Chapter 11: I Love You

Tetra finally got all of the pirates to leave her room and she looked around and realizes that Link was gone.

Tetra left her room and walked up onto the deck and looked around for Link.

Suddenly she saw his green hat poking over the top of the crows nest.

She smiled and climbed the latter and joined Link at the top.

"Hey what'd ya doing here?" asked Tetra

Link turned around as saw Tetra standing behind him.

"Oh hey Tetra I didn't even hear you."

" why'd you leave?"

"What do you mean?" asked Link

"You know what I mean..." said Tetra "You were about to tell me something and then you left when all my men came into the room."

"Oh well...I really wasn't going to say anything..."

"You know you really suck at lying."

He smiled

"Maybe I was going to say something but it doesn't matter now."

"Link I'm going to get it out of you one way or another."

Link smiled and sighed

"Tetra it doesn't matter now."

"How's about if I guess what you were going to say and if I get it right you have to tell me." Asked Tetra

"Alright." Said Link

Tetra leaned up against the edge of the crows nest and sighed.

" want to go home?" asked Tetra

He smiled "If I wanted to do that I would have taken my own ship by now and left."

She smiled " it something between you and the men or me and you."

"Me and you."

"Well..." she smiled moving closer to Link "Is it this."

She leaned over and kissed Link.

Link blushed

Tetra pulled away and smiled

"Yeah." Whispered Link


"I...I...Love You Tetra"

Link wrapped his arm around Tetra's waist pulling her closer to him.

She sighed laying her head on his shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"I love you too."

They stayed in that spot watching the sun rising in the sky.

Alright everyone that the end! What did you think? Did you like it? Do you want a sequel? Give me some ideas and I'll see what I can do! But for now Review and tell me what you think! Sorry so short!