Evy and Rick drove back to their house and collected both children, taking them back to Charlotte's as quick as they dared, hope shining from them as they went.

They tried to think of how best to take Billy to Charlotte, whether or not to tell the little boy to be quiet and patient, but he took the decision out of their hands. As soon as he got inside the front door, he shouted her name and charged up the stairs, happy to be home and eager to see his big sister. Jonathan and the others gave chase, but he was in her bedroom before they could stop him, so all they could do was follow and watch what happened - if anything.

Billy rushed over to the bed, calling Charlotte's name as he went. When he got closer he frowned, confusion wrinkling up his small features as he looked at the sister he loved so much. "Charlotte?" he said, reaching out with one little chubby hand and patting her face gently. He raised huge eyes to look at Evy. "What's s'matter with Charlotte?" he asked, and his face crumpled as he started crying. Evy instantly rushed over to him and cuddled him, looking at Charlotte and noticing she was still looking vacant.

"She's not well at the moment, sweetie. We hoped that maybe she'd start getting better once she saw you, once she heard your voice," Evy told him, stroking his short hair as he cried.

"I'll speak to her," he suddenly declared, sniffing and wiping away one tear as he climbed back on the bed and patted Charlotte's face again. He started talking. Telling her about all the things he had been playing with at Evy's house, and about the wooden sword the Med-jai had let him bring home. He proudly told her how he was a good woryer and that one day he'd grow up and take his place in the tribe. His small, high pitched voice went on and on, while the adults sat in the few seats in the bedroom and started to talk quietly amongst themselves, any hope they had harboured starting to vanish. Until Charlotte made a small noise, and then Jonathan jumped up and went to look at her.

Billy had plastered himself against her side and was cuddling her with a surprisingly strong arm, and the contact, along with his incessant chatter, had finally broken through whatever wall she had built around herself. Tears were in her eyes - eyes that now held pain and fear and grief, all bad emotions, but emotions nonetheless. Jonathan reached down and gently stroked her cheek, smiling as she looked at him for the first time. "Everything is fine, Charlie, everything is back to normal now. It's all better."

She lifted a thin arm and cuddled her brother, a spark of happiness entering her eyes as she held Billy. She didn't speak, but Jonathan was happy with what they already had, and he squeezed her fingers as Evy came into view.

"Charlie? We're so sorry for what was some sort of spell. Not that I'm trying to excuse it...we should have known better. I'm so sorry," she said miserably.

"It's..." Charlotte began, licking her dry lips as she tried again, her voice rusty. "It's alright."

"No, it isn't," Rick said as he looked down at her. "But it will be, we'll make sure of it."

Charlotte's eyelids drooped suddenly and Evy lifted Billy away from her. "We'll take care of him for now. You rest and we'll be here if you need us," she said, touching the backs of her knuckles to the younger girl's face, regret evident in her eyes.

Jonathan watched as Charlotte fell asleep, the first time she had truly just gone to sleep since she had come back, and he closed his eyes on a thankful prayer before he left the room.

Rick and Evy were waiting for him in the hall. "We'll stay here tonight, if it's okay?" Rick asked, cuddling Libby while Evy held Billy.

"I'll get someone to make up a room for you and the children," Jonathan said, smiling. "She's going to be fine now isn't she?"

"I hope so," Evy said, relieved that Charlotte had woken up but knowing that there was a long road ahead.

"There is just one other thing," Jonathan said reluctantly, knowing he was going to have to tell them, but not really wanting to. "It seems she's pregnant."

"Pregnant?!" Rick and Evy burst out together.

"Shh!" Jonathan hissed, frowning at them. "She doesn't know it herself yet, not unless she could hear the doctor and I very much doubt that. I just thought you should know, and maybe it would be best if you told her, Evy."

"You're right. But what about Ardeth? He's obviously the father," Evy said, frowning herself now.

"What about him?" Jonathan asked, his eyes hard again as he remembered how implacable the man had been. "If Charlotte wants to tell him then we send word, if not...." he trailed off and simply shrugged. "It's her choice, not ours."

They all agreed with him, even if Rick didn't like it, and they went to find out what rooms they would be put in.


Ardeth lay in the big bed that Evy and Rick had bought him and sighed, wincing as his injury made itself felt with the slight movement. He knew he was getting better, but the progress was so slow that he wouldn't be leaving his bed for some weeks, maybe even months. He gave another sigh before he thought about the pain it would cause, and then closed his eyes. The pain from his wound was second only to the pain in his heart, he thought. All he could see when he closed his eyes was her face as it had been when he last saw her, and it tore at his guts that he had caused her such anguish. If only he had been healthy he would already be in England searching her out, but as it was he couldn't leave. Besides that, his men wouldn't let him even if he wanted to. Khalid had taken to leadership well, and he controlled the men very easily. He would be a good replacement should the need arise. In truth Ardeth was as tired of his duties as of everything else at the moment, and would gladly give it all up just to see Charlotte again. He let himself drift into a restless sleep, his only escape from pain.


Several Months Later:

Charlotte sat in the window seat of Rick and Evy's sitting room, alternately looking out of the window and then back at her brother playing on the floor with the brand new train set she had bought him, Alex sitting there helping him. Evy and Rick were talking quietly to one another and Jonathan was relaxing in an armchair with a large whisky in one hand. It was Christmas Day and her life had turned on its head over the last few months. At least she could smile now, and she was back to normal after everything that had happened to her. There was still a deep sadness inside her that would occasionally show itself, but on the whole she was content. She smiled as Libby toddled over to her and tugged on her skirt, showing her a large chunk of chocolate she had been eating and that was currently plastered to her entire hand.

"You've made a bit of a mess there haven't you?" she asked the little girl, smiling softly at the beaming smile she received from the child. "Let's get you cleaned up shall we?"

She went to get up and Evy walked over. "No, I'll do it. You need to rest, you've already done too much today." She picked Libby up and carried her out of the room, expertly avoiding the chocolate coated fingers as she went.

Charlotte stood up and walked over to the bowl of punch sitting on the table, helping herself to a scoop and sipping the fruity mixture. Evy had made it with no alcohol, and so she could drink as much as she liked. Jonathan joined her. "Feeling alright?" he asked, smiling warmly at her and taking a large gulp of his drink.

"I'm feeling fine...a bit tired today, but otherwise okay," she said, resting a hand on her swollen stomach as she spoke. The baby inside her kicked as if it felt her touch, and she smiled with fascination. It still intrigued her, the feeling she got whenever her child kicked, and it was something she didn't think she could ever describe to anyone. Evy, of course, knew exactly what it felt like, and she had been a good person to have around through all the different stages of pregnancy.

"Not long now," Jonathan said, as he watched her stroke her stomach.

"No, not long. It's a bit scary thinking about it, but I can't wait to see him...or her," Charlotte said with a grin.

"It's a him," Evy said knowledgeably as she returned to the room with a clean Libby. "You're carrying exactly the same as I did when I had Alex, all out front and huge. With Libby it was different, I sort of went huge all over. Oh yes, definitely a boy."

Charlotte laughed at her certainty. "You're probably right."

"So," Evy said as both she and Charlotte sat down and relaxed, "thought of any names yet?"

The younger girl shook her head. "No, not really. I can't think of anything at all. It would help if...well, if Ardeth was here."

"He would be if you'd told him you were pregnant," Evy pointed out.

"I know, but I didn't want that to be the only reason he came here. And we both know he wouldn't come here just for me, or he'd already have done so."

"Charlie, we don't know that. He was badly wounded, and he still hasn't recovered fully."

"I know, Khalid wrote to Jonathan a few months ago. But he said he was much better, and he is capable of writing...he could have sent a letter."

"Maybe he's feeling guilty, I know we all are," Rick said, joining in the conversation.

"But, you explained it all to me, it wasn't your fault..." Charlotte said, frowning.

"Doesn't make us feel any less guilty, we can still remember how we acted, how we treated you," Rick said, shrugging. "And Ardeth hasn't had the luxury of actually talking to you, of making sure everything is alright. I'm sure if you wrote to him, he'd come running as soon as he was fit enough."

Charlotte stared at him, longing clear in her eyes. "Do you really think so?"

Rick nodded. "I'm certain. He loves you and it tore him up having to do what he did, he'll be glad that none of it was true. And he'll probably be punishing himself for what he did do."

Charlotte was absently rubbing her stomach as he spoke and she winced as a slight twinge went through her. "Are you alright?" Evy asked her instantly, watching her face carefully.

"I'm fine, just backache," Charlotte said, wriggling until she was in a more comfortable position on the sofa.

"Are you sure?" Evy asked again, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully. "That was how my labour started."

Charlotte looked up at Evy in shock. "Really? You don't think...?"

The older woman nodded. "Could be. You just let me know if you get any more pains, okay?"

"Okay," Charlotte agreed, focusing more now on what her body was telling her. She couldn't be sure if Evy was right, but something about this day certainly felt different. She was suddenly glad that Evy had insisted on her staying there with them in her last couple of months, because she would hate to be alone.

A few hours later Jonathan helped her up the stairs to her room, his face creased up with concern as she panted through yet another ripping pain. "Oh, God, no-one tells you how painful this is," Charlotte moaned as they reached her door. Evy came up behind her and chuckled.

"No, they don't, because if they did no-one would ever have children!" she said, ushering her into the room and then helping her onto the bed. "Jonathan, go and call the doctor out and I'll get her undressed and into something else."

Jonathan rushed to do her bidding, closing the door quietly behind him. Evy looked at her cousin and stroked the hair from her face. "I know it hurts, but it will all be worth it, I promise you," she said, smiling gently.

"I know," Charlotte said, grimacing as another pain tightened her belly. "But it doesn't feel that way right now!"

Evy chuckled and got a night-gown out of the drawer for her. "I remember vividly how it feels, so you have my sympathy!"

"How long does it take?"

Evy shook her head. "It varies from person to person. It could be hours, it could even be days, sorry about that. All we can do is wait."

And so they did wait, for several more hours and well into the night. The doctor came and was attending Charlotte, with the help of his nurse, telling them that everything was perfectly alright and they had to just let things run their course.

Evy and the others were sitting downstairs having a cup of tea as the sun started to rise, leaving Charlotte briefly in the capable hands of the elderly doctor who had treated her when she had first come back from Egypt. Her labour was a long one, and the doctor was becoming concerned at the amount of time it was taking.

Evy sipped her tea and looked blearily up as the doorbell chimed, it's ringing echoing throughout the lower floor of the house.

Knowing the housekeeper was in bed having a well earned sleep, she got up and went to open it herself, Rick following her. "Ardeth!" Evy gasped out as the door was opened and he stood silhouetted against the rising sun.

"Evelyn, O'Connell," he nodded to them both. "I am glad to see you again."

"We're glad to see you, we thought you were dying the last time we saw you! Khalid sent word that you were recovering, but that was about four months ago. What took you so long?"

"My wounds were worse than we thought and I had much work to do, therefore I could not come sooner, although I wanted to. My friends, I must find your cousin," he said urgently, unable to stop himself from voicing the one reason he was actually there. "I had to come here first because I do not know where her home is."

"Well, that's fortunate, because she's right here," Rick said, patting Ardeth on the shoulder and wondering how to explain the fact that they hadn't sent word about her condition. Still it was a little late now.

"Where? I must speak with her, explain what happened. She is well?"

"She', there's something we should have told you..." Evy began, but the cry of distress that echoed from upstairs stopped them all, their eyes turning to the upper landing.

"That is Charlotte! What's going on?"

"I think you'd better come and see," Evy said, taking his hand and rushing up the stairs with him.

When they burst into the room the doctor looked around and frowned at the newcomer. "You can't be in here right now! Who is this man?"

"It's alright, this is her husband," Evy explained, watching as Ardeth stood frozen with shock in the doorway.

Charlotte was no less shocked, seeing Ardeth standing there in the room with her, when she had thought she'd never see him again, that he'd never want to see her again. She had time to widen her eyes and then another pain hit her and she screwed her face up and groaned, holding onto the nurse's hand as the contraction ripped through her abdomen.

"Why did nobody tell me?" Ardeth demanded, marching to the bed and taking Charlotte's hand from the nurses, stroking her fingers lightly.

"I told them not to!" Charlotte groaned out, panting. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to claim you and take you back with me," Ardeth said, staring with concern at her pain filled eyes.

"I can't go anywhere right now...ooooh!"

Ardeth held her hand tightly, wincing when she almost broke the bones in it with the force of her grip. The doctor looked up, his frown still in place. "You can't stay in here, Sir, you'll have to go downstairs and wait."

"I am going nowhere," Ardeth said firmly, fixing the doctor with an angry look. The doctor raised his eyebrows and glanced at Evy, who merely shrugged and smiled, leaving the room.

Ardeth lifted Charlotte's hand to his mouth and kissed it tenderly as the pain diminished, laying her open palm on his cheek. "Forgive me, my lady," he whispered, all his guilt and anguish raw in his voice.

"It wasn't your fault. Evy explained about the spell," Charlotte said, relaxing at last as the pain disappeared entirely.

"Why did you not want me to know about the child?"

"No-one had heard from you for months, I didn't think you wanted to see any of us," she explained.

"I was injured Charlotte, it took me many months to recover my strength. It is only now that I have been in full fitness, able to travel. Had I known of the child, I would have been here sooner, despite my injuries. Had I known how much I would miss seeing you, I would have travelled sooner as well. Unfortunately, my people would not allow me to leave the village," he said, smiling as he remembered the times he had tried to get ready to travel, and had been stopped by his mother, his aunts, the warriors and even, on occasion, the elders.

"You should have sent word, my lady, because then they would have assisted me in getting here, so that we could perform the ceremony."

"What ceremony?"

"Our marriage ceremony, of course."

"Hold on a moment, I thought I heard Mrs O'Connell say you were the husband? If you're not the husband then you have no right being in here!" The doctor interrupted, looking indignant.

Ardeth gave him a hard look. "This is my wife, doctor, make no mistake. Our customs are a little different from yours."

"Obviously," the doctor said disapprovingly.

Charlotte saw the spark of anger ignite in Ardeth's eyes, but she placed a hand over his arm, preventing him from saying anything else. "It's alright." She grimaced as another pain made itself felt and prepared herself to work through it. This time it was different, however, in that she got an almost overwhelming urge to push. She grunted as she bore down and the doctor immediately checked her out.

"You need to push? Good, you're ready. Now, tuck your chin into your chest and push down. That's it...good...ok, take a deep breath," the doctor instructed her.

Charlotte couldn't believe how strong the urge was, her whole body taking over and trying to expel the child inside her. It was almost a relief to have something to do after the fierce pains that just had to be endured. This actually felt like she was working towards the birth, instead of just having it happen to her.

"On your next pain, I want you to push again, take a breath and push again before the contraction is finished, alright?"

Charlotte nodded. "Oh, oh, it's coming again," she puffed, grabbing Ardeth's hand and squeezing.

Ardeth felt worn out himself after another couple of hours of the same routine. It didn't seem that they were any nearer actually seeing the baby though. "Is this normal? Surely the child should have come by now?"

The doctor smiled and shook his head. "This is perfectly normal. This stage of childbirth can last for some hours, but it won't be much longer for this young lady now."

On the next push the doctor was pleased to see the child's head crowning, and he allowed Ardeth to take a look. Another push and the entire head appeared, looking alarmingly purple and wrinkled to Ardeth's eyes. In no time at all it was all over and the doctor quickly and efficiently dealt with the umbilical cord and the baby's breathing, handing the small body to the nurse to clean up and wrap in a blanket.

Charlotte watched anxiously as they worked on the baby, holding onto Ardeth's hand still. "Is everything alright? Is the baby okay?" she asked, worried that she had heard no crying. Then a sharp cry split the air and the nurse turned to her, beaming as she held the tiny dark-haired baby in her arms.

"Everything's fine, my dear. You have a healthy baby boy," she said, handing the baby to Charlotte.

Charlotte stared down at the perfect little face and started crying, aware that Ardeth had put his arm around her and drawn her against him. His hand reached out and traced the tiny face with something akin to amazement on his own face.

"You have given me a son, my lady. I thank you," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Charlotte said, still crying as she looked at what she had. She had thought she had nothing when she returned form Egypt, now here she was with the man she loved and a beautiful baby boy, who even now looked as though he would be the spitting image of Ardeth.

A knock at the door sounded and the nurse quickly arranged the bedclothes so Charlotte was decent to receive guests. Evy, Rick and Jonathan burst into the room, huge smiles on their faces as they took in the picture Charlotte and the baby made, wrapped as they were in Ardeth's arms.

"Well?" Evy asked excitedly, moving to the bed and touching the baby's cheek softly with her finger.

"I have a son," Ardeth said proudly, his eyes glistening suspiciously.

"Congratulations, buddy," Rick said, grabbing Ardeth's hand and shaking it with enthusiasm as he looked at the baby. "I must say you chose your moment perfectly."

"My moment?" Ardeth said, still looking slightly stunned.

"Yeah, to come and find Charlotte," Rick explained, grinning broadly. "Bet you never expected any of this huh?"

Ardeth shook his head and looked at his wife and child, a smile curving his full lips. "No, but I have so much happiness inside me now. It is more than I had ever hoped for."

Charlotte looked up at him as he spoke and smiled as well, unable to believe all the changes that had occurred over the course of one day. "I didn't think you'd come," she said softly.

Ardeth stroked a finger down the side of her face. "I would not have stayed away forever, my love. Had I been well I would have followed you back to England the day you left. I love you, I could never give you up."

Evy looked from one of them to the other. "So what happens now?"

"Charlotte will return with me and we will perform our wedding ceremony," Ardeth said immediately, then looked back at her. "If you are willing?"

"I am...but, what about your people? Will they accept me?" Charlotte asked, worried that even now people would still blame her for everything.

Ardeth frowned, knowing exactly why she felt that way and hating it. "They know the truth now, they do not blame you for what happened, they know where the fault really lies. Aslar and the Professor are dead and so justice has been served. They all want you to return and take your rightful place as wife of the leader." He gave a slow smile that sent her pulse racing. "They have even made clothing for you for the ceremony, and other little baubles to show you that you are valued amongst my people. You must return with me, my lady."

"Really? Then they...they want me to come back?"

"Yes, they do. But not as much as I do. Without you, my life is over," he said, lifting her hand to kiss it softly, his eyes so full of love that it almost hurt to look into them.

"I'll come back," she whispered, smiling shyly at him as she held their son. She looked down as the tiny infant gave a lusty cry, it's head turning towards her as it searched for food. A thought occurred to her and she looked back at the man she loved. "Ardeth, what are we going to name him?"

He smiled as he touched his son's face. "He will be named as all the Bay sons have been. Ardeth," he said, looking impossibly arrogant.

"All the men have been called Ardeth?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes, from my great-great-grandfather to me, and now my son. His other names will be up to you," he told her, leaning in to kiss her gently.

"What about...Ardeth Jonathan Richard Bay?" she said, smiling as the other men in the room puffed their chests out proudly.

"That sounds marvellous to me," Jonathan said happily.

"I bet it does. How come your name comes before mine?" Rick asked, glaring at him.

"Because I'm a blood relation, that's why," the thinner man said, lifting his chin and giving a smile.

"Huh, that's no excuse," Rick continued, thinning his lips.

Evy slapped them both on the arm and pushed them towards the door. "Out, now, both of you. Charlotte has to feed the baby and get some rest, and she can't very well do that with us lot in here." She looked back at the bed as she reached the door. "I'll send Billy in when he wakes up." She smiled as the doctor and nurse followed them, having packed all their equipment up. The doctor said he'd be back to check on them in a few days and then he left.

Charlotte nodded and waited until Evy and the others had left the room, only then pulling the top of her night-gown down and attempting to feed the baby. It was a little tricky at first, but little Ardeth latched on and started suckling strongly at her, making her gasp at the odd sensation.

"I have never seen anything so beautiful," Ardeth said as he held her, his eyes frankly fascinated at the sight of his tiny baby feeding from her breast. "We must have many more of these."

Charlotte laughed tiredly. "Yes, we must. I just hope I'll have forgotten by then how much it hurts."

"I will help you forget," Ardeth promised her, kissing the top of her head as he rested his cheek on her hair. He smiled as he felt her relax against him, happy now after so long being apart. He had his whole world in his arms, and he vowed he would never be foolish enough to let it go again.


****Okay, all done. I hope the ending wasn't a little too hurried for you, and I hope you enjoyed it. Especially Deana, who manages to read and review my stories about ten minutes after I've posted them! Thanks to everyone for the reviews. Now, onwards and upwards....another story is beckoning....a sequel to my other one. Hmmm....we shall see!****