A/N: I'm just taking out the songs from my stories due to the new problem..I don't want to risk removal.

Disclaimer: I don't own Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, Kagome.

Crossing to the Other side
By Mistress Steph7587



(Author's thoughts)

Chapter 1

Upstairs, Kagome was looking for a picture for her history project. She came upon a picture of her friends from the Sengoku Jidai. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kaede, Myoga, and Inuyasha. Oh, how she missed them all, especially Inuyasha. She is now 20 years-old in college. It's been 4 years since she left the Feudal Era.

Why did she leave? Well, this is the story:

" Inuyasa! Please, you need to rest! " Kagome stubbornly told Inu.

" Kagome, I don't need you to run my life ", said a very injured Inuyasha.

" Kukukukuku", cackled Naraku.

A big flash of light appeared an all was in battle mode.

After many hours of fighting. The battle was won. But who was left standing?

On Naraku's side, Kagura was down, Kanna was no more, Kohaku finally is able to rest in peace. Naraku has also went down, as did Kikyo.

On the other side, Miroku's curse has been lifted. Though he was very injured. Sango was wounded severly, as was Kirara and Shippo.

Kagome was injured badly, she would have died if Inuyasha didn't block the attack.

As for Inuyasha, things didn't go that smoothly. After he had won, he lost a lot of blood. Kagome was at his side instantly.

" Inuyasha! Dai...daijobu desu ka?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha was doubled in pain. He has blood coming out of his mouth.

" Ka...kagome," Inuyasha coughed out. He was losing his voice and vision.

Oh, how Inuyasha was suffering. He was coughing so much, his head hurt. He grabbed ahold of Kagome's hand and lifted it up to his face. He couldn't go without feeling her soft hands one more time.

" Kagome, I...I have:cough cough: to tell:cough: you some..something:cough cough: " Inuyasha got out.

" Nani? What is it Inuyasha?" Kagome said with cracks coming in while saying those words.

" I...I lo..love..you " Inuyasha finally got out. He was smiling even though he was going to die. He was glad he got to tell her though.

Then the most unexpected thing came from her.

" I...I love you too Inuyasha! " Kagome got out finally. Her face was soaked with tears. As soon as they win, she loses the one she loves the most.

Inuyasha continued to smile, as did Kagome. He knew that they could never be together. He promises to himself that he'll watch over Kagome for as long as he can.

Kagome reached down to kiss Inuyasha before he goes. With one touch of her lips Inuyasha was in heaven on his own. (Not dead yet) He was in bliss. Feeling Kagome's lips made him so happy.

Then Inuyasha and Kagome made eye contact one last time and left the world. Kagome was soaked in her own tears. She was holding the jewel that they had completed. She wanted to wish Inuyasha back but, that would be too selfish of herself. So she wished that she could always remember the times here in the Feudal Era. So she left the Feudal Era with memories with her friends, Miroku,Sango,Shippo, Myoga and Kaede. Also the one she loves, Inuyasha. Nothing will ever be the same, will it?

Back to Kagome in the present, she started to leave tear drops on the picture. She quickly left her room with a picture from the Feudal Era. But, not the one she was holding.

While going to her college dorm room, she was in her car, listining to the last part of a song that felt so right.

As she continues to listen, she some how get's a vision of her and Inuyasha together up in heaven. For some reason she felt like that she would love to die that very moment.

She starts to sing the last few lines of some song from Jessica Simpson.

'Well, that was nice', she thought. She parked her car at the college dorm she sees someone oddly familiar. A girl around her age. About the same hight Sango was. Built like Sango, hair was short but, face like Sango. If she didn't wanna believe it, she'd say that was Sango.

She started to walk towards the girl when someone else looking familiar was there. 'It couldn't be could it?' She thought. He looked like and exact replica of Miroku. Maybe a descendent. She decided to wing it.

While above the clouds, Inuyasha, was still looking down towards Kagome ever since that day. He thought, 'Well, at least she meets the descendents.' He smiled.

Then a lady came in and asked for Inuyasha in the front. He left to go to the front. Then a lady asked.

" Do you know what you are here for?" The lady asked.

He shooked his head no.

She said, " I am Lady Midoriko, Keeper of Heavens."

He nodded his head as to say that he was listening.

" I'm here to grant you one gift. Do you love her?"

He was at a lost. " A gift? Her? You mean Kagome?"

She nodded.

" Yes, I love Kagome so much." He told her.

Again she nodded.

" I'm going to give you a chance to live again in her time." said Midoriko.

" But, Ma'am, wouldn't I be little?" asked Inuyasha.

" No, we're giving you a special gift where you can be alive and at the same age as Kagome."

" Really? You'd give that to me?" he asked.

" Yes, you deserve it. After all, she didn't want to be selfish and use that wish to bring you back. I think she would love to have you back."

He nodded. " What do I have to do?"

A/N: Yay! First Chappie Done! Now think I have to write more chapters for all my stories now. Before I do the second chapter to this, I have to do the second chapter to A Kitsune's Heart. Please r/r