NOTE: I've reuploaded the original version of this chapter for continuity's sake until I get the other chapters revised. If there are random things in a sentence that look out of place or don't make sense, those were probably originally contained in asterisks or dashes or something. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi! I hope you enjoy my digimon fanfic. Please R&R. Note: This is my 2nd fanfic. My other one is Life Loses Its Meaning in the Sailor Moon category. Please enjoy the chapter and don't forget to review. Ebacusta: Now for the disclaimer: I own digimon! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

Kari: No matter what ebacusta says she does not own Digimon.

Ebacusta: Yes I do!

Kari: No you don't.

Ebacusta: Do too!

Ebacusta's Computer: -monotone- No you don't.

Ebacusta: Yes I do! kicks computer

Ebacusta's Computer: Stop that. -ebacusta doesn't stop computer signs online and calls a mental asylum. Men put ebacusta in a straight jack and drag her off towards a white truck-

Ebacusta: Maybe, I don't own digimon?

Kari: -waves- Don't forget to come back and write the second chapter!

T.K.: -to ebacusta -later, -to everyone else- let the fic began!

Try, Try, Try Again
By ebacusta
Chapter 1

Beep! Beep! Beep! Kari rolled over and turned off her alarm clock and slowly got out of bed. She walked slowly and clumsily to the bathroom. Sleepily she adjusted the water and stepped into the warm water. She shivered at first and then her eyes popped open. She showered and wrapping a towel around her went to her room and got dressed.

"The first day of school," she thought. She roused Gatomon and let her long hair flow down her back. Her bangs, now several inches longer, hung limply on her shoulders. She went out and sat with her brother for breakfast.

"Morning Tai," she said as she sat.

"Morning," he said.

"Happy that school starts again?" she asked.

"No," he grumbled.

"Okay," she replied. She ate her eggs and toast and then cleaned her plate and dried it putting it on the counter. Tai looked at his watch.

"Time to go," he said.

"Okay," Kari said as she ran into the bedroom and grabbed her bag. (A/N. I'm American so I'm not quite sure how the Japanese do their school system.) She checked her reflection in the mirror. The light blue shirt and denim capris enhanced her crimson eyes and long straight hair framed her face. She turned and looked over her shoulder. She smiled when she saw Superstar in bright sparkly silver letters.

"Kari, come on!" Tai yelled.

"Coming!" she replied picking up Gatomon and walking out of the room.

As T.K. climbed out of Matt's blue convertible, he saw Tai's red Porsche drive by. It parked on the other side of the car. Kari got out with Tai and T.K. waved. Kari waved back. T.K. walked up to her.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," she replied. Sora's green Toyota drove by and they all waved. Next was Izzy in a blue Taurus. Then came Joe in a black Nissan. Biyomon, Gabumon, Agumon, Tentomon, and Gomamon all climbed out of their respectful cars. Patamon was lying on T.K.'s hat as usual and Kari still held Gatomon to her chest.

"Kari!" She turned and saw Yolei running towards her with Poromon. Then came the car Matt was hoping wouldn't come. A sleek silver Mitsubishi drove up and parked by Matt's car nearly hitting T.K. and Kari. The door opened and out stepped Davis with Demiveemon and Jun.

"No!" Matt screamed, "Come on T.K.!" T.K., Matt, Tai, Kari, Sora, Joe, Izzy, Davis, Yolei, Gomamon, Biyomon, Gabumon, Agumon, and Tentomon all ran towards the school.

"T.K.!" screamed a group of girls.

"Other way!" T.K. screamed. The group turned and ran towards the side of the building and ran around to the front and entered. Hiding in a dark hallway they caught their breaths.

"Why hasn't she given up?" Matt panted.

"I don't know," Davis replied.

"Looks, like, T.K., still, has a, fan club," Kari said between breaths.

"Looks like it," T.K. said.

"Why did she-?" Yolei began but was interrupted by Jun's voice, "There you are Matt." Matt looked up in horror and in a minute the group was running down the halls.

"Kari!" called a group of boys.

"Into the gym!" Kari yelled. They wheeled around and dashed into the gym and out the side door around the school back in the back door and into an empty darkened classroom.

"Why, don't, they, just, leave, us, alone?" Kari asked bending over.

"I don't know," T.K. wheezed.

"Hey!" Tai said, "It's almost time for school to start. We better go find out which classes we're in."

"You're right," Yolei said. They left the classroom and went to the board.

"Hey T.K.! We're in the same class!" Kari said. "So are Yolei and Ken."

"Hey Izzy! I'm in your class!" Matt said.

"Sora, I'm with you," Joe said.

"Tai! You're with us!" Izzy said.

"Great!" Tai replied.

"I'm with Cody!" Davis said happily.

"Hey!" They turned and saw Cody and Ken running towards them holding Upamon and Wormmon.

"Ken! Cody!" Yolei called.

"What class am I in?" Ken asked.

"You're with us," Kari said.

"Cody, you're with me!" Davis said.

"Let's look at the classes," Sora said. There was some silence.

"I have Math first," T.K said.

"Japanese for me," Cody said.

"Geometry," Tai spoke.

"English," Joe replied.

"We better get going," Matt said.

"Yeah. So I guess we'll see you guys after school?" Kari said.

"Remember guys we'll meet by the cars. See you later," said Sora.

Cody spoke, "Right. Later." With that the group spilt up.

"I'm going to my locker to get my stuff," Kari said.

"Me too." T.K. said, "See you in class." Yolei nodded and her and Ken continued down the hall. Kari walked down the hall towards her locker. T.K. followed.

"T.K. I thought you were going to your locker," Kari said.

"I am," T.K. said. Kari walked and stopped in front of locker number 148. T.K. stopped in front of locker number 149.

"That's your locker?"


"Cool!" he nodded. They pulled out their books. Kari glanced at her watch.

"T.K. we better get going or we'll be late!" They ran and skidded into class sliding in line behind Yolei. Gatomon now was standing beside Kari. Patamon hadn't moved. The teacher began assigning seats to the class.

"Yolei," the teacher said pointing to a seat, "Hikari," she said pointing to the one next to Yolei's, "Takeru," she said pointing to the seat next to Kari, "Ken," she pointed to the seat in front of Yolei. The teacher went on as T.K., Kari, Yolei and Ken made their ways to their seats. After everyone was seated the teacher spoke, "My name is Ms. Kuchida." T.K. raised his hand. "Yes Takeru."

"Ma'am you can call me T.K."

"And ma'am you can call me Kari," Kari said as she held her hand high.

"Very well, this is Math class and not wishing to waste anytime we shall get right into the lesson." By the end of the class Kari was ready to go back to sleep. Your homework is on the board copy it down. Kari pulled out her planner and wrote down the homework. Gathering her stuff she made her way towards the door.

"Kari wait up!" T.K. called. She stopped. He came up beside her.

"You look tired," Gatomon observed.

"I am," Kari said. "That class was b-o-r-i-n-g."

"What's your next class?" Patamon asked.

"English," T.K. said.

"Oh that will be fun," Kari perked.

"Sure," T.K. replied yawning.

By lunch Kari had decided that Monday mornings were boring except for PE and English. She walked over to tree and sat down. Pulling out a cup she poured in some milk and sat a container of yogurt beside it for Gatomon.

"Spoon." Kari handed one to her. T.K. sat beside her and gave Patamon a candy bar and drinkable yogurt. Soon after came a tired Matt and Gabumon (running from Jun), then Tai, Agumon, Sora, Biyomon, Joe, Gommamon, Izzy, and Tentomon. Then came Yolei, Poromon, Ken, Wormmon, Davis, Demiveemon, Cody, and Upamon.

"How was your morning Tai?" Kari asked. Tai in turn grumbled some incoherent words and began munching on chips. "What?" He grumbled again.

"Boring," Sora said laughing. "It took me 6 times before I figure out what he was saying. Mine was also boring. I had English, Math, Geography, and then Science."

Matt spoke, "My mine was so boring it's a wonder I'm still alive. Geometry, Japanese, Math, Geography. What about you T.K.?"

"Well, I had Math, English, PE, and History."

"I had Japanese, PE, Geography, and English." Davis said. "And then between class Jun found me and asked if I had seen Matt."

"Kari looked about ready to fall asleep in History," Gatomon informed the group. Kari blushed.

"T.K. did fall asleep," Patamon stated.

After lunch came Geography, Japanese, Science, and Study Hall. Kari stumbled out of Study Hall. T.K. came after her.

"Kari are you okay?"

"So tired," she grumbled.

"The classes aren't that bad. At least we have a study hall so we won't have so much homework," T.K. said.

"I guess you're right," Kari said straightening. "The Math teacher is pretty strict. She's the only one who assigned any homework. So I guess Study Hall was fun because we got to play games." "Right," T.K. agreed. "Come on, let's go meet the others."

"Okay." Together the two turned the corner and disappeared from sight. Little did they know a boy was watching-had been watching-Kari all day.

"So T.K. you think you can steal this one from me too. We'll see about that." With that the boy turned and left the building walking home quickly.

Sora looked at her watch for the 5th time. "Matt should be here by now."

"T.K.!" called a voice. They turned Matt was driving towards them.

"Ice Cream Parlor right?" T.K. clarified. Sora nodded. "Great!" With that T.K. ran into the street in direct path of the car. "Come on Davis!" Davis did the same thing.

"What are you doing?" Sora yelled at them. Neither T.K. nor Davis answered but instead grabbed hold of the side of the convertible and swung themselves over and into the seats. Sora gaped as she watched Matt speed out of the parking lot.

"Gotta go!" Kari yelled. Sora saw Tai's red Porsche driving at them. "Come on Yolei!" Kari and Yolei then ran into the direct path of the car but instead of swinging into the car they flung open the door and jumped in a split second in which the car slowed. The doors slammed and Sora again gaped as the car sped out after Matt.

Joe drove up and Cody climbed in. Joe then drove off. Next came Izzy and Ken climbed in and following Joe left the parking lot. By then Sora had reached her car and she too climbed in a drove out of the parking lot. When she got to ice cream shop she saw Kari and T.K. leaning against Tai's car talking with Davis just hanging around them. Matt, Tai, Joe, and Izzy were talking and their digimon were hanging nearby talking themselves. Yolei, Cody, and Ken were immersed in what looked to be a deep conversation.

Sora stomped over to T.K., Kari, Davis grabbed them marched by Yolei snagging her too and then over to Tai and Matt.


"We were leaving the school," they said.

She shook T.K., Kari, Davis, and Yolei at the boys. "THEY COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!"

They took a step back. "Yeah but they've done it so much they're use to it."

This apparently was the wrong thing to say as Sora exploded at them shaking T.K., Kari, Davis, and Yolei violently, "YOU HAVE DONE THIS MORE THAN ONCE! ARGH! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO?"

The boys shrank back in fear at the angry girl in front of them.

"Sora it is okay," T.K. rasped. Sora stopped and looked at the 4 almost unconscious teens. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"You're the one who almost killed them," Tai mumbled under his breath. Sora dropped the teens to the ground and grabbed Tai's shirt collar.

"What did you say Tai Kamiya?" Sora yelled.

"Nothing," Tai said.

"Good!" Sora said letting go.

"Can we just get ice cream?" Davis asked. Kari looked around. Her eyes landed on a boy she knew she'd seen before.

"T.K., isn't that a boy from school," she asked. T.K. looked.

"Yeah it is." Suddenly the boy turned and ran down the street. Kari and T.K. jumped up and took off after him.

"Kari! Kari! Where are you going?" Tai yelled at the same time that Sora yelled, "Kari! T.K.! Come back!" and Matt yelled, "T.K.! T.K.! Get back here! T.K.!"

"We'll be back in a minute!" T.K. yelled in response. Angrily, Tai and Matt pushed through the group and ran after their smaller siblings. T.K. and Kari turned the corner and saw the boy halfway down the street. They speed up their pace and slowly gained on the boy. Matt and Tai were not far behind.

Finally T.K. and Kari were within reaching distance. Kari reached out and grabbed the boy's shoulder. She pulled him back and then somehow she ended up on the ground with him on top of her fist raised to punch her. Tai ran up and yanked the boy off of her. Matt on the hand was restraining T.K.

"Why the heck were you about to punch my sister?" Tai yelled at the boy. With a little difficulty Matt managed to help Kari up while still restraining T.K.

"Who are you?" Kari asked. "You've been watching me all day."

"My name is Yamazaki," he said as he squirmed in Tai's hands.

"Why have you been following me all day?"

"It's none of your business," he replied.

"It's none of your business what I do during or after school so answer my question!" Kari demanded.

"No," he replied stubbornly.

"Answer my sister you jerk," Tai said shaking him.

"No," he replied.

"Answer her!" T.K. yelled.


"Fine let's rephrase the question. Why were you stalking my sister?" Tai asked.

"I wasn't stalking her! I was just looking. Besides it's not my fault she showed up where I was going."

"Then why didn't you just come over? Why did you run off like that?" Kari demanded.

"It's still none of your business," he replied.

"Answer her!" T.K. yelled struggling to get out of his brother's grasp.

"Fine! I didn't come over because I thought you would have thought I was following you. I ran off like that when you saw me because I was hopping maybe you hadn't seen me and wouldn't think I was following you," he said.

"You like her don't you?" Matt asked still restraining T.K.

Yamazaki faltered, "N-No I don't. Why would I like someone like her?"

"What? How dare you insult me!" Kari yelled. Within seconds Matt was restraining both T.K. and Kari. Tai shook Yamazaki.

"Don't insult her like that," he said.

"Who's insulting her? I just said she's not my type," Yamazaki replied coolly. "Now put me down."

"Tai need help," Matt said slowly losing his grip on the raging teenagers. Tai looked at Yamazaki levelly and growled through clenched teeth, "You stay away from sister." With that he dropped him on the ground and grabbed Kari. She started towards Yamazaki but before she could get very far before Tai picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder. Matt did the same.

"How dare you! Tai put me down!" Kari raged, "You stalk me and then say I'm not your type. Yeah right!"

T.K. on the other hand raged, "You follow her like some kind of maniac and then insult her and act totally rude. You should apologize."

Matt and Tai carried the teens all the way down the shop and all the while Kari and T.K. yelled at him. When they got to the shop Tai and Matt put them down.

"Calm down," Matt told them.

"Calm down? Yamazaki just insulted me!" Kari said angrily.

"Let's just go get ice cream so you two can chill," Tai said.

"Fine," T.K. said. The foursome walked into the ice cream parlor. The rest of the group sat in a booth waiting.

"What took so long?" Izzy asked. Tai explained the whole ordeal.

"Oh so you mean that boy insulted you Kari?" Sora asked. Kari nodded. "Well he should be a shamed of himself."

After ice cream the group stood up to leave when suddenly Jun burst through the door.

Matt ran outside and around the block before he managed to get into his car. Once again T.K. got in the middle of the road with Davis and as the car drove by they grabbed the side and jumped into the car.

"Bye!" T.K yelled waving. Then Kari and Yolei stood in the middle of the road. As Tai drove by slowing a little they flung open the door, jumped in, and shut it behind them. Kari leaned out the window and waved. "Bye!" Sora gawked but then ran to her car and sped after them.

Jun had sped home already. Sora watched the two cars race on the highway. Kari was leaning out the window yelling something at T.K. He laughed and nodded and then said something in reply. When they neared Davis house Matt slowed, but before he came to stop T.K. and Davis jumped out.

She watched as T.K. took Davis to the door of his house. She also noticed Tai was stalling beside Matt. Suddenly she saw T.K. running down the stairs. She watched as he jumped into Matt's car and they sped off with Tai beside them. Then she saw Kari leaning out the window reaching towards T.K. who in turn grabbed her arms and helped her cross over the gap between the two cars.

They sat side by side and then Tai and Matt came to a stop at Yolei's apartment complex (A/N. I can't remember if Yolei and Kari or someone lives in the same apartment complex.) Kari jumped out with Yolei and the two ran up the stairs. All the while Tai and Matt sped around the block. Then Sora watched in horror as Kari flipped over the railing and swung down level by level except she missed the second floor railing a plummeted towards the ground. Before she hit the ground Matt sped underneath her and she fell into T.K.'s arms.

Sora sped after them her heart still racing. She watched as Kari said something to T.K. and then climbed back into Tai's car. They sped by T.K.'s house and Matt slowed just enough for T.K. to jump out. "Bye little bro!" Matt yelled driving off with Tai beside him.

"Bye!" she heard Kari yell as she leaned out the window waving while Tai sped off. Sora sped after them.

"Bye Tai!" Matt yelled.

"Bye Matt!" Tai yelled. And with that the two turned and went towards their houses. Sora followed Tai and watched as he parked before speeding down the street towards her own house.

Kari and Tai entered their house and taking off their shoes walked into the kitchen.

"Hi kids," Mrs. Kamiya said as they entered.

"Hi mom," Kari said as she opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water.

"Hi mom," Tai said.

"How was school?"

"Boring," they both said at the same time.

"I have a couple classes I like," Kari said. "One is PE the other is English and the last one is Study Hall. T.K. is in all my classes."

"Wow you two must wreaked havoc on the classes," Mrs. Kamiya said. Kari giggled and got up to go to her room.

"What to do Gatomon?" Kari said flopping down on her bed.

"You could check you email," the cat digimon suggested as she jumped up on Kari's desk.

"Good idea," Kari said as she dragged herself over to her desk chair. She signed on.

"You have 8 new pieces of mail," said the voice. Kari opened her mailbox and saw that most of them were from T.K. Smiling she opened the first one. The 7 out of 8 emails that he wrote consisted of "Hey, how are you?" The last one was Yolei talking about school. She signed off. She lay down on the floor. She liked to think about things like this. Staring at the ceiling she began to think about Yamazaki.

"That jerk," she thought, "Stalks me and then says I'm not his type. I'll show him who's not his type." Tai poked his head in the room.

"Kari T.K.'s on the phone for you." She nodded and he tossed her the phone.

"Hello?" Kari asked.

"Kari?" came T.K.'s voice. "You wanna take a walk with me?"


"Great. How about we meet at the park?"

"Okay, see you there."

"Yeah later." They hung up.

"Mom!" Kari called running into the hallway towards the door. "I'm going to take a walk with some friends!"

"Okay! Be home by 10!" her mom replied. Putting on her shoes Kari ran out of the house.

Yamazaki paced the floor angrily. His mind kept recalling those words Kari's brother had said to him. 'You, stay away from my sister.' He probably blew it if she thinks he's a jerk. And he had acted kind of rude, but that was only because T.K. was moving in his girl.

"I'll just have to get back at him," Yamazaki thought. He moved over to his desk and sat down and began rapidly typing on his keyboard. "Better watch out T.K. you moved in on my girl and now you'll have to pay," Yamazaki said quietly.

When Kari got to the park T.K. was waiting for her.

"Hey T.K.!" Kari said as she ran up to him.

"Hey!" Together they walked around the park and then down the street. They ate and then walked slowly towards Kari's house.

"Do you believe him?" T.K. asked.

"Believe who?"


"About what?"

"You not being his type," T.K. said.

"No," Kari said crossly. "You don't just follow someone around all day and then say they're not your type. He's hiding something. Did you see him at lunch and study hall?" T.K. shook his head.

"At lunch he was hovering around our tree with his friends and in study hall he kept staring at the back of my head. The back on one's head is normally not their most attractive feature," Kari said hotly.

"Maybe he's got psychic powers and by staring at the back of you head he can see the front," T.K. said. Kari giggled.

"You always know how to lighten the mood with your jokes T.K."

"Thank you miss," T.K. said formally while tipping an imaginary hat. Kari giggled again. "See what I mean?" By then they were standing in front of the Movie Theater. Kari looked at her watch, 8:31.

"You wanna see a movie?" Kari asked.

T.K. shrugged. "Sure." Together they bought tickets to a random movie and walked into the theater. After passing through the ticket guy (A/N. You know the one who rips your tickets in half? Him I don't know what they're called.) T.K. and Kari went up to the refreshments stand. After buying candy the two walked down a random stretch of the theater. Suddenly T.K. pulled Kari behind a wall.

"What?" Kari asked.

"Look around the corner. Isn't that Haruki and Rei?" T.K. asked. Kari looked.

"Yeah so?"

"And Ryo and Sousuke?" Kari looked again.

"Yeah so?" T.K. looked at her expectantly. "Ryo and Sousuke, Haruki and Rei, oh my." T.K. nodded. Slowly the two tried to crawl back down the hall and out sight. They're attempt was unsuccessful.

"T.K. and Kari! What are you doing?" Haruki called out. Spotted Kari raked her brain for an excuse.

"Uh looking for my earring!" Kari responded, "Ha I found it thanks for helping T.K."

"Uh, sure," T.K. said standing up with her. He whispered in her ear, "Good thinking."

"Thanks," she responded. "So Rei!" she said loud enough for them hear. "Have you found a new person to stalk, I mean like?" T.K. crossed his fingers.

"No," Rei replied shrugging.

"What movie are you two going to go see?" Haruki asked.

"Nothing important. Oh will you look at the time? Our movie is going to start soon. Gotta go," T.K. replied. Together him and Kari turned and dashed down the hall.

"T.K., they're following us!" Kari said glancing over her shoulder. If we can get out of their sight and run into the theater we might be able to escape. Left, right, through the lobby, right, right, left, and right. Finally they ended up in their theater. They climbed up towards the top. Selecting a row about 20 or so rows down they sat in the middle.

5 minutes later T.K. and Kari calmed down and watched the movie munching on their candy. 20 minutes after that they both saw familiar figures climbing up the stairs towards them. Before they could do anything the boys were sitting next to Kari and the girls were shoving their way past her and pushing past T.K. Rei "accidentally" fell on T.K. and while she was trying to buy herself time sitting their apologizing, Kari felt as if someone reached in and was twisting her heart.

"Will you get off him?" Kari hissed as she shoved the girl on his lap off on to the cold stone floor.

"Ugh! Well I never!" Rei whispered angrily.

"Yes you never," Kari shot back fiercely. T.K. stared at her in awe as Kari folded her hands over her chest and stared crossly at the screen.

"I don't know what came over me a minute ago but now I feel strangely satisfied," Kari thought as she glared at the movie screen.

When the movie was over Kari stood up and pushed passed the boys. Running down the stairs and down the ramp she disappeared from view.

"Kari!" T.K. called.

"You don't have to go after her," Rei said rubbing T.K.'s arm.

"Get off me and yes I do," T.K. said.

"No you don't," Rei said still rubbing.

"Don't touch me," T.K. said yanking his arm away, pushing past the boys and running down the stairs after Kari. They followed.

"The things I do for love," Rei sighed as she ran after her sweetheart, T.K.

"Why am I running?" Kari asked herself as ran down the hall.

"Kari!" T.K. called. Kari ran faster. "Kari wait up!" T.K. yelled. Kari didn't answer but instead started to sprint. Dodging people Kari ran until she saw a dark hallway. She ran down it and curled up pulling her knees to her chest and burying her face in them. T.K. ran past before turning around and running down the hall where she was.

"Kari what's wrong?" T.K. asked as he kneeled beside her.

"I don't know," Kari said into her knees.

"Tell me how you feel," T.K. pushed gently.

"Like crap," Kari said shortly.

"Why do you feel like crap?" T.K. asked.

"I don't know. But I feel hurt and replaced," Kari said. It was then that T.K. understood what she was trying to say.

"I'm sorry about that theater thing," T.K. offered.

Obviously he hit the right ticket because Kari lifted her head and said, "How could you just let her sit on you like that?"

"I don't know. I've never had someone sit on me like that and so I guess I was kind of surprised," T.K. confessed.

"Really?" Kari asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," T.K. apologized.

"It's okay. I'm probably in a bad mood because of Yamazaki," Kari said.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the crybaby who can't bear that T.K.'s with me," said Rei's voice.

"Crybaby?" Kari asked standing up angrily. "Crybaby, you wanna see a crybaby? I'll show you a crybaby, come here."

"Why should I when I've got T.K. to protect me," said Rei as she wrapped her hands around T.K.'s waist. Kari felt a sharp pang in her heart.

"My heart, it hurts," she mumbled as she bent over clutching her chest. "Can't breathe properly." Her hand desperately tried to hold in the heart which felt like it was falling out. Then Kari had a horrible vision her heart was ripped out by Rei. She cried out in anguish.

"I told you not to, Kari what's wrong?" T.K. asked.

"My heart hurts and I can't breathe," Kari whispered.

"What?" T.K. put his ear next to her mouth as she repeated what she had just said. "Your heart hurts? Why?"

"I don't know, I just can't-" Kari said.

"Oh look everyone, the crybaby's heart hurts. Is it because she wants T.K. and can't have him because T.K. is already mine?" Rei taunted. Kari looked up on the verge of tears but she wasn't about to let them know. Kari stood up.

"You wanna see a crybaby? Here, here's a crybaby," Kari said angrily as she punched Rei. Rei didn't let go of T.K. but glared at Kari. The pain in her heart got worse.

"Let go of him!" Kari said as she yanked Rei's arms from around T.K.'s waist. "Can't you see you're the only one who enjoys it? I know for a fact T.K. told you not to touch him so abide by his wishes and don't touch him."

"Come on T.K.! Let's go!" Kari said as she walked down the hall. T.K. went with her. As soon as they had turned the corner they took off through the halls and into the lobby. Kari looked over her shoulder.

"T.K., they're following but they're just coming out of the hall," Kari informed him as they ran through the door and down the street. As they turned a street corner both of them saw the foursome run out of the theater. Running as fast as possible through the still kind of crowded streets Kari and T.K. ran for the safety of darkness or a secure place to hide. Finding none they continued to run.

"Isn't Rei and Haruki the leaders of your T.K. fan club?" Kari asked.

"Yeah!" T.K. said.

"Whoa boy!" Kari said. "Hey T.K. aren't we close to your house? We could hide in there."

"Good idea!" T.K. said as they started to run up stairs. From what they could hear the foursome hadn't gotten on the stairs yet. T.K. opened the door and the two went in. Taking off their shoes T.K. went into the kitchen to get some water. He came back out with two glasses and handed one to Kari before sitting next to her on the couch.

"T.K. is that you?" his mother called from her bedroom.

"Yes mom, Kari's here too!" T.K. responded.

"Okay dear!" Kari looked at her watch, 10:27.

"Man, I'm going to be in trouble," Kari said as she fished out her cell phone.

"Why?" T.K. asked cocking his head to look at her.

"I was supposed to be home by 10. I'm almost half an hour late," Kari responded as she punched in the number of her house.

"Hello? Kari? Oh thank goodness you're alright," Mrs. Kamiya's worried voice came through the phone.

"I'm sorry mom," Kari apologized, "We went to see a movie and ran over. I'll be home soon. Right now I'm at T.K.'s house."

"Okay, I'm just glad you're alright. Did you have a fun time?"

"Yeah," Kari said smiling. "And I've got some more things to think about."

"That's great dear," Mrs. Kamiya replied.

"I'll see you later mom."

"Bye Kari." It was then that she realized that T.K. was staring at her intently. She turned.

"Well T.K., I've gotta go. Thanks for the water." Kari stood up and put on her shoes. Opening the door she turned once more, "Bye T.K. I'll see you tomorrow at school." She took on step out the door.

"Wait don't go," T.K. said.

"Huh?" Kari turned.

"I-I-I wanted to say bye. See you tomorrow," T.K. stammered.

"Okay," with that she turned and left closing the door behind her.

"Why did I let that thought possess my head?" T.K. asked.

"Ha! I've finally finished!" Yamazaki said. "Using my computer genius I have successfully created a computer virus worthy of T.K.! Now to send it to him." Signing on line he sent it to T.K. with a friendly message. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Yamazaki cackled.

Kari lay back down on the floor staring at the ceiling. In her mind Rei's words, 'Oh look everyone, the crybaby's heart hurts. Is it because she wants T.K. and can't have him because T.K. is already mine?' kept repeating. "Was it true?" she thought, "Was that why my heart hurt earlier? Could I really feel this way because T.K.'s not with me? Was that pain in my heart the pain of jealousy? But I've never been jealous. I don't know."

"You look troubled," Gatomon observed standing over her. "What's wrong?" Kari lifted Gatomon up and sat her down on her stomach.

"I'm trying to sort through these feelings," Kari replied looking at her digimon.

"What feelings, maybe I can help?" Gatomon offered.

"Well, earlier tonight I was at the movie theater with T.K. and we were just wondering around the theater and we saw some kids from school. Well, we ran from them because they like us, there were two boys and two girls, and we don't like them. We ended up in the correct theater and watched the movie but the found us 25 minutes after the movie started. As Rei, one of the girls from school pushed past T.K. she fell into to T.K.'s lap purposely. She tried to buy herself some time sitting there but I felt as if someone was twisting my heart and got angry and pushed her off. I don't know why but something possessed me to do it but after I had I felt strangely satisfied. After the movie I ran off and T.K. followed along with the other four Rei, Haruki, Ryo, and Sousuke. When T.K. found me he explained to me why he hadn't done anything when Rei sat on him. I felt a little better and then Rei and the others found us and she called me a crybaby and then wrapped her arms around T.K.

"Then I felt as if someone pulled my heart out of my chest and then stabbed it. And then I saw this horrible vision in which Rei reached in my chest and ripped out my heart. I couldn't breathe right. T.K. asked what was wrong and I told him and then Rei said, Rei said, Rei said 'Oh look everyone, the crybaby's heart hurts. Is it because she wants T.K. and can't have him because T.K. is already mine?' Those were her exact words and for a moment everything went blank for me and then I got angry and punched her. I was struggling not to cry and then I removed her arms from T.K. and we left but they chased us and so we went into his house to escape and then I came home. What do you think is the matter?"

Gatomon looked thoughtful for a moment and then spoke, "Kari, I think you have your first crush."

"My, first, crush? On T.K.?" Gatomon nodded, "But he's my best friend," Kari protested.

"That just makes it more of an intimate crush," Gatomon announced.

"Intimate crush?" Kari asked puzzled.

"Yes," Gatomon explained, "You see, since you two are best friends you already know what he likes and doesn't like. You know you're common interests. Basically you know him better than most girls would know their crush. Honestly most girls end up having a crush on a complete jerk and when they meet him they realize that. But you already know T.K. You've know him almost all your life. You know he's kind, considerate, thoughtful, honest, funny, and all around to be with. You know each other very well. You have years of knowledge about him behind you. Thus, your crush becomes an intimate. Because you know him intimately."

"I guess it makes sense, but since when did you become the love expert Gatomon?" Kari asked curiously.

"Since I read some of your mother's books."

"Mom's books?"

"Yeah, I read some articles online."

"Articles online? Why?"

"Kari, you're 15 almost 16 and I was sure if you hadn't started going through things like this that you would be going through it soon and I wanted to be there for you to shine down a light for you to see and find your way out of the confusing tunnels of puberty so I studied up so I could help you through it."

"Gee thanks Gatomon. You would skip some of your catnaps just for me? I'm touched," Kari said.

"Yeah." Gatomon said out loud and then thought to herself, "I guess since Kari started T.K.'s starting soon. I'll never tell her that Patamon studied with me too though. She doesn't need to know."

Kari thought, "Is Gatomon right? Do I really have a crush on my best friend? Much less an intimate crush?" Little did they know Tai had been listening from outside the door.

"So Kari has a crush on T.K.?" he said quietly to himself, "Well, I guess I'll just have to be there when she needs support."

"What's wrong T.K.?" Patamon asked. He had been thinking about his relationship with Kari. He shared his feelings and then his observations about Kari from tonight.

"T.K., I think you have a crush on her," Patamon responded.

"A crush? On Kari? She's my best friend no way!"

"Not just any kind of crush T.K. An intimate one."

"Intimate crush? They have kinds of crushes?" T.K. asked. T.K. got the same counsel Kari had gotten. He thought about it for a while and eventually changed for bed and settled down to go to sleep. He went out like a light Patamon beside him. But since he didn't look at his computer screen he failed to see the weird thing happening and then a purple, blue, green, and pink light fly out of the screen and into his digivice. On the screen of the digivice came the map of the digital and it was starting to distort itself as the virus attack it.

The next day they digidestined were leaning against the wall waiting for Izzy when they saw him, he was sprinting towards them.

"What's wrong Izzy?" Sora asked.

"Izzy showed them the computer screen.

"Is that the digital world?" Yolei asked.

"Yes!" Izzy responded.

"It looks different," Kari observed.

"I know! It's been attack by a virus that some how got into T.K.'s digivice. I think it came from an unopened email. T.K. did you check you email last night?"

"No," T.K. responded. Yamazaki, who was lingering around the corner, felt his stomach churn and his mind start to race. If T.K. didn't open his email last night the virus that attacked the digital world was his!

Izzy continued, "Anyway, the digital world has reconfigured itself in such a way that.all the evil digimon we defeated have now been resurrected and reign evil once more! We'll have to defeat them all over again. But now, they're much stronger!"


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry about any grammar mistakes, misspellings, or missing words. I'll have the next one out ASAP. Don't forget to review.


P.S. I've calmed down a little.