**A/N: last chapter...::wails loudly:: I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO READ AND REVIEWED MY FIRST EVER FIC! Your names will appear at the bottom of this chapter.

**WARNING: OotP spoilers to get to St. Mungo's. But I'm sure most of you have read or heard about it, but still, I HAVE to give this warning.


A Walk To Remember
Happily Ever After

Draco arrived outside a brick department store called Purge and Dowse Ltd. He ignored the sign on the door that said CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT. He whispered to the dummy on the other end of the window that was still modeling a green nylon pinafore and her false lashes lopsided. "I'm here to see Ginny Weasley." At first the dummy didn't move, and then she nodded. Draco stepped through the glass and vanished.

He entered a very busy lobby with everyone having some strange injury or sickness. He followed the signs to the second floor for Magical Bugs and not too far off were the red headed family talking to another nurse. Draco sped his pace and Harry saw him.

"Potter, what happened?"

Harry looked through the window into the room where Ginny lay asleep in bed. "She fainted again. It was much worse. Ron's been using the complicated spell on her to stop it from hurting her, but it doesn't seem to be working. She may...I'm sorry Malfoy." Never in his life had Harry even thought of saying sorry to Malfoy, but he did. There was nothing else he could really say.

Draco sighed deeply and looked through the window.

Hermione stepped forward. "We can't go in just yet, but the doctors are going to try to find out what's wrong." Draco just kept staring. He noticed the engagement ring he gave Ginny on her finger. It was slipping off because she was so skinny.

Ron looked down at his feet. "Sorry." Draco looked at him.

"Don't be. She's your sister, you've known her and loved her your entire life. I'm the one who should be sorry. If I hadn't made her do all these things she wouldn't have suffered so quickly and-"

"It's not your fault," Ron said to him. Draco sat down on the bench by the door.

"Then why does it fell like it?"


Ginny stayed at the hospital for the rest of the week. Being the way Hermione was, she tried to help Malfoy understand that it wasn't his fault. She researched as hard as she could, trying to find out about any witch or wizard that had leukemia. It was almost no use. Until...

One day, Hermione sent Draco an owl. He opened it slowly, thinking it was more news from Hermione saying there was no news to be told. But pages of information fell to his lap, with a note.


I found it! There was one witch in history to have died from leukemia. It's almost impossible for witches and wizards to have this cancer, so they didn't know how to help her. So she tried to help herself, to live. She wrote down ingredients for her spell, and this spell is the one Ron used for Ginny. I found a copy of her list in the witch's own handwriting. She started to write another ingredient but either she became too tired or died on the spot. It starts with a "d." I looked up every "d" ingredient used for strange spells and the only thing that works is Dragon Fire. Now I'm thinking, how does dragon fire help? Then I thought, your name means 'Dragon' and your love for Ginny is like fire. Maybe that's it? I know, it's a lame answer, but I'm sure this is right. Check out this information.


In a way, the letter made sense to Draco, but he did agree with her - it was lame. He kept the information though, in case anything happened.

* Later That Day *

Draco received another owl. This time it was from Ginny's doctor.

'Dear Mr. Malfoy,

You need to come and see your wife now. I think it's time you should know.'

'He thinks it's time I should know that Ginny's dead,' Draco thought. He bit his lip and pulled on a thin robe and Apparated in front of the old department store once again.

'There's no one in town I know/ You gave us someplace to go/ I never said thank you for that/ Thought I might get one more chance/ What would you think of me now?/ So lucky/ so strong/ so proud/ Never said thank you for that/ Now I'll never have a chance.'

He whispered Ginny's name to the dummy and she nodded.

'May angels lead you in/ Hear you me my friends/ On sleepless roads the sleepless go/ May angels lead you in.'

Draco stepped through the glass and appeared in the lobby of St. Mungo's.

'If you were with me tonight/ I'd sing to you just one more time/ A song for a heart so big/ God wouldn't let it live.'

He climbed the stairs to Ginny's floor.

'May angels lead you in/ Hear you me my friends/ On sleepless roads the sleepless go/ May angels lead you in...'

He looked over at the windows into Ginny's room but the blinds were closed. He knocked on the door and slowly opened it. He froze.

How could this be?

How the hell could this happen?

Is it true?

There stood Ginny - color back in her face, slightly bigger than what she was when Draco saw her before - smiling before him. She's alive!

"Ginny!" Draco threw himself on her. She laughed and soon began to cry, bringing him closer to her, their hug becoming tighter. She loosed her grip on him and looked up at his face. His eyes were watering. "I love you, Ginny." Ginny smiled, and then they kissed, long and passionate. It was full of all the times they went through with each other, all of their desire for the other, everything.


Ginny became better within the months and she was back to her once normal form. Over the year while she was at Hogwarts, she moved into Draco's new mansion (not as big as the manor, but still HUGE). After she graduated with one of the top NEWTs in her year, she found out she was pregnant. She gave birth to twins, boy and girl, with strawberry blond hair and gray eyes. They were the top students in their year at Hogwarts.

While their kids were in school, Draco made many discoveries for the cures of different diseases. He was awarded with high honors and awards and Draco even got his face stamped on Chocolate Frog cards. Ginny grew up giving money to charities, and also became a nurse during one of the wars against the Dark Lord.

Draco and Ginny grew old together, and died hours apart, Draco at age 92, and Ginny at 91. The love for each other was just as strong as it had started off as, and if it weren't for Ginny's cancer, it probably wouldn't have been that way. Draco was given another chance, and he wouldn't let it pass him by.



**A/N: Come up with your own names for the kids, lol that's the fun of being a reader. Thanks for reading my story! Also, thanks to the people who reviewed. Your names are down below:

Enter The ___ Age (thanks, you were my first reviewer, and thanks for the help on getting non-registered people to review), shock-a-lot (you were one of my faithful reviewers. Thanks for being second, and thanks for reading), FyreFaerieGinny (thanks for being 3rd. lol I also JUST figured out what your s/n says: Fire Fairy Ginny. WOW I'm slow), audball29 (Audrey, you're my best friend and I love you to death. I will always keep in contact with you. Lylas, cya later), LilRedHead Ginny (Did it end the way you like?), NavyGirl14 (thanks for the help), CapriceAnn Hedican-Kocur (I've always loved your name), RedHedUnited (brill? Really? THANKS!), SlytherinsGothGoddess (I love your screen name. Thanx for reviewing), Eve Granger (another faithful reviewer. Thank you), SickGirl42 (thank you so much. You and a few others stuck with me through the entire story ::passes you a cookie::), WriterFan (they're my favorite too!), free2rhyme (thanks for the help), Chikin Wang (thanks I'm glad you really like it), knehl3 (thanks 4 reviewing), SunSplash (ALISA! See, it DIDN'T turn out the way you expected. ::grin:: TEA & CRUMPETS, green and silver, jeremy sumPter, hairy balls, and daddy malfoy! Lylas), smacks15 (you're welcome. Lol and now, from me, 'Friends' is dedicated to you and your friend. Much love), dan fan (register! C'mon! lol thanks 4 reviewing), painterchica (yes this was my first fanfic. And thanx, I always loved your reviews. Do you like the ending? ::gives you a cookie::), Bnnsfts (yeah I sorta pictured Tony as hot *lucky Leslie*), kittykat0000kt (KATIE! Hi and thanx!), LiBlackDragon (I'm glad you like it), Prof. Luna Sinistra (thanx!), marvindamartian (ELENA! Lol do u like the ending? Thanx for reviewing you're awesome), Elenyal (glad you like it. I LOVE the movie/book), evilryokojesseandfiend (took me a while to figure out your screen name. It's eviler yoko jesse and friend, right? Thanks for reviewing!), Angelic Vampire (thanks! Yeah I didn't want my story to end exactly like AWTR, so I changed it), lalalaHPlala (two words for you: AWESOME REVIEW!), lorelei (no I don't go to percy julian. Those teachers are exactly like my 6th/7th grade teachers. All the teachers for 8th grade suck ass except for SeƱorita Linhart. SHE'S AWESOME!), jewels03 (IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! lol jk, but seriously if it wasn't for your review, Ginny would've died. Thanks to you she didn't. BE HAPPY! ::hands over a CAKE::), wow (thanks! I received so many reviews from you...::gives a cookie::), hpdancer92 (thanks for reviewing). I HAD MANY OTHER REVIEWS AFTER A FEW MORE CHAPTERS CAME OUT, AND U KNOW WHO U R, SO IF YOU'RE NAME IS NOT ON HERE DON'T GET MAD AT ME! I STILL LOVE YOU AND APPRECIATE YOU FOR READING THIS AND TAKING THE TIME TO REVIEW. I LOVE YOU ALL ::hug:: AND CYA LATER!

Currently, I'm working on a Draco/Hermione story. So once that is almost through with, you'll notice another Draco/Ginny story by me. I can't do two stories at once. lol I'm not that good. So yeah, thanks for reading this and thanks for reviewing.

::sniff:: bye!