Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, nor the characters. I also don't own the quote I took from David Starkey's book, the title of which is printed below.^^

Chapter Two: Fierce Fires

"The times were indeed changing." - Elizabeth: The Struggle For the Throne


Her mouth whispered against his cheek.

Her voice was frail, as if the slightest wind would carry it away.

He'd inhaled the sweet scent of her skin, which was damp with perspiration. Her trembling hands shook within his, but he tightened his grip. He wasn't letting her go.

Her lips felt dry against his skin, and her breath hot and faint. She was telling him to love. But how could he when she was slipping away? He'd argued, saying that if she was not with him he had no love to give.

Her pale eyes were filled with sadness, and part of him hated himself for being so childish. He should comfort her.

She was dying.

His lips found hers only a moment before her breathing ceased, and her cool hand slipped from his. It was done. And he couldn't take back what he'd said. His gentle, passionate wife had left him. His soul was now torn in two.

The half she took with her was lost forever.

King Ardor dug his hands into his thick, wavy hair.

He was coming apart at the seams. He'd gained control over his emotions when his beautiful wife had died.

For his children, and for his newborn kingdom.

But his control was fraying, and splitting apart faster with each passing second. Perhaps he'd never gained control in the first place.

Maybe he was cold and callous.

But the pain burning in his chest screamed otherwise. A choked sob escaped his throat, the sound rough and harsh.

Just as it left his lips, he pressed the back of his hand to his mouth. The tears filled his eyes, his ears and his body but they didn't fall.

He raised his head to where the sky should have been. Instead there was orange mist. At that moment, he would have given anything to see the stars. To be out in the fresh air, and riding across the boundless land with Artemis again.


The image of his youngest daughter broke through the barriers he'd assembled within his mind, and shattered them instantly.

The look on her face bore into his very soul. He'd wanted to hold her. To shield her from the shock with his own body.

But he hadn't.

He'd just stood there, helpless and drifting farther away from her trembling form. He called her name, but she couldn't hear him.

And in the end, she'd turned to Artemis.

Standing, Ardor began to stride through the rows of colorful flowers. He felt like a mad bull, blinded with anger.

His garden became a blur.

All that was clear was they way she held Artemis, burying her head into his chest like a lost child. And Artemis had wrapped his arms around her, as if protecting her from everyone in the room.

Including himself. Her own father.

For forty years he'd trusted Artemis with his life. When he'd become King, and the people of Venus were united, Artemis had been at his side. A silent shadow guiding the body.

He'd trusted him with everything. They'd shared everything.

King Ardor stopped his march through the thick foliage, as if some unknown force was holding him still.

He couldn't hate Artemis. But he could hate himself.

"I thought I might find you here." A smooth, subtle voice said from the shadows.

Ardor let out a heavy sigh, which was mingled with exhaustion. His robed shoulders rose and fell, the shining royal pendant which lay proudly across his chest feeling like it weighed a ton.

"Do you remember the stars, Artemis?"

"Yes, Sire."

Closing his eyes, Ardor floated within a black sea he could only find within his mind. He pictured tiny specks of light, surrounding a full moon. The moon was tinted gold. It was a sight that had kept his sanity intact throughout the ruthless war waged against his own people.

As a soldier, he viewed the Earth as a means of winning the war; as a young man he'd fallen in love with Earth's wild beauty.

"Endless. We had our entire lives mapped out within those stars. Even in that time of struggle when nothing came easily, or without sacrifice. What romantic fools we were." Ardor mused reflectively.

Within the shaded alcove of trees, Artemis frowned.

"We were as any young people thrust into circumstances beyond their control. We did what we had to in order to endure hardship. You may call it foolish and romantic, but I call it survival."

"Yes ..." Ardor murmured almost to himself, as if he hadn't really been listening.

"We have endured, haven't we? So much time ...gone...lost .."

Ardor looked lost himself, his gaze unfocused and wary. Artemis watched him intently, trying to decifer his friend's sudden change in mood. Ardor had always been an open book to anyone that knew him well, but lately the pages seemed to be wearing thin, the words dimming more and more.

Ardor's regal tone brought the situation back into focus.

"As soon as I return, we shall begin the necessary arrangements. Of course, we will have to make contact with Queen Serenity as soon as possible."

The brief moment of sadness was gone from his voice, and he was now the proud and stern ruler of a Kingdom. Yet something lurked beneath the stately surface. Artemis could sense it, like a black cloud looming somewhere out of sight.

"I will take care of it." Artemis said, having already spoken with the Queen's advisors. No doubt by now they would have explained the situation to the Queen.

Ardor grasped both hands behind his back in a satisfied manner. Artemis knew the gesture well.

"Yes. Well, there's also my daughter. Have you told her yet?"

Artemis felt his heart sink.

"No, Elis. I thought you should-"

"Should do what exactly??" Ardor shot back without warning, whirling about and ignoring Artemis' use of his given name.

Artemis didn't waver under the look of anger in his friend's eyes. Ardor looked like a caged animal, just waiting for blood to be drawn. Artemis continued, guardedly.

"You should be the one to tell her this, Sire. She does not yet realize how much her life is about to change. Aisu was trained with the others from birth. Minako will not have such an advantage. It might be less intimidating, if it were to come from someone she trusts."

"Trust? Me??" Ardor waved his hand dismissively, as if the notion were insane.

"She does not trust me. No, you must prepare her. We will win no ground with her if this comes from me."

"You seem very sure of that, Sire ..." Artemis replied as he shifted closer, his tall lithe body the same as it had been over forty years ago.

Ardor felt old, worn out and haggard in comparison.

Even his voice sounded cracked and hoarse, while Artemis' still held it's youthful, velvety tone.

Artemis' unique beauty had at one time left Ardor in wonder.

He was the last of his kind.

A creature of poise and grace, and the fiercest warrior Ardor had ever fought beside. He'd taught Ardor the art of survival. He reminded him that everything he'd achieved had come from the sacrifices of others.

But now, he didn't feel like any more lessons.

"Do not presume to analyze me, Artemis. I am not in the mood for your games!!" Ardor said vehemently, striding past the silent cat-man and back towards the palace.

"You will tell the princess she is to be handed her sister's vocation, Artemis. Prepare her as best you can. Whether you do this on Venus or the Moon, I care not. Just get it done in time for the coronation. As your friend I do not ask for your approval. As your King I expect it shall be done!!"

Artemis watched his friend leave with an unwavering gaze.

"You do not know what it is you ask of me, old friend ..."

He said quietly to the empty garden.

A/N: To be continued !! What ever will Artemis do when he discovers he's not the last of his kind? ^_~ Chapter three will be posted as soon as I fix it up a bit and add some garnishes! It's going to be a lot longer than the previous chapters, because it's going to focus on Mina and Kunzite ! Thanks so much to everyone that's reviewed!! It really motivates me! ^_^

Suggestions, comments and critiques are always welcome.. ^^