Disclaimer~ Look up. Above the title and the handy navigation bar, to the part where it says "FanFiction.net." Please note the "fan" part, and reach the assumption that I am not Jackie Chan, nor do I work for Kids WB. Just a fan writing this story out of boredom and her friends' prodding. Consider this chapter and all future chapters disclaimed.

Chapter 1~ The Leak

Jade Chan walked into a dark alleyway in San Francisco. She tossed her cotton candy in the garbage can, and opened her small green backpack. Inside were several Superballs, a GnomeCop action figure that talked when you pressed a button on its back, and a Supermoose plushie. She couldn't wait to show Jackie everything she had won at the Spring Carnival, and it had only cost $8 plus the cotton candy.

The girl sidestepped into a phone booth in the alley, punched in a few numbers, then grinned with pleasure as the phone booth began its turbulent ride into Section 13. 'Beats a roller coaster anytime,' she thought to herself, taking out a blue superball and bouncing it as she stepped off. It shot back up out of her hand. "Whoa, kid-o! That's some ball ya got there!" said the guard, a slim man in his fifties, congenially. Jade frowned out of annoyance. This must be a new guy, because the rest of the guard knew better than to be too friendly. She had something of a reputation around here. . .must've started when Captain Black listed her as Section 13's greatest security threat.

'Why do people always treat me like I'm a little kid? I'm almost 13! If only I were a little bit taller. . .' with pleasant images of a full grown Jade returning to teach this man a lesson, she responded shortly "Do you know where my uncle is?"

The guard shook his head. "Haven't seen him, honey. Ask Captain Black, he's in his office. I'm George, by the way. George Mackenzie."

She raised an eyebrow. "I'll go look. Bye, um, George."

Running along Section 13's broad hallways, she quickly reached Captain Black's office. The tall bald man didn't notice her standing outside the slightly open door, as he was on the phone.

"Right, Carla. And be sure to watch out for any suspicious activities in your sector. If we've got a leak, we've got to find it and plug it. Call me if anything comes up." He hung up, then turned around. It took a few seconds for his green eyes to catch sight of the girl who edged into his office. The broad grin on her face worried him slightly.

"Jade! What's up?"

"When you said leak, I'm guessing you weren't talking plumbing. What is it? Demon? Wizard? Some other insanely cool magical dude for the J-Team to fight? Don't worry, me and Jackie can handle everything. Just give me the scoop."

He sighed. It was not his wish for enthusiastic Jade to find out about this. "We don't know where the leak is, but one of our teams were ambushed when trying to capture Valmont. It was too premeditated for comfort, and our sources tell us that since he broke out of jail, he's been trying to rebuild the Dark Hand. We think it's possible that one of his men might be in here. Not positive, but we're all on high alert."

"That is so cool! Anything I can do?"

Captain Black chuckled to himself. 'Oh, boy, when Jade helps, it usually means trouble. Remember Agent Tag. . .Still, if I say she can't help, she'll find her own way, and it'll be worse. . .'

"How about you just keep your eye out for anything suspicious."

She pouted, she had been hoping for a more interesting job. Something undercover, involving lots of things Jackie wouldn't approve of. . .Captain Black must have noticed her expression, because he continued "But don't tell anyone. We'll keep this between you and me, that way, our leak won't suspect you."

Jade grinned. "I won't tell anyone! It'll be like being a secret agent! Oh, by the way, have you seen Jackie?"

"Last I saw, he was in his room, but he may have gone to Uncle's shop. I think he had some work to do. You still might be able to catch him, though."

"Sure thing. Gimme a chance to get to work on the secret agent thing."

The girl left the room, and Captain Black groaned inwardly. 'What have I done? Oh, well, maybe it won't be too bad. . .'

Jade ran through Section 13, towards the back where she and her uncle lived. On her way, she ran into George Mackenzie once again.

"Hi, George. . .thought you were on phone booth duty?"

"Nope, on break now."

'Ah, suspicious behavior! Perfect chance to test out my position. . .' "Why spend your break around the talisman vaults, instead of in the coffee room?"

"Don't like coffee. Besides, it's quieter. . .or at least it was. . ." He grinned at her, and she muttered an apology and walked the rest of the way to Jackie's room, only to find that he was not there. There was a piece of scrap paper on his desk, with Jackie's scratchy handwriting on it.

Jade- Have gone to Uncle's shop. Be back soon. Stay out of Trouble. -Jackie

Jade was mildly insulted that the 'stay out of trouble' part was underlined about five times. Also, it was annoying that Jackie had left her. Uncle's Shop was hardly fun central, but for all she knew, they could be discovering some new magic right now without her. 'Oh, well, I'll just drop in and see what they're up to.'

She slipped out of Jackie's room, and, remembering George, tiptoed along the hall. She peered around the corner and saw George on his cell phone, talking with a mystery person. Concentrating on not making any sound, she caught snippets of his conversation.

"Yes, I know the security code. Of course, of course. . .so, we'll meet tonight? Perfect, 11:00. Bring the money, alright? No, I won't forget. . .yes, all twelve. Alright, see you then. Yes, yes, bye."

He closed the small black phone and walked off. Jade clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp. George Mackenzie was the leak, and he was planning to break into the talisman vaults tonight! Jade ran back to Captain Black's office, not caring now that her soles clomped loudly on the floor, but the Section 13 captain was gone. His assistant, a tall brunette who's name Jade didn't know, was inside, looking through papers.

"Uh. . .have you seen Captain Black?"

"Sorry, I think he went out. Why, is it important?"

"Yeah, I know-" Jade paused. 'Wait, promised Captain Black I wouldn't tell! And why is she shuffling papers? Could be an accomplice!' Jade shuffled her feet, and backed away. "Um, it's kinda private. But not too important. Sorry. I'll just tell him later."

She ran out of the room and to the old fire escape stairs she had been accustomed to using for quick getaways from and into Section 13. She reached the alleyway, and headed for the nearest bus stop.

Author's Note~ Wow, thanks for reading! It's very exciting someone actually bothered to read the whole chapter through. I'm a bit nervous at posting this, I basically wrote this story at the prodding of my friends. I love Jackie Chan, but unlike my other passion, The Zeta Project, Jackie Chan Adventures is for the most part a comedy. I'm really not very good at writing humor, trying to sound spontaneous when really I've been setting it up. . .but I'll do my best, and this promises to be a very long fan fiction. . .thanks again for reading, and if you could just click that little button at the bottom, the one that says submit review, that would really make my day.

Oh, and just a note, in case you care. . .I'll try to get the following chapters up on a weekly or biweekly basis. No month long waits, Scout's Honor! (Who said I'm a Scout. . .)