-_o Okie, I'm in a verrrry weird mood at the moment. o_o Read at your own risk!

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Current Setting: Yugi, Joey, Tea, and Tristan are in Yugi's house. Yugi is in the bathroom at the moment.

Joey: *holding his crotch and jumping around at the door of the bathroom* When the heck is Yugi gonna be done in there? I have to go baaad! ;____;

Tristan: *is playing cards with Tea* v_v Shaddup already, you've been saying that for like 30 minutes.

Tea: o_o I wonder what Yugi's doing in there?

*As if by answer to her question, Yugi jumps out of the bathroom at that very moment, knocking Joey against the wall and out cold.*

Joey: @_@ Pretty birdies...

Yugi: TAA DAA DAA DAAAAA!! *runs around the room seemingly in fast-forward mode in a blue catsuit and red cape* Sooper Yugi to the rescue!!

Tea: O_O

Tristan: Is he on something?

Yugi: *stops abruptly* Sooper Yugi, awaaaaaay! *launches up off the ground, hits the roof with his head, and comes flying back down to the floor* @____@;;;;

Tea: !_!

Tristan: -_-

Yugi: *blinks, shakes his head and bounces up again* Look guys, I have a magic remote control!!

Tristan: o.O Huh? Lemme see that...*grabs it and pushes a big red button*

Everyone: WOOOOOAAAAH!!!

*Everything starts swirling purple and green, and next thing everyone knows they are in a strange room with lots of people. Looks like they're in a meeting...*

Seto Kaiba: And, as I was saying, if we increase revenue, we can...YUGI?!? O__O

Yugi: Who? I'm SOOPER YUGI!!

Kaiba: What!?!?

Yugi: I said I'm SOOP-


Joey: @_@ Preeeetty colours and loud noises... x_@

Tea: *looks at Joey and blinks* Well Yugi had a remote and Tristan took it and pressed a button and now we're here! *blinks again*

Tristan: ^^;; *tries to hide the remote control behind his back*

Kaiba: *looks at him suspiciously and snatches it out of his hand* Let me see that! *pushes the big red button*


*The "Swirly-Purple-and-Green-Thing" happens again and "Sooper" Yugi, Tristan, Tea, Joey and Kaiba are transported elsewhere. The businessmen at KaibaCorp take turns blinking and then resume the meeting.*

Tristan & "Sooper Yugi": *land in a very pink-looking bedroom*

Tristan: Oy...*blinks* Now where are we?

Sooper Yugi: *___* Pink!! Fluffy! Ruffles!! ^_^ LACE!! *jumps on the large, soft bed*

Tristan: _-* There must be a way out...*wanders over to a locked window and looks out* O_O We're..really...high up...Eeeheheheh..*faints* @_@

[ Meanwhile, Joey, Tea and Seto land...somewhere else! ~_^ ]

Joey: *wakes up as he lands* Ooh...head hurts...Hey! A toilet! FINALLY! *starts to do his business*

Tea: *lands on a plush carpet* Oog...*looks at Joey* AAAGH I'M BLINDED FOR LIFE!! *covers her eyes*

???: *screams*

Kaiba: *just landed in a bathtub..that was already occupied* #___# AAAAAAACK!!

Mai: KAIBA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM?!? GET OFF ME!!!! *starts screaming and thrashing around and knocking things over*

Kaiba: AAAH! *flies off of her and onto the floor, soaking wet* @___@

Tea: *twitching, huddled up on the floor*

Joey: *zips up his zipper and turns around* Ah! Kaiba? Tea? What're you doin- *sees Mai in the bathtub* O___O *drooling*

Mai: !_! Grrrr...*throws a tub of shampoo at him*

Joey: *is hit in the head with a HUGE thing of shampoo* @___@ *falls over, knocked out again*

Mai: *eyes narrow dangerously* WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING IN MY BATHROOM?!?

Tea: *still huddled on the floor*

Joey: @_@ Tweet..tweet...I'm a birrrrdie!

Kaiba: *blinks* Well, see, I pushed this button here- *pushes it* and...Oops.

Mai: ?_?

*Yup, you guessed it - Kaiba, Mai (O_O), Joey, and Tea and now caught in the swirly thing again.*

[ Meanwhile... ]

Sooper Yugi: o_o Did you hear something, Tristan-san?

Tristan: *just woke up* Eh? I think I heard some screaming in the other room...*listens at the door, hearing faint traces of the words: "WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING IN MY BATHROOM?!?"* ... ... *blinks* Er...

Sooper Yugi: *now hugging a reeeally fluffly looking lacy pillow* ^_^

Tristan: v.v'

- - - - -

Oh my! What has Kaiba done now?? Will Yugi and Tristan ever find their companions? Where *did* they go anyway?! Will Mai find some clothes there? WHO KNOWS! ^_^ New chapter coming..soon, I suppose, if I get decent reviews. ~_^ Ta!