A/N Hey this is my first fic. So please R&R and help me on anything. I'm already working on the second chapter, and the D/G will start coming soon. gotta take it slow, remember? anyways, read! I hope you like it!

A Walk To Remember

Faints and News

Ginny woke up early on the first day of school. It was September first. Finally, she thought. She had be dreading all summer for her O.W.L.'s but not since she found out what she got (perfect on all of them) she wanted to leave and go back to school. At the Burrow, every day was the same: Fred and George come by with new products and blow up something, Mum yells, Ron goes on and on about Percy being a prat and not talking to Dad, and Dad coming home late with a new Muggle thing. Last night it was batteries that could be re-charged at least 5 times.

She got dressed quickly and did her hair and make-up, making sure it looked perfect. She wanted this year to be her best. Not her 7th. 7th year wouldn't be her best because of N.E.W.T.'s (and um other reasons). She looked in the mirror, staring back at the rapidly changed over-the-summer Ginny Weasley. She HAD changed. The girl staring back was more confident in herself. She wasn't the little girl who always followed Harry Potter. She was more...tough (for lack of better word). She was wearing today big black flare jeans, a dark red shirt that said Keep staring, I might do a trick, and boots. Her hair was still flaming red, still long and smooth. It was almost elbow length and today she decided to put in a low pony tail. Her eyes were still big and brown, like a doe's. She had really soft gray eyeliner on the bottom lid (almost couldn't tell it was there) and dark black on the top. She had pale blue eye shadow right above the liner but not to cover the lid. Just a line. The mascara doubled the lashes, making them long and thick.

Yes, this was going to be great.

She packed her trunk with everything she needed, sitting on her bed waving her wand to direct certain items into certain spots. When she was done, she ran down the stairs to breakfast.

"Mornin' Mum!"

"Morning sweetie. What do you want for breakfast?" Molly Weasley turned to face her daughter. She had flour prints across her face and apron, but she didn't seem to notice. Ron was trying to grab a cookie from the jar, thinking this was a great way to steal it: Mum's not looking, she's talking to Ginny--STEAL IT! But Molly was too quick. She turned and smacked Ron's hand with the wooden spoon. He let out a yelp. "No Ron! Cookies aren't for breakfast."

Ron grumbled and sat down at the table. A grin rose across Ginny's face. Watching her brothers get punished was quite entertaining to her. "Umm can I have pancakes? With chocolate chips in them?"

"Of course." Molly turned back around and waved her wand, getting all the ingredients infront of her. Ron's jaw dropped. How could she have breakfast with chocolate chips in them? Cookies do, and they have almost the exact ingredients in pancakes!!!

"Ron, I know what you're thinking and the answer is no."

Ron pouted. But he did mumble for some pancakes too.

Ginny giggled and sat down. When her pancakes were ready, she stuffed them in her mouth and, still chewing, ran upstairs to get her trunk.


"Good-bye Gin." Waved Fred.

"Have fun at school." said George.

"Yeah we know you will-"

"Because something new-"

"Is going to happen-"

"All year!"

Ron and Ginny turned. So did Harry and Hermione. "What?" They all said together.

Arthur Weasley gave his sons a death glare and mumbled something that sounded like You shouldn't have told them! "You'll find out when you get there. Dumbledore will tell you. Now go, the train will leave soon!"

"Bye Mum!" Ginny waved out the window of the compartment she, Colin, Luna (in a reverie...what's new?), and the Dream Team held.

The compartment was quiet for about the first half hour. They were all thinking about what the twins had said--with the exception for Colin and (duh) Luna. Ginny was excited. Her best year ever was going to have something new. Fred and George seemed excited though...maybe it's bad? I hope it's not.

"So..." Hermione sighed.

"Do you think you're ready for N.E.W.T.s? I'm not asking you, Hermione, of course you're ready." Harry quickly added when Hermione opened her mouth to speak. She grumbled and crossed her arms.

"I dunno. But if it's going to be like O.W.L.s--"

"Harder" Hermione interrupted. But Ron kept going on.

"--then I'm not going to be ready. We were SO close to not passing. If Mione hadn't made us those schedule thins, then you KNOW I woulda failed."

"Yeah same here. So, Ginny," Ginny turned to face Harry, "What's new?" He wasn't asking about how she changed over the summer. He just wanted to get updated on herself.

"I'm okay I guess. Just fighting it out." Harry raised an eyebrow. Fighting it out? Fighting what?

Ginny liked the fact that people got confused when she said this. Ron didn't. He didn't want anyone to know about his sister and what happened, or else they'd pity her and she wouldn't want that.

Hermione looked at Ginny expectantly, thinking she would say more when she didn't. "Fighting what out?"

Ginny shrugged. "Oh I dunno, just thought it was a good thing to say."

"You're confusing." Harry shook his head.

"I know. I'd like to keep it that way on some levels, thank you." She turned to look out the window.

The Dream Team kept talking, got some food, and continued. Ginny listened in, but didn't talk. She didn't feel like it. She'd rather listen. As she did, she heard footsteps outside, long lazy clonking ones. A boy. Followed by two big lazy ones. Two bigger boys. That only meant one thing.


"What?" Ron looked at Ginny.

"Malfoy's coming." She still stared out the window. Like she said, Draco Malfoy came walking right in, with two yes-I-got-more-uglier-and-fatter- over-the-summer-how-did-you-guess?-boys. Crabbe and Goyle, respectively.

Hermione leaned in to ask Ginny how she knew but Draco cut in. "Oh looked. It's the Weasleys, Potter, Mudblood, Weird Girl, and Camera Boy. Now I know to stay away from this place." He looked around and smirked. "Potter, do you think you're going to save the day again this year? Hmm? It seams you have every year here. Well this year, things change."

Harry glared. "Like you would know?"

"Oh yes I do." Draco drawled. "But I'm not telling."

Ron stood up. "And how would you know? Your father is still in Azkaban, near death, You-Know-Who's dead, your mother has no connections that ugly rat."

Draco paled and grabbed his wand. Ron, Harry, and Hermione did also. But before anybody could hex one another, a bored voice let out a spell.

"Exspelliarmus." All the wands drawn flew out of the owners' hands. Four confused faces turned to the speaker. Ron turned red.


"Ron you insulted his mother. You had every right to be cursed. Malfoy deserves to be cursed also, just for even living, but this is stupid. I suggest you all leave." Ginny said in a calm and bored voice.

"Wow, little Weaslette takes charge." Draco said as he bent over to grab his wand. "I guess you listen to you little sister a lot now, eh Weasley? Shows how pitiful you are."

Ginny spelled his wand again and grabbed it. "Malfoy. Leave."

He glared at her. But in the inside he was impressed at how much she changed. She COULD take charge. She was persuasive...even when she sounded bored. She threw his wand out the door, with three boys running after it, and spell locked the door.

Harry's mouth dropped. "Gin?"


"You took on Malfoy." Hermione looked at her the same way.

"Not really, I just took his wand."

"Yeah but you actually made him leave without hexing him." said Ron.

"So?" Ginny stood up to grab her robes, as the voice on the P.A. announced for changing. But when she did, she wobbled on her legs, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and fell to the floor.


"Ginny?" Ginny opened her eyes slightly, feeling dizzy and queasy inside. "Ginny??" She opened her eyes more and saw a red blur, brown blur, and a black blur bent over her.

"Ron is she alright? Does this happen a lot?" Hermione panicked.

"Ginny, you okay?" Harry leaned forward, like examining someone who was dead.

She leaned up. "Yeah...I'm fine. What happened?" She turned to Ron.

He was as pale as ever. She hoped he didn't say WHY it happened. She didn't want pity. "You fainted." Then he leaned to her ear to whisper so only she could hear. "I put on the spell the doctor told us to give you. You should walk soon. Oh, you were out for five minutes." He smiled. It was less than the last time she fainted.

She whispered, "Did you tell them?" Ron shook his head. "Oh good!"

She stood up and grabbed her robes once again and headed to the bathroom. Harry and Hermione, Colin and Luna (yes she noticed too) were firing questions at Ron. He just seemed to know why she fainted, but he wasn't so worried. "Does this happen a lot?" "Are you sure she's fine?" "She still looks sick. Should we take her to Madam Pomfrey later?" "Is this what she was fighting?"

As she turned the corner, she bumped right into Draco. "Watch where you're-- are you okay?" He looked down at her, noticing she was wobbling and pale-- her freckles stood out more.

"I'm fine." She pushed passed him and into the girl's bathroom.


Hogwarts Express stopped at it's station. Hagrid was there as usual calling all the first years for the great boat trip across the lake. Ginny went with the others to go on one of the carriages. She still couldn't see the horses Harry claimed to see. But Hermione could now. Her grandfather died. But Ginny knew that sometime soon someone else would see the horses too. But not her.

She climbed in with the Dream Team. The carriage took them up to the castle. It looked as majestic and grand as ever. She was amazed at it's beauty. Towers trailing up to the dark night sky, window lit making them look like stars, and the magnificent windows of the Great Hall glowed brightly.

The carriage stopped at the front doors and Ginny jumped out. Her trunk was going to be brought up later, so she just ran into the Great Hall with the others. They were all eager to be back at Hogwarts.

Once everyone had filed into his or her house tables, the first years were sorted. Once they were done, Dumbledore stood up to greet everyone. Then he made his normal speech about staying out of the forest, follow the rules, we are all still united, blah blah blah. Then he made the announcement Ginny wanted to know about since Fred and George. By now she completely forgot about the train incident.

"There will be a new happening at Hogwarts this year for sixth and seventh years. On Saturday, the two levels will fly a plane with the house teachers, and myself, to Salem, Massachusetts." People gave him a blank stare. "Salem in AMERICA, where they held the Salem Witch trials." The entire hall (mostly 6th and 7th years) chatted noisily. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled and he continued with the even bigger news.

"You will study there in America...for a full year!"

The Hall erupted with shouts and cheers. Ginny beamed. She was going to America