To Forget

Chapter One: The Storm

Tetra was standing on the crow's nest of her ship; she was using Link telescope that she borrowed from him to looked out across the vast sea, she was looking for the island that they were sailing to; she knew that they would have to get there soon, for there was a storm that was coming over the horizon and if they didn't get to that island fast they would loose any chance of getting there and they would be stuck in the middle of the storm.

Tetra put the telescope away, and looked down among her crew; they were rushing around the boat trying to find anyway to be able to get the boat to the island any sooner. Suddenly thunder struck across the sky.

"The storms getting closer," Tetra yelled "Hurry,"

"Where going as fast as we can miss," Yelled Gonzo

"I know but this storm is going to be on top of us soon," she said, "and if it is then we're going to be in deep trouble."

"Right Miss," replied Gonzo.

Suddenly the wind died, and the darkened clouds settled on top of them.

"It's too late," Tetra whispered,

The rain began pouring upon, and too strong of winds began blowing, sending waves of water pounding agents the side of the boat.

The boat was rocking back and forth, and her crew (including Link) that were working in the bottom of the deck of the boat, came rushing up to the main deck.

"What happen," yelled Nudge finally reaching the top of the stairs.

"The storm is on top of us," yelled Tetra down, "Where stuck in the middle of it until it dies down."

"What should we do miss," yelled Gonzo.

"Gonzo you and some of the other men take down the sail, and make sure that the ship is secure then everyone go back down to the lower levels and wait out the storm."

"Yes Miss," replied the pirates and they began taking down the sail.

Link climbed the latter of the crows nest and joined Tetra at the top.

"Tetra" said Link once he reached the top, "you have to get down, it really dangerous up here with this heavy of winds,"

She looked at Link now standing next to her, "Alright," she said, "But I want to make sure that everything is secure before we go inside,"

"Alright" he said

Suddenly a huge wave hit the side of the boat, and Tetra was thrown over the side of the crows nest.

"Tetra!" yelled Link and she fell and landed on a pile of soft cloths that were lying on deck.

All of her men came rushing over to her, Tetra laid Link made it down from the crows nest in a hurry, and rushed to her side.

He felt for a pulse, and there was one, "She still alive" replied Link, "we have to get her inside."

"I'll take her," said Gonzo, and he picked her up and carried her to her room.

"The rest of you" replied Link, "Finish Tetra orders and then hurry inside and stay there until the storm is over."

"Yes sir," replied the men.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is something I wrote when I had writers block and I don't know if it any good, so if I don't get good reviews I'll remove it. Oh and sorry for such a short chapter, I really hope the next one will be longer if I write it, I've tried my best on spelling and using quotations so please read and review, no flames.