Title: Let's Chat…Again!
Author: Venus725, or Venus-725 (same person…)
Summary: Let's Chat (the talkshow) is back! Get ready for more characters, more cameos, more comedy, and more fun! Characters from the following will be present: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Moulin Rouge, LOTR, The Matrix (NEW!), and Sam from Life As A House!
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Hmm…I own…Windell, my La-Z-Boy chair, the mahogany desk, my NEW theme song, my NEW torture chamber (more TORTURE FOR THE DUKE!), the 'bring in the madness' phrase, and myself!
Note: Welcome back!!!!!!!!! We will all have fun if you…REVIEW! REVIEW WITH QUESTIONS!!!!! *Cough* yeah, so review, and you'll get cookies…
(The outline of two people enter the stage of "Let's Chat…Again!". One is curvy and a tad shorter than the other, who seems to possess more male qualities. Both people are handed microphones as familiar music is played…)
Two microphones are handed to the hosts, handed to the hosts, handed to the hosts…
Two microphones are handed to the hosts, handed to the hosts, handed to the hosts…
(Smoke rises from the stage as the two people walk to the middle. Their faces are still shadowed and unrecognizable due to the small amount of light)
Curvy person (Girl): Guess what's back…
Man: Back again…
(The two voices sound strangely familiar)
Girl: Let's Chat's back…
Man: Tell a friend…
Both: Guess what's back, Guess what's back, Guess what's back, Guess what's back, Guess what's back, Guess what's back, Guess what's back…
Girl: Duh nuh nuh
Man: Nuh nuh nuh nuh
Girl: Nuh nuh nuh
Man: Nuh nuh nuh
(Lights go up to see Venus and her co-host, Obi-Wan Kenobi standing onstage, holding the microphones. Obi-Wan is to be seen sticking out his tongue at one of the guests, which appears to be Christian from Moulin Rouge, who's lover, Satine, is watching Obi-Wan with the look of a crazy fangirl.)
Venus: I've created a monster, cause nobody wants to see me anymore, they want comedy, I'm chop liver! So if you want comedy this is what I'll give you, a little bit of me vs. all those odd guests too!
Audience: Uh…
Random audience member: Does she know she can't rap?
Some laughs that'll jumpstart your heart quicker
Then a shock when Padme get shocked at the hospital
By the Dr. when she's not cooperating
Cuz she's moo-ing the table while he's operating "Hey"
You waited this long now stop debating
Cuz I'm back, I'm on top and Ani's masturbating!
I know that you got lonely with out me, Mr. Kenobi,
But Windell's worms problem's is complicating
So the website won't let me be
Or let me be me so let me see
They tried to shut me down on Fanficcie!!!!
But it feels so empty without me
So, come on and laugh, come on give me my reviews,
Fuck that, come on and give me my movie previews!
And get ready, cause this shit's about to get heavy
I just settled all my problems with fanfic, FUCK YOU SEVVY!
Audience: Sevvy?
Same random audience member: As in Severus Snape, I think…
Venus: Now this looks like a job for me, so everybody just follow me!
Cuz we need a little controversy, cuz it feels so empty without me!
Now this looks like a job for me, so everybody just follow me!
Cuz we need a little controversy, cuz it feels so empty WITHOUT ME!
Audience: *Applaud politely*
Venus: *Too caught up in the whole thing* Good night, Fanfiction!!!!!
All except her: What?
Venus: Uh…*blushes* got swept up in the moment…*regains confidence*
Obi-Wan: Yes…it seemed you did…again, why did I do this?
Venus: *Points to new torture chamber where the Duke (who miraculously has his body back) is tied up*
(The NEW torture chamber is as follows: The Machine, (I borrowed it from Count Rugen (as in, The Princess Bride Count Rugen) a large tank full of the ever popular great whites and piranhas, and a big cup o' lava…kinda like the kind Padme didn't die in, in Episode 2)
Obi-Wan: Oh…that's why.
Venus: Well, though some of you may know, this is the sequel to the sadly demolished by fanfic *teary eyes* talkshow, "Let's Chat!" And though some of you already know who's all here to question, I'm going to introduce them to you anyways for the newcomers!
All: *Nod*
Venus: First we have…Star Wars characters!!!!!!!! *Points to Star Wars characters in lounge chairs, waving* I don't feel like introducing them, so when you review for one, its any Star Wars character you can think of! If I don't know them, then I guess I'll find out who they are!!!! But you can't out your own original Star Wars character up for questions! K?
All: *Nod*
Venus: Good! We also have the exact same for the Harry Potter, Moulin Rouge, Lord of the Rings, and Matrix characters!!!!!! And, we have with us, Sam from Life As A House!!!!!!! I decided not to include the others because, well, they didn't get enough attention with questions…well, that was fun! Who wants to hear the rest of my own version of Without Me before you're off to review?
All: NO!!!!!!!
Venus: *Frowns* Well, all right then, if it's what you want…review please!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ciao!!!!
Obi-Wan: I have a migraine…*rubs head*
Christian: *Sticks out tongue at him*
Well…that was fun, wasn't it? No, I cannot rap nor change lyrics to match a mediocre talkshow well…oh well, too late now!!!!! Hope you all feel like reviewing with questions, cause…I just do!!!!!
I love all reviewers, and you get cookies! *Throws cookies to reviewers*