A/N: Thank you reviewers. Sorry this chapter took so long. It was written last week but Hurricane Isabel had better ideas.

Calani - Okay but this is it for a while

athenakitty - Yup!

Ms. Padfoot - Thank you!

xikum - That's why there will be a sequel!!

Jaded Angel8 - Glad you loved it. I'm really enjoying your story as well.

Tropic - That's right! Homework is important. Don't make my mistakes.

stayblue - Sorry. Can't help the cliffies.

Tracey Claybon - I think Trelawney has said enough this fic. Drink up!

DxInsider - Sorry, but this is it.

kaelleigh - There will be more. Eventually.

Starlina - I tried to update ASAP but Isabel killed the power for a few days.

saiFong - Thank you

Charley4 - Well here it is. Hope you like it.

Badassgothicgirl - Here you go!

Wolfgang - There has to be some mystery left for the sequel!! I hope you liked the rest.

feenamon16 - Thank you and there will be a sequel but not for a while.

Toria - Thank you.

lillinfields - Thank you

Adenara Yatman - Thank You

Disclaimer - Do I still need one of these?

Tangled Relations

Chapter 24 - Reactions

"May I introduce Harry James Potter Snape"


Harry wasn't surprised by the gasps and muttering that filled the great hall. The headmaster shot sparks from his wand to get everyone's attention.

"That's enough. You may all begin dinner. Tuck in."

Harry left the head table to join his friends at the Gryffindor table. Ron looked a little perplexed but Hermione, having seen what Harry was supposed to look like, hugged him. "You look great Harry. I'm so happy for you."

Harry smiled, "Thanks Hermione. Hey Ron! Earth to Ron. It's just me with the charms removed."

Ron finally snapped out of it. "Oh, yea, I know. You don't have to shout. Congratulations mate."

"Thanks Ron." He said before shoving his face full of the delicious roast beef that was served.

"So now that Voldemort's gone are we going to continue DA classes?"

"I think we should Hermione. There are still plenty of Death Eaters out there and Voldemort had gotten the Dementors on his side and they'll be a threat for a while also."

Hermione shrugged. "I guess you're right. We can't let our guard down. Voldemort was just one person. What happened with Zacharias Smith anyway?"

Harry smirked, "He's in Azkaban with his father."

"Serves him right the traitor!" Ron shouted.

"He would have to originally been on our side to be a traitor."


The following week was full of people calling him Potter by mistake. He had to keep correcting everyone including the teachers.

Now that Draco's father had finally been caught and sentenced to death (can't very well give him the kiss if the dementors have switched sides) , Draco was able to hang out with the golden trio and his mom had come out of hiding and publicly renounced her husband.

Harry was now officially a Snape he was looking forward to the summer holiday for once. His grandmother had visited several times and would be staying with them for part of the holiday.

The rest of the term flew by. Before Harry knew it the exams were over and he would be leaving in a few hours. Harry, Ron, Draco, and Hermione were all walking around the lake discussing plans for the summer when Harry felt a chill. Draco, who also was affected badly by dementors felt it as well.

"I think there might be a cold front coming through. Did you feel that chill?"

Harry nodded his head and was about to ask Draco about having him visit when he spotted a group of dementors approaching from the forest. The four students took off running for the castle but were stopped in front of the doors by a couple more dementors that had come from around the lake. Harry could hear the screams filling his head as the chill worsened. He summoned up all of the happy memories from this year and shouted the incantation.

"Expecto Patronum"

Harry watched as the silver mist came out of his wand and formed into something other than a stag. It was a person. A tall person who stormed after the dementors with silver robes billowing around him and continued chasing the beings until they had all disappeared. He turned around and smiled at Harry before disappearing into the silver mist he had come from.

When Harry finally got over his shock he turned back towards the castle to see several teachers running towards them from the castle. His father reached him first and pulled him into a hug. "Are you okay Harry?"

Harry smiled up at his father, "I'm fine now."

Severus suddenly realized what the patronus had taken the form of. "Was that?"

"Yea, it was you. Can we go home now?"

Severus smiled back. "Certainly we can leave as soon as you pack. Let's go home."

Harry's heart warmed at that word. 'Home'

The End


A/N: Yes, there will be a sequel eventually. I have another story that I'm going to write first but anyone who wants to be emailed when I start the sequel let me know in your review. It will probably be a month or two for the sequel. Thank you for reading my story.