10 Or More Ways To Lose Hojou

Author's Note: Hello everyone, thank you for waiting ever-so patiently for this chapter. I hope you like it. I'm so close to finishing the whole story (7 Chapters ), and this will be my first ever completed HUMOR IY fic!




Lunch time had arrived, and there was only one subject in every group's conversation: Inuyasha's new fiancée. After witnessing a few days' worth of holding hands, and 'private' conversations, the entire school was congratulating the happy couple, wanting to be invited to their wedding.

Kagome muttered under her breath as Inuyasha shook yet another boy's hand, one who had a long-time crush on Kagome.

"My, my, you've been busy all you're life, ne?" Inuyasha teased, amused in seeing her blush.

"For your information, koishii," Kagome spat, " You're the first boyfriend I've ever had."

Inuyasha stopped what he was doing, and stared at Kagome, who was busy eating a fry. He couldn't believe that a beautiful girl like her had never dated before in her life. He felt lucky to have gotten to her first. As he sat down to eat his own lunch, a part of him wished that Kagome would agree to marry him.

His fingers were itching to dish out the box in his pocket, but he knew better. He needed to make sure that Kagome knew that he was falling for her.


He woke from his reverie and found Kagome's best friend with a scowl on her face. He then turned to see the boy behind her, and knew why she was in an awful disposition.

"Kaggie, would you mind telling your boyfriend to tell this creep to leave me alone?!" Sango asked, glaring at Miroku, who seemed oblivious to her harsh words.

"My sun only shines for thee, fair lady," Miroku sighed, handing her a bouquet of lavenders. "Would thou be so kind, as to let me be thine escort for yon ball?"

He received blank stares, and decided to decipher his broken Olde English.

"Would you like to be my date for tomorrow's dance?" he asked, hoping Sango would agree.

She looked uncertain, until Kagome nudged her ribs.

"Come on, the guy's obviously trying his best to 'court' you. Unlike some people I know," she whispered.

Sango had an evil gleam in her eyes, and looked from Kagome to Miroku. "I'll go if Kagome goes with Inuyasha."

Inuyasha's grin widened, and Miroku gave Kagome the most pathetic look he could muster. As much as Kagome didn't like the thought of being in a dark, crowded place with Inuyasha, she couldn't help but feel as though she owed Sango for helping her with her love life.

She smiled weakly, and faced Sango. "Well, you better be prepared, Sango-chan... the dance is tomorrow night!"


Sango wasn't prepared for Kagome's response. She had figured that her best friend would turn down her idea, knowing how much Kagome hated Inuyasha and their false engagement.

But somewhere, deep inside of herself, she hoped Kagome would agree. Miroku was a nice guy, even if he did annoy her. It was ... almost sweet how he followed her around.

As she went in search of a dress to wear, a thought hit her.

"What if Kagome likes Hojou...but she's only denying it?" Sango wondered out loud.


Somewhere in Inuyasha's mansion, Kagome sneezed. 'Hm... someone must be talking about me.' Then suddenly, a sudden gross feeling crawled up her spine. 'And that someone is thinking about something gross and unlikely to happen...'

Inuyasha watched as Kagome's expression went from calm to horrified in less than a millisecond. 'I wonder what she's thinking about?'


Kagome smiled brightly at him, holding his hands as they walked down the isle. Their friends cheered as they shared their first kiss as man and wife.

"Oh, Inu-koi, this is the happiest moment of my life!"

"Mine, too, Kagome... mine too."

END "...mmm..."

Kagome turned to Inuyasha, who seemed to be daydreaming. He had a content expression on his face, and his eyes were glossed over.

"Inuyasha?" she asked, waving her hands in his eyes.

"...I do" he murmured.

"You do what?"

"Want to see you in a cat-suit."

The next thing he knew, he was on the floor... with a red hand print on his left cheek.


Kagome turned and glared at him. "Serves you right... pervert."


Hojou tried his best to look inconspicuous as his climbed over a wall. He surveyed his surroundings and smiled at his great spy work.

"Ha! What kind of mansion has this low quality security system?" He asked out loud.

He suddenly stopped, hearing a loud growling behind him. He took a deep breath, and slowly turned around. Facing him, was a giant white dog, with glowing red eyes.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

"Um... I'm er... improving my rock climbing skills..."

Naraku sighed, and shook his head. "Amateur"

He deftly skulked into the mansion with his baboon cape on. He looked around, and narrowed his eyes at the hallways.

"Last we saw our heroic hero, he was fighting for his life from an angry mob of women-monsters," he narrated softy. "Now, we join our hero again, as he valiantly risks his life for the love of his li-urk!"

"stupid cape!"


Author's Note: Wow... talk about short... and stupid! Yes, my friends, Naraku and Hojou are now off to find Kagome... Hojou isn't who he seems is he?