Disclaimer: I do not own Newsies, or the Mary Sue

Mush laughed. "Mary Sue? What kind of a name is THAT?"

She tossed her hair once more. "A perfect one." she purred.

"Well, I think it makes you sound like you're gonna go marry your cousin." Mush retorted in a mock- hillbilly accent.

"You're just jealous because you're not a perfect as I am." She answered sadly, then turned to Blink. "Why is it that people always hate the beautiful?"

Blink just shrugged non-comitial. He wasn't eager to get in the middle of a fight between Mush and this so-called 'Mary Sue'.

Instead, he just said "Let's go to the lodging house."

As Blink lead down Mary Sue down the street, Mush whispered worriedly into Blink's ear. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

He shrugged. "I dunno...I just have a bad feeling...how do you know we can trust this Mary Sue?"

"Duh, you idiot. I created her."

"Yeah. That should be a good enough reason for you. It's a good enough reason for me."

Blink lightly whacked the side of Mush's head. ""Quit being a bonehead."


"And that's Race, Dutchy, Pie, Spot Conlon and our leader, Jack Kelly." Blink finished, taking a huge breath at the end.

A smile played at the corner of Mary Sue's mouth. "Hello, boys."

"Hey, Mary." Jack said, the very essence of cool.

"Mary Sue." she corrected, her smile gone for a moment, but almost immediately back in full wattage.

Jack carefully looked her up and down, marking her beautiful face, slim body, bug bust and gorgeous legs. God, she is beautiful, he thought to himself.

He grinned. "Hey, Mary Sue, do ya wanna go to Tibby's for dinner?"

She flashed a blinding smile. "I would love to."


Two hours later, these happenings occurred:

1.) A crying Mary Sue comes running in- WITHOUT JACK.

2.) Jack is found unconscious in an alleyway

3.) Mary Sue has no idea what happened to him.

4.) Specs and Dutchy were found snogging in a closet.

All of these happenings (except #4) prove that something mysterious is going on.

And, Mush thinks to himself, I would bet my life that so-called perfect girl has something to do with it.


SO? Whaddya think?

*does her happy dance* THIS IS SO MUCH FUUUUN!!!