Wishful Thinking

A/N: I've had an itch lately to write a yaoi fic and well, my favorite couple is Ryou/Bakura so…you see where this is going? Anyway, I've decided to write this fic, dedicated to my 'muse' Bakura or Kura-kun as some may call him. Course, I don't own him or Yu-Gi-Oh. If I did, then the show would be err…interesting.

Bakura: Pharaoh! I now challenge you…to a dual! (whips out katana, they fight)

Ryou: I love you Bakura! You must win so that we can take over the world!

Yugi: No! Me and Yami are the only world taker over-ers here! Go Yami!

Bakura: Hiten Ryu style!!!

Yami: Ha! You said it wrong! I'm going to beat you using Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu style!

Or something like that……^^;;; anyways!!! Here's the fic!

'' is thinking and "" is talking and is the telepathy thing.

"Please stop Bakura!" Ryou cried…or at least, he wanted to. But instead the boy remained silent like always as Bakura beat him yet again. This had become more frequent as of late and for some reason, Ryou felt worried.

"I'm sick of this." Bakura gave the cowering Ryou one last vicious kick in the stomach before walking into the kitchen. "It's no fun when you don't scream. Trying to be brave tonight?" The yami smirked at his hikari and started to rummage around the cupboards. "Don't you buy groceries anymore?!"

"We don't have much money Yami so therefore we don't have much food." Ryou picked himself up off the floor and wiped the tears from his eyes. He didn't care that he was bleeding, he just didn't want Bakura to see he was crying again. "Maybe…if you…" Ryou hesitated, knowing this was dangerous territory, "If you…got a job…"

Bakura's head poked around the corner of the kitchen door. It looked, to Ryou's relief, somewhat amused.

"So, you want me to get a job?" Bakura gave a short laugh. "I, the great King of Thieves, need no job! If I really need money I'll steal it."

"Well, stealing isn't right." Ryou frowned and placed his hands on his hips. Bakura came fully around the door holding a turkey sandwich.

"You know you're bleeding." He said, taking a bite out of his sandwich. Ryou nodded and Bakura went upstairs. Ryou sighed and sat down on their old beat up couch. This happened every other day it felt. Bakura would beat the tar out of him, then complain about random crap, then go upstairs. Then, like always, he'd come down with the first aid kit. 'I really don't understand my Yami.'

"Alright, what kinda wounds we got tonight?" Ryou looked up and saw Bakura thudding back down. He sat in the recliner and tossed the med kit to Ryou. "I'm sure that'll cover it." Bakura went back to eating his dinner while Ryou worked on his scrapes, carefully fixing each new bloody cut. Bakura watched him for a few minutes, slowly chewing his food.

"Do you need something?" Ryou asked, honestly wondering.

"Not really. You're being a weakling! You don't need to tend to ever tiny little paper cut! Geez…" Ryou didn't answer. He just finished with the usual repairs and laid his head back on the couch. He noticed the clock read 9:30, which only meant one thing…

"So…are you going out tonight?" Ryou asked, closing his eyes.

"And if I am? It's none of your damn business anyway!" Bakura snapped. There was a long silence before he spoke again. "Tonight is Marik's birthday so the stupid Pharaoh wants to have the party tonight." Ryou felt a pang in his heart, the first emotion he had felt all day: Jealousy. Marik and Malik were a couple.

"Oh? Is it? How's he doing?" Ryou asked. He hadn't seen either man since school had let out for the summer.

"Fine I guess. Him and his light were going to do something special tonight but we're dragging him out for a night on the town…well, not like Malik won't have sex with him some other time anyway." Bakura finished his food and stood up. "Why?"

"Huh? No reason…I just wanted to know how they were doing." Ryou lifted his head and looked his yami in the eyes. "By your comment I take it they're still dating?"

"Course they are! What kind of question is that? Those two will be butt buddies for the rest of their lives."

"What about Yami and Yugi?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? They're going out too. Two weeks ago the Pharaoh finally got enough balls to tell Yugi he liked him."

"Oh…" Ryou sighed softly. That meant all the yamis were dating their hikaris…well except Bakura and himself. "Well that's…good. That means we're the only two not dating." Ryou smiled and gave a quick laugh. Bakura looked at him strangely then walked right out of the house. Ryou let his lips fall back into their moody position.

'Oh Bakura…you must really hate me don't you? Light and Dark…Hikari and Yami…it worked of the others…why can't it work for me?' Ryou laid down on the couch and shut his eyes. Even though he tried to sleep, the stinging pain from his fresh cuts and bruises were keeping him up. 'I hope Bakura's having fun…I'm sure he is. I bet Marik would be happier if he was home with Malik…those two are lucky…'

Ryou stopped trying to sleep and walked to the window. It was a clear night and the stars outside seemed even brighter then the streetlights around them. He bounded upstairs and went in his room. It was pitch black inside but the moonlight the shone through his open window was enough to chase the shadows into their corners. The angelic boy sat down and raised his eyes to the heavens.

"Heh, Bakura would tease me, sitting here, looking at the stars." Ryou smiled sadly at the thought. "Ryou, he would say, stop being so stupid! Their just balls of flaming gas! There's nothing at all special about them!" He chuckled. "But to me, I don't see stars…no…I see him. People think the night sky is dark but some of us can still see the light inside." As Ryou's eyes observed, he happened to see the most brilliant shooting star streak across the sky.

"A shooting star." Ryou smiled. "When I was little, Bakura would watch for those with me…and we'd wish for silly things but my wish was always the same." Ryou took a deep breath. No one had ever told him how to wish on such a star, so Ryou just used the one Bakura had taught him.

"Starlight star bright, first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Ryou paused, his mind searching for the perfect wish but then he smiled and sighed. "Well, the same wish as always I guess…"

********** **********

"Umm, guys? I know you like your beer but…" Yami laughed nervously as he watched Bakura and Marik engage in the fifth beer-guzzling contest of the night. "Maybe you should save some for later? You'll have one hellva hangover if you don't."

"I'll…tell you…when I've had enough! I can still beat him!" Marik was grinning like a madman while Bakura merely wiped some of the alcohol on his sleeve.

"Well, I knew you were a lightweight!" Bakura laughed and put his mug down. "But I think you've gotten worse!"

"Shut up Bakura!!" Marik roared. Yami shook his head smiling and took a sip of his drink.

"Well, maybe you guys are-" Yami stopped and suddenly became quiet. The other two men turned to him.

"What's up with you?" Marik asked. Yami said nothing, then looked back up.

"Huh? Oh, Yugi was just saying good night and asked if I'm having fun." Yami shrugged and stirred his drink.

"Ohhh, so you're keeper was checking up on you?" Bakura smirked. "Is it past your bedtime?"

"You're just jealous that my hikari and I are happy together." Yami grinned. "See, I don't beat my hikari daily for no reason."

"Just shut up Pharaoh!" Bakura glared at him. "Don't talk about things you don't understand!"

"He's got a point." Marik nodded at Yami. "I mean, you are pretty cruel to that kid. Yet I know you like him."

"I don't like my hikari!! Why would I like someone as weak and foolish as him?" Bakura felt like this conversation was not turning out well.

"Well…let's see…Ryou's big innocent chocolate eyes, his moonlight pale skin, his angelic face, his pure snow white hair…" Marik grinned.

"Plus he's got a heart of gold and doesn't seem to care that his yami beats him." Yami Yugi sighed and shook his head. "But I think he still cries…I'm sure he's crying at home right now, wishing you would open your heart to him."

"Just shut up…" Bakura turned away from them and looked up. For Marik's birthday, that had gone to a beautiful bar (with fake ids of course) that had a balcony area where you could sit and drink under the sky. Bakura looked up at the meaningless pinpricks of light in the empty space above. 'Ryou probably is crying…I wonder if he's looking at the stars too. I know he likes them…he used to make me watch them with him. But…he'd always make…that same wish.'

'I wish I could make Kura happy forever!'

"Hey, look up there!" Marik yelled, trusting his hand upwards. Bakura followed it and saw a shooting star, it's tail splashing a glittering light on the blackened sky.

"Speaking of Ryou…" Bakura smiled at the star as it faded.

"Everyone make a wish!" Yami laughed. So Bakura took a breath and began to recite the rhyme like he once had.

"Starlight star bright first star I see tonight…"

***** *****

Ryou sighed heavily as he finished his wish. Like always, he'd wished to make Bakura happy but somehow he doubted he could ever be capable of doing that. 'I wonder if Bakura saw that star? Might as well ask him.'

Hey Bakura?

What do you want?

Oh well…I wanted to know…if you saw that shooting star just now

You saw it t-…I mean no, of course not! Why would I?

I didn't think so…I was just asking

Oh well…I see…err…the stars are nice tonight though

Yeah…they are beautiful. I was thinking about when we were little, how we'd watch the stars…well…sorry to bug you. I'll close the connection now. Have fun

Ryou sealed his mind off from Bakura, feeling slightly better. 'At least he looked at the stars. I'd be a waste not to see them tonight.'

"You bet it would be!" A female voice cried. Ryou nodded in agreement, then his eyes widened and he spun around to see a beautiful woman with long flowing sky blue hair and big green eyes. She was scantily clad in some streaming white robes.

"Who are you?! How'd you get in here?!" Ryou backed up against the wall, his eyes darting around for a way of escape.

"Silly, your wish called me!" She smiled warmly and Ryou suddenly felt at ease. "I heard it even from my lofty perch. 'I want to make Bakura happy again…forever.' It's so romantic. I heard him wish for your happiness as well."

"Huh? Bakura wants me happy?" Ryou beamed but it quickly faded from his lips. "Wait…I asked Bakura and he said he didn't see the star…and who are you again?"

"Oh right, I'm sorry!" She jumped and waved her hands. "I always forget to introduce myself. I'm Benten but you can call me Ai! I'm the Goddess of Love and I heard two lovers despite pleas for help so I'm here!"

"Here to…do what exactly?" Ryou asked, feeling quite nervous in the presence of a Goddess.

"Why, I'm here to help you pick up this relationship! Leave the details to me, I'll set up the most romantic trips, accidents and all sorts of goodies for you." Ai beamed at Ryou but Ryou shook his head.

"You're telling me…that I summoned a Goddess to earth to grant my wish of making Bakura happy??"

"And vise-versa!" Ai nodded. "Yep yep, it's my duty to repair your hearts! Don't worry, I'm a behind the scenes person. I'll give you the scenarios and it's the lovers job to use it." 

"Oka~y…I think Bakura hit me too hard today…" Ryou blinked and laid down on his bed. "I'm going to go to bed and when I wake up, this will all have been a weird dream."

"A dream come true that is!" Ai grinned. "I'll make sure you too hook up if it's the last thing I do! So you go to sleep while I read up on today's romance." Ai sat down and a pile of shojo mangas appeared. She grabbed one called Love Hina and began to read. "I'll just replace the girl with you ok Ryou-chan?" Ryou didn't answer, it wasn't good to talk to hallucinations after all. "Hm…looks like there's going to be a lot of nakedness!" Ryou only shut his eyes tighter.

A/N: Alright, let's see what kind of weird things come up as the Ai tries to set up Ryou and Bakura! (Benten is the Goddess of Love and Water in Japanese myth if I remember right and Ai means love)