Cruel Summer
By Emily Carol
Ch. 1
Summary: Rory's about to enter her Junior Year at Yale and she's spending the summer alone for the first time ever. And then she decides to find someone from her past.
Disclaimer: You think I own Gilmore Girls? Excuse me while I call the psychiatric ward, they'll need to take a look at you.
Rating: PG right now, might be changed as some point for certain content.
Author's Note: Well now that I've finished all my stories it's time to start new ones. So here it goes! Hope you enjoy!
It's a cruel cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
The city is crowded
My friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go, and go
Rory Gilmore lay back on her bed. She dwelled on the last couple hours. She'd just seen Luke and Lorelai off on their honeymoon. The wedding had only been early this morning in their yard and Rory's maid of honor dress lay on her floor after being discarded for some more comfortable clothes.
No one was here for the summer. Luke and Lorelai were on their honeymoon, their long honeymoon. Lane's band had gone on tour and Mama Kim had approved provided she prayed to the Dear Lord each time before she went on and Lane promised, and she meant it, because Mama Kim would know if she hadn't. Mama Kim was like that a lot.
Rory's friends Jane and Holly whom she'd met at Yale, in fact they'd all been together in a triple room their first year, lived in Seattle, Washington and Havana, Illinois so she couldn't hang out with them.
And then Paris was in France. No pun intended. She'd gone to spend the summer there with Jamie.
So that left no one. Not one single person to talk or laugh with. Her boyfriend James had just dumped her at the beginning of the second semester and she really didn't care because she didn't really feel anything for him in the first place and didn't know how to let him down gently.
Sitting there Rory started to grow even more bored. Finally she decided to clean up her room some more.
Opening her drawer she saw The Picture.
She picked it up and sat down on her bed holding it. Lorelai had taken it when neither of them were looking at her, but the picture was genuine, just like his smile.
Rory felt tears well up but she pushed them back. She wouldn't cry over Jess, she hadn't yet and she intended to keep her promise.
She took the picture out of the frame and a piece of paper fell out of it with the picture. Rory picked it up off the floor where it'd fallen and recognized her mother's handwriting.
Dear Rory,
Sooner or later I expect you to read this. Luke gave me Jess's address and supervised me putting it in the frame and not giving it straight to you. He said if you really loved him this frame would come back out and at some point the back of the frame would be removed. I hope he's right.
Well here's his addresss:
1600 Venice Beach Avenue
Venice Beach, CA
Rory stared at the paper. In two months this letter would have been written two years ago and it took her this long to find it.
Rory looked closely at the paper.
She knew what to do with this summer.
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed! Please R&R!
*Cruel Summer by Ace of Bass
By Emily Carol
Ch. 1
Summary: Rory's about to enter her Junior Year at Yale and she's spending the summer alone for the first time ever. And then she decides to find someone from her past.
Disclaimer: You think I own Gilmore Girls? Excuse me while I call the psychiatric ward, they'll need to take a look at you.
Rating: PG right now, might be changed as some point for certain content.
Author's Note: Well now that I've finished all my stories it's time to start new ones. So here it goes! Hope you enjoy!
It's a cruel cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
The city is crowded
My friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go, and go
Rory Gilmore lay back on her bed. She dwelled on the last couple hours. She'd just seen Luke and Lorelai off on their honeymoon. The wedding had only been early this morning in their yard and Rory's maid of honor dress lay on her floor after being discarded for some more comfortable clothes.
No one was here for the summer. Luke and Lorelai were on their honeymoon, their long honeymoon. Lane's band had gone on tour and Mama Kim had approved provided she prayed to the Dear Lord each time before she went on and Lane promised, and she meant it, because Mama Kim would know if she hadn't. Mama Kim was like that a lot.
Rory's friends Jane and Holly whom she'd met at Yale, in fact they'd all been together in a triple room their first year, lived in Seattle, Washington and Havana, Illinois so she couldn't hang out with them.
And then Paris was in France. No pun intended. She'd gone to spend the summer there with Jamie.
So that left no one. Not one single person to talk or laugh with. Her boyfriend James had just dumped her at the beginning of the second semester and she really didn't care because she didn't really feel anything for him in the first place and didn't know how to let him down gently.
Sitting there Rory started to grow even more bored. Finally she decided to clean up her room some more.
Opening her drawer she saw The Picture.
She picked it up and sat down on her bed holding it. Lorelai had taken it when neither of them were looking at her, but the picture was genuine, just like his smile.
Rory felt tears well up but she pushed them back. She wouldn't cry over Jess, she hadn't yet and she intended to keep her promise.
She took the picture out of the frame and a piece of paper fell out of it with the picture. Rory picked it up off the floor where it'd fallen and recognized her mother's handwriting.
Dear Rory,
Sooner or later I expect you to read this. Luke gave me Jess's address and supervised me putting it in the frame and not giving it straight to you. He said if you really loved him this frame would come back out and at some point the back of the frame would be removed. I hope he's right.
Well here's his addresss:
1600 Venice Beach Avenue
Venice Beach, CA
Rory stared at the paper. In two months this letter would have been written two years ago and it took her this long to find it.
Rory looked closely at the paper.
She knew what to do with this summer.
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed! Please R&R!
*Cruel Summer by Ace of Bass