Disclaimer: I don't, nor do I claim to own Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, or Ranma 1/2.

Another Day

One sunny day, the birds were singing, dogs were barking, people were wondering why some guy was just standing there describing things, someone was reading the Sailor Moon manga, and Tsukino Usagi sat on a bench at the park in deep thought. Thinking about things, because that's usually what someone does when they're in deep thought.

Well, unless they're just pretending to be in deep thought, but if they really were pretending to think wouldn't they be thinking then? Oh well, it doesn't matter, back to the story.

"It sure has been strange these past few days. What with Mamoru amost being blown up or impaled at least twice a day. Can't forget about Haruka, Michiru, and little Hotaru mysteriously disappearing. Also I've got to find out why Chibi-Usa suddenly grew a tail on the first day Mamoru was nearly impaled."

Usagi continued to sit there in thought for a few more minutes until her head started to hurt.


Meanwhile, in another dimension, sometime after the earlier scene Son Gohan flew through the air talking about something completely different.

"Oh man, I can't believe I over slept! Now I'm going to be late even though I can fly faster than the speed of sound! Hey wait a minute, I can fly at super sonic speeds! I'm not going to be late after all."

But unfortunately Gohan was still going to be late, because while he was thinking that he took the time to land on the ground, run to a nearby store, stop and have a conversation with some guy named Ryouga, buy a chair, some snacks, and have a seat.

At that moment, a small portal apeared in the sky somewhere above Gohan for no particular reason; and out fell Usagi, "WAAAAHHHHH!! I'm gonna Diiieee!! I never got to show my mom my failing grade in math! I never got to become the queen of a future kingdom after the planet Earth was frozen in ice for thousands of years! I never got to give Rei a good punch in the face! I wasn't going to do it out of hate! Just to make her shut up every now and then! And I never got to play the new Sailor V game!!" But before she even got close to hitting the ground (dang!) she was caught by....


In yet ANOTHER dimension.....

Ranma Saotome sat alone on the roof of the Tendo Dojo in deep thought. "When will I ever get my own show where people AREN'T trying to kill or beat me senseless? They could call it: Ranma's Place, the show about the strong, good looking, smart, and cool martial artist named Ranma Saotome that's NOT cursed and has NO fiances. Buwahahahaha!! Then everyone would realize that I'm the best martial artist in the world no, the univer- ouch!"

"What did ya do that for?!" Ranma yelled as he tossed away the now broken mallet (hard head, never leaves home without it) that Akane had thrown at him. "Ranma stop thinking so loudly and get off the roof you idiot!" Akane shouted. "Dinner's almost done!"

"Okay I'm comin' you stupid tomboy!"

"Okay, when I snap she's the first one that goes, well, it'll probably be between her and that lady that keeps splashing water on me, then I'll kill Nabiki! Muwahahahaha!! I'll kill them! Kill them dead!! L..like...with a chi blast...or a big stone...ma..maybe one of those lego blocks, 'cause those things hurt when you throw them hard enough. I remember that time I had knocked over some kid's sand castle and he threw a lego block at me, I was like 'ow! Ow...ow.....ow...ow....' man that had really hurt," Ranma thought.

"Ranma I told you to get down here you idiot!" said/yelled Akane as she threw another mallet at him. "I'm making dinner tonight and I want you to try my new recipe!"

"Ah jeez man, this is just what I need," Ranma thought as he jumped off the roof.


Back to Gohan...

Gohan watched as Usagi fell from the sky, not really feeling a need to do anything. He had sensed the strange power she was emitting and figured that she could fly. "Any minute now," He thought as he watched the girl plummet from the sky screaming like someone who had just watched a marathon of Pokemon.

"Waaaaahh!! I'm still falling! To my death!! Hel-" Usagi was abruptly cut off as she was caught by......Vegeta!!

"What!? Where'd this come from!?" Vegeta yelled in surprise. "Eww human germs!" With that he promptly let Usagi fall to her death again.

"Where'd Vegeta come from? Oh well, it doesn't matter, she should be using her power any minute now," thought the half Saiyan.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't I be going to school now? Guess I'll have to see her what she can do later," so he then proceeded to pack up his things and fly away.

"Waaaah!! I'm still gonna die!! Why won't my crystal help me!! Isn't that it's job? Pluto!? Where are you!? Waa-" she was once again cut off as she was caught by......Bulma's air car!!


"What was that? I could have sworn I heard something hit the top of my car," Bulma said in confusion.

"Maybe I should land and have a look," so land she did. And once she got out of her car she was surprised to see a swirly eyed girl laying on top of her car. "Who are you? How did you get on top of my car!?" Bulma yelled.

"I don't know!" Usagi said as she recovered from the impact. "A few minutes ago I was leaving the park when suddenly I'm falling out of the sky! Then I was caught by some short guy in spandex but he dropped me! And now I'm sitting on top of your car! Why was your car in the sky!? Am I in the future? How did this happen? And where's Pluto!?"

"Whoa calm down! Let's finish talking at my house, maybe we can find a way to get you home."


Later on at Bulma's large dome shaped house...

Everyone was gathered around in the living room, everyone being Piccolo, chibi Trunks, Goten, (Gohan was still at school) Bulma, and Goku.

They had already been introduced to Usagi and realized that she was from another dimension. Vegeta couldn't care less about getting her home safely so he went to the gravity room to train.

"Okay everyone, we've got to figure out a way to get Usagi back to her home, which is not here," Bulma said, receiving a strange look or two.

"I know a way Bulma," Goku said proudly.

"Really Goku?" Bulma asked. "Other than the dragonballs? Because that's what I was going to suggest."

"Oh...never mind then," Goku said as he walked over to a dark corner.

"Well everybody, who's going to help me collect the dragonballs?"

"There's no need to collect them Bulma," Piccolo said gruffly.

"Why?" Bulma asked, confused.

"Because they're right here in my hand," Piccolo said calmly as he held up Dende's balls.

"Creepy," Bulma thought briefly.



After training for an hour, Vegeta started to get thirsty, so he left the gravity room and headed over to the kitchen.

"Hmm, let's see..." the prince of a handful of Saiyans thought as he rummaged through the fridge. Water...some soda....pepsi...maybe I'll get some of that later.....oh right Sunny D! Bulma brought some freaking Sunny D just like I asked her to!" so Vegeta grabbed the Sunny D and walked out of the kitchen with a spring in his step.


Back to the others...

Everyone now stood outside on the lawn with Usagi as they prepared to summon the Eternal Dragon.

No wait, they already did. Where was I at?

"Oh great dragon!" Goku yelled at the top of his lungs, hurting everybody's ears.

"We wish to send Usagi back to her own dimension! Because she wants to go back before she becomes emotionally attached to any of us!"


"Okay...I think we've got it dragon," Bulma said, rolling her eyes.

"Bye everybody! I might miss you! See ya later!!" she said as she slowly vanished.

With that Usagi was sent back home. Oh yeah, and when she got there the Outer Senshi reappeared again with no explainations.

"Yeah whatever, bye," everyone but Bulma muttered, Goten and Trunks having already left because they were bored.

And so the day was saved, thanks to....Bulma!!


Authors notes: Well, I'm finished, what was the point of this story? There was no point! I just felt like writing it that's all. Why was Ranma in it? I don't know, I just felt like putting him in it. Wouldn't that be fun to see Ranma go crazy? Probably not.

Why did the Outer Senshi vanish? I don't know, let's just say that Pluto kidnapped them. Why did Chibi-Usa grow a tail? Well, of course she's going to grow a tail if Usagi falls in love with Gohan, Trunks, or some other Saiyan.

I mean they're bound to have kids, so there's a chance that she'll grow a tail. But Usagi just left before she could even meet Gohan, Trunks was in the future, and Vegeta tried to kill her. Just poking fun at Usagi/Saiyan pairings.

Also, why would Trunks be in the past? To say hello? He has a home, sure his world is pretty trashed, and all his friends are dead, but he lives there. Who needs to go to a past where everyone you probably have nightmares about, in which they all die horrible deaths, are all alive and well? I'm sure he's just fine. Anyways, I'm done.