HIIII! How are you all! PLEASE OH PLEASE REVIEW! Thankies mucho! Bai bai!
Vampiric Minds
Spirit Animal
"Master?" Seres asked aloud.
"What is it?" Alucard asked back starting to get annoyed.
"Never mind." She said, putting her head down.
Rolling his eyes, Alucard turned, and looked at her.
"What is it Police Girl?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.
"Oh..um...well...Why does your animal take after a dog?" She stuttered, asking, while looking down, and kicking at her other foot.
"....It's because I protective, nasty when needed, and am a slave, that's thought as a friend." He answered simply, and started to strode off.
"W-wait! Then....what does a cat for me mean?" Seres asked, running back up to him.
"It probably means that your lazy, you don't like being told what to do, and your stubborn." He said.
Pouting, Seres knew that he was just being mean, and she didn't really act like that....usually.
Seres followed Alucard back into the Hellsing mansion, and followed him up flight's of stairs.
"Where are we going?" She asked softly.
"The loft." He replied while phasing through a wall.
Sighing, she phased through it, and followed. Seres had to start jogging to keep up with his long steps, and she was starting to wonder if they'd ever get there.
Seres started to notice the smell of mint, and violets. She sniffed wonderingly, and started to jog faster. As Alucard opened the door, she leapt in, and snuffled wildly.
'What is that wonderful smell!' she cried out in her mind frantically.
She scurried over to the wall, and breathed in deeply. Still scenting around, she walked around the empty room, sniffing as she walked, getting closer, and closer to the scent. Finding it, she buried her nose deeply into it, and inhaled.
Her eyes widened as she heard a heart beat in her ear. Looking slowly up, she saw Alucard staring at her, and she went pale.
"Um...s-s-sorry master...I thought that...um...well.." she stuttered, backing away from the master vampire.
"What on earth do you think you were doing police girl?" He asked in a stony voice.
"Um....well..I smelled a really beautiful scent. It was like mint, and....and violets. I just wanted to know what smelled so good..." She said, looking down, while blushing insanely.
"Humph....beautiful. You think I smell beautiful." Alucard said, almost frozen with shock.
"That..that's your scent?!" Seres looked up moritfied.
"Um...I! I didn't know! I mean..It's very masculine! And, and strong!" She said, trying to cover her deadly error.
"Well..if it's all the same to you police girl, you smell like lily's, and vanilla." Alucard muttered, and walked over to a wall in the room, punching through it, he got out a dusty old chest.
Kicking the lock open, he pulled the chest itself open, and shifted through the items in it.
"This will do. Come here Police Girl."
Seres was physically frozen, he had just complemented her. She blushed, and walked over to Alucard with her head hanging, so she could hide her face from him.
Alucard raised an eye brow at her antics, and motioned for her to sit down. As Alucard set up three candles, and bowl of something smelling strongly of honey suckle, Seres just pondered what he was doing.
Watching his gloved hands move gracefully setting out items, for what seemed like a ceremony. Seres watched interesdly as he set up candles, waxes, powders, and other miscellaneous items.
Alucard watched Seres from the corner of his eye, as she watched the objects for the ceremony be set down.
Examining his servent vampire, he noticed something. She.
(A/N: What do you think I was going to say! PERVS! Lol! :p)
He watched as she wrung her hands in her lap, and breathed heavily, as if she had been running. Inhaling deeply, he scented the lily, and vanilla scent again. It did smell good, better than most people, who smelled human, and like car oil.
As he finished setting out the objects, he tapped Sere's shoulder, and motioned her to sit at the end of the line of objects. Doing so with out being told, Seres got up, and stretched slightly from the cramps she had gained.
Watching her neck with an almost predatory glare, he noticed her blood racing through her veins. Even if she was vampire, the scent of her blood was still seductive. Her cat like grace was enchanting. Reaching out with his mind, to touch her aura, he was pulled back with a snap from her voice.
"Master? What do we do now?" Seres asked softly.
Quickly going back into cold, and uncaring mode, he replied dead panned, "We do the ceremony. What else?" He asked, as if mocking her, and not really asking a question.
"Sorry...so...what do I do?" Seres asked innocently.
Taking her hand, he dipped in the black wax, and muttered an sentence.
"Uhn kei laarugukar. Say torlemtorohg Ger elts meah combper."
The wax on her hand began to move, and froth. It began to burn, and then tingle while settling on her hand. With that said, Alucard let go of her hand, and took up an ornate knife. Slitting her wrists, she winced.
The blood that poured from them was caught in a black obsidian bowl, and three drops of something green were added to the blood.
The flow was stopped by ribbons, with incantations on them wrapped around her wrists. As the green was mixed with red, it became a purple color, and cooled. In that color, a wirling mix of emotions were felt, like depression, sadness, longing, innocence, and hunger.
Confused by the mix, Seres leaned over towards the bowl, and touched a finger to the purple liquid. Finding it cool to the touch, and much like clay, she picked it up. Surprised that Alucard had not stopped her, she held it.
"Breathe on it. And say 'Come to life, what inside of me, emotions of tears, and blood of thee.'"
Seres closed her eyes, and muttered to the clay, and it began to shake. It began to form itself, starting to grow as well.
It became larger, and large, with tails spreading from it, and legs sprouting. It's face became noticeable, and it roared. With that, it leapt towards Seres, who flinched, and closed her eyes.
Opening her eyes, she looked around for the gigantic purple cat, and didn't see any thing. She scented for it, but it seemed to have disappeared. She looked over to where Alucard was supposed to be, and didn't see him.
Worrying that something must have gone wrong, she called out "Master!" Or at least tried to.
What came from her throat were anything but words, a roar passed her lips, and she jumped back from the sound of her own voice. Trembling with fear, and excitment, she looked down, to see great royal purple paws, with shining silver claws.
She stepped back, and felt her tails wriggle against the wall. Smiling, the best a cat could, she looked into a pool of wet wax at her reflection.
She was a great royal purple cat with silver claws, and black strips. Her eyes were a burning gold, with red flecks, and her teeth an ivory white.
She only had two eyes at the moment but what looked like the eye lids of a third in the middle of her forehead. She mewed, and sat down. Her tails were all that of a leopards, only purple.
She looked around, and scented for Alucard this time, and caught his scent. Smelling it going out of the room, through a wall. She followed. Walking through it as easily as she were human, she panicked when she found her self in midair.
She clawed as she fell, and yowled. Suddenly, her third eye flashed open, and felt her body twist around so that she fell softly on her padded feet. Her pumping heart served to remind her that she was alive, and not dead. Well...in a sense.
She looked around, and again scented for her master's scent. Catching it, she happily raced off in search of her master.
Alucard chuckled to himself, as he watched Seres go through her first moments as a vampire animal, and he laughed. He was currently in the form of mist, and was going to change to his dog form to see how she would react.
It was quite Ironic that he was a dog, and she a cat. The perfect enimies, and yet to vampire legend, perfect mates.
Shaking the idea out of his proverbial head, he floated down to ground, and changed. Becoming the midnight black, and crimson red dog that was his animal, he growled in delight.
He pounced off in search of his slave, so as to tease her, and let her know that she was going to have to pass the test to be able to know she could return to human form.
Many vampires did not pass that crucial test, and were stuck in their animal form for life. He would usually kill the weaker, but when he was being lazy, and let them live. They were usually caught by circuses, and 'Freak shows'.
Alucard bounded after Seres's scent, and smiled a doggy grin.
'She'll be so fun to tease.' he thought sadistically.
Sere's panted, as she stopped to find his scent again. It seemed to have vanished into thin air. As she nosed around in the underbrush, she heard a shuffle.
Her nose twitched, and her teeth bard. Her hackles raise, and ears pinned back as she turned to face her attacker. Seeing no one, she slinked foreward to investigate.
Finding no one, she sighed in relief, and turned back to the underbrush.
Suddenly, a huge dog leapt at her, and the only thing that saved her from the death of his jaws, were her feline movements. She leapt to the side, and hissed.
Raking at the dog, she roared, and bit at him.
The dog lunged at her chest, as if trying to bite out her heart, and she twisted away from him, so that his jaws caught her shoulder instead.
Her tendons ripped there, and she winced in pain. Kicking her hind legs out behind her, she gouged into his back left leg, and he howled. Growling, the dog lunged, and swiped at her eyes. She turned, and he got her other shoulder.
Feeling weak from her arms being almost useless, she bit into the dog's ruff, and held on for life. He tried shaking her off like a chew toy, but she was persistent. Finally realsing when she felt her jaw bones creak in agony, she mewed, and waited for the death strike. The dog barked, and changed slowly back to Alucard.
Seres watched in amazment, as the dog that attacked her became her master, and she understood.
'So it was a test?' she wondered in her mind as she blacked out to the world.
This is the third chapter today I've gotten done! I'm on a role! WHOOPLAH!
Vampiric Minds
Spirit Animal
"Master?" Seres asked aloud.
"What is it?" Alucard asked back starting to get annoyed.
"Never mind." She said, putting her head down.
Rolling his eyes, Alucard turned, and looked at her.
"What is it Police Girl?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.
"Oh..um...well...Why does your animal take after a dog?" She stuttered, asking, while looking down, and kicking at her other foot.
"....It's because I protective, nasty when needed, and am a slave, that's thought as a friend." He answered simply, and started to strode off.
"W-wait! Then....what does a cat for me mean?" Seres asked, running back up to him.
"It probably means that your lazy, you don't like being told what to do, and your stubborn." He said.
Pouting, Seres knew that he was just being mean, and she didn't really act like that....usually.
Seres followed Alucard back into the Hellsing mansion, and followed him up flight's of stairs.
"Where are we going?" She asked softly.
"The loft." He replied while phasing through a wall.
Sighing, she phased through it, and followed. Seres had to start jogging to keep up with his long steps, and she was starting to wonder if they'd ever get there.
Seres started to notice the smell of mint, and violets. She sniffed wonderingly, and started to jog faster. As Alucard opened the door, she leapt in, and snuffled wildly.
'What is that wonderful smell!' she cried out in her mind frantically.
She scurried over to the wall, and breathed in deeply. Still scenting around, she walked around the empty room, sniffing as she walked, getting closer, and closer to the scent. Finding it, she buried her nose deeply into it, and inhaled.
Her eyes widened as she heard a heart beat in her ear. Looking slowly up, she saw Alucard staring at her, and she went pale.
"Um...s-s-sorry master...I thought that...um...well.." she stuttered, backing away from the master vampire.
"What on earth do you think you were doing police girl?" He asked in a stony voice.
"Um....well..I smelled a really beautiful scent. It was like mint, and....and violets. I just wanted to know what smelled so good..." She said, looking down, while blushing insanely.
"Humph....beautiful. You think I smell beautiful." Alucard said, almost frozen with shock.
"That..that's your scent?!" Seres looked up moritfied.
"Um...I! I didn't know! I mean..It's very masculine! And, and strong!" She said, trying to cover her deadly error.
"Well..if it's all the same to you police girl, you smell like lily's, and vanilla." Alucard muttered, and walked over to a wall in the room, punching through it, he got out a dusty old chest.
Kicking the lock open, he pulled the chest itself open, and shifted through the items in it.
"This will do. Come here Police Girl."
Seres was physically frozen, he had just complemented her. She blushed, and walked over to Alucard with her head hanging, so she could hide her face from him.
Alucard raised an eye brow at her antics, and motioned for her to sit down. As Alucard set up three candles, and bowl of something smelling strongly of honey suckle, Seres just pondered what he was doing.
Watching his gloved hands move gracefully setting out items, for what seemed like a ceremony. Seres watched interesdly as he set up candles, waxes, powders, and other miscellaneous items.
Alucard watched Seres from the corner of his eye, as she watched the objects for the ceremony be set down.
Examining his servent vampire, he noticed something. She.
(A/N: What do you think I was going to say! PERVS! Lol! :p)
He watched as she wrung her hands in her lap, and breathed heavily, as if she had been running. Inhaling deeply, he scented the lily, and vanilla scent again. It did smell good, better than most people, who smelled human, and like car oil.
As he finished setting out the objects, he tapped Sere's shoulder, and motioned her to sit at the end of the line of objects. Doing so with out being told, Seres got up, and stretched slightly from the cramps she had gained.
Watching her neck with an almost predatory glare, he noticed her blood racing through her veins. Even if she was vampire, the scent of her blood was still seductive. Her cat like grace was enchanting. Reaching out with his mind, to touch her aura, he was pulled back with a snap from her voice.
"Master? What do we do now?" Seres asked softly.
Quickly going back into cold, and uncaring mode, he replied dead panned, "We do the ceremony. What else?" He asked, as if mocking her, and not really asking a question.
"Sorry...so...what do I do?" Seres asked innocently.
Taking her hand, he dipped in the black wax, and muttered an sentence.
"Uhn kei laarugukar. Say torlemtorohg Ger elts meah combper."
The wax on her hand began to move, and froth. It began to burn, and then tingle while settling on her hand. With that said, Alucard let go of her hand, and took up an ornate knife. Slitting her wrists, she winced.
The blood that poured from them was caught in a black obsidian bowl, and three drops of something green were added to the blood.
The flow was stopped by ribbons, with incantations on them wrapped around her wrists. As the green was mixed with red, it became a purple color, and cooled. In that color, a wirling mix of emotions were felt, like depression, sadness, longing, innocence, and hunger.
Confused by the mix, Seres leaned over towards the bowl, and touched a finger to the purple liquid. Finding it cool to the touch, and much like clay, she picked it up. Surprised that Alucard had not stopped her, she held it.
"Breathe on it. And say 'Come to life, what inside of me, emotions of tears, and blood of thee.'"
Seres closed her eyes, and muttered to the clay, and it began to shake. It began to form itself, starting to grow as well.
It became larger, and large, with tails spreading from it, and legs sprouting. It's face became noticeable, and it roared. With that, it leapt towards Seres, who flinched, and closed her eyes.
Opening her eyes, she looked around for the gigantic purple cat, and didn't see any thing. She scented for it, but it seemed to have disappeared. She looked over to where Alucard was supposed to be, and didn't see him.
Worrying that something must have gone wrong, she called out "Master!" Or at least tried to.
What came from her throat were anything but words, a roar passed her lips, and she jumped back from the sound of her own voice. Trembling with fear, and excitment, she looked down, to see great royal purple paws, with shining silver claws.
She stepped back, and felt her tails wriggle against the wall. Smiling, the best a cat could, she looked into a pool of wet wax at her reflection.
She was a great royal purple cat with silver claws, and black strips. Her eyes were a burning gold, with red flecks, and her teeth an ivory white.
She only had two eyes at the moment but what looked like the eye lids of a third in the middle of her forehead. She mewed, and sat down. Her tails were all that of a leopards, only purple.
She looked around, and scented for Alucard this time, and caught his scent. Smelling it going out of the room, through a wall. She followed. Walking through it as easily as she were human, she panicked when she found her self in midair.
She clawed as she fell, and yowled. Suddenly, her third eye flashed open, and felt her body twist around so that she fell softly on her padded feet. Her pumping heart served to remind her that she was alive, and not dead. Well...in a sense.
She looked around, and again scented for her master's scent. Catching it, she happily raced off in search of her master.
Alucard chuckled to himself, as he watched Seres go through her first moments as a vampire animal, and he laughed. He was currently in the form of mist, and was going to change to his dog form to see how she would react.
It was quite Ironic that he was a dog, and she a cat. The perfect enimies, and yet to vampire legend, perfect mates.
Shaking the idea out of his proverbial head, he floated down to ground, and changed. Becoming the midnight black, and crimson red dog that was his animal, he growled in delight.
He pounced off in search of his slave, so as to tease her, and let her know that she was going to have to pass the test to be able to know she could return to human form.
Many vampires did not pass that crucial test, and were stuck in their animal form for life. He would usually kill the weaker, but when he was being lazy, and let them live. They were usually caught by circuses, and 'Freak shows'.
Alucard bounded after Seres's scent, and smiled a doggy grin.
'She'll be so fun to tease.' he thought sadistically.
Sere's panted, as she stopped to find his scent again. It seemed to have vanished into thin air. As she nosed around in the underbrush, she heard a shuffle.
Her nose twitched, and her teeth bard. Her hackles raise, and ears pinned back as she turned to face her attacker. Seeing no one, she slinked foreward to investigate.
Finding no one, she sighed in relief, and turned back to the underbrush.
Suddenly, a huge dog leapt at her, and the only thing that saved her from the death of his jaws, were her feline movements. She leapt to the side, and hissed.
Raking at the dog, she roared, and bit at him.
The dog lunged at her chest, as if trying to bite out her heart, and she twisted away from him, so that his jaws caught her shoulder instead.
Her tendons ripped there, and she winced in pain. Kicking her hind legs out behind her, she gouged into his back left leg, and he howled. Growling, the dog lunged, and swiped at her eyes. She turned, and he got her other shoulder.
Feeling weak from her arms being almost useless, she bit into the dog's ruff, and held on for life. He tried shaking her off like a chew toy, but she was persistent. Finally realsing when she felt her jaw bones creak in agony, she mewed, and waited for the death strike. The dog barked, and changed slowly back to Alucard.
Seres watched in amazment, as the dog that attacked her became her master, and she understood.
'So it was a test?' she wondered in her mind as she blacked out to the world.
This is the third chapter today I've gotten done! I'm on a role! WHOOPLAH!