A/N: I tried doing this before but I didn't know what to do so it messed up. I'm sorry to everyone who read that stupid little thing on it before. I don't know how it got on because I didn't put it on there!!! ANYWAY: This is AU. When Chris and Lorelai were sixteen they had twins, Devin and Victoria (Vicky). Eleven months later they had another girl, Rory. When Rory was three her parents got a divorce, Lorelai kept Vicky and the mansion in Hartford. Chris got custody of Devin and they moved into a mansion in Boston while Straub and Francine Hayden had custody of Rory and the three of them moved to Maine. Rory and Devin see each other every other month and they get along very well. Neither of them ever see Vicky and she doesn't get along well with the other two. (but don't worry about her until later). Oh, and I know that this wouldn't really happen, but I need it for the story. This is my firs fan fic, so please be gentle. Disclaimer will apply to whole story: I do not own Gilmore Girls or anything to do with it so PLEASE don't sue me!

A sleek black BMW slid into the driveway of the large mansion. The driver side door opened soundlessly. Thirty year old Christopher Hayden stepped out of the driver side door as his fourteen year old son, Devin Hayden climbed out the passenger side.

Devin had sandy blonde hair and was built like his father. Everyone said that he acted like a young Chris. He had inherited his father's badass, playboy, care free attitude. And instead of his twin sister, Vicky, getting the wild attitude of their mother, his little sister, Rory had gotten it. The way you could tell that Rory and Devin were brother and sister was their attitude, and their eyes. They had Lorelai's eyes. Clear, haunting, deep blue.

Although Devin lived in Boston, he was tan, and with his blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and built body he screamed 'pretty boy'. Until you got to his clothes. At the moment he was wearing baggy jeans, under which you could see his wallet chain. He had a Slipknot shirt and it was hard to see his Converse under his pants, which dragged the ground. Around his wrist there was a leather band and his neck had a silver and black chain. His spiked hair had dyed red tips.

Devin walked up the walk to the front steps followed closely by Chris. He took a beep breath and looked back at his father, who nodded. The teenager raised his arm and knocked three times on the door, a few seconds passed until the double oak doors opened slowly, revealing a thirteen year old girl.

She looked similar to her brother, she was wearing baggy jeans with red stitching that dragged the ground, completely covering her Vans. She had on a red tank top that said LP in black and on the back at the top it said Linkin Park. She had red and black stripped arm warmers that went from her elbow to the bottom of her fingers and had thumb holes cut into them. Her chocolate hair was dyed dark blue at the tips and pulled into two messy buns at the back of her head.

Rory smiled and jumped into her brother's arms, enveloping him tightly. They got along better than most siblings. "So, Devin finally decided to come and rescue me?" she asked in a playful tone.

"No, actually I was forced" he had the same tone as his sister.

"Well don't I feel loved?" jumping out of her brother's embrace, she turned to Chris, hugging him, "Hey Daddy".

"Hey sweetie, are your grandparents home?" by the time he was done asking his mother was headed down the stairs.

"Christopher, Devin!", she said excitedly, "Straub, come down here, our lovely son has decided to grace us with his presence", she hugged the two.

"Nice mom, love the sarcasm".

"What?", she asked in an innocent voice as her husband came out of his study and walked over.

"Chris", his father said, embracing him, "And Devin".

"Hey Dad, Hey Grandpa", they said in unison.

"Lets all go in the sitting room and talk", the children's grandmother said exitedly.

Chris grimmaced, "Alright, if I must".

"Come on Chris, it can't be that bad", his father said.

"Oh, I believe it can".

"No talking from you until we sit down".

"Yes mother", after the adults talking for a few hours and Devin and Rory having a contest to see who could drink the most coffee and sodas the fastest, Francine said,

"So, you've come to steal Rory away, right?"

"Actually, no, we don't want her anymore, you can keep her", that comment caused Rory smacked her brother in the back of the head, "OUCH! ", he said, rubbing the back of his head, "Damn woman, that hurt".

"Um, that was kinda the point".

"Do you have on a ring?"


"It sure felt like it".

"Well, I don't".

"Hm, maybe you have on an invisible ring then?" he suggested, "And you don't know it's on?"

"Oh, yes I'm sure thats it", she rolled her eyes at her brother.

"So we agree?"


"And don't roll your eyes at me, woman"

"Okay, enough about the invisible ring, we should go, we've been here for almost three hours and you two have school tomorrow," Chris said.

"Ah, the Father says to go".

"Yes, does Rory detect a hint of laughter in his voice", she asked.

"No, she doesn't", her father said.

"Hm, Devin thinks he does".

"Can the children please stop talking in the third person?" he asked, annoyed.

"Hm, touchy, touchy, Rory thinks the father should take a deep breath".

"I'm serious, you two have school tomorrow, we need to go, now!" he finished loudly.

"Ooh, Rory thinks that it is time to go, what does Devin think?"

"Devin agrees with Rory, the Father is not humored anymore"

Rory linked arms with her brother, walking towards the door, "My stuff got there yesterday, right?"

"Yup, yup"

"Odie kay then, coming Daddy dearest?" she asked as the two stepped out the door.

"She is too much like her mother", Chris said to his parents. They laughed and nodded.

"Call us when you get home okay?" Francine told Chris.

"I will mom, bye dad, oh, I get to drive back to Boston with two overly caffenated teenagers, fun".

"You have our sympathy".

"Thanks", he hugged both of his parents and turned, only to hear Devin yell through the opened door,

"The children is waiting!" Chris shook his head and walked out of the house, closing the door behind him.

"The father is here, are the children happy?".

"The children are thrilled Daddy dearest" Rory said in a high voice as Devin erupted into cheers.

Chris rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, 'This will be interesting'.


After Rory had settled into her room, she walked downstairs to the kitchen and got ice-cream out of the freezer. Not bothering to get a bowl, she ate right out of the carton. Devin walked in and shook his head, but grabbed a spoon for himself and sat beside his sister, who held the carton out for him.

"So, you get to start Whitland tomorrow", he said, shoving cookie dough ice cream into his mouth.

"Oh, joy", she said sarcastically, "Another Prep school, fun". Her brother smirked, "Well lucky you, because you happen to be the sister of one of the two most popular guys in school", he rubbed his nuckles on his shirt and blew on them.

"Oh, and I guess I'm sisters with the modest one?"

"Of course"

"But wait, did you say one of the two most popular guys?"


"But you're my only brother!"

He sat in silence for a second, trying to figure out what she meant, once he got it he shouted, "HEY!", she jumped off her stool and laughed as he chased her around the kitchen.

Chris heard Rory and Devin yelling in the kitchen from his study and, woundering what the problem was, he got up and jogged to the kitcken.When he walked in Rory jumped around him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

"Save me, Daddy, save me!"

"That's cheating, if I tackle dad then I'll get grounded!"

"Not my problem buddy"

"Okay, time for the little children to go to bed!" Chris said loudly.

"Night dad, later Dev" Rory turned and ran up the stairs with Devin hot on her heels. Chris could hear them laughing all the way upstairs. He shook his head, thinking to himself, Rory's first day at Whitland would be worth watching.

A/N: So, no Trory action here but Tristan will be in the next chapter I promise! Converse are shoes if you didn't get that. Please be nice and again, I'm SO SORRY to everyone who tried to read this before!