gifts are here," Seto said and bowed his head in respect.

"Good. Now lets go see them!" Yami said and walked gracefully to the throne room with Seto following in the same graceful matter. He couldn't wait to see what lovely things his people brought him.

The two boys reached the elegant throne room that was decorated in gold and red carpets. It was a huge place that had silk banners that praised the Lords and Gods. A large golden throne chair awaited the Lord who sat with a amused look. Seto took his place on his right. Two beautiful ladies in long beige gowns that clung to them walked up to him. The younger woman with long blond hair and blue eyes spoke first while the brunette with green eyes waited.

"Lord Yami, our people praise your power and self with beautiful gifts. Our King Sugoruko, sends you his gift. We hope his Highness finds them to his liking," she said and knelt besides her brunette partner.

Strong men carried large chests when the blond called them. They set them down on the Lord's feet. The men and the two women showed them their gifts. Rubies, gold, dimonds, long elegant carpets, spices and animals. Yami looked at them with slight boredom and frowned. He already had plenty of these items.

"Is that all?" he said with a polite tone of voice with slight anger running through it.

The brunette smiled softly and her emerald eyes gleamed. "No, my Lord. We have a special surprise for you..." she said mysteriously. A hand motioned someone to come with a soft gesture. Yami's red eyes widened slightly when he saw four men carry a lavender litter that had silk violet curtains.

"What is this?" he asked.

"I cannot tell you for we have never laid on what lies beneath the curtains. Our master and mistress told us to protect this litter until it reached you. Also that only you must gaze at the gift inside," the brunette replied. Yami's only response was to lift an eybrow.

"Oh?" he asked with an interested tone. The women nodded. " Well... take that litter to my chambers," Yami ordered. Then when the litter was taken, he ordered the men and woman to leave him. Seto looked into the crimson eyes and then left as well when he saw the Lord's expression.

* I wonder what this present is? Yami asked himself as he walked towards his chambers.


Yes, another YGO fic....how nice. Its a bit slow right now, but I promise it will get better. Please tell me if you're confused. I will explain or it will be revealed in later chapters. Disclaimers: YGO does not belong to me, so leave me alone.